Chapter 8_LessonPlans


Chapter 8: Executive Housekeeping Operations



Lesson Plan

Chapter 8.0 Overview and Professional Profile

Block:  1  2  3  4

Semester:  S1  S2

Date: ___________________

Students will engage in:

 Whole Group

 Small Group

 Cooperative Group

 Individual

Introduction: Mr. Shah’s career success was influenced heavily for his father, the industry, and his personal need

to succeed. This lesson asks students to identify which influences they could also use to build a career.

Core and/or Cluster Standard: SL.11-12.S2

Learning Objectives

Lesson Plan 8.0.1

Use Mr. Shah’s professional profile information to introduce students to the type of influences to use as part of a career building plan.

Ask students:

Which of these influences could help you to

develop your career?

Related URLs

Key Points

The influences on Mr. Shah included:

His father’s example

Becoming involved in the industry while still in school

His own self-initiative

His desire to succeed

His professional involvement in the industry

List student suggestions and ideas.

Discuss ways each item listed could be implemented in the career planning process.


Textbook pp.

Teacher Resource USB Drive

PowerPoint 8.0.1

PowerPoint 8.0.2

White board or flip chart

Homework Assign:

Classroom Management

American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute Hospitality & Tourism Management Program for High Schools


Chapter 8: Executive Housekeeping Operations



American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute Hospitality & Tourism Management Program for High Schools

Chapter 8: Executive Housekeeping Operations



Lesson Plan

Section 8.1 Introduction

Block:  1

Semester: 

 2

S1 

 3


Date: ___________________

4 Students will engage in:

 Whole Group

 Small Group

 Cooperative Group

 Individual

Introduction: Typically, the housekeeping department has the largest number of employees and is the most costly to operate. This is due to the various functions and responsibilities of the housekeeping department. This lesson will introduce students to housekeeping’s functions and responsibilities.

Core and/or Cluster Standard: SL.11-12.S4

Learning Objectives

Lesson Plan 8.1.1

Introduce students to housekeeping responsibilities that meet guest expectations of guestroom cleaning and preparation.

Ask students:

What items would a guest expect to find when checking into a hotel guestroom?

Key Points

Guests expect housekeeping to:

Maintain clean and sanitary rooms

Protect guest safety and security while cleaning rooms

Properly stock rooms with enough linens and amenities

Create an appealing guest space

Ensure rooms receive maintenance as needed

List the guest expectations and discuss why it would be a priority to guests.


Textbook pp. 122

Teacher Resource USB Drive

PowerPoint 8.1.3

White board or flip chart

Assign Apply Your Learning 8.1 from

Student Textbook and Section 8.1 activities in the Student Workbook.

Discuss students’ answers in class.

Use Apply Your Learning 8.1 and review Section 8.1 activities.

American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute Hospitality & Tourism Management Program for High Schools

Chapter 8: Executive Housekeeping Operations



Administer Section 8.1 Quiz and discuss student answers in class.

Use Section 8.1 Quiz as a review of

Section 8.1.

Teacher Resource USB Drive

Assessment Quiz,

Section 8.1

Related URLs

Homework Assign:

Classroom Management


American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute Hospitality & Tourism Management Program for High Schools

Chapter 8: Executive Housekeeping Operations



Lesson Plan

Section 8.2 The Executive Housekeeper

Block:  1

Semester: 

 2

S1 

 3


Date: ___________________

4 Students will engage in:

 Whole Group

 Small Group

 Cooperative Group

 Individual

Introduction: This lesson introduces students to the functions and responsibilities of the executive housekeeper along with how to apply productivity and performance standards to housekeeping positions.

Core and/or Cluster Standard: SL.11-12.S2

Learning Objectives

Lesson Plan 8.2.1

Introduce students to the responsibilities of the executive housekeeper position.

Expand on to the administrative duties (big picture) of the executive housekeeper.

Lesson Plan 8.2.2

Introduce the concepts of workplace performance and productivity standards.

Expand on the role of each in measuring and evaluating how well an employee handles job responsibilities.

Key Points

Use the bullet point content in the textbook to lead this discussion.

The executive housekeeper’s administrative duties include overseeing:

All housekeeping staff and functions

The laundry facility and staff

The comfort, safety, and security of guests(guest service)

All inventory items

All legal departmental requirements

Hire, train, and evaluate employees

Use the bullet point content in the textbook to lead this discussion.

