Directions for the Film Analysis Worksheet

Directions for the Film Analysis Worksheet
CML, Phillips & Price, LRHS
Summary of Technique and Cinematic Style, borrowed from The “Film Analysis Guide” (Yale University)
Mise-en-scène: Describe the note-worthy “details of the frame,” or you may select a particular
scene/sequence/repeated image that you found especially significant. Consider, if the film were silent, a story
would still be told with images. Which images figure most significantly in the filmmaker’s work?) Use the
following terms to help you formulate your response.
Lighting (Three-Point/High-Key, Low-Key, Ambient)
Space (Deep/Shallow/Frontality/Blocking)
Cinematography: Describe the note-worthy camera techniques you observe, or you may select a particular
scene/sequence that you found especially significant. Use the following terms to help you formulate your
Film Stock (High Quality/Low Quality)
Color/Contrast/Deep Focus/Shallow Focus/Depth of Field/Racking Focus/Exposure/Telephoto/Zoom
Framing and Camera Movement – (High/Standard/Low-Angle and/or High/Standard/Low-Level)/ Canted or Tilted
Framing/ Following Shots (Panning, Tracking, and/or Craning)/ POV/ Wide-Angle
Scale of Shots – Extreme Long/ Long/ Medium-Long/ Medium Close-Up/ Close-Up/ Extreme Close-Up
Editing: Describe the note-worthy techniques in editing you observe as well at the general patterns in the way
the shots are sequenced, or you may select a particular group of scenes/sequences and explain the transitions
between them. Use the following terms to help you formulate your response.
General Editing Style (Continuity/Montage/Elliptical)
 Transitions – Cheat Cut/ Cross Cutting or Parallel Editing/ Cut-In, Cut Away/ Dissolve/ Establishing Shot/ Jump Cut/
Shot-Reverse Shot/ Superimposition/ Wipe
Matches – Eye-Line Match/ Graphic Match/ Match on Action
Duration – Long Take or Planned Shot/ Overlapping Editing/ Rhythm or Pacing of Editing
Sound: Describe the note-worthy techniques in sound or sound effects you hear, or select a sound/musical piece
you hear repeated. Use the following terms to help you formulate your response.
Diegetic or Non-diegetic
Film Title:
CML Period:
Lighting (Three-Point/High-Key, Low-Key, Ambient)
 Space (Deep/Shallow/Frontality/Blocking)
Description of Mise-en-scène
Film Quality – Color/Contrast/Deep Focus/Shallow Focus/Depth of Field/Racking Focus/Exposure/Telephoto/Zoom
Framing and Camera Movement – (High/Standard/Low-Angle and/or High/Standard/Low-Level)/ Canted or Tilted Framing/ Following Shots (Panning,
Tracking, and/or Craning)/ POV/ Wide-Angle
 Scale of Shots – Extreme Long/ Long/ Medium-Long/ Medium Close-Up/ Close-Up/ Extreme Close-Up
Description of Cinematography
General Editing Style (Continuity/Montage/Elliptical)
Transitions – Cheat Cut/ Cross Cutting or Parallel Editing/ Cut-In, Cut Away/ Dissolve/ Establishing Shot/ Jump Cut/ Shot-Reverse Shot/ Superimposition/
Matches – Eye-Line Match/ Graphic Match/ Match on Action
 Duration – Long Take or Planned Shot/ Overlapping Editing/ Rhythm or Pacing of Editing
Description of Editing
Diegetic or Non-diegetic
Description of Sound
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