4th Grade Reading Contest List; 30 books w/ at least 10 nonfiction; no more than 2 books from the same author. Author Title 1. 1 The New Testament 2. 2 The Old Testament 3. 39 Clues Carman The Black Circle (39 Clues, No. 5) 4. 39 Clues Korman One False Note (39 Clues, No. 2) 5. 39 Clues Korman The Emperor's Code (39 Clues, No. 8) 6. 39 Clues Lerangis The Sword Thief (39 Clues, No. 3) 7. 39 Clues Lerangis The Viper's Next (39 Clues, No. 7) 8. 39 Clues Riordan The Maze of Bones (39 Clues, No. 1) 9. 39 Clues Watson Beyond the Grave (39 Clues, No. 4) 10. 39 Clues Watson In Too Deep (39 Clues, No. 6) 11. Abramson, Ann Who was Anne Frank? 12. Adams, Samuel H Landmark Books: The Erie Canal 13. Adler, David A. A Picture Book of Simon Bolivar 14. Alder, David A. Harriet Tubman 15. Alger, Horatio On His Own 16. Aliki How a Book is Made 17. American Girl series any book: 18. American Girl series any book: 19. American Girl series any book: 20. American Girl series any book: 21. American Girl series any book: 22. American Girl series any book: Fiction/ nonfiction Fourth Grade Reading Contest Book List 4th N Y N Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y N Y N Y N Y N Y F Y N Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y Author Title 23. Ancona 24. Antle, Nancy Ole Flamenco Beautiful Land: A Story of Oklahoma Land Rush 25. Appleton, Victor Tom Swift series book: 26. Appleton, Victor Tom Swift series book: 27. Atwater, Richard & Mr. Popper's Penguins 28. Audubon Society First Field Guide: Insects 29. Avi Crispin: The Cross of Lead 30. Avi Crispin: The Cross of Lead 31. Avi The Good Dog 32. Baglio, Ben Bears in the Barn 33. Baglio, Ben Foals in the Field 34. Baglio, Ben Hedgehogs in the Hall 35. Baglio, Ben The Kitten That Won First Prize 36. Baker, Rachel The First Woman Doctor 37. Banks, Lynne R Indian in the Cupboard, The 38. Barnes & Noble My Book of Old-Time Fairy Tales 39. Barton The Day-Glo Brothers: Bob & Joe Switzer's Brand New Colors 40. Baum, L. Frank Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz 41. Baum, L. Frank The Wizard of Oz 42. Beatty Turn Homeward, Hannalee 43. Belton The Tallest Tree 44. Bendick Along Came Galileo 45. Bendick, Jeanne Archimedes and the Door of Science 46. Bendick, Jeanne Galen and the Gateway to Medicine Fiction/ nonfiction 4th Grade Reading Contest List; 30 books w/ at least 10 nonfiction; no more than 2 books from the same author. 4th N Y F Y F Y F Y F Y N Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y N Y F Y F Y N Y F Y F Y F Y F Y N Y N Y N Y Author Title 47. Berger, Melvin Wonders of Science 48. Berrill, Jacquelyn Wonders of Animal Migration 49. Berry, Erick Leif the Lucky: Discoverer of America 50. Beveridge et al Shep, Forever Faithful 51. Blackburn, Joyce Wilfred Grenfell - Doctor/Explorer 52. Blume, Judy Fudge-A-Mania 53. Blume, Judy Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing 54. Blume, L The Rising Star of Rusty Nail 55. Bourne, Russell 56. Brandenberg 57. Brink, Carol Ryrie 58. Briscoe, Jill Caddie Woodlawn Festo Kivengere: The Man Who Would Not Hate 59. Brisson Sky Memories 60. Brooks, Felicity Usborne book of Living Long Ago 61. Bulla, Clyde Lion to Guard Us, A 62. Burnett, Constance Lucretia Mott: Girl of Old Nantucket 63. Burns, Marjorie L., ed. The Charge of the Light Brigade & Other Story Poems 64. Burt, Olive W. Jed Smith: Young Western Explorerer 65. Butterworth, O Enormous Egg, The 66. Byars, Betsy Summer of the Swans 67. Byars, Betsy 68. Campbell Trouble River Growing Patterns: Fibonacci Numbers in Nature 69. Capote, Truman Thanksgiving Visitor, The 70. Carson Bat Scientists Fiction/ nonfiction 4th Grade Reading Contest List; 30 books w/ at least 10 nonfiction; no more than 2 books from the same author. 