KEY HDNR GOALS 2012 2015 - Warner College of Natural

KEY HDNR GOALS 2012 – 2015
Human Dimensions of Natural Resources
Department Expertise and Structure
Provide multi-scale social science structure as a blueprint for the
growth of HDNR. This means including individual, community, and
society level perspectives and their integration with the bio-physical
Key Metric: By 2015 add 4 new tenure-track faculty positions to
achieve representation of a community and societal level perspective.
Undergraduate Programs
HDNR currently has one major, Natural Resource Recreation and
Tourism and four concentrations. We will be creating two majors from
this, one labeled Tourism and the other Conservation and Society. In
both cases we propose maintaining enrollment at its current level.
Key Metric: Monitoring to ensure enrollment stays at 350 or above.
Graduate Programs
Expand enrollment and reach financial self-sufficiency of the
Conservation Leadership through learning program (CLTL), a program
that focuses on interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, problem based
learning cohort experience.
Key Metric:
Expand CLTL from a bi-annual to an annual offering.
To expand CLTL field locations beyond Mexico and to engage HDNR
faculty in supervising the field portion of CLTL.
Create one of the leading Master in Tourism Management Programs
Key Metric: Increase enrollment to 30 students per year in the oncampus MTM program by 2013.
Key Metric: To reach enrollment of 30 students in MTM through the
INTO program by 2015.
Key Metric: To develop a partnership with 2-3 Chinese Universities in
developing a joint MTM that will enroll 30 students by 2015.
Key Metric: Complete development of a Distance version of MTM for
offering beginning Fall Semester, 2013.
Key Metric: To have 150 students enrolled in the Distance MTM degree
program by 2017.
Key Metric: To hire 6 new Tourism faculty by 2015
Key Metric: To obtain accreditation for MTM through the World
Tourism Organization by 2015.
Key Metric: To develop topic area concentrations as certificate
programs through DCE that can be added to the basic MTM degree.
This includes hotel & restaurant, agro-tourism, ski-area management,
protected area management, and gaming to be phased in starting
2015. By 2017, we will have 100 students annually enrolled in these
Build on existing programs that reach 4,200 people annually and
strengthen emphasis on populations which are underrepresented in
natural resources and related disciplines. Further development of a
research program to strengthen the field of conservation education,
and serve as a stronger outreach resource for WCNR faculty.
Advance a cross-university initiative to increase CSU’s involvement
with Colorado’s Tourism industry.
Key Metric: By 2014, hire 4 extension agents that would provide
community service in the development of Tourism
Expand current capacity building offerings to include additional fieldbased and on-line training courses in English and Spanish
Key Metric: By 2014, have online offerings in Spanish and English that
offers a certificate in protected area management.
Establish a new annual field-based course in Planning and Managing
Tourism in Protected Areas