Performance standards focus on how well employees:

Meet property cleaning standards

Execute cleaning tasks

Use cleaning products

Handle equipment

Follow the property’s cleaning policies and procedures


Textbook pp. 124

Teacher Resource USB Drive

PowerPoint 8.2.4

Textbook pp. 125

Teacher Resource USB Drive

PowerPoint 8.2.5

American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute Hospitality & Tourism Management Program for High Schools

Chapter 8: Executive Housekeeping Operations



Assign Apply Your Learning 8.2 from

Student Textbook and Section 8.2 activities in the Student Workbook.

Discuss students’ answers in class.

Productivity standards focus on how well employees:

Manage their time during the work day

Follow their cleaning schedule and room assignments

Follow property/dept. guidelines and protocols

Use Apply Your Learning 8.2 and review Section 8.2 activities.

Administer Section 8.2 Quiz and discuss student answers in class.

Use Section 8.2 Quiz as a review of

Section 8.2.

Teacher Resource USB Drive

Assessment Quiz,

Section 8.2

Related URLs

Homework Assign:

Classroom Management

American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute Hospitality & Tourism Management Program for High Schools


Chapter 8: Executive Housekeeping Operations



American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute Hospitality & Tourism Management Program for High Schools

Chapter 8: Executive Housekeeping Operations



Lesson Plan

Section 8.3 Guestroom Cleaning Basics

Block:  1

Semester: 

 2

S1 

 3


Date: ___________________

4 Students will engage in:

 Whole Group

 Small Group

 Cooperative Group

 Individual

Introduction: Guestrooms must meet the guest expectation of staying in a clean, safe, and pleasant hotel property. The responsibility for meeting this expectation falls to the housekeeping department. This lesson will introduce students to the guestroom cleaning sequence, room inspection and reporting of guestroom

maintenance issues.

Core and/or Cluster Standard: RST.11-12.S5

Learning Objectives

Lesson Plan 8.3.1

Identify the housekeeping basics to guestroom cleaning and the systematic approach in use.

Ask students:

Why is guestroom cleaning so important?

Expand the goal behind a systemic approach to guestroom cleaning.

Key Points

It is important because it is:

The key product sold by an hotel

The main source of all guest satisfaction

The main cause of guest complaints

The foundation of guest loyalty along with exceptional guest service

The goal of using a system to guestroom cleaning is the consistent use of:

Cleaning methods

Cleaning supplies and chemical

Employee safety


Cleaning standards

Property policies and procedures


Textbook pp. 126

Teacher Resource USB Drive

PowerPoint 8.3.6

American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute Hospitality & Tourism Management Program for High Schools

Chapter 8: Executive Housekeeping Operations



Lesson Plan 8.3.2

Explain the 3-step sequence used for guestroom cleaning and the need to clean each and every room following the same process.

Expand on what the property’s established cleaning process will accomplish.

Lesson Plan 8.3.3

Identify the goals of the room inspection process.

Expand on the potential impact of room inspections have on the guest experience and employee performance

Lesson Plan 8.3.4

Define the reporting process of maintenance issues by housekeeping to the maintenance department.

Expand on the need for a continuous twoway dialog between the two departments to protect against selling a room in need to repairs that would negatively impact on the guest experience.

Use the bullet point content in the textbook for the 3-step sequence of guestroom cleaning.

The proper guestroom cleaning sequence will:

Manage employee use of linen, amenities, and cleaning supplies

Guarantee each room is cleaned correctly

Provide consistently cleaned rooms throughout the property

Help to spot maintenance and repair issues

The room inspection:

Ensures the room is ready for guest occupancy

Promotes and maintains property standards

Finds repair and maintenance issues

Help determine when deep cleaning needs to occur

Helps spot linen replacement needs

Holds housekeeping staff accountable for meeting property guest experience standards

It is a best practice because:

Housekeeping visit guestrooms every day and are more likely to spot maintenance issues

Housekeeping has more direct contact with guests and are the employee most likely to receive a

 guest reported issue

Maintenance has to process all reported issue received from

Textbook pp. 127

Teacher Resource USB Drive

PowerPoint 8.3.7

Textbook pp. 128

Teacher Resource USB Drive

PowerPoint 8.3.8

Textbook pp. 129

Teacher Resource USB Drive

PowerPoint 8.3.9

American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute Hospitality & Tourism Management Program for High Schools

Chapter 8: Executive Housekeeping Operations



Assign Apply Your Learning 8.3 from

Student Textbook and Section 8.3 activities in the Student Workbook.

