AP & Regents Biology

AP Biology
Lab Review
AP Biology
AP Biology
Lab 7: Mitosis & Meiosis
 Concepts:
Cell Cycle (G1  S  G2  M)
 Control of cell cycle (checkpoints)
 Cyclins & cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs)
Mitosis vs. Meiosis
 Crossing over  genetic diversity
AP Biology
Lab 7: Mitosis & Meiosis
AP Biology
Lab 7: Mitosis & Meiosis
AP Biology
Lab 7: Mitosis & Meiosis
 Description:
Model mitosis & meiosis (pipecleaners, beads)
 How environment affects mitosis of plant roots
 Lectin - proteins secreted by fungus
 Root stimulating powder
 Count # cells in interphase, mitosis
Observe karyotypes (cancer, mutations)
 Meiosis & crossing over in Sordaria (fungus)
AP Biology
Lab 7: Mitosis & Meiosis
AP Biology
Lab 7: Mitosis & Meiosis
AP Biology
Abnormal karyotype = Cancer
AP Biology
Meiosis: Crossing over in Prophase I
AP Biology
Lab 7: Mitosis & Meiosis
 Observed crossing over in fungus (Sordaria)
AP Biology
Arrangement of ascospores
Sordaria Analysis
total crossover
% crossover =
total offspring
distance from
AP Biology
% crossover
Lab 8: Bacterial Transformation
 Transformation: uptake of foreign DNA from
 Plasmid = small ring of DNA with a few genes
 Replicates separately from bacteria DNA
 Can carry genes for antibiotic resistance
 Genetic engineering: recombinant DNA = pGLO
AP Biology
Lab 8: Bacterial Transformation
AP Biology
Lab 8: Bacterial Transformation
AP Biology
Lab 8: Bacterial Transformation
 Conclusions:
AP Biology
Foreign DNA inserted using vector (plasmid)
Ampicillin = Selecting agent
 No transformation = no growth on amp+ plate
Regulate genes by transcription factors (araC protein)
AP Biology
AP Biology
AP Biology
AP Biology
AP Biology
Lab 9: Restriction Enzyme Analysis of DNA
 Concepts:
Restriction Enzymes
 Cut DNA at specific locations
 Gel Electrophoresis
 DNA is negatively charged
 Smaller fragments travel faster
AP Biology
Lab 9: Restriction Enzyme Analysis of DNA
 Description
AP Biology
Lab 9: Restriction Enzyme Analysis of DNA
 Determine DNA fragment sizes
AP Biology
Lab 9: Restriction Enzyme Analysis of DNA
 Conclusions:
Restriction enzymes cut at specific
locations (restriction sites)
 DNA is negatively charged
 Smaller DNA fragments travel faster than
larger fragments
 Relative size of DNA fragments can be
determined by distance travelled
 Use standard curve to calculate size
AP Biology
AP Biology
Lab 10: Energy Dynamics
 Concepts:
Energy from sunlight  drives photosynthesis
(store E in organic compounds)
 Gross Productivity (GPP) = energy captured
 But some energy is used for respiration (R)
 Net primary productivity (NPP) = GPP – R
 Energy flows! (but matter cycles)
 Producers  consumers
AP Biology
Biomass = mass of dry weight
Lab 10: Energy Dynamics
Pyramid of Energy
Pyramid of Biomass
Pyramid of Numbers
AP Biology
Lab 10: Energy Dynamics
 Description:
AP Biology
Brassica (cabbage)  cabbage white
butterfly larvae (caterpillars)
Lab 10: Energy Dynamics
 Measuring Biomass:
Cabbage  mass lost
 Caterpillar  mass gained
 Caterpillar frass (poop)  dry mass
Lab 10: Energy Dynamics
 Conclusions:
AP Biology
Lab 10: Energy Dynamics
 Conclusions:
Energy is lost (respiration, waste)
 Conservation of Mass
 Input = Output
AP Biology
AP Biology
Lab 11: Transpiration
 Concepts:
 Xylem
 Water potential
 Cohesion-tension hypothesis
 Stomata & Guard cells
 Leaf surface area & # stomata vs. rate of
AP Biology
Lab 11: Transpiration
AP Biology
Lab 11: Transpiration
 Description:
Determine relationship between leaf surface
area, # stomata, rate of transpiration
 Nail polish  stomatal peels
 Effects of environmental factors on rate of
 Temperature, humidity, air flow (wind),
light intensity
AP Biology
Analysis of Stomata
AP Biology
Rates of Transpiration
AP Biology
Lab 11: Transpiration
 Conclusions:
transpiration:  wind,  light
 transpiration:  humidity
 Density of stomata vs. transpiration
 Leaf surface area vs. transpiration
AP Biology
AP Biology
AP Biology
AP Biology
AP Biology
Lab 12: Animal Behavior
 Concepts:
Experimental design
 IV, DV, control, constants
 Control vs. Experimental
 Hypothesis
innate vs. learned behavior
 choice chambers
AP Biology
light intensity
other factors
Lab 12: Animal Behavior
 Description:
Investigate relationship between
environmental factors vs. behavior
 Betta fish agonistic behavior
 Drosophila (fruit fly) behavior
 Pillbug kinesis
AP Biology
Lab 12: Animal Behavior
AP Biology
Lab 12: Animal Behavior
 Hypothesis Development
I think pillbugs will move toward the wet
side of a choice chamber.
 Better:
If pillbugs are randomly placed on two
sides of a wet/dry choice chamber and
allowed to move about freely for
10 minutes, then more pillbugs will be
found on the wet side because they
prefer moist environments.
AP Biology
Lab 12: Animal Behavior
 Experimental Design
AP Biology
sample size
Lab 12: Animal Behavior
 Data Analysis:
Chi-Square Test
 Null hypothesis: there is no difference
between the conditions
 Degrees of Freedom = n-1
 At p=0.05, if X2 < critical value  accept null
hypothesis (any differences between observed
and expected due to CHANCE)
AP Biology
Lab 13: Enzyme Activity
 Concepts:
 Structure (active site, allosteric site)
 Lower activation energy
Substrate  product
 Proteins denature (structure/binding site
AP Biology
Lab 13: Enzyme Activity
 Description:
Determine which factors affecting rate of
enzyme reaction
H2O2  H2O + O2
 Measure rate of O2 production
AP Biology
Turnip peroxidase  Color change (O2 produced)
AP Biology
Lab 13: Enzyme Activity
 Conclusions:
Enzyme reaction rate affected by:
 pH (acids, bases)
 Temperature
 Substrate concentration
 Enzyme concentration
Calculate Rate of Reaction
AP Biology
AP Biology
Any Questions??
AP Biology