DECISION MODELING WITH MICROSOFT EXCEL Chapter 7 Nonlinear Optimization Part 3 Copyright 2001 Prentice Hall Publishers and Ardith E. Baker The EOQ Inventory Model Inventories are defined as _________in storage, waiting to be used. For example, inventories of Raw materials In-process materials Finished goods Cash Individuals Inventories are held for many reasons: 1. Inventories smooth out the ___________ between supply and demand. 2. The possibility of holding inventory often contributes to lower _____________costs. 3. Inventories provide a way of ______labor. 4. Inventory is a way of providing quick _________________at the time an item is needed. The costs associated with inventory activity are _______costs, ordering costs, and _______costs. STECO Example: STECO stocks a short length optimal fiber network cable (NC) used to connect Internet routers to local area network equipment. Consider the following costs: Holding Costs: 3000 NCs x $8 per unit cost = $24,000 Note that this money is tied up in_________. By holding inventory, STECO forgoes the opportunity to make other investments (_______________). Other components of holding costs include _________, pilferage, insurance, warehousing, and special handling requirements. As inventory increases, holding cost__________. Ordering Costs: Every time an order is placed (independent of the ___________ordered), an ordering cost is incurred. This cost is related to the amount of ____________time required for accounting, invoicing, order checking, etc. when an order is placed. Stockout Costs: When a company runs out of ________, a stockout occurs (i.e., orders arrive after inventory has been depleted. There are two ways to treat such orders: 1. ___________(save up the orders and fill them later after the inventory comes in). In addition to backlogging cost, stockout cost includes the ________from late delivery of stock. 2. No Backlogging In this case, a _____________(the per unit cost of unsatisfied demand) occurs. Stockout cost includes the lost profit from not making the__________. Stockout cost can also include the cost of losing the___________, loss of goodwill, and of establishing a poor ________of service. So, to avoid stockouts (and stockout costs), have enough inventory_________. However, carrying inventory implies a holding cost. This cost can be reduced by _________more often. However, this increases the ordering cost. It is important to __________these three costs against each other. For every type of ___________ordered, there are two key questions that must be answered: 1. ________should an order be placed? 2. ________should be ordered? Some considerations are: The extent to which future _______is known. The cost of ____________and management’s policy (backlogging or not). The inventory holding and ordering costs. The possibility of long __________(the time from when an order is placed to when it is received). The possibility of quantity___________. STECO Wholesaling: The Current Policy The monthly demand (orders received) is: MONTH DEMAND (UNITS) January February March April May June July August September October November December Total Annual Demand: Average Monthly Demand: 5,300 5,100 4,800 4,700 5,000 5,200 5,300 4,900 4,800 5,000 4,800 5,100 60,000 5,000 Over a period of several years, the demand has remained at a steady rate of about 5000 NCs per month. STECO’s policy last year was to add 5000 NCs to inventory each month. Since demand is expected to be the same, this is also the current policy. Based on this policy, assume Shipments always arrive on the first day of each month. Demand is known and constant (at a rate of 5000 units per month). No backlogging (i.e., no stockouts). Plot of inventory on hand at any time: 5,000 Average Inventory 2,500 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Time Given the previous_______________, the cost of operating the system above depends only on how much new stock is ordered and on the holding and ___________costs. Since demand is 5000 NCs and we order 5000 every month, the ___________inventory is 5000/2 or 2,500 NCs. The effect of ordering 10,000 NCs every other month is shown below. 