Discuss students’ answers in class. housekeeping

Maintenance has to coordinate with housekeeping to schedule repairs and remove rooms from inventory

Use Apply Your Learning 8.3 and review Section 8.3 activities.

Administer Section 8.3 Quiz and discuss student answers in class.

Use Section 8.3 Quiz as a review of

Section 8.3.

Teacher Resource USB Drive

Assessment Quiz,

Section 8.3

Related URLs

Homework Assign:

Classroom Management

American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute Hospitality & Tourism Management Program for High Schools


Chapter 8: Executive Housekeeping Operations



American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute Hospitality & Tourism Management Program for High Schools

Chapter 8: Executive Housekeeping Operations



Additional Learning Activity

Room Inspection Activity

Room inspections are a critical part of the overall process of guestroom cleaning. Room inspections are meant to catch any problems that may have been overlooked during cleaning. Let’s say that you are the housekeeping manager, create a checklist to use when conducting room inspections. Use page 128 as an example. Create additional items to those listed in the textbook.

American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute Hospitality & Tourism Management Program for High Schools

Chapter 8: Executive Housekeeping Operations



Lesson Plan

Section 8.4 Housekeeping Positions

Block:  1

Semester: 

 2

S1 

 3


Date: ___________________

4 Students will engage in:

 Whole Group

 Small Group

 Cooperative Group

 Individual

Introduction: The types of housekeeping positions found at each hotel will depend on the size of the hotel, the types of services offered, and the type of guest experience being promoted. Based on these key characteristics, the executive housekeeper could be responsible several positions. This lesson introduces students to the various housekeeper positions.

Core and/or Cluster Standard: RI.11-12.S7

Learning Objectives

Lesson Plan 8.4.1

Review the job positions available within the housekeeping department.

Following the review, narrow the field to positions not requiring school completion and specific amounts of work experience, focus on entry-level positions students could seek as a career starting point.

Lesson Plan 8.4.2

Identify the advantage of flexible scheduling in the 24/7 hotel operations for people seeking a career in the industry.

Key Points

Use the bullet point content in the textbook for the job positions review session.

Entry-level positions in housekeeping are:

Guestroom attendant

Turndown attendant

Floor attendant

Laundry attendant

Linen room attendant

Public space cleaner

Examples of possible schedules for each position is:

Guestroom attendant: Day shift

Turndown attendant: Evening shift

Floor attendant: Day or night shift

Laundry attendant: Day or night shift

Linen room attendant: Day shift

Public space cleaner: Day and evening shift


Textbook pp. 130

Teacher Resource USB Drive

PowerPoint 8.4.10

Textbook pp. 131

Teacher Resource USB Drive

PowerPoint 8.4.11

American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute Hospitality & Tourism Management Program for High Schools

Chapter 8: Executive Housekeeping Operations



Assign Apply Your Learning 8.4 from

Student Textbook and Section 8.4 activities in the Student Workbook.

Discuss students’ answers in class.

Administer Section 8.4 Quiz and discuss student answers in class.

Use Apply Your Learning 8.4 and review Section 8.4 activities.

Use Section 8.4 Quiz as a review of

Section 8.4.

Related URLs

Teacher Resource USB Drive

Assessment Quiz,

Section 8.4

Homework Assign:

Classroom Management


American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute Hospitality & Tourism Management Program for High Schools

Chapter 8: Executive Housekeeping Operations



Additional Learning Activity

Housekeeping Position Activity

Prepare 10 index cards. Each index card will contain a description of a housekeeping position listed on page 130.

Select one volunteer to play the role of the executive housekeeper. This volunteer will conduct interviews to fill the

10 positions of the housekeeping department. Select 10 students to play the role the potential employees. The potential employees will each draw a card.

Have all students review the information on conducting interviews in chapter 2.

The executive housekeeper volunteer will briefly interview the 10 potential employees. During the interview, the housekeep will ask the following questions:

Ask for personal information (name, date of birth, etc.)