4th N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y F Y F Y F Y Christopher Columbus & Other Early Adventurers N Y To Top of World: Adventures w/Arctic Wolves N Y F Y N Y F Y N Y F Y N Y N Y N Y F Y F Y F Y N Y F Y N Y Author 71. Castor, Henry G. Title The First Book of the Spanish-American West 72. Caudill, Rebecca Happy Little Family 73. Chaucer/ Cohen Canterbury Tales (adapted) 74. Chevat, Ritchie Marble Book, The 75. Chick 76. Civardi, Anne The Secret Zoo Usborne Time Traveller Book of Viking Raiders 77. Cleary, Beverly any book: 78. Cleary, Beverly Beezus and Ramona 79. Cleary, Beverly Emily's Runaway Imagination 80. Cleary, Beverly Henry and Ribsy 81. Cleary, Beverly Henry and the Clubhouse 82. Cleary, Beverly Henry Huggins 83. Cleary, Beverly Henry Huggins 84. Cleary, Beverly Ralph S. Mouse 85. Cleary, Beverly Ramona and Her Mother 86. Cleary, Beverly Ramona Forever 87. Cleary, Beverly Ramona Quimby, Age 8 88. Cleary, Beverly Ramona Quimby, Age 8 89. Cleary, Beverly Ramona the Brave 90. Cleary, Beverly Ramona the Pest 91. Cleary, Beverly Ribsy 92. Cleary, Beverly Ribsy 93. Cleary, Beverly Runaway Ralph 94. Cleary, Beverly Socks Fiction/ nonfiction 4th Grade Reading Contest List; 30 books w/ at least 10 nonfiction; no more than 2 books from the same author. 4th N Y F Y F Y N Y F Y N Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y Author Title 95. Cleary, Beverly The Mouse and the Motorcycle 96. Clements No Talking 97. Cleveland & Alvarez Yo, Millard Fillmore! 98. Clift 99. Fiction/ nonfiction 4th Grade Reading Contest List; 30 books w/ at least 10 nonfiction; no more than 2 books from the same author. 4th F Y F Y N Y Energy: Use Less-Save More: 100…Tips…for Home N Y Clift Water: Use Less-Save More: 100…Tips…for Home N Y 100. Cohen A Day in the Life of Africa N Y 101. Cohen Danger in the Desert: True Advent. Dinosaur Hunter N Y 102. Cohlene, Terri Native Am Legends: Dancing Drum A Cherokee Legend F Y 103. Collins, David R. Abraham Lincoln N Y 104. Collins, David R. George Washington Carver N Y 105. Collins, David R. Johnny Appleseed N Y 106. Concordia Publ. One Hundred Bible Stories N Y 107. Cooney, Barbara Island Boy F Y 108. Courtney, William What Does a Barometer Do? N Y 109. Crosby, A L. Junior Science Book of Beavers The Sea Stranger (missions among Saxons N Y 110. Crossley-Holland, K 653 AD) N Y 111. Curlee Brooklyn Bridge N Y 112. Curtis Elijah of Buxton F Y 113. Cuyler, Margery Invisible in the Third Grade F Y 114. Dahl, Roald James and the Giant Peach F Y 115. Dahl, Ronald George's Marvelous Medicine F Y 116. Dalgliesh Fourth of July Story N Y 117. Dash The Longitude Prize N Y 118. Daugherty, James Landing of the Pilgrims, The N Y Author Title 119. D'Aulaire Abraham Lincoln 120. D'Aulaire Benjamin Franklin 121. D'Aulaire Buffalo Bill 122. D'Aulaire Columbus 123. D'Aulaire George Washington 124. D'Aulaire Leif the Lucky 125. D'Aulaire Pocahontas 126. D'Aulaire The Star Spangled Banner 127. Davidson Story of Thomas Alva Edison: Wizard of Menlo Park 128. Davidson, M Helen Keller 129. Davidson, M Helen Keller's Teacher 130. Davidson, M Louis Braille 131. Davidson, M The Adventures of George Washington 132. de Angeli, M The Door in the Wall 133. DeClements, B 134. Fiction/ nonfiction 4th Grade Reading Contest List; 30 books w/ at least 10 nonfiction; no more than 2 books from the same author. 4th N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y F Y Bite of Gold Bug, The: Story of Alaskan Gold Rush F Y DeClements, Barthe Once Upon America: The Bite of the Gold Bug N Y 135. DeJong Shadrach F Y 136. DeJong, Meindert House of Sixty Fathers F Y 137. deLeeuw, Adele N Y 138. Demallie Story of Amelia Earhart, The Behind Enemy Lines: A Young Pilot's Story N Y 139. DiCamillo The Tale of Despereaux F Y 140. Dixon, Franklin W Hardy Boys: F Y 141. Dixon, Franklin W Hardy Boys: Hidden Harbor Mystery F Y 142. Dixon, Franklin W Hardy Boys: Secret of the Caves F Y Author Title 143. Dixon, Franklin W Hardy Boys: Sinister Signpost 144. Dixon, Franklin W Hardy Boys: What Happened at Midnight 145. Donati, Annabelle I Wonder What a Rainforest Is 146. Dorling Kindersley, Inc What's Inside? Insects 147. Dougherty Daniel Boone 148. Dowswell, Paul The Egyptian Echo 149. Dreher, D S Explorers Who Got Lost 150. Dudley, Ruth H. Our American Tree 151. Duncan, Alice Everyday People 152. Dunham, Montrew George Westinghouse: Young Inventor 153. Dunn, Herb Joe Dimaggio 154. Earle, Olive L. Paws, Hoofs and Flippers 155. Edwards, Shane Heroes and Outlaws of the Old West 156. Elliot, Jane 157. Engel, Trudie Usborne Children's Encyclopedia, The We'll Never Forget You, Roberto Clemente 158. Enright, Elizabeth Gone-Away Lake 159. Enright, Elizabeth Thimble Summer 160. Epstein, Sam & Beryl All About the Desert 161. Erickson, Russell Worton and the King of the Skies 162. Estes The Moffats 163. Estes, Eleanor Moffat Museum, The 164. Estes, Eleanor The Hundred Dresses 165. Fardell The 7 Professors of the Far North 166. Farley, Walter The Black Stallion Fiction/ nonfiction 4th Grade Reading Contest List; 30 books w/ at least 10 nonfiction; no more than 2 books from the same author. 