Intro to Judiciary - Glenelg High School

Thursday March 13, 2014
OBJ: SWBAT Demonstrate their
knowledge of the FB through
formal assessment.
Drill: take five minutes, study,
last chance to ask questions
HW: Federalist Papers #78 and
Thursday March 13, 2014
• List the objects &
people depicted in
the cartoon
• What is
happening in the
• What is the
artist’s message?
In football the referees makes
sure that both teams play by
the rules.
In our government the judicial
branch checks the other two
branches by making sure they
follow the Constitution.
Objectives: SWBAT
Describe the structure &
function of federal courts.
Define the difference between
original & appellate
The Judicial Branch
Read about the judicial
branch and complete the
How do you become a
federal judge?
What are the qualifications?
Supreme Court
How does someone get appointed
to the Supreme Court?
Appointed by the President
& approved by the Senate
Once approved has job for
ways to leave the job is
by resigning, retiring, dying or
being impeached
So can the president make
anyone a Supreme Court
Harriet Myers
 Nominated by
George W. Bush
 Previous exp:
Nomination withdrawn b/c
of Senate disapproval
Bush’s personal
Never a judge
No exp with
constitutional law
Original vs. Appellate
Listen to the following
questions about judges.
Put your thumb up if you
think the answer is YES
 Put your thumb down if you
think the answer is NO
Former Ravens
running back
Jamal Lewis
strains to get the
ball across the
plane for a
Why does
throw the
red flag?
What is the
referee doing?
And the decision is…
What does this have
to do with original
and appellate
Types of Jurisdiction
Original Jurisdiction: The
first court that has authority
to hear a case.
Appellate Jurisdiction: A
court that hears appeals
from a lower court or
government agency.
 What if fans
could fire
referees who
made unpopular
 How would this
affect the
James Bond in a
Read the background on
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc.
v. American Honda Motor
Co. (1995)
How would you decide
the case?
Examine the 15 pieces of
evidence to determine
whether Honda copied
James Bond.
How did you decide?
1. How many of you decided that
Honda’s ad agency copied James
Was any one piece of evidence the
most convincing, or was it all the
evidence taken together?
Is there any one piece of evidence that,
if it was missing, would have changed
your mind?
2. Should Honda be allowed to do this?
Warm/Wrap Up
So… What happened in MGM
v. Honda?
 court here believes that the James
bond is copyrightable under both
story being told test
 character delineation .. Has
distinguishable characteristics and
company can claim long history
Listen to the following
questions about judges.
Put your thumb up if you
think the answer is YES
 Put your thumb down if you
think the answer is NO
An Independent Judiciary
What does this mean and how is
it achieved?
Chief Justice Rehnquist, 2003
…Without an independent Judiciary,
the Constitution may not have
survived to, as Chief Justice Taft said,
"secur[e] the blessings of individual
liberty to all the people of the United
States under a government of law and
order." And much of the credit is due
to the foresight of the drafters of these
What is Judicial
Independence and Why is it
 Separation of powers
Prevents the other two branches
from pressuring them on how to
decide a case
 Not an elected position
Since federal judges & justices are
appointed, they do not have to worry
about whether the public likes their