Work experience

Desired job duties of his/her ideal position (information from the index card)

The volunteer playing the role of the executive housekeeper will guess which position the potential employee is interested in based on the information and description given.

American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute Hospitality & Tourism Management Program for High Schools

Chapter 8: Executive Housekeeping Operations



Lesson Plan

Section 8.5 Inventory

Block:  1

Semester: 

 2

S1 

 3


Date: ___________________

4 Students will engage in:

 Whole Group

 Small Group

 Cooperative Group

 Individual

Introduction: The executive housekeeper is responsible for maintaining the inventory of various items to guarantee an efficient housekeeping operation. Inventories must be kept at the correct level or amount needed to ensure an efficiently run housekeeping operation. This lesson introduces students to inventory and the processes involved in tracking, ordering, and issuing stock items.

Core and/or Cluster Standard: HS.N-Q.S1

Learning Objectives

Lesson Plan 8.5.1

Introduce the role of maintaining inventory to par levels to guarantee the smooth operation of the housekeeping operation.

Identify the responsibility of the executive housekeeper in overseeing the inventory process.

Lesson Plan 8.5.2

Compare how the number of inventory items actual consumed/used must be tracked to guarantee a par stock of every inventory item is always available for use by staff.

Expand on how the comparison guarantees stock is maintained at the predetermined par stock level.

Key Points

The term Par is:

The necessary number of each item that must in stock at all times

Used as a housekeeping process

 to manage inventory levels

Used to managed the purchasing process for non-recycled inventories such as shampoo

Use the Comparison of Par Stock and

Actual Usage for Guest Amenities in the textbook during the discussion on comparing actual usage to par stock levels.

The comparison guarantees:

One item does not become over- or under-stocked

Spending on new stock is necessary

The theft of stock will be easy to

 spot

Operating expenses do not impact


Textbook pp. 132

Teacher Resource USB Drive

PowerPoint 8.5.12

Textbook pp. 133

Teacher Resource USB Drive

PowerPoint 8.5.13

American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute Hospitality & Tourism Management Program for High Schools

Chapter 8: Executive Housekeeping Operations


School: the bottom line

Lesson Plan 8.5.3

Identify the two methods of monitoring inventory levels.

Expand by focusing on the automated inventory control system more commonly used in today’s housekeeping departments under the direction of the executive housekeeper.

Assign Apply Your Learning 8.5 from

Student Textbook and Section 8.5 activities in the Student Workbook.

Discuss students’ answers in class.

Use the bullet point content and the

Sample Linen Count Sheet in the textbook to provide student understanding of the topic.

An automated inventory system would allow tracking of:

All items received (new inventory)

All items stock in storage area

All items issued to housekeeping staff

The total number of each item on hand at all times

The system would also make it easier to:

Reorder stock

Control operating expenses

Use Apply Your Learning 8.5 and review Section 8.5 activities.

Textbook pp. 134

Teacher Resource USB Drive

PowerPoint 8.5.14

Administer Section 8.5 Quiz and discuss student answers in class.

Use Section 8.5 Quiz as a review of

Section 8.5.

Teacher Resource USB Drive

Assessment Quiz,

Section 8.5

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Related URLs

Homework Assign:

Chapter 8: Executive Housekeeping Operations



Classroom Management


American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute Hospitality & Tourism Management Program for High Schools

Chapter 8: Executive Housekeeping Operations



Lesson Plan

Section 8.6 Managing Inventories

Block:  1

Semester: 

 2

S1 

 3


Date: ___________________

4 Students will engage in:

 Whole Group

 Small Group

 Cooperative Group

 Individual

Introduction: This lesson introduces students to the formulas used in managing inventory stock items.

Core and/or Cluster Standard: HS.A-REI.1

Learning Objectives

Lesson Plan 8.6.1

Identify the role and purpose of purchasing as part of the managing inventory stock item for housekeeping operations.

Expand on the formula for safety stock and practice calculating stock items using the formula.

Divide students into small groups. Tell each group that they are the executive housekeeper for a midmarket hotel that has 800 rooms. Give students scenarios where they will calculate the lead time, safety stock and reorder points for several items.

Key Points

Use the content in the textbook to identify the role of lead time quantities and purpose of safety stock levels.