10,000 Average Inventory 5,000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Time The demand remains __________at 5000 NCs per month. Average inventory is doubled but the annual number of orders is cut in________. A policy of increasing the order quantity increases the _________costs and decreases the annual ordering cost. Developing the EOQ Model: The Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) model is a simple model which attempts to ________the cost of placing orders with the cost of holding inventory. The EOQ model assumes No __________are allowed. There is a constant rate of____________. The __________costs are ordering and holding costs. The EOQ finds the _____________________(the quantity that minimizes the total cost). Total cost is based on: Ordering cost = Co STECO estimates the cost of placing an order for NCs, regardless of the number of units ordered, to be $20 (clerical & purchasing agent labor) + $ 5 (material & telecommunications costs) $25 Holding cost = Ch STECO estimates the cost of holding an NC in inventory for one year is 20% (opportunity cost) + 4% (variable cost) 24% of its purchase price. Since each NC costs $8, the holding cost = $8 x .24 = $1.92 First derive an expression for the annual _______ and ordering cost (AHO) as a function of the order__________. The Annual Ordering Cost: Annual Ordering Cost = Co x (no. of orders/yr) Total Demand = 60,000 Order Quantity = 5,000 Therefore, STECO will place 60,000/5,000 = 12 orders per year The general formula is N = D/Q where N = no. orders/yr D = annual demand Q = order quantity Annual Ordering Cost = CoN = Co(D/Q) The Annual Holding Cost: 1. Annual _________cost is equal to Ch times the average inventory 2. The average ________is equal to ½ of the maximum inventory when demand occurs at a __________rate. Annual Holding Cost = Ch(Q/2) Therefore, add the two expressions to get: AHO(Q) = Co (D/Q) + Ch(Q/2) Now, substituting the values, we get AHO(Q) =$25(60,000/Q) + 1.92(Q/2) = (1,500,000/Q) + 0.96Q When Q = 5,000 it is seen that AHO(5,000) = $300 + $4,800 = $5,100 This graph shows the optimal order quantity that minimizes AHO(Q): Dollars 6,000 AHO(Q) = Annual holding and ordering cost 5,000 4,000 Annual holding cost = 0.96Q 3,000 2,000 1,000 Annual ordering cost = (1,500,000)/Q 0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 Here is the spreadsheet model for this example: This model is _______because of the Q in the denominator of the ordering cost formula. Here are the solver parameters: This ___________ (specifying that there be at least one order per year) is included to prevent Solver from testing an unreasonable ____________. The EOQ Formula: Q* Q* is the optimal order quantity or __________ order quantity expressed in terms of Co, Ch and D. To develop a _____________expression for Q*, first set annual holding cost equal to annual ordering cost. Ch(Q*/2) = Co (D/Q*) Solving for Q* we get (Q*)2 = 2CoD/Ch Q* = 2CoD/Ch Ch can be estimated with i [a ___________of the purchase price (P)] and P, this equation can be rewritten as: Q* = 2C D/iP o Remember, P = $8, i (the fraction of P that is used to calculate Ch) is 0.24 and D is 60,000. Now, solve for Q* Q* = 2(60,000)25/1.92 Q* = 1250 Now that we have Q*, the optimal order quantity, find the AHO(Q*): AHO(Q*) =AHO(1250) = (1,500,000)/1250 + (0.96)(1250) = $1200 + $1200 = $2400 Sensitivity Analysis Now we ask: How ________are the results of the model to the assumptions and the data? STECO should be concerned about how sensitive the ______________________and the optimal annual cost are to the data. If STECO errs in estimating the _________Co and Ch, how much effect will that error have on the difference between the __________Q* and AHO* and the true Q* and AHO*. If the results are highly sensitive to the values of the estimates, should the optimal policy for the model be________________? To see how the ________results will vary with changes in the holding and ___________cost estimates, consider four cases in which the true ___________are different from the values selected by STECO: In STECO’s case, the EOQ model is __________to approximately 10% variations in cost estimates. Inventory with Quantity Discounts Model The following examples are variations in the “classic” EOQ model. Quantity Discounts and STECO’s Overall Optimum: Previously, the cost of purchasing the product was assumed to be a________, independent of Q. However, STECO’s NC supplier will offer a quantity ____________as an incentive for more business. The supplier has agreed to offer a $0.10 discount on every NC purchased if STECO orders in lots of at least 5000 items. Higher