4th F Y F Y N Y N Y N Y F Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y F Y F Y N Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y Author Title 167. Fenner Yolanda's Genius 168. Fichter, George S Bees, Wasps, and Ants 169. Fields Taxis and Toadstools 170. Fitzgerald The Great Brain 171. Fleischman By the Great Horn Spoon 172. Fleischman, Sid Mr. Mysterious and Company 173. Forester, CS The Barbary Pirates 174. Forney, Melissa Oonawassee Summer 175. Foster The World of William Penn 176. Foster The Year of the Horseless Carriage 177. Foster, Genevieve Andrew Jackson: An Initial Biography 178. Fox, Paula 179. Frazier Western Wind Brendan Buckley's Universe & Everything in It 180. Frazier, Carl & Rosalie Lincoln Country In Pictures 181. Freedman 182. Frisbee, Lucy Post 183. Fritz, Jean Lincoln, A Photobiography John Burroughs: Boy of Field and Stream And Then What Happened, Paul Revere? 184. Fritz, Jean Bully for You, Teddy Roosevelt! 185. Fritz, Jean 186. Fritz, Jean Double Life of Pocahontas, The Harriet Beecher Stowe & Breecher Preachers 187. Fritz, Jean Homesick My Own Story 188. Fritz, Jean Shhhhh! We're Writing the Constitution 189. Fritz, Jean The Animals of Doctor Schweitzer 190. Fritz, Jean The Cabin Faced West Fiction/ nonfiction 4th Grade Reading Contest List; 30 books w/ at least 10 nonfiction; no more than 2 books from the same author. 4th F Y N Y N Y F Y F Y F Y N Y F Y N Y N Y N Y F Y F Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y F Y Author Title Where was Patrick Henry on the 29th of May? Why Don't You Get a Horse, Sam Adams? 191. Fritz, Jean 192. Fritz, Jean 193. Fritz, Jean 194. Frost, Marie Will You Sign Here, John Hancock? Hattie's Adventures: The Hattie Collection 195. Ganeri, Anita Usborne Book of Weather Facts 196. Gannett, Ruth Stiles Dragons of Blueland, The 197. Gannett, Ruth Stiles Elmer and the Dragon 198. Gardiner, John R Stone Fox 199. Garretson Wildfire Run 200. Gates, Doris Blue Willow 201. George So You Want to Be President? 202. George, Jean C One Day in the Alpine Tundra 203. George, Jean C One Day in the Desert 204. George, Jean C One Day in the Prairie 205. George, Jean C One Day in the Tropical Rainforest 206. George, Jean C One Day in the Woods 207. George, Jean C The Tarantula in My Purse 208. Gherman Sparky: Life & Art of Charles Schulze 209. Giff Wild Girl 210. Gipson Old Yeller 211. Goldin, Barbara D Red Means Good Fortune:...San Francisco Chinatown 212. Goudey, Alice E. Here Come the Bees! 213. Graff The Thing About Georgie 214. Graff, S and P Helen Keller: Toward the Light Fiction/ nonfiction 4th Grade Reading Contest List; 30 books w/ at least 10 nonfiction; no more than 2 books from the same author. 4th N Y N Y N Y F Y N Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y F Y F Y F Y N Y Y N Y Author Title 215. Graff, S and P Squanto: Indian Adventurer 216. Graff, Stewart George Washington 217. Graff, Stewart John Paul Jones: Sailor Hero 218. Grahame The Reluctant Dragon 219. Grahame, Kenneth The Wind in the Willows 220. Gray Adam of the Road 221. Greenberg Ballet for Martha 222. Greenway Under the Window 223. Gregory, Kristiana Jimmy Spoon and the Pony Express Day It Rained Forever: Story of the 224. Gross, Virginia T. Johnstown Flood 225. Adventures of Mohan 226. Grove Gündisch & Skofield 227. Guilcher & Noailles A Tree is Born 228. Gunther 229. Gustaveson, D Alexander the Great Himalayan Rescue (WYAM Reel Kids Adventure) The Danger Zone (an adventure story set in 230. Gustaveson, D Vietnam) 231. Guthridge, Sue Thomas A. Edison, Young Inventor 232. Hackwell Desert of Ice: Life & Work in Antarctica 233. Hage, MK & MVD Botany 234. Haines & Morrill The Wright Brothers: First to Fly 235. Hall, Lynn Barry the Bravest Saint Bernard 236. Hammontree, M 237. Harley, Ruth W. A.P. Giannini: Boy of San Francisco Glenn L. Martin: Boy Conqueror of the Air 238. Harlow Secret of the Night Ponies How I Became an American Fiction/ nonfiction 4th Grade Reading Contest List; 30 books w/ at least 10 nonfiction; no more than 2 books from the same author. 