Undergraduate Calendar Change: Revision of the Description of the

University of Toronto Scarborough Academic Affairs Committee
Dean and Vice-Principal (Academic), Rick Halpern
CONTACT INFO: vpdean@utsc.utoronto.ca
Vice-Dean, Undergraduate, Mark Schmuckler
CONTACT INFO: vicedean@utsc.utoronto.ca
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Undergraduate Calendar Change: Revision of the Description of the Credit/No Credit
The University of Toronto Scarborough Academic Affairs Committee (AAC) “is
concerned with matters affecting the teaching, learning and research functions of the
Campus” (AAC Terms of Reference, Section 4). The AAC has responsibility for academic
regulations, including “approval of minor amendments of academic regulations that are
consistent with University-wide policy” (AAC Terms of Reference, Section 5.1 and 5.6).
1. UTSC Academic Affairs Committee [For Information] (Tuesday, November
12, 2013)
The former UTSC Academic Committee originally approved the Credit/No Credit option
on December 1, 2009, and it became effective with the publication of the 2010-11
Academic Calendar.
On March 19, 2013 UTSC Academic Committee approved revisions to the Credit/No
Credit option to bring it into alignment with the Credit/ No Credit options at the Faculty
of Arts and Science and the University of Toronto Mississauga. These revisions, which
were effective with the publication of the 2013-14 Academic Calendar, increased the
number of credits students can take as Credit/No Credit from 1.0 to 2.0 and reduced the
final grade for a course to be deemed a credit (CR) course from 60% to 50%.
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Undergraduate Calendar Change: Revision of the Description of the Credit/No Credit Option
The current description of the Credit/No Credit option in the UTSC Academic Calendar
is being updated so as to explicitly exclude supervised reading and directed research
courses. This change will be effective as of April 1, 2014, coincident with the publication
of the 2014-15 Academic Calendar.
Courses needed to satisfy program requirements have always been explicitly excluded
from the Credit/No Credit option, however, supervised and directed research courses
have not been explicitly excluded in UTSC Academic Calendar copy. Revisions to the
description of the Credit/No Credit option, effective April 1, 2014, coincident with the
publication of the 2014-15 Academic Calendar, will explicitly exclude supervised and
directed research courses. This change is a formal acknowledgement of current practice
at UTSC, and is in line with policy and practice around Credit/No-Credit at the Faculty of
Arts and Science and UTM.
Consultation regarding clarifying the Credit/No Credit option so as to explicitly exclude
supervised and directed research courses, to be effective with the publication of the 201415 Academic Calendar, was undertaken in Summer 2013 with the UTSC Office of the
Dean, Office of the Registrar, Academic Advising and Career Centre, and the
Scarborough Campus Students’ Union. There were no concerns.
There are no significant financial implications for the campus operating budget.
This item is presented for information only.
Academic Calendar description of the Credit/No Credit option showing changes.
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Undergraduate Calendar Change: Revision of the Description of the Credit/No Credit Option
Credit/No-Credit option as it will appear in the 2014-15 Academic
Calendar – showing changes:
Credit/No Credit
Effective with the 2013 Summer Session, UTSC degree students may select up
to 2.0 full credit of their degree credits to be assessed on a Credit/ No Credit
basis. Courses intended for individual study, such as supervised reading and/or
directed research courses, are not eligible for Credit/No Credit assessment.
Students must choose this mode of assessment no later than the last day to drop
courses without academic penalty. Requests for this type of assessment are
submitted to the Registrar's Office via eService. Once the deadline has passed,
students may not under any circumstances reverse this decision.
To achieve a status of CR (Credit), a student must earn a final grade of at least
50%. Grades below that will be assessed as NCR (No Credit). Courses with a
final status of CR will count as degree credits but will have no effect on the
student's GPA. They may count as breadth requirements and degree credits, but
cannot be used to satisfy program requirements.
Courses with a final status of NCR will not count as degree credits but will not
count as failures, and will also not be included in the GPA calculation.
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