Purpose of these exercises: To understand conditional statements. A wholesale company discounts the price of its products depending on the number of units bought and the unit price per for each item. The rules for calculating discounts are shown in the table below. Unit Price Quantity 0 - $10.00 $10.01 - $20.00 $20.01 & over 1- 49 0% 1% 2% 50 - 99 1% 2% 3% 100 & over 2% 5% 10% To solve this problem do the following: 1. Complete the class Discount shown below. The class accepts the number of units and the corresponding price for items sold. It validates the quantities and calculates the discount amount where possible. class Discount { int quantity; double price; Discount(int quantity, double price) { this.quantity = quantity; this.price = price; } boolean quantityOutOfRange() { return quantity < 0; } boolean priceOutOfRange() { return price < 0; } void calculate() { if (quantity > NINETY_NINE) { if (price > TWENTY) discount = TEN_PERCENT; else if ( price > TEN) discount = FIVE_PERCENT; else discount = TWO_PERCENT; } else if (quantity > FORTY_NINE) { // calculate discount } else { // calculate discount } discount_amount = discount * quantity * price; } } 2. Write a test class called TestDiscount that uses the data given below to test class Discount. (a) Enter the data one set at a time, since looping was not part of the lesson. (b) You need to define the constants. Use the following test data. Quantity Unit Price 10 $15.00 -10 $5.00 50 - $10.00 200 $25.00 The output must be of the form: The quantity is: xx The unit price is: $xx.xx The discount is: $xx.xx Or The quantity is: -xx Quantity is negative. Cannot compute discount Or The quantity is: 50 The unit price is: ($10.00) The money is negative, cannot compute discount amount