4th N Y N Y N Y F Y F Y F Y N Y F Y F Y F Y F Y N Y N Y N Y F Y F Y N Y N Y N Y N Y F Y N Y N Y F Y Author Title 239. Hatt 240. Hawass, Zahi Ancient Greece Tutankhamun The Mystey of the Boy King 241. Haywood, C Betsy 242. Haywood, C Eddie's Pay Dirt 243. Henkes Olive's Ocean 244. Henry, Marguerite Benjamin West & His Cat Grimalkin 245. Henry, Marguerite Brighty of the Grand Canyon 246. Henry, Marguerite King of the Wind 247. Henry, Marguerite Misty of Chincoteague 248. Henry, Marguerite San Domingo 249. Henry, Marguerite Sea Star --- Orphan of Chincoteague 250. Herriot, James Moses the Kitten 251. Herriot, James The Market Square Dog 252. Hesse Sable 253. Hesse, Karen Sable 254. Hicks, Clifford B. Alvin's Secret Code 255. Higgins, Helen B Alec Hamilton: The Little Lion 256. Hill, Frank E. The New World of Wood 257. Hodges, Margaret Saint George and the Dragon 258. Hogner, Dorothy C Butterflies 259. Hogner, Dorothy C Earthworms Swamp Fox of the Revolution (bio of Francis 260. Holbrook, Stewart H Marion) 261. Holling, Holling C Minn of the Mississippi 262. Holling, Holling C Paddle-to-the-Sea Fiction/ nonfiction 4th Grade Reading Contest List; 30 books w/ at least 10 nonfiction; no more than 2 books from the same author. 4th N Y N Y F Y F Y F Y N Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y N Y N Y F Y N Y N Y N Y F Y F Y Author Title 263. Holling, Holling C Pagoo 264. Holling, Holling C The Book of the Indians 265. Holling, Holling C Tree in the Trail 266. Holm Turtle in Paradise 267. Hopf, Alice L. Monarch Butterflies 268. Horn Living Green: A Practical Guide to Simple Simplicity 269. Hornblow, L & A Reptiles Do the Strangest Things 270. Howard, Mildred T. These Are My People 271. Hurwitz, Hohanna Aldo Applesauce 272. Hutchens, Paul Sugar Creek Gang: 273. Hutchens, Paul Sugar Creek Gang: Blue Cow 274. Hutchens, Paul Sugar Creek Gang: The Mystery Cave 275. Hutchens, Paul Sugar Creek Gang: The Swamp Fox 276. Ishmael Children of the Voice trilogy 277. Janeway The Vikings 278. Jenkins Bones: Skeletons and How They Work 279. Johnson, Sylvia A. Silkworms 280. Johnston, Johanna They Led the Way: 14 American Women 281. Johnstone, Michael History News, Explorers: Greatest Newspaper in Civilization 282. Jukes Like Jake and Me 283. Kadohata Kira-Kira 284. Kalman, Esther Tchaikovsky Discovers America 285. Kalnay, Francis Chucaro: Wild Pony of the Pampa 286. Kehret Escaping the Giant Wave Fiction/ nonfiction 4th Grade Reading Contest List; 30 books w/ at least 10 nonfiction; no more than 2 books from the same author. 4th F Y F Y F Y F Y N Y N Y N Y N Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y F Y F Y N Y F Y F Y Author Title 287. Kehret & Pete the Cat Trapped 288. Kelley, James G.I. Joe at D-Day 289. Fiction/ nonfiction 4th Grade Reading Contest List; 30 books w/ at least 10 nonfiction; no more than 2 books from the same author. 4th F Y F Y Kerley 1 ↕ What to Do About Alice? How Alice Roosevelt Broke Rules, Charmed the World, and Drove Her Father Teddy Crazy ↕ N Y 290. Kerley 2 ↕ Charmed the World, and Drove Her Father Teddy Crazy ↕ N Y 291. Kerr When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit F Y 292. Kettelkamp, Laura Shadows N Y 293. King, Coretta Scott Dare to Dream N Y 294. Kingley The Water-babies F Y 295. Kipling, Rudyard How the Leopard Got His Spots F Y 296. Konigsburg The View from Saturday F Y 297. Koscielniak, Bruze Story of the Incredible Orchestra, The N Y 298. Krensky, Stephen Pearl Harbor N Y 299. Krull, Kathleen City Within a City: How Kids Live in NY's Chinatown N Y Krull, Kathleen Other Side: How Kids Live in a CA Latino 300. N Y 301. Kudlinski F Y 302. Kudlinski, K F Y 303. Kudlinski, K F Y 304. Kudlinski, K Hero Over Here Earthquake! A Story of Old San Francisco Facing