February 3, 2016 - Student Government Association

Student Government Association
Fifteenth Meeting of the 2015-2016 Legislative Session
February 3, 2016
Benjamin Banneker Room, Stamp Student Union | 6:00PM
1. Student Concerns and General Announcements
a. Eric Denna, Vice President of Information Technology
1. Wireless Upgrade
1. What drives wireless capacity is coverage – how much space is
covered within or between buildings
2. Connections – how many devices are connected to network and
we’ve seen significant increase in connections per individual; used
to be under one and now it is roughly four
3. Can overwhelm network and it still comes back to basic issues
4. Significant climb in three drivers (coverage, capacity, connections)
5. Nearly 6,000 wireless antennas on campus and one of challenges
is moving to new RF which gives greater capacity but signal is not
pushed as far so nearly 8,000 once we’re done and that costs
significant amount
6. Estimate that current rebuild – not between buildings but where
we see large concentration of people (stamp, McKeldin) and high
use classroom buildings and nearly $6M in addition to $4.2M that
we’ve already invested
7. Working with CS department and networking team there with
interesting things to expand capacity and reliability of network
2. Service called one.umd.edu and I want to explain what’s driving this –
these are questions I’m asking
1. Who do we serve? What services do we provide?
2. Trying to understand what you and the faculty are trying to do and
one way to answer is with one.umd.edu
3. Your first assignment is to go check this and intent is to get rid of
your need to navigate umd.edu and just have one place to go to
and search for any service and its driven by search screen which
says “what would you like to do?” and have over 300 apps and
we’re tagging all of these and attach them to questions and have
your answers to this question drive what kind of apps go into this
4. Could type in “take a class” and you don’t have to go to testudo
and navigate and go to different website and get rid of all of the
organization lines and focus on what you are trying to do
5. You can log in and create favorites and take same idea of app
store and allow you to navigate university without understanding
navigational structure
6. Plea for you to do two things: first, search – we keep track of
what’s searched for and start building inventory of requests to
respond to what students are trying to do; second, you’ll notice
that you can rate any of these apps – I can’t fix what I don’t know
about and if you keep going to interactive campus map and every
time you go to that you don’t like it, rate it and tell us what you
Classroom Technology
1. In last year, improved classrooms without technology from 23% to
2. 27 more non-tech rooms in the math area and goal is that every
classroom have tech available and want any classroom to have
some tech capabilities to project, etc.
Google for Education
1. Taking campus network to Google Apps
2. First big move is first weekend in March – all of SA, athletics,
iSchool, Agriculture and rest will be moved between March and
3. There’s not the same privacy and security with personal Gmail like
there is with enterprise with umd.edu email
4. It is free and that’s a good price and at beginning of migration
1. Third time being CIO and each time I try to make use of student
talent so for example first time when I first put organization
together, we had about 270 full time and a dozen students and I
asked why we had only a dozen students
2. At my last school, I started a process where we started making
aggressive use of student talent and I checked and there’s 545
student employed by CIO and 220 FTE; students run help desk
and doing security scans, anything a FTE is doing a student is
3. A little over 100 students is goal and make opportunities for
students to have resume enhancing experiencing
Ronk: Student Fee Proposal for wireless?
1. Denna: I think we’re going to wait until fall and rather than have
this one, thought we’d bring it all in the fall
Galloway: I kind of know what I’m doing but if I were to make one change
I would make it look more like a google search and imagine it configured
with a search bar more in the center and I think that’s what my google is
like; confusing what the actual page is therefore
1. Denna: do you use the favorites at all; that’s great feedback
2. Wrestling with convincing service providers on campus to
participate and what they’re giving up is I get to feature my stuff
and if people don’t go to your site maybe there’s a message there
Ronk: Something we talked about before but something I find frustrating
is that a lot of faculty don’t like it and I think a lot don’t use it and that’s not
