At the meeting of the Leigh Parish Council held on Wednesday 7th

At the meeting of the Leigh Parish Council held on Wednesday 7th December 2011 in the North Downs Primary School – Leigh, there were
present Mrs Parker in the Chair, Mrs Gilbert, Mrs Patterson, Mr Dobell and the Clerk.
Apologies were received from Mr Wilkinson, DC Mr Murdoch, PC Loraine and DC Mrs Osborne Patterson
5 parishioners were present – (Mrs Boustred, Mrs Benewith, Mrs Harding, Ms Adria Kinloch (New Webmaster) and Mrs Helene Hartley)
The minutes of the meeting held on 04.11.2011 were approved and signed (after 2 corrections (prop: Mrs Patterson, Seconded: Mr Dobell)
Matters Arising
Allotments Water meter has been removed by Mr Blackwell – Clerk to write and ask for it to be returned to the Council.
Mrs Patterson and Mr Wilkinson will meet on 5/11 to measure allotment plots and so draw up a plan. Mr Dobell to lend them a wheel measure.
Hedge. Mr Dobell had contacted the organiser of a local hedge-laying training group (E Sussex & Kent). Waiting for a response.
Clerk to keep Mr Fuller informed as the hedge is usually cut in the /New Year.
The plots have all been measured and a plan produced. The size of each plot varies greatly and Mrs Patterson had proposed that the
rent for each plot should be adjusted to match this and it was agreed at the finance meeting that the rent be split into 3 groups. All but
one rent for 2012 has been received and the remaining lease agreements have now been signed. Mrs Patterson handed the rent monies
and the agreement to the Clerk.
The Clerk had contacted Mr Blackwell as he had kept the allotment water meter after its removal at the end of the season (it is not frost
proof so has to be dismantled) but as it is council property the Councillors believed that it should be retained by the Council and
Mr Blackwell agreed to hand it over – Mrs Patterson to collect it. Mr Blackwell asked to be present when it is connected next spring.
There are still some empty plots and these are to be advertised on the website.
Telephone Kiosk.
Second estimate for laying slabs received - £329 (Ex VAT) – funding is still required. Both Publicans to be asked if they will have a collecting
box. Suggest we obtain them in the shape of a red kiosk.
Look into designing a notice advertising the box – Mr David Dobell could be asked to make it. Telephone logo at the top of the kiosk to be
removed and a new sign to be made - History Box – in the same font – Design a framed poster to place in the pubs to advertise the box.
Mr Wilkinson to investigate costs and source. When box is complete advertise we will try to get an article published in the local newspaper.
Mr Parker kindly sourced and has laid some second hand slabs outside the box (with the help of Mr Pragnell). There is a litter bin
beside the box which is now in the way and looks unsightly. Clerk to contact MVDC and ask if it can be moved away from the kiosk.
Miss Kinloch reminded the Councillors that some basic running cost for printing etc will be required during the coming year.
Mrs Patterson has found that all telephone box shaped tins are very small so it was suggested that the publican might place a large bottle on the
bar instead. Mrs Parker to speak to Sara.
Dean Oak Lane Field Right of access by Thames Water to the pumping station and Tenancy.
Tenancy has been offered to Mrs Pragnell with a rent of £350 pa with any remedial work carried out during the first year taken into
consideration. This to be discussed and an agreement reached when it is known how much work is involved.
After discussion it was agreed to ask Hedley to prepare a document which will be circulated for discussion.
Tenancy agreement received and circulated and approved in principle. Clerk to confirm with Mrs Pragnell what animals she wishes to keep in the
field. Clerk can then complete the agreement as necessary and circulate before sending to the tenant.
Mr Taylor has not received any papers from TW Solicitors despite chasing them. (06.12.2011) Clerk to e-mail her contact at TW..
Tenancy document completed by Clerk and sent to tenant for comments/approval.