West: A Story of the Oregon Trail Lone Star: A Story of the Texas Rangers F Y 305. Kudlinski, Kathleen V. Once Upon America: Eathquake! N Y 306. Kudlinski, Kathleen V. Once Upon America: Facing West N Y 307. Kudlinski, Kathleen V. Once Upon America: Night Bird N Y 308. Lamplighter Amy & Her Brothers F Y 309. Lamplighter The Robber's Cave F Y Neighborhood Fiction/ nonfiction 4th Grade Reading Contest List; 30 books w/ at least 10 nonfiction; no more than 2 books from the same author. Author Title 310. Landis Summer Days with the Treelo Triplets 311. Lasky, Kathryn 312. Latham, Jean Lee 313. Latham, Jean Lee David Glasgow Farragut: Our First Admiral George W. Goethals: Panama Canal Engineer 314. Latham, Jean Lee Medals for Morse 315. Lauber, Patricia Lost Star: Story of Amelia Earhart 316. Lauber, Patricia Volcano 317. Law Savvy 318. Lawson, Robert Great Wheel, The 319. Lawson, Robert Rabbit Hill 320. Lee, Lyn Pog 321. Lenski, Lois any book: 322. Lenski, Lois City Poems 323. Lenski, Lois Strawberry Girl 324. Levin, Deana Nikolai Lives in Moscow 325. Levine If You Lived at the Time - Great San Francisco Earthquake 326. Levine, Gail Carson Ella Enchanted 327. Lewis, CS Prince Caspian 328. Lewis, CS The Horse and His Boy 329. Lewis, CS The Last Battle 330. Lewis, CS The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe 331. Lewis, CS The Magician's Nephew 332. Lewis, CS The Silver Chair 333. Lewis, CS The Voyage of the Dawn Treader Royal Diaries: Elizabeth I: Red Rose of the House of Tudor 4th F Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y N Y F Y N Y N Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y Author Title 334. Lin, Grace Where the Mountain Meets the Moon 335. Lindgren, Astrid Pippi Goes on Board 336. Lindgren, Astrid Pippi in the South Seas 337. Lindgren, Astrid Pippi Longstocking 338. Long, Laura 339. Lord David Farragut: Boy Midshipman In the Year of the Boar & Jackie Robinson 340. Lord Touch Blue 341. Macaulay, David Ship 342. MacBride In the Land of the Big Red Apple 343. MacBride Little Farm in the Ozarks 344. MacBride Little Town in the Ozarks 345. MacDonald Secret of Sealed Room: Mystery of Young Ben Franklin 346. MacDonald, Betty Hello, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle 347. MacDonald, Betty Mrs. Piggle Wiggle's Farm 348. MacDonald, Betty Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle 349. MacDonald, Betty Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's Magic 350. Maclachlan Word After Word After Word 351. MacLachlan, P 352. Maestro, B & G Arthur, For the Very First Time More Perfect Union: Story of Our Constitution 353. Maier, Paul L. The Very First Christmas 354. Maier, Paul L. The Very First Easter 355. The 68 Rooms 356. Malone Mannis, Celeste Davidson 357. Markle, Sandra Outside and Inside Snakes Who was William Shakespeare? Fiction/ nonfiction 4th Grade Reading Contest List; 30 books w/ at least 10 nonfiction; no more than 2 books from the same author. 4th F Y F Y F Y F Y N Y F Y F Y N Y N Y F Y N Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y N Y N Y N Y F Y N Y N Y Author Title 358. Marley Pheromone: The Insect Artwork of Christopher Marley 359. Marr, Molly I Wonder Where Butterflies Go in Winter 360. Martin Pedro 361. Mason, Miriam E. William Penn: Friendly Boy 362. Mass 11 Birthdays 363. Massi, Jeri Abandoned 364. Massi, Jeri The Two Collars 365. Mathis, Sharon B The Hundred Penny Box 366. McCall, Edith Gold Rush Adventures 367. McCloskey, R Centerburg Tales: More Adventures of Homer Price 368. McCloskey, R Homer Price 369. McGovern, Ann ...If You Grew Up with Abraham Lincoln 370. McGraw The Golden Goblet 371. McHugh & Morris A Child's Story of America 372. McKissack Sojourner Truth: Ain't I a Woman? 373. Millender, D 374. Mitchell, Barbara Martin Luther King, Jr. The Wizard of Sound (bio of Thomas Edison) 375. Mizumura, kazue The Emperor Penguins 376. Moche, Dinah Amazing Space Facts 377. Monsell, Helen A Henry Clay: Young Kentucky Orator 378. Montgomery 379. Montgomery 380. Moore The Tarantula Scientists Quest for Tree Kangaroo: Expedition to Cloud Forest of New Guinea The Fairy Tale Life of Hans Christian Andersen 381. Moore, Clyde B. Robert Goddard: Pioneer Rocket Boy Fiction/ nonfiction 4th Grade Reading Contest List; 30 books w/ at least 10 nonfiction; no more than 2 books from the same author. 