necessarily ideal for students...a good way to streamline and make
academic experience for students is to encourage ELMS more and I’m
sure you can’t mandate
1. Denna: about 50% of faculty use ELMS and it varies wildly and
overall it’s a little over half
2. For me, issue is who do you serve and what are they trying to do
and faculty have variety of different answers to first question
3. Suggest you be vocal and all I can do is provide the service and
encourage use
4. With google, we’re going to google and we’re moving everyone to
5. If it were in my power, I would and that’s an issue I would probably
raise with either Dr. Rankin or the deans or Dr. Cohen,
undergraduate studies dean and we’ve got plenty of capacity
9. Galloway: Moving to google from exchange?
1. Yes
10. Spaur: is one.umd.edu going to replace testudo?
1. Denna: Testudo is still there and you’ll notice that there are a
bunch of tiles labelled testudo and we’ve taken all of the pieces
and it is now available in one and you don’t have to navigate
through testudo stuff
11. Austin: Dedicated page for syllabus information?
1. Denna: I know there is worth going on toward that. I can’t
announce anything right now. If I were you, I’d push for it and
focus with Drs. Rankin and Cohen.
12. Galloway: Testudo pages only until 11:00 at night, is there a reason for
the time restrictions?
1. Denna: Our student system is about thirty years old and its older
than anyone in this room and runs on IBM mainframe and runs on
first language I learned on a computer in early 80’s and that’s
what runs Student Information here and we’re just a little out of
2. Each night, we run a bunch of batch jobs and we run that
algorithm and it takes the whole night to update everything so
you’re used to updating instantly and it takes 24 hours to make
change in most student data files
13. Galloway: Hope for the future is when you can’t log on until 5:00 on
Sundays and if there’s any way to make that 8 am like it is every other
day of the week
1. Denna: I didn’t even know we had that
14. Duffy: moving away from this system?
1. Denna: actively in process of getting data off mainframe and
moving it to Amazon
2. Enrollment system is heart of system and no replacement that
isn’t old also
3. Watching three developers that are developing new systems and
hopefully within next year or two, that choice will become obvious
and we’ll start the process of migrating to that
4. SIS involves a lot of things including parking, dining, and all kinds
of things are entangle and trying to detangle all of that
5. Kind of knotted up and would be one of hardest migration projects
15. Keosian: My computer only connects to umd-secure and it doesn’t always
work and is there a reason for that? Trying to log onto UMD and gives me
1. Denna: go to the McKeldin help desk
16. Galloway: Wireless printers don’t work on network and trying to figure it
out and if there’s any way to make wireless printers work it would be
really helpful
1. Denna: challenge of wireless printers is that they’re not terribly
secure and can be hijacked
2. Segmenting network into different policy zones and have printer
network and have printers there and that’s all you can do and
we’re not quite there yet and also don’t have really great campus
wide printing solution where you could print and pick it up
somewhere and we’ve got a ways to go
17. Ronk: This predates you a little bit but spring sophomore year, my social
security number was stolen and how would you rate threat level?