Safety Inspection. Council still waiting for the updated report from Digley Bi-annual inspection takes place end October and beginning of
November. Mrs Parker to look into the availability of lottery funding for the ground work. Working party willing to meet to add topsoil to the
mound and re-turf. Mr Dobell to obtain prices - cost approximately £300
Mr Dobell will check on the stability of the middle gate post between the playground and recreation ground. It is designed to be removed
regularly to let the mowers have access to the playground but should be in a metal post holder and therefore quite firm. Any problems and
Mr Dobell will contact the contractors (Colin Bell). Other items under review include: repairs to the zip wire is £1500.00 plus VAT, treating the
elements made from natural wood, moving the log in the playground. Heavy equipment required
Mrs Clack offered a grant of £750 towards the cost of the repairs to the zip wire from her Members Allocation Grant fund
The Council will have to find the other £750. Application form sent to Mrs Gilbert who completed the form and it has been submitted.
The raised drain cover on the verge by the access road to the pavilion could cause problems to visitors parking for the playground or the
recreation ground. Cover has slipped in the past despite being very heavy and has had to be put back in place. It was suggested that it is painted a
bright yellow to ensure that it is visible. This was agreed. The gate is also difficult to close as the post has twisted again.
Mr Lock repaired this only last year. Mrs Gilbert offered to deal with both these problems.
Drain cover painted but it has shifted again – believe it is the heavy dustcart and/or delivery lorry that is hitting the cover.
The gate post has also been hit again and Mrs Gilbert keeps locking it to prevent vehicles driving onto the recreation ground,
Mr Parker to take a look.
Digleys report from October just received – Mrs Gilbert reviewing it. Several outstanding issues include out of date comments not
removed, mention of litter bin that has been removed. Main ongoing concern is the state of the ground which is listed as high risk.
This will have to be seen too and Mr Dobell will inspect the areas and estimate the cost but advises that the area to be treated has to be
closed down for at least 6 weeks to let the soil and new turf settle. Councillors agreed that the repairs must be done this financial year.
Drainage - Mrs Parker has submitted the application for a lottery grant. When asked about the difference between mole drains and
French drains Mr Dobell explained that mole drains might only be effective for 3 years and would be difficult to lay because of all the
equipment. French drains would last much longer.
It was agreed that both the zip wire repairs and the ground work would be done in the January and February and the affected areas
would be closed. Notices to be put up and an article submitted to the local press. Mrs Gilbert to contact Mr Lock re the zip wire.
The gate post in the middle of the top access gate to the playground which was loose has firmed up – perhaps because the ground is
harder. Mr Dobell will watch the situation and if necessary install a metal sleeve to support the post.
Mrs Gilbert reported that one of the seats on a wooden picnic table was missing – Tony Wynn from MV asked to take a look to see if he
can find a replacement.
Speed watch. No new volunteers. Wait for any suggestion on drumming up support from PC Arthur at the January meeting.
In some areas school children are working with the Police on the speed watch and drivers are responding well to this – embarrassed
and ashamed.
VA signs. The two in Leigh still not working and Mrs Clack has yet to reply to the Clerk’s enquiry regarding funding for these repairs.
Clerk to write again and to Highways enquiry line.
Meetings :
Rural Parishes Forum (Headley 10/11) Speaker addressed the meeting on setting up Local shops - Mrs Parker to follow this up.
Also discussed was the increased use of Churches in rural parishes for community activities.
Clerk’s meeting (Dorking 30/11) Warned that the MV grant will be cut by 20% in 2012. This has yet to be confirmed in writing.
The Diamond Jubilee Committee had written listing their plans for 2012 and asking for grant aid. They hoped to raise £2000 and had written to
every household in the Parish as well as the village organisations asking for support. It was agreed that the matter would be discussed at the
finance meeting. It was decided that the final figure would be ratified at the January meeting when the Council will have received all the figures
from MV.
The Committee had also asked written wither several queries and requests.
1. Who to contact for permission to close Church Road on the 3rd June for a street party – advise them to contact the Police
2. Permission to use the Green by both the church and the bus shelter for games and tug of war – no objection so ling as any damage is
3. Permission to have a hog roast on the Green as long as it is returned to, it’s original condition – approved in principle but who is running
the roast and request a risk assessment. If outside caterers ask for their details and for info on insurance cover.