4th N y N Y F Y N Y F Y F Y F Y F Y N Y F Y F Y N Y F Y N Y N Y N Y N Y F Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y Author Title 382. Moore, Eva Johnny Appleseed 383. Moore, Eva 384. Morgan, Teresa The Story of George Washington Carver Days on the Farm with Annette and Samuel 385. Murphy, E C 386. Myers The Mystery of the Tattlettale Parrot Stolen by the Sea (1900 Galveston hurricane) 387. Myers, E P. F.W.Woolworth: Five and Ten Boy 388. Myers, Laurie Lewis and Clark and Me (Lewis & Clark's dog's view) 389. Naidoo, Beverly Journey to Jo'burg 390. Naylor, Phyllis Saving Shiloh (Shiloh #3) 391. Naylor, Phyllis Shiloh Season (Shiloh #2) 392. Naylor, Phyllis R 393. Nelson Shiloh We Are the Ship: Negro League Baseball 394. Nesbit, Elizabeth Five Children and It 395. Nesbit, Elizabeth Railway Children 396. Neuschwander, C Sir Cumference & the First Round Table 397. Nichol, Barbara Beethoven Lives Upstairs 398. Norton, Mary Borrowers Afield, The 399. Norton, Mary Borrowers, The 400. O'Brien Who Was Mark Twain? 401. O'Dell, Scott Cruise of the Arctic Star 402. O'Dell, Scott Sing Down the Moon 403. O'Dell, Scott The Island of the Blue Dolphins 404. O'Dell, Scott Thunder Rolling in the Mountains 405. O'Hara My Friend Flicka Fiction/ nonfiction 4th Grade Reading Contest List; 30 books w/ at least 10 nonfiction; no more than 2 books from the same author. 4th N Y N Y F Y F Y F Y N Y N Y F Y F Y F Y F Y N Y F Y F Y F Y N Y F Y F Y N Y N Y F Y F Y F Y F Y Author Title 406. O'Neill, Amanda Spiders Spin Webs 407. Orr Nim at Sea (#2) 408. Orr Nim's Island (#1) 409. Osborne, Mary P Afternoon on the Amazon 410. Osborne, Mary P Dinosaurs Before Dark 411. Osborne, Mary P Knight at Dawn, The 412. Osborne, Mary P Mummies in the Morning 413. Osborne, Mary P Pirates Past Noon 414. Otis Martha of California 415. Otis Mary of Plymouth 416. Otis 417. Park, Barbara Stephen of Philadelphia Junie B. Jones and some Sneaky Peeky Spying 418. Parker, Richard He's Your Brother 419. Parker, Steve Mammal 420. Parks, Aileen Davy Crockett 421. Parlin, John Andrew Jackson: Pioneer and President 422. Patron The Higher Power of Lucky 423. Patterson, Dr. F Koko's Kitten 424. Paulsen, Gary Dunc's Dump 425. Paulsen, Gary Mr. Tucket 426. Paulsen, Gary The Haymeadow 427. Payne The Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt 428. Peet, Bill Chester the Worldly Pig 429. Pennypacker Clementine Fiction/ nonfiction 4th Grade Reading Contest List; 30 books w/ at least 10 nonfiction; no more than 2 books from the same author. 4th N Y F Y F Y N Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y N Y N Y N Y F Y N Y F Y F Y F Y N Y F Y F Y Author Title 430. Peretti Cooper Kids series: any 431. Peretti, Frank Door in the Dragon's Throat, The 432. Platt Storm Chaser {horse story} 433. Polland, M Beorn the Proud (vikings) 434. Pollard Life of Washington 435. Poole, L & G Danger! Icebergs Ahead! 436. Porter Pollyanna 437. Porter Pollyanna Grows Up 438. Powell & Steele 439. Fiction/ nonfiction 4th Grade Reading Contest List; 30 books w/ at least 10 nonfiction; no more than 2 books from the same author. 4th F Y F Y F Y F Y N Y N Y F Y F Y The Greek News: The Greatest Newspaper in Civilization N Y Prolman, Marilyn Story of the Constitution, The (Cornerstones of Freedom) N Y 440. Pumphrey, M Pilgrim Stories (revised) N Y 441. Pyle, Howard Otto of the Silver Hand F Y 442. Raczka Name That Style: All About Isms in Art N Y 443. Raffa, Edwina F Y 444. Ransome Escape to the Everglades The Fool of the World and the Flying Ship F Y 445. Raven Mercedes & the Chocolate Pilot F Y 446. Rawls F Y 447. Reece, Colleen L. F Y 448. Renault, Mary Summer of the Monkeys The American Adventure: Plymouth Pioneer #2 Lion in the Gateway: battles of the Greeks N Y 449. Richardson, A In Grandma's Attic F Y 450. Richardson, A More Stories from Grandma's Attic F Y 451. Richardson, A Stories from Grandma's Attic F Y 452. Rink Admiral Byrd: Alone in the Arctic N Y 453. Robertshaw, A Soldier's Life, A N Y Persians Author Title 