Year 9 Personal Study (Homework)

On the following slides you will see the pieces of homework that you are
required to complete this year. One piece should be completed and handed in
every other week.
You may choose to print off the homework you have done and hand it in to
your teacher or you may email your teacher the homework using the
Mrs Antonio:
Mrs Dhaliwal:
Please ensure that you do your own work and put your name on before
forwarding it to your teacher.
1. You are following a recipe for a curry and
there are some unfamiliar words. Find the
meanings of the words in bold
• Marinate the chicken .
• Remove the chicken from the marinade.
• Sauté onions in oil
• Allow to simmer for 12-15 minutes.
• The sauce should have been reduced.
2. Show your understanding of the words in bold by
making sentences. Each sentence should be in a
food related context.
2. Something Fishy
• Fish is a popular food for people wishing to cut down
on saturated fats. It is also quick to prepare (the flesh is
usually soft) and helps providegreater variety in the
diet. The number of fish products on the market has
therefore shown a steady increase in recent years. Fish
can be classified as
• white fish
• Oily fish OR
• Shell fish
Now you need to do some independent book or Internet
research on fish. Answer the questions on the next slide.
1. Based on your research, why are some fish known
as white fish?
2. Name 3 common white fish usually sold in Britain
(common at the chip shop)
3. Oily fish has about 10% fat present and so the flesh
is usually a darker colour than white fish. Name 3
common oily fish eaten in Britain (they are usually
4. Shell fish come in two groups:
a) Crustaceans (they have legs and a large outer shell)
b) Molluscs (they have a hard outer shell but no legs)
Shell fish goes off very quickly and should only be
eaten when absolutely _________.
H/W 2 Continued
• Use a nutritional computer program to compare
the nutritional value of 100g of baked white fish,
oiy fish, stewed mince beef and grilled steak.
Present your results as a table like this below.
Summarize your findings in a paragraph.
White Fish
Oily fish
Vitamin A
Homework 3
• Design a survey that you could carry out
amongst people who are over 40 about Food
choices when they were much younger. Focus
on ‘foreign’ foods. You should have at least 10
closed questions that are all relevant for the
information you need to find out. Present your
survey questions
Homework 4
• Complete a PowerPoint page on
vegetarianism. You should include:
• Types
• Reasons for becoming vegetarians and the
nutrients that are likely to be missing from a
vegetarian diet
• Vegetarian snacks, main dishes and desserts
Homework 5
The Big Debate
Homemade products can be healthier than shop
Think through the statement and then create:
• a list of 4 reasons why some may say this is true
• A list of 4 reasons why some may say this is not
• Discuss the statement with 2 family members
and write their views down.
Homework 6: Skills Audit
Use this skills audit to identify the skills you already have, the ones you need to improve on, and the ones that you still
need to learn. Put them into a table and then say what you would like to do about your audit.
1. I know which ingredients should be stored in a fridge, which should be stored in a
cupboard, and which should be stored in a freezer.
2. I know how to weigh and measure dry and liquid ingredients accurately
3. I know how to use a knife safely and how to cut using the bridge hold and claw
4. I know how to slice, dice and peel safely
5. I know how to use a grater safely.
6. I know how to prepare meat, fish and vegetables hygienically
7. I know how to do the rubbing in method
8. I know how to shape, cut and roll out dough
9. I know how to line a cake tin and why it is done?
10.I know how to light/turn on an oven safely
11.I know how to safely use a range of cooking methods including frying, baking,
boiling and grilling
12.I know how to adapt recipes, or use different ingredients, so that recipes are still