4. Permission to plant an oak tree during December 2012 on the Village Green – position to be agreed with the PC – no objection
5. Insurance cover for these events – would the PC insurance cover such activities – matter to be discussed with the Committee
Bus Review Phase 3 - Consultation for Mole Valley. – prepare a reply as soon as possible - consultation period ends 31st January 2012
Leigh Cricket Club – Pavilion roof. The felt under the concrete tiles is over 40 years old and has reached the end of its life. During heavy
rain or in windy conditions the rain water gets between the gaps in the tiles and onto the new ceiling. Having patched the roof many
times over the past 5 years the Club will have to look at replacing the felt and battens and perhaps even the tiles.
The Club ask that the PC give the mater some consideration and also ask for a representative of the Council to attend Club committee
Mr Parker will be asked to look at the roof and report his findings back to the Council.
In the past Mr Wilkinson had volunteered to attend CC meetings and will be invited to do so in future.
Clerk to obtain dates from Club and ask for previous minutes.
North Downs School (Leigh.) New School Gates. Manager had written to inform the Council of plans to improve security by renewing
the school gates to bring them up to meet County guidelines.
New double gates will be installed at the main vehicle entrance along with a filler panel and the wire mesh fence will be replaced by new
fence panels. The materials will match the roll top design of the Victorian gate in the middle of the hedge. The old ingternal wooden
fence will also be replaced with roll top fence panels and the gap will be gated. All the gates and fences will be below the height at which
planning permission become necessary. No objections raised - Clerk to acknowledge letter.
All other items noted or discussed under other headings.
Planning List circulated. 3 applications (retention of temperature controlled storeroom at St Joan’s Farm, Installation of solar panels at Ashurst
Farm, conversion of barns at Shellwood Farm to dwellings (2 proposals submitted) - all approved by MV Planning
One new application – Hillview, SHR - single storey extension
Edolphs Farm, Charlwood – Owners along with business partners had submitted a licence request to MV for outside events.
Norwood Hill Residents Assoc had sent our Planning Officer details of the application asking for support in opposing the licence.
The application was for up 59,999 people and 18,000 vehicles to attend events on the site. There would be no permanent structures erected so
planning permission was not required – just an events licence and we can only object to this on issues of public nuisance in the surrounding areas
but not on the site.
Clerk to draft a letter of objection to the proposals - this will be circulated for comments and approval.
The minutes of the finance meeting held on Tuesday 14th November at 3 Smalls Hill Road were approved and signed
(Proposed: Mrs Patterson and seconded : Mrs Parker)
Cheques to be signed
Miss Kinloch
kiosk slabs
Clerk had received a cheque for£133.00 as a donation towards one of the new trees. (£98 for the tree and £35 for a plaque.)
Following discussions with neighbouring parishes Mrs Patterson continues to research alternative Insurance companies
Budget for 2012.
Figures prepared at the budget meeting but as MVDC have still to let the Council have the level of grant funding for 2012/2013 no final decision
of grants and precept can be taken. This has to be completed at the January meeting for submission to MV – closing date still not known.
It was agreed in principle that any decrease in the MV grant should be added to the precept figure.
Parishioners Questions.
Miss Adria Kinloch – the new webmaster was introduced. Asked for any suggestions and ideas that the Council or Parishioners had for the site.
Nothing to be done in a hurry but since it was first set up ways of communicating have been improved and some might be included in the site.
Some areas are more popular than others and could need updating and improving. Not experienced on editing web sites and asked if Councillors
knew of anyone in the village who might offer advice and support while she gained experience.
Mr Dobell to contact a parishioner in Flanchford Road who designs web pages and Miss Kinloch to contact Mr Foulsham who runs the village
computer club.
The next meeting is on Thursday 5th January at 7.30pm
Mrs Patterson gives her apologies for this meeting as she will be away.
There being no further business the meeting was closed.