1. Denna: breach like that happening again is pretty low
2. Four things:
1. Aggressive at identifying sensitive data particularly credit
cards and SSNs and have identify finder software that
scans for patterns on all windows machines and at start of
putting that on macs
2. Encrypt the data – data that was compromised was plain
text and not encrypted and encrypting any data that’s
sitting on Oracle database and radically beefed up access
into the mainframe
3. Monitoring access in real time and we’re at about 200
Gb/day of logs that we’re scanning and looking for patterns
of intrusion particularly sensitive data
4. Educating – big vulnerabilities is Spearfishing with email
that looks like it came from us asking people to log in and
they take the bait and when I was at prior university,
people would target physicians and we had them taking
the bait and once people had their credentials they would
go into direct deposit and they’d do this before payroll was
run and they would go in and change that back and one
payroll run can add up to real money really quick
1. Get your credentials and identity theft
2. Weakest point is that there are still people and we
joke that if we had no people the network would run
3. Unfortunately, over past two years increasing occurrence of
university breaches and that’s because we’re fighting balance
between open environment and being secure and striking balance
can get really tough
18. Farrell: Microsoft Office 16?
1. Denna: No idea; not getting rid of Microsoft agreement and you
can download products for free and gave up when Microsoft would
have release date
19. Ronk: every year, SEE looks at constitution and edit it and we need to
approve it and Molly’s here to talk to you all
20. Molly:
1. Some of these are clerical things – change because it’s in cinema
director description and reflect name change of NSO to Fall
2. This is one of the more relevant and larger changes – selection
process is interview process with handful of people and right now
it says senior director can sit in on interviews but not on
deliberations and right now these slots are available and our
change makes it so that senior director has to sit in on deliberation
process and how that is selected is up to board to do on their own
but board wanted senior director whose not president to sit in and
listen to conversation
1. Senior director does have a vote when we go through
3. See Review Board bylaws and basically separate fund of money
that is allocated by us to be for student groups and headed by
cosponsorship director and in subsection 4 of the bylaws right now
it is emergency funding within 29 calendar days but whole point is
we could accommodate three or four days within event if
logistically we could and we got rid of the time limit
1. Subsections 3 and 6 are a little more on clerical side and
reviewed ability to process applications and change from
within 20 days and we don’t need three weeks only two
weeks before its considered emergency and changing
number of days from 20 days to fourteen days
2. Subsection 11 of SRB that says SRB does not do food and
drink or other edible items because there was some gray
area and it got confusing and make it very obvious that we
can’t do that because it is SGA money
3. 12 through 17 is just changing numbers
4. 18 is for if a group has ticketed event with funding and
expected to pay us back in full with ticket sales because
we want them to be self-sustaining but student groups who
have student events is that it was harder for events to be
self-sustaining and get benefit of ticket sales and went
through options and what SRB and exec board were
comfortable was that half of all ticket sales must be
returned to SEE and the other half must be redistributed
back into the groups funding account
4. Article 6 – currently president’s veto power is not mentioned and
that does open up possibility of president being able to do what
they want and we have added subsection E that gives veto power
only if there are changes made to the event and president
1. 2/3 override in 48 hours
2. Galloway: veto power over event or the amendment?
1. Depends on the situation – changing venue could
be vetoed and event could still go on
2. SRB would not have power over that
3. We have exec board and SRB doesn’t have contact with
proposals or anything like that
5. Approved as a block
Steven, RHA
1. Yesterday, directors of campus organizations came in and presented
proposed fee
1. ResLife proposed 3.89% fee increase, DS proposed 3.7%
increase, DOTS proposed permit increase of $33 for year for
2. If you want to know rationale, come talk to me
2. Approved AdHoc committee to advise Orientation on some of things such
as sexual assault prevention as well as diversity, sustainability training as
well as safety and looking forward to meeting with director of Orientation
Office to work collaboratively to get concerns met
Tom, MaryPIRG
1. Event Updates
1. Hot Chocolate made by the sun and partnering with staff member
that’s helped us build solar panel that can heat water with solar
energy to talk about importance of solar
2. Kickoff meeting is next Wednesday at 8:30 in Stamp in Jimenez
room 2208; excited to have Mayor of CP there and he is a PIRG
alum and we’re excited for him to come back
3. Bee My Valentine – working to ensure that we ban pesticide that
is attributed to killing bees; working really hard to protect
2. Hoping to have meeting towards end of February with Val and Patrick and
Catherine and discuss contract that makes funding of campus organizer
legal and was created by USM council and recently updated and one of
measures that I want to talk to you specifically about and institute
accountability standards
1. Ensure that money that is being funded towards effective staff
2. Allows us to be more transparent with you all and the outcomes
we produce and make that a component of this contract and I’d be
happy to involve you in that meeting
2. Roll Call
3. Call to Order – 6:51
4. Approval of the Minutes
1. Approved
5. Speaker’s Time
1. Office hours established within next two weeks – sending out a doodle