order quantities will ______the number of orders placed and increase the average inventory level, resulting in a higher annual ________cost. The question is, will the discount be advantageous to STECO? To answer this, first develop an ____________curve and then find the order quantity that minimizes it. Let ATC(Q) be the annual total cost AHO(Q) be the sum of the annual holding and ordering cost APC be the annual purchase cost ATC(Q) = AHO(Q) + APC { AHO(Q) = Co(D/Q) + iP(Q/2) APC = PD Ch ATC(Q) = Co(D/Q) + iP(Q/2) + PD Let P = $8.00 per unit, the Regular price equation is: ATC(Q) = 25(60,000)/Q + .24(8.00)(Q/2) + 8.00(60,000) Let P = $7.90 per unit, the discount price equation is: ATC(Q) = 25(60,000)/Q + .24(7.90)(Q/2) + 7.90(60,000) The general shapes of the Regular and Discount curves are shown below: ATC(Q) Regular Price Note that the discount curve lies below the regular cost curve. Discount Price Q*R Q*D Q Also note that the value of Q, say Q*D, that ___________the discount price ATC(Q) is larger than the value of Q, say Q*R, that minimizes the ________price = ATC(Q). Now, assuming that the __________price holds only if STECO orders at least B items at a time. Two situations could arise: The dark line portions indicate the ____________ function that STECO faces. ATC(Q) ATC(Q) Regular Price Regular Price Discount Price Discount Price Q*R Q*D B Q Q*R Q*D Q B If B < Q*D, STECO will achieve the __________ cost by ordering Q*D. If B > Q*D, the optimal decision is not obvious. The general rule is: If B < Q*D, If B > Q*D, order order Q*D Q*R if regular price < discount price ATC(Q*R) < ATC(B) B if not Here is the Excel version of the quantity discount inventory model: Solver optimizes a ______integer nonlinear program (MINLP) to evaluate the two EOQ functions, one with and without the_____________. Here are the formulas: Inventory and Production, A Lot Size Model STECO has an extensive and modern heattreatment fibre cable “_________” facility that it uses to produce a number of specialty cable items that it then holds in______________. Two important characteristics of this facility: 1. There is a large _____cost associated with producing each cable product 2. Once the setup is complete, production is at a _______and known rate. Setup cost (____________to ordering cost) is incurred because it is necessary to change the plastic fibre molds and the operating temperature in the heat-treatment facility to meet the ______________set forth by the cable standards specification. Each cable must have ___________attached and under go testing for frequency response. An order quantity of network cables arrives from production into inventory steadily over a period of several days. A modification in the EOQ formula is required. Consider a product in which d = no. of units demanded each day p = no. of units produced each day during a production run Co = setup cost that is independent of the quantity produced ch = cost per day of holding inventory Note that if p < d, demand is greater than STECO’s ability to produce. Below is a plot of inventory on hand for the Production Lot Size model: Inventory On hand Rate of decrease Rate of increase d p-d Q p Q d Production run Time (Days) Cycle time The formulas are: Max. inventory = (p-d)(Q/p) Avg. inventory = ½ (p-d)(Q/p) = Q/2(1-(p/d)) Holding Cost per Day = ch(Q/2) (1-(p/d)) Setup Cost per Day = Co/(Q/d) = Co(d/Q) DHS(Q) = Co(d/Q) + ch(Q/2) (1-(p/d)) The value of Q that minimizes DHS(Q) for the production lot size model is: Q* = 2Cod ch(1-(d/p)) Substituting Q* for Q in the expression for DHS(Q) gives us an expression for the _________ daily holding and setup dost: DHS(Q*) = d 2Codch 1- 1p Note that this expression does not _______on Q. STECO must first estimate the various _________ and then obtain Q*. For illustration, let Demand average 200 NCs per day Setup cost is $100 Production rate is $400 NCs per day Production cost is $1 Annual interest rate is 0.24 Number of working days per year is 240 Holding cost per day is ($1)(0.24)/240 = $0.001 The optimal production lot size for this product is: Q* = 2(200)(100) 0.001(1-(200/400)) = 8944 The minimum daily holding and setup cost is: = 2(200)(100)(0.001(1-(200/400)) = $4.47 A production run of this size yields a supply of NCs large enough to satisfy demand for 8944 = 44.72 days 200 Here is the Excel model for this problem: Here are the spreadsheet formulas: