Assignments for Fundamentals of Computers DO NOT PRINT – I WILL GRADE ON YOUR COMPUTER OR EMAILED TO AGARRETT@GEARY.K12.OK.US This is a read-and-do class. For Our Digital World chapters have short numbered sections on key topics, each of which ends with a green TAKE THE NEXT STEP box. This is a self-paced class. What that means is you may work at your pace AS LONG AS YOU ARE STILL MEETING EACH DUE DATE. You can work ahead. Get the class finished ahead of time. Do not fall behind. Week Dates Word 2010 Textbook: Office 2010 Introductory Concepts and Techniques (Ch. 1-3) 3 9/3-9/6 Chapter 1: Creating, Formatting, and Editing a Word Document with Pictures Lab 1: Creating a Flyer with a Picture WD 1 WD 58 4 9/9-9/13 Chapter 2: Creating a Research Paper with Citations and References Lab 1: preparing a Short Research Paper WD 65 WD 130 5 9/16-9/20 Chapter 3: Creating a Business Letter with a Letterhead and Table Lab 1: Creating a Letter with a Letterhead WD 137 WD 195 Excel 2010 Textbook: Office 2010- Introductory Concepts and Techniques 6 9/23-9/27 Chapter 1: Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart Lab 1: Annual Revenue Analysis Worksheet EX 1 EX 58 7 9/30-10/4 Chapter 2: Formulas, Functions, Formatting Lab 1: Accounts Receivable Balance Worksheet EX 65 EX 126 8 10/7-10/11 Chapter 3: What-if Analysis Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets Lab 1: Six-Year Financial Projection EX 137 EX 209 PowerPoint 2010 Textbook: Office 2010- Introductory Concepts and Techniques (Ch. 1-3) 9-10 10/14-10/25 Fundamentals of Technology Chapter 1: Creating and Editing a Presentation with Clip Art Lab 1: Creating a Presentation with Bulleted Lists, a Closing Slide, and Clips Assignments & Due Dates PP 1 PP 59 1 11 10/28-10/31 12 11/4-11/8 Chapter 2: Enhancing a Presentation with Pictures, Shapes, and WorldArt Lab 1: Creating a Presentation Inserting Pictures and Applying Picture Styles PP 74 PP 130 Chapter 3: Reusing a Presentation and Adding Media Lab 1: Inserting Audio Clips, Coloring a Picture, and Applying Artistic Effects to Pictures PP 138 PP 195 Access 2010 Textbook: Office 2010- Introductory Concepts and Techniques (Ch. 1-3) 13-14 11/11-11/22 Chapter 1: Database and Database Objects: An Introduction (Camashaly Design Database) Lab 1: Creating Objects for the ECO Clothesline Database AC 1 AC 66 14 11/18-11/22 Chapter 2: Querying a Database (Camashaly Design Database from Ch. 1) Lab 1: Querying the ECO Clothesline Database (ECO Clothesline Database from Ch. 1) AC 73 AC 132 15 11/25-11/26 Make-up Week 16 12/2-12/6 Chapter 3: What-if Analysis Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets (Ch. 2) Lab 1: Maintaining the ECO Clothesline Database (ECO Clothesline Database from Ch. 2) AC 137 AC 201 Office 2010 and Windows 7: Essential Concepts and Skills Textbook: Office 2010- Introductory Concepts and Techniques 17 12/9-12/13 Fundamentals of Technology Introduction to Computers (Read & Worksheet) Buyer’s Guide: How to Purchase Computers and Mobile Devices (Read & Worksheet) Learn It Online: -Chapter Reinforcement TF, MC and SA, Flash Cards, Practice Test, Who Wants To Be a Computer Genius?, Wheel of Terms, Crossword Puzzle Challenge Case Studies: -#1, #2, #3, #4 Assignments & Due Dates COM 1 COM 27 COM 39 2 18 12/16-12/20 Finals Week-Must have all previous assignments completed Our Digital World: Introduction to Computing 2nd Edition Textbook: Our Digital World: Introduction to Computing 2nd Edition Disk: Core Content Internet Resource Center: Instructions: Spotlight on the Future Podcast: Read article in book, listen to podcast online, answer questions #1-5 in book (Type question/answers in word) and take quiz on Core Content CD (CCD) Study Notes: Complete sections while reading. Study Notes file located in data files. Take the Next Step: Do activity on CCD and take the quiz located on the CCD Concept Check: Using the CCD complete all the activities. Some will be submitted for a grade and some are for FUN! Project: Complete the assignment as indicated in the project. Using Word or other MS Office application as needed. Complete sentences and proper grammar. Topic: Type a written response to the topic using Word and complete sentences and proper grammar. Ethics & Technology Blog: Type a written response to the topic using Word and complete sentences and proper grammar. Exam: Varies by chapter. Typically T/F & multiple-choice. Get the exam from the teacher. Questions are pulled from the Chapter reading and other activities. Saving Quiz Results: 1. click the button "Print Results" 2. Type your First & Last Name. 3. Click OK 4. Press the following keys at the same time "alt, ctrl, print screen" 5. Open a new Word document 6. Press the following keys at the same time "ctrl, v" 7. Save As (Title of the Quiz followed by the word quiz) example, "Ch1PodcastQuiz". 19-21 1/7-1/24 Fundamentals of Technology Chapter 1: Digital Technologies: Exploring a Wealth of Possibilities Complete Study Notes while reading sections. (data files) Assignments & Due Dates 1 3 22-23 1/27-2/7 Fundamentals of Technology Read Section 1.1 & 1.2 follow along with PowerPoint Slides 1-16, Spotlight on the Future Podcast: Future of the PC #1-5 (Core Content Disk) & Word Take the Next Step: Activity 1.2.1 What makes up a Computer System? (CCD) After taking the quiz, save the results to your data files. DO NOT PRINT Read Section 1.3 follow along with PP Slides 17-23 Ethics and Technology Blog: Computing All Around You Take the Next Step: Activity 1.3.1 What computer jobs has the Web produced? Read Section 1.4 follow along with PP Slides 24-38 Take the Next Step: Activity 1.4.1 What are the various types of RAM? Take the Next Step: Activity 1.4.2 What is the machine cycle? Concepts Check: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 (CCD) Save results to data files where applicable. Project 1.1.1 Computers Then & Now (Individual) Project 1.2.1 Making Computer-Related Recommendations (Individual) Topic 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 (Typed in Word) Exam 4-8 7 8 Chapter 2: The Internet: Gateway to a World of Resources Complete Study Notes while reading sections. (data files) Read Section 2.1 & 2.2 follow along with PP Slides 1-17 Ethics and Technology Blog: Regulating Web Behavior Take the Next Step Online: Activity 2.2.1 If anyone can post content to the web…(CCD) Ethics and Technology Blog: Good Business vs. a Invasion of Privacy Take the Next Step Online: Activity 2.2.3 How is Web 2.0 changing? (CCD) Spotlight on the Future Podcast: The Web Everywhere #1-5 (CCD) & Word Read Section 2.3 follow along with PP Slides 18-26 Take the Next Step Online: Activity 2.3.1 Why choose one Internet connection…(CCD) Read Section 2.4 & 2.5 follow along with PP Slides 27-47 Ethics and Technology Blog: Sharing Information from Search Directories Take the Next Step Online: Activity 2.4.1 How do servers interpret URLs? (CCD) Take the Next Step Online: Activity 2.5.2 What is copyright? (CCD) Take the Next Step Online: Activity 2.5.2 How & why is the deep Web hidden from us? (CCD) 27 Assignments & Due Dates 8-11 10 11 12-16 16 16 20 20-21 21-22 24-25 See Mrs. G. 30-38 35 35 37 37 38 38-42 42 42-52 45 48 52 52 4 24-25 26-27 2/10-2/21 2/24-3/7 Fundamentals of Technology Read Section 2.6 & 2.7 follow along with PP Slides 48-60 Take the Next Step Online: Activity 2.6.1 What are the differences among the…(CCD) Take the Next Step Online: Activity 2.7.1 How are email messages sent and received? (CCD) Take the Next Step Online: Activity 2.7.2 How does VoIP work? (CCD) Concept Check 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 (CCD) Project 2.1.1 Visiting a Tourist Attraction Near Your School (Individual) Project 2.3.1 U.S. Healthcare Reform (Individual) Project 2.3.2 U.S. Healthcare Reform (Individual) Topic 2.2 How is YouTube Changing Society? (Word) Exam 52-57 54 57 57 61 62 63 63 65 See Mrs. G. Chapter 3: Computer Hardware and Peripherals: Your Digital Toolbox Complete Study Notes while reading sections. (data files) Take the Next Step Online: Activity 3.2.1 How does a multicore processor system work? (CCD) Take the Next Step Online: Activity 3.2.3 What devices can be built into your computer to enable communications? (CCD) Ethics and Technology Blog: Free for the Taking Take the Next Step Online: Activity 3.3.1 How do touchscreens work? (CCD) Spotlight on the Future Podcast: Can You Future-Proof Your New Digital Device? #1-5 (CCD & Word) Take the Next Step Online: Activity 3.4.1 What affects your computer’s speed? (CCD) Take the Next Step Online: Activity 3.4.2 How do you install external devices and update drivers on your system? (CCD) Concepts Check 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 (CCD) Project 3.1.1 Understanding Your Computer System and Performance (Individual) Project 3.2.1 Purchasing a Computer (Individual) Project 3.4.1 How Much RAM is Enough? (Individual) Project 3.5.1 Wiki-Exploring New Computer Technologies (Individual) Topic 3.1 What Happens to Old Computers? (Word) Exam 67 Chapter 4: System Software: The Control Center of Your Computer Complete Study Notes while reading sections. (data files) Take the Next Step Online: Activity 4.1.1 How has Windows evolved into the feature-rich program of today? 97 Assignments & Due Dates 72 77 83 83 85 88 88 92 92 93 94 95 96 See Mrs. G. 103 5 (CCD) Ethics and Technology Blog: Ethical Choices in Device Manufacturing Take the Next Step Online: Activity 4.2.1 What types of tasks does network operating software handle? (CCD) Ethics and Technology Blog: Why Should I Conform? Take the Next Step Online: Activity 4.3.1 What features does the latest version of Windows offer? Spotlight on the Future Podcast: Cloud Operating Systems #1-5 (CCD & Word) Take the Next Step Online: Activity 4.4.1 What is 4G? (CCD) Concepts Check 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6 (CCD) Project 4.1.1 To Upgrade or Not to Upgrade (Individual) Project 4.2.1 Mobile Mania (Individual) Project 4.6.1 Wiki-Troubleshooting Tips (Individual) Choose 5 from the list Topic 4.1 Is Windows Activation and Validation Necessary? (Word) Exam 28-29 3/10-3/28 Fundamentals of Technology Chapter 5: Application Software: The Key to Digital Productivity Complete Study Notes while reading sections. (data files) Take the Next Step Online: Activity 5.2.1 How can software help you learn? (CCD) Ethics and Technology Blog: When Is It OK to Use Trial Software? Take the Next Step Online: Activity 5.3.1 How do I access my software using cloud computing? (CCD) Take the Next Step Online: Activity 5.3.2 How did the open source movement evolve? (CCD) Take the Next Step Online: Activity 5.3.3 How does software work? (CCD) Spotlight on the Future Podcast: Will App Stores Take Over Software Sales? #1-5 (CCD & Word) Take the Next Step Online: Activity 5.4.1 How do I import from Word into PowerPoint and then from PowerPoint into Word? (CCD) Take the Next Step Online: Activity 5.4.2 How do you identify the format that a file is saved in? (CCD) Concepts Check 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 (CCD) Project 5.1.1 Spreadsheet Analysis (Individual) Project 5.1.2 Spreadsheet Analysis (Individual) Project 5.2.1 Using Web-Based Tools (Individual) Project 5.6.1 Learning about Application Software (Individual) Topic 5.1 Software Plagiarism (Word) Topic 5.2 Photo Manipulation (Word) Assignments & Due Dates 107 110 113 120 122 122 125 125 126 128 129 See Mrs. G. 131 147 148 153 153 153 154 156 156 160 160 160 161 163 164 164 6 30-31 32-33 3/31-4-11 4/14-4/25 Fundamentals of Technology Topic 5.3 Spell Check Dependency (Word) Exam 164 See Mrs. G. Chapter 6: Communications and Network Technologies: Connecting Through Computers Complete Study Notes while reading sections. (data files) Take the Next Step Online: Activity 6.2.1 What happens when you send a message over a network? (CCD) Spotlight on the Future Podcast: The Changing World of Voice Communications #1-5 (CCD & Word) Take the Next Step Online: Activity 6.3.1 How does infrared technology work? (CCD) Ethics and Technology Blog: Could RFID Tags Be Misused? Take the Next Step Online: Activity 6.4.1 