454. Rod &Staff Publ. The Weed with the Ill Name 455. Ross, Pat 456. Rowland, Della Story of Sacajawea, The 457. Russell, C.Y. Tofu Quilt 458. Sachar Holes 459. Sawyer Roller Skates 460. Schmidt The Wednesday Wars 461. Scholastic Winter Poems 462. Schroeder It's Raining Cupcakes 463. Selden Oscar Lobster's Fair Exchange 464. Selden, George Cricket in Times Square, The 465. Selden, George Tucker's Countryside 466. Seredy White Stag, The 467. Seredy, Kate Good Master, The 468. Seredy, Kate Singing Tree, The 469. Seredy, Kate The Good Master 470. Serraillier Escape from Warsaw 471. Sewell, Anna Black Beauty 472. Sharp, Margery The Turret 473. Shub, Elizabeth White Stallion 474. Shulevitz 475. Sidman How I Learned Geography Song of the Water Boatman & Other Pond Poems 476. Sidney Five Little Peppers 477. Sidney Five Little Peppers and How They Grew Hannah's Fancy Notions: Story of Industrial New England Fiction/ nonfiction 4th Grade Reading Contest List; 30 books w/ at least 10 nonfiction; no more than 2 books from the same author. 4th F Y F Y N Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y N Y F Y N Y F Y F Y F Y N Y F Y F Y F Y Author Title 478. Sidney Five Little Peppers Midway 479. Siegel To Dance: A Ballerina's Graphic Novel 480. Siegel, Beatrice 481. Fiction/ nonfiction 4th Grade Reading Contest List; 30 books w/ at least 10 nonfiction; no more than 2 books from the same author. 4th F Y N Y Faithful Friend: The Story of Florence Nightingale N Y Slier, Debby The Real Mother Goose Book of American Rhyme F Y 482. Slote, Alfred Finding Buck McHenry F Y 483. Smiley The Georges and the Jewels F Y 484. Smith, Bradford Stephen Decatur: Gallant Boy N Y 485. Smith, Bradford William Bradford: Pilgrim Boy Royal Diaries: Weetamoo: Heart of the N Y 486. Smith, P C Pocassets F Y 487. Smith, Patricia Clark Royal Diaries:Weetamoo Heart of the Pocassets N Y 488. Smith, Philip, ed. Favorite North American Indian Legends F Y 489. Snedeker A Triumph for Flavius F Y 490. Snow, Dorothea J Raphael Semmes: Tidewater Boy N Y 491. Sorensen Plain Girl F Y 492. Soto The Pool Party F Y 493. Speare, Elizabeth G Calico Captive F Y 494. Speare, Elizabeth G The Witch of Blackbird Pond F Y 495. Sperry, Armstrong Call it Courage F Y 496. Spinelli Maniac Magee F Y 497. Spinelli, Jerry Library Card, The F Y 498. Spyri Heidi F Y 499. St. John Treasures of the Snow F Y 500. St. John, L The White Giraffe F Y 501. Stead When You Reach Me F Y Author Title 502. Steig, William 503. Sterling, Dorothy Abel's Island The Story of Harriet Tubman Freedom Train 504. Stevenson Miles Standish 505. Stevenson, A Molly Pitcher 506. Stevenson, A Sitting Bull: Dakota Boy 507. Stevenson, A Wilbur & Orville Wright: Boys with Wings 508. Stevenson, R A Child's Garden of Verses 509. Stolz, Mary A Ballad of the Civil War 510. Stone Almost Astronauts: 13 Women Who Dared to Dream 511. Storad Rattlesnake Rules 512. Streatfeild, Noel Ballet Shoes 513. Streatfeild, Noel Dancing Shoes 514. Streatfeild, Noel Theater Shoes 515. Streatfield, Noel Skating Shoes 516. Sullivan, George The Day Pearl Harbor Was Bombed 517. Sullivan, George The Day We Walked on the Moon 518. Swan, Robert Destination: Antarctica 519. Swinford, Betty 520. Sἰs Run for Your Life! The Wall: Growing Up Behind the Iron Curtain 521. Tanaka, Shelley In the Time of Knights 522. Taylor All-of-a-Kind Family 523. Taylor 524. Taylor, Paul S Battle in the Arctic Seas The Great Dinosaur Mystery and the Bible 525. Telmegeier Smile Fiction/ nonfiction 4th Grade Reading Contest List; 30 books w/ at least 10 nonfiction; no more than 2 books from the same author. 4th F Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y F Y N Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y N Y N Y N Y F Y N Y N Y F Y N Y N Y F Y Author Title 526. Thimmesh Team Moon:How 400,000 People Landed Apollo 11 on Moon 527. Thomas The Comeback Dog 528. Thomas Nelson Pub. The Heavens Proclaim His Glory: Spectacular View of Creation Through Lens of NASA Hubble Telescope 529. Thomson Sheriff at Waterstop 530. Thomson, Andy Morning Star of the Reformation 531. Thor A Faraway Island 532. Tingle Saltypie: A Choctaw Journey from Darkness into Light 533. Travers, PL Mary Poppins 534. Triggs, Kathy Charles Spurgeon 535. Tripp, Valerie Felicity Learns a Lesson 536. Tripp, Valerie Happy Birthday, Felicity! 