Safety stock guarantees the right amount of stock is:

Available during the time it takes for new stock to arrive

This is particularly important when the needed stock is being supplied by an international vendor.

Which increases the wait time for new stock.


Textbook pp. 135

Teacher Resource USB Drive

PowerPoint 8.6.15

Textbook pp. 135

American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute Hospitality & Tourism Management Program for High Schools

Chapter 8: Executive Housekeeping Operations

Lesson Plan 8.6.2



Identify the purpose of calculating reorder point (ROP) for each inventory stock item.

Practice calculating the reorder point

(ROP) for toilet paper using the scenario on the PowerPoint (PPT) slide 8.6.16.

Lesson Plan 8.6.3

Describe the process of issuing and tracking all inventory items and purpose of maintaining up-to-date records on entire inventory.

Use the reorder point content in the textbook to identify purpose and how the calculation is achieved.

PPT Slide Scenario

Your property has 125 guestrooms and all have been booked for entire summer months. You want to determine when to reorder toilet paper. You know each guestroom uses 1 roll of TP per day and 7 days lead time is needed for TP reorders.

You have 1800 rolls currently in stock.


What is the daily consumption of TP?


What is the normal consumption during lead time?


How many rolls of safety stock are needed?


What is the reorder point

(ROP) for TP?


How soon do you need to place a reorder?

Use the issuing and tracking content in the textbook to identify purpose of each.

Use Sample Control Form for Issuing

Guest Supplies to demonstrate how the process works in a typical housekeeping department.

Tracking of entire inventory allows for:

Par stock to be available

Shortages to be discovered

Thefts to be spotted

Better guest service since guestrooms are properly stocked

Textbook pp. 136

Teacher Resource USB Drive

PowerPoint 8.6.16

PowerPoint 8.6.17

Textbook pp. 137

Teacher Resource USB Drive

PowerPoint 8.6.18

American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute Hospitality & Tourism Management Program for High Schools

Chapter 8: Executive Housekeeping Operations



Assign Apply Your Learning 8.6 from

Student Textbook and Section 8.6 activities in the Student Workbook.

Discuss students’ answers in class.

Use Apply Your Learning 8.6 and review Section 8.6 activities.

Administer Section 8.6 Quiz and discuss student answers in class.

Use Section 8.6 Quiz as a review of

Section 8.6.

Teacher Resource USB Drive

Assessment Quiz,

Section 8.6.

Related URLs

Homework Assign:

Classroom Management


American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute Hospitality & Tourism Management Program for High Schools

Chapter 8: Executive Housekeeping Operations



Lesson Plan

Section 8.7 Linen Inventory

Block:  1

Semester: 

 2

S1 

 3


Date: ___________________

4 Students will engage in:

 Whole Group

 Small Group

 Cooperative Group

 Individual

Introduction: One par of any linen type is not enough for an efficient operation. Linen supplies need to be able to outfit all guestrooms over a period of days. This lesson introduces students to the need to monitor and track

linen inventory due to control operating expenses.

Core and/or Cluster Standard: HS.F-IF.S2

Learning Objectives

Lesson Plan 8.7.1

Identify the need for linen stock levels to be maintained at level capable of sustaining housekeeping operations over a specific period of time. Expand on the role the laundry cycle plays in controlling linen inventory.

Demonstrate how to calculate using the linen par formula using the scenario on the

PowerPoint (PPT) slide 8.7.19.

Key Points

Use the content and laundry cycle graphic in textbook.

Linen par formula is based on how the laundry cycle functions. For every one individual item needed to stock a room there must be:

1 par in the room

1 par in the wash

1 par in the linen closet

The formula is: 3 pars X every linen item requirement

Example: 1 queen bed requires 2 pillow cases

3 pars X 2 pillow cases per bed = 6 inventory items being tracked through the laundry cycle


Textbook pp. 138

Teacher Resource USB Drive

PowerPoint 8.7.19

American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute Hospitality & Tourism Management Program for High Schools

Chapter 8: Executive Housekeeping Operations



Lesson Plan 8.7.2

Part I

Identify the purpose of storing linen near to guestrooms to reduce labor costs and to expedite the cleaning process.

Expand on the purpose of continuously tracking linens.

Explain how linen storage and issuing typically occurs by guestroom floor for use by housekeeping staff. Linen returning from the laundry must be stock in each storage area to meet a predetermined floor par.