What are SMTP, POP, and IMAP? (CCD) Take the Next Step Online: Activity 6.4.2 How does Bluetooth Work? (CCD) Take the Next Step Online: Activity 6.5.1 What’s the role of a hub and switch in a star network? (CCD) Take the Next Step Online: Activity 6.6.1 How do I set up a wireless home network? (CCD) Ethics and Technology Blog: Is Stealing Time Online OK Take the Next Step Online: Activity 6.7.1 What is the difference between a hardware and software firewall? (CCD) Take the Next Step Online: Activity 6.8.1 How can cloud computing save business money? (CCD) Concepts Check 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6 (CCD) Project 6.2.1 Public Connectivity (Individual) **EXTRA CREDIT Project 6.4.1 RFID-Cure or Curse? (Individual) Project 6.5.1 Wiki-Networking Devices and Terms (Individual) Choose 5 Project 6.6.1 Wiki-Acceptable Use of Computers and Networks at Work (Individual) Choose 5 Topic 6.1 GPS-Enabled Phones-Can You See Me Now? (Word) Topic 6.3 What Happens When the Network Is Down? (Word) Exam 165 Chapter 7: The Social Web: Opportunities for Learning, Working, and Communicating Complete Study Notes while reading sections. (data files) Ethics and Technology Blog: Design by Crowdsourcing Take the Next Step Online: Activity 7.2.1 How can TweetDeck help you organize your communications? (CCD) Ethics and Technology Blog: My Country Right or Wrong Take the Next Step Online: Activity 7.3.1 When do blogs go beyond words? (CCD) 205 Assignments & Due Dates 172 175 176 179 179 179 185 188 190 190 192 198 199 200 200 201 202 203 See Mrs. G. 210 213 216 216 7 34-35 4/28-5/8 Fundamentals of Technology Spotlight on the Future Podcast: What Is The Future of Facebook? #1-5 (CCD & Word) Take the Next Step Online: Activity 7.4.1 How are businesses using social networking? (CCD) Take the Next Step Online: Activity 7.5.1 How are people using social bookmarks? (CCD) Take the Next Step Online: Activity 7.6.1 What is the difference between wikis, blogs, and microblogs? (CCD) Ethics and Technology Blog: Posting Photos of Others to Media Sharing Site Take the Next Step Online: Activity 7.7.1 How do you share video online? (CCD) Concepts Check 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 (CCD) Project 7.1.1 Using Social Technologies in Business (Individual) Project 7.1.2 Using Social Technologies in Business (Individual) (PowerPoint not web-based presentation) Project 7.3.1 How Are Social Networking Sites Being Used Today? (Individual) (High School Page) Project 7.4.1 Sharing Through Media (Individual) Topic 7.1 What Privacy Issues Does the Social Web Create? (Word) Topic 7.3 Business Use of the Social Web (Word) Exam 219 221 222 224 226 226 229 229 229 230 231 232 232 See Mrs. G. Chapter 8: Digital Defense: Securing Your Data and Privacy Complete Study Notes while reading sections. (data files) Spotlight on the Future Podcast: The Changing Face of Online Crime #1-5 (CCD & Word) Ethics & Technology Blog: Taking Advantage of an Unsecured Network Take the Next Step Online: Activity 8.2.1 How are botnets used on the Internet? (CCD) Take the Next Step Online: Activity 8.3.1 What risks are involved in using Bluetooth? Ethics and Technology Blog: Protecting Company Assets Take the Next Step Online: Activity 8.4.1 How does encryption work? (CCD) Take the Next Step Online: Activity 8.5.1 How do you use digital certificates and digital signatures to protect data in transit? Concepts Check 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5 (CCD) Project 8.1.1 Wireless Networks at Home (Individual) Project 8.2.1 Mobile Device Security (Individual) Project 8.5.1 Wiki-Computer Security (Individual) Choose 5 Topic 8.2 Do You Want Advertisers to Get Into Your Head? (Word) Exam 233 Assignments & Due Dates 238 241 248 251 256 256 259 263 264 264 266 267 See Mrs. G. 8 36 5/12-5/15 Brainbench Certification Post-Test: Computer Fundamentals (Win), Computer Literacy, Listening Skills Make-Up 37 5/19-5/22 Finals Week-Must have all previous assignments completed Fundamentals of Technology Assignments & Due Dates 9