537. Tripp, Valerie Meet Felicity 538. Uchida Journey to Topaz 539. Urban A Crooked Kind of Perfect 540. VanLeeuwen, J Bound for Oregon 541. Vogt, Esther L Turkey Red 542. Warner, Ann S 543. Warner, G C 544. Warner, G C Narcissa Whitman: Pioneer Girl Boxcar Children #10: Schoolhouse Mystery Boxcar Children #14: The Tree House Mystery 545. Warner, G C Boxcar Children #15: Bicycle Mystery 546. Warner, G C 547. Warner, G C 548. Warner, G C Boxcar Children #2: Surprise Island Boxcar Children #27: The Camp Out Mystery Boxcar Children #3: The Yellow House Mystery Fiction/ nonfiction 4th Grade Reading Contest List; 30 books w/ at least 10 nonfiction; no more than 2 books from the same author. 4th N Y F Y N Y F Y N Y F Y F Y F Y N Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y N Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y Author Title Boxcar Children #35: Mystery at the Dog Show 549. Warner, G C 550. Warner, G C 551. Warner, G C 552. Warner, G C Boxcar Children #4: Mystery Ranch Boxcar Children #41: The Corral Bay Mystery Boxcar Children #42: Mystery of the Missing Cat 553. Warner, G C Boxcar Children #49: Mystery of the Stolen Boxcar 554. Warner, G C 555. Warner, G C 556. Warner, G C 557. Warner, G C Boxcar Children #5: Mike's Mystery Boxcar Children #66: The Panther Mystery Boxcar Children #8: The Lighthouse Mystery Boxcar Children #9: Mountain Top Mystery 558. Warner, G C Boxcar Children (#1) 559. Warner, G C 560. Warner, G C Boxcar Children: Any Boxcar Special #1: The Mystery on the Ice Boxcar Special #2: The Mystery in 561. Warner, G C 562. Warner, G C 563. Warner, G C 564. Warner, G C 565. Warner, G C 566. Warner, G C 567. Warner, G C 568. Warner, G C Boxcar Special #3: Mystery at Snowflake Inn Boxcar Special #4: The Mystery at the Ballpark Boxcar Special #5: The Pilgrim Village Mystery Boxcar Special #6: The Mystery at the Fair Boxcar Special #7: The Pet Shop Mystery Boxcar Special #8: The Niagara Falls Mystery Boxcar Special #9: Mystery in the Old Attic 569. Watkins Medallion 570. Wayland 571. Weaver, Lydia History Stories for Children Close to Home: A Story of the Polio Epidemic 572. Weddle, Ethel H. Alvin C. York: Young Marksman Washington, DC Fiction/ nonfiction 4th Grade Reading Contest List; 30 books w/ at least 10 nonfiction; no more than 2 books from the same author. 4th F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y N Y F Y N Y Author Title 573. Weil, Ann Eleanor Roosevelt: Courageous Girl 574. White, E.B. Charlotte's Web 575. White, E.B. Stuart Little 576. White, E.B. The Trumpet of the Swan 577. White, Kathleen Corrie ten Boom 578. White, Nancy Magic School Bus Butterfly Battle 579. Widdemer, M C Aleck Bell: Ingenious Boy 580. Widdemer, M C Washington Irving: Boy of Old New York 581. Wilder, Laura I By the Shores of Silver Lake 582. Wilder, Laura I Farmer Boy 583. Wilder, Laura I Little House in the Big Woods 584. Wilder, Laura I Little House on the Prairie 585. Wilder, Laura I Little Town on the Prairie 586. Wilder, Laura I On the Banks of Plum Creek 587. Wilder, Laura I The Long Winter 588. Wilder, Laura I These Happy Golden Years 589. Wilkie, Katharine E Maria Mitchell: Stargazer 590. Williams, Effie M. A Hive of Busy Bees 591. Williams, Jay Joan of Arc: Warrior Saint 592. Winders, G H Jim Bridger: Mountain Boy 593. Winterfeld, Henry 594. Wisler, G. Clifton Detectives in Togas Jericho's Journey (moving to TX in 1852) 595. Wisniewski Golem 596. Wolpert, Tom Wolves Fiction/ nonfiction 4th Grade Reading Contest List; 30 books w/ at least 10 nonfiction; no more than 2 books from the same author. 4th N Y F Y F Y F Y N Y F Y N Y N Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y F Y N Y F Y N Y N Y F Y F Y F Y N Y Author Title 597. Wood, Jenny Caves 598. Wood, Jenny Coral Reefs 599. Wood, Jenny Icebergs 600. Woodson Show Way 601. Young, Caroline Usborne Ships, Sailors and the Sea Fiction/ nonfiction 4th Grade Reading Contest List; 30 books w/ at least 10 nonfiction; no more than 2 books from the same author. 4th N Y N Y N Y F Y N Y