Part II

Instruct students on how to calculate a floor par using the scenario on the

PowerPoint (PPT) slide 8.7.20.

Assign Apply Your Learning 8.7 from

Student Textbook and Section 8.7 activities in the Student Workbook.

Discuss students’ answers in class.

Linens stored in closets near to guestrooms will:

Save labor hours

Increase productivity

Improve guest service

Continuous tracking of linen stock will:

Show when new linens need to be reordered

Control costs

Prevent theft

PPT Scenario

If a hotel has three floors with 20 rooms per floor. Each room has 2 queen size beds with one flat and one fitted sheet on it.

How many bed sheets would each floor need stock to reach floor par level each day?

Use Apply Your Learning 8.7 and review Section 8.7 activities.

Textbook pp. 139

Textbook pp. 139

Teacher Resource USB Drive

PowerPoint 8.7.20

PowerPoint 8.7.21

Administer Section 8.7 Quiz and discuss student answers in class.

Related URLs

Use Section 8.7 Quiz as a review of

Section 8.7.

Teacher Resource USB Drive

Assessment Quiz,

Section 8.7

American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute Hospitality & Tourism Management Program for High Schools

Homework Assign:

Chapter 8: Executive Housekeeping Operations



Classroom Management


American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute Hospitality & Tourism Management Program for High Schools

Chapter 8: Executive Housekeeping Operations



Lesson Plan

Section 8.8

Block:  1

Semester: 

 2

S1 

 3


Date: ___________________

4 Students will engage in:

 Whole Group

 Small Group

 Cooperative Group

 Individual

Introduction: The hospitality and tourism industry was one of the first to see the positive effects of going green and developing sustainable green practices. The housekeeping department is crucial in green initiatives. This

lesson introduces students to green practices in use by a hotel’s housekeeping departments.

Core and/or Cluster Standard: W.11-12.S2d

Learning Objectives

Lesson Plan 8.8.1

Introduce students to the purpose of using sustainable green practices by the housekeeping department.

Lesson Plan 8.8.2

Introduce the role of a green team formed by departmental employees who are tasked with researching, implementing, and overseeing the ongoing use of green practices the housekeeping.


Using the list of green practices in the textbook, task students with developing a plan for going green in you classroom.

Use the information on the PowerPoint

(PPT) slide 8.8.23 to complete this activity.

Key Points

Because the hotel industry wants to:

Use sustainable practices that protect the environment

Reduce pollution and the drain on non-renewable resources such as water

Act as good stewards of the natural world

Set an example for other industries

Use the Housekeeping Green Team content in textbook.

Divide students into work groups of 2-

3 people and instruct each group to use the Green Team worksheet to complete this activity.


Textbook pp. 140

Teacher Resource USB Drive

PowerPoint 8.8.22

Textbook pp. 141

Teacher Resource USB Drive

PowerPoint 8.8.23

American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute Hospitality & Tourism Management Program for High Schools

Chapter 8: Executive Housekeeping Operations



Assign Apply Your Learning 8.8 from

Student Textbook and Section 8.8 activities in the Student Workbook.

Discuss students’ answers in class.

Administer Section 8.8 Quiz and discuss student answers in class.

Use Apply Your Learning 8.8 and review Section 8.8 activities.

Use Section 8.8 Quiz as a review of

Section 8.8.

Teacher Resource USB Drive

Assessment Quiz,

Section 8.8

Administer Chapter 8 Test.

Related URLs

Use Sections 8.1 to 8.8 Quizzes as a review before administering Chapter


Teacher Resource USB Drive


Chapter 8 Test

Homework Assign:

Classroom Management


American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute Hospitality & Tourism Management Program for High Schools

Chapter 8: Executive Housekeeping Operations



Additional Learning Activity

Housekeeping Green Team

The role of a green team is to monitor energy use, reduce waste, and establish green practices in the housekeeping department. Typically, a green team is made up of a group of employees from various housekeeping positions and shifts.

At your hotel, there is no green initiative. Your task is to convince the general manager of your hotel to create a housekeeping green team. Write a brief letter explaining the benefits of green practices and provide examples of green practices that can be implemented at your hotel.

American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute Hospitality & Tourism Management Program for High Schools
