
Chapter 01
Database Introduction
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Storing Student Information Problem
II. Using Database
Databases and their Characteristics
Database Examples.
Components of a Database System.
Database Design
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I. Storing Student Information Problem
 A university need store its student information, lists of
classes, student’s grades.
• Each student has the following information: Student Number, Student Name,
Email Address
• A class has Class Number, Name, Term.
• Grade information includes Student Number, Class Number, Grade.
 All information needs to be computerized and stored
 We need a persistent storage. This storage must also be
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II. Using Database
 The purpose of a database is to help people track things
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1. Databases and their Characteristics
1.1 Databases store data in tables.
1.2 All databases throughout the world, store instances in rows
and characteristics in columns.
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1.3 A note on Conventions
 Table names in Capital letters.
 Column names in Capital of first letter.
1.4 A Database Has Data and Relationships
1.5 Summary:
Database store data in tables, and they represent the relationships among
the rows of those tables.
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2. Database Examples
 Single-User Database
 Multiuser Database
 E-commerce Database
 Reporting and Data
Mining Database
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3. Components of a Database System
3.1 Applications
3.2 SQL (Structured Query Language)
3.3 The DBMS (Database Management System)
3.4 Programming Languages
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3.1 Applications
are computer programs that users interact with directly.
3.2 SQL (Structured Query Language)
is an internationally recognized standard language that is understood by all
commercial database management system products.
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3.3 The DBMS (Database Management System)
Create, processes, and administers the database. A DBMS is a large of
complicated product and few organizations write their own DBMS program.
Examples: Microsoft SQLServer, Oracle, IBM DB2, …
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3.4 Programming Language
• Desktop applications:
 Microsoft: Visual Basic, C++, VB.NET, C#.
 Borland: Delphi
 Open Source: Java
• Web applications:
 Microsoft: ASP, ASP.NET
 Open source: PHP, JSP, …
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4. Database Design
4.1 Database Design from Existing Data
4.2 Database Design from New Systems Development
4.3 Database Design from Redesign
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4.1 Database Design from Existing Data
The first type of database
design involves databases
that are constructed from
existing data
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This is an important
decision, and based on
a set of rules known
as normalization
(which is covered in
Chapter Three)
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4.2 Database Design from New Systems
The second way that databases are designed is from the development of new
information systems
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4.3 Database Design from Redesign
Database redesign is
covered in Chapter
Eight, after coverage of
SQL in Chapter Seven
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