Expansionism Questions

1. What treaty does this map reflect?
2. What year was the Louisiana
Purchase made?
3. The map below refers to a 1819
treaty with ________.
4. In ______ the US invaded
Canada with the purpose of
conquering it. The invasion failed.
5. The ______________ Act of
1830 was a law passed by
Congress in order to facilitate the
relocation of Native American tribes
living east of the Mississippi River
in the United States to lands further
Trail of Tears
6. What route is marked in orange
7. In the 1820s, the population in Texas
was very sparse and the Mexican
government had difficulty in attracting
Mexicans to the area. Thus, in order to
populate and develop the area Mexico
sought settlers from the neighboring
United States. When Mexico reached an
agreement with Stephen F.
____________, it allowed several
hundred families from the United States
to move into the region.
8. On February 28, 1845, the U.S.
Congress passed a bill that would
authorize the United States to
annex the Republic of Texas and on
March 1 U.S. President
_____________ signed the bill.
9. “The Treaty with Great Britain,
in Regard to Limits Westward of
the Rocky Mountains”, commonly
known as the __________ Treaty
of 1846 set the U.S. and British
North American border at the 49th
parallel with the exception of
Vancouver Island, which was
retained by the British.
10. The Treaty of ________________ was
the peace treaty that ended the MexicanAmerican War (1846–1848). The treaty
provided for the Mexican Cession, in which
Mexico ceded 525,000 square miles to the
United States in exchange for USD$15
million. The United States also agreed to
take over $3.25 million in debts Mexico
owed to American citizens.