because I only want two people in the office so hopefully that’ll allow us to
have people in there in most hours
1. Keys should be available and you should be able to get keys
2. Stuff has gone missing in transition and lost tablecloth that cost us
$200 and in process of working on getting new ones by end of
semester and last time it took three months to do
2. Klotz: press conference about cost of textbooks and would love to borrow
a textbook
3. Next Thursday is USM lobby day and I’m leaving early – Jake’s going to
talk more about that
Finance Report
1. Appointment (Bloch)
1. All new voting members requiring confirmation
2. Jason Lee – junior accounting major and I’m very happy to be here
3. Zack Lessner
4. Ralph Berman – finance
5. Summer Legambi – sophomore civil engineering
6. Walsh – sophomore finance and Infosys
2. Interest
1. Zack – finance major, birds eye view of campus and you get to see what
goes on every day
2. Big advocate of having voice heard and properly allocate
3. I worked at bank over summer
4. Respect values of student organization
5. Legambi - Worked in project management and favorite part was finances
and invoices and working with student organization
3. Will you go to meeting?
1. Yes from everyone
4. Confirmed
Group Help
First Reading Calendar
Second Reading Calendar
9. Proposed Amendment to the SGA Bylaws (Pruitt)
1. Elections amendment
2. Affirmative (Pruitt)
1. I wanted to first talk about why I bring these now and these
images tell my story and why I believe this amendment is so
2. 12/4/16 email – turning point paying money to get conservatives
into SGA president office
1. Turning Point is special interest group to educate students
about fiscal responsibility and limited government
2. Point of Clarification (Galloway): It’s an oxford comma
3. Why this is different from what we’ve heard in the media is
that in Constitution all citizens have power to vote however
in our constitution students have the vote so students are
citizens so this is not a first amendment issue
4. Not allowing money from special interest groups is not
violating first amendment rights
5. Any special interest group that advertised money I would
propose this amendment
6. Amendment focused on making sure that no one other
than individual in process or students are contributing to
7. Make it clear that candidate could completely fund their
campaign and anyone that is not affiliated member of
campaign in any way could reach out and offer $25 and
amount of money that could go towards the campaign
8. Working document and like to hear debate
9. Point of Information (Ceron):
1. Yes I am aware and any groups other than SGA
are allowed to fund it
2. My understanding is that the SGA would be doing
matching and
10. Point of Information (Biondi): what’s the financial
1. Galloway: In our bylaws, campaign finance is
limited to $2,000 for full ticket to fund printing and
limited for individual
2. No other guidelines as far as finance goes except
that you have to submit spreadsheet about who
gave money and how it was spent
11. Query:
1. Penalty for breaking election rules would result in a
fine and it would reduce cap of money you can
spend and it is in purview of elections
2. Failure to properly report financials to board results
in some sort of fine
12. Query (Ricigliano):
1. Maximum for party is $2000 and $25 is my best
estimation of what is fair and equitable
13. Ronk
1. First of all, that email makes it look like Republicans
are plotting takeover but please don’t feel like
Republicans have some grand plot and I never
heard of outside organization funding a campaign
2. Both of my campaigns were not funded by
someone else and I believe that almost every
campaign is self-funded and that said, this is a
potential issue; you can’t spend more than $2000
3. I would have like to see this go through regular
process and have CBL see it and gallery members
are kind of surprised considering elections rules
haven’t changed
4. Answer questions about finance works and how
punishments work
5. Question (Ricigliano): theoretically parent’s
company could donate and would you consider this
affiliated or not?
1. For me, I see unaffiliated is someone who is
not running for election and that would be
up to elections and governance boards
6. Question (Keosian): Campaign funding to
candidate or self-funding?
1. Not super necessary and usually $40 for
regular candidate and $150 for exec board
and that’s personal experience
2. In some cases, members not able to afford
contribution because of some financial
situations and campaign just says don’t
worry about it and covers it internally and
that’s resolves and may not be huge
problem though I could just be ignorant to
that as well
3. Questions about running for SGA, let me
know and we can talk in private too.
7. Would like to see more formal process but I
approve amendment
14. Pruitt: If parents want to fund entire campaign, I think that’s
an interesting question because where do a lot of us get
our money so there is nothing there and I don’t see that
being a huge issue and don’t personally see it as being
15. Election rules haven’t been passed yet and that is less
16. Important enough to merit 2/3 vote of the legislature and
should be permanent in governing document
17. On point that this should have gone through more formal
process, I do agree with that and could have submitted as
a bill and I didn’t even have to have it sent out and CBL
hasn’t met yet and would not have Omnibus until after
18. Point of Clarification (Ronk): had bill ben submitted, it
would have been submitted to CBL.
19. Point of Clarification (Galloway): not necessarily the
process for changing governing documents
20. Pruitt: I made sure of that and that is how Roberts Rules
21. Point of Parliamentary Procedure (Holocker): vote
1. Galloway: 2/3
22. Galloway: Bylaws, standing rules, constitution: no guideline
for changing; goes back to Roberts Rules
1. Treating as a bill and if you have any objections,
look at the way we do things and make change to
our governing documents
2. The maximum fundraising cap is $2,000; $150 