
Kingdom Scavenger Hunt
Your graphic organizer asks you to
write two examples. Use the
following scavenger hunt clues and
pictures to figure out the examples.
For the multicellular kingdoms, one
organism is microscopic, one is able
to be seen with the naked eye.
Dactyliosolen fragilissimus
• I am a type of
• I am photosynthetic
and multicellular.
Am protected by cell
walls made of
cellulose. I reproduce
by formation of a
zygote through sexual
Dionaea muscipula
• I am an exception to the
rule…I am an autotroph
with some heterotrophic
tendencies. I “eat” bugs
because the soil I live in is
nutrient poor. However, I
use the sun’s energy to
make my own food and
my cells have chloroplasts.
They also have nuclei and
cell walls made of
cellulose! I also can
produce flowers for sexual
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
• I am an essential
ingredient in both beer
making and bread making.
I have a cell wall made of
chitin just like all the
friends in my group. I
don’t like to move around
much, and I get my energy
from the wheat that I
decompose. If you look at
me, you can see I’m
asexually…can you see
two nuclei forming?
Tuber aestivum
• I am the king in my
kingdom…I am sold
commercially and called
• I reproduce, very rarely,
through asexual spores.
When pigs sniff me out,
I’m underground
decomposing organic
matter in the soil. My
texture comes from cell
walls made of chitin.
Copepoda incertae
• As you can see, I have
specialized antennae in
my anterior region. I
might be tiny, but I have
many cells containing
nuclei. I am able to move
around marine ecosystems
eating my phytoplanton
cousins. You can call me
a zooplankton if you
prefer. Uh oh! I better
swim away, or I’ll be
eaten by a predator in the
food chain!
Heteractis magnifica
• Don’t be putting me
down…I’m a predator. I
can move my tentacles
and trap prey inside my
cavity, which I then digest
and eat. I have no cell
walls, but I can produce
poison for protection, so
who needs a cell wall.
Believe it or not, I can
also produce sperm and
Halobacterium salinarium
• I am one extreme bugger.
I love to hang out in the
Dead Sea. Besides being
adapted to extreme
conditions, I have pretty
complex DNA. However,
I don’t bother with a
nucleus and I’m single
celled. I have cell walls,
but I cannot be killed by
antibiotics because my
cell walls are not made of
Pyrococcus furiosus
• Don’t be fooled by the
name, I don’t start fires, I
just hang out in hot
springs! I’m pretty
extreme, but in other ways,
I’m pretty simple. One
cell, no nucleus. Also I
reproduce without having
sex! As I divide, I must
form a new layer of cell
wall made of a unique
type of latticed protein.
Escherichia coli
• Yikes! E. coli. Yes ,I can
be a pathogen, but most
strains of me are harmless
and one even produces
Vitamin K in the large
intestine. I’m a simple
dude, with a flagellum and
simple circular DNA not
in a nucleus. Good news
if you do get sick,
antibiotics will work to
destroy my peptidoglycan
cell wall.
Staphyloccocus epidermidis
• Don’t hate me! I hang out
on your skin. I don’t
usually cause harm unless
you are have a problem
with your immune system.
I am a simple one-celled
bug with no nucleus.
When I am on your skin, I
compete for resources
since I am a heterotroph. I
also protect you from my
cousin S. aureus. If you
get him, you’ll have to
destroy his peptidoglycan
with some antibiotics!
Amoeba proteus
• I am a member of a
diverse group of
organisms that live in
ponds. I prefer to eat
nutrients that I come
across. You can see a
nucleus inside my onecelled body. I don’t cell
specialization, but I like to
think my pseudopods are
pretty cool!
Euglena viridis
• I admit it, I’m a weird
dude and I don’t really fit
in. I’m unicellular, but
those green things are
chloroplasts…I make my
own food. But I don’t
stand still, I have a
flagellum to propel me
through fresh water. You
might not be able to see
my nucleus, but its there
to store my DNA!
The Linnaeus Awards
• The award for the “most diverse kingdom”
goes to…
• The award for the most “extreme kingdom”
goes to”…
• The award for the “most involved
decomposing others”…
Linnaeus Awards Continued…
• The award for the “most affected by
antibiotics” goes to…
• The award for the most likely to “move, eat
and have sex” goes to…
• The award for the most likely to “take in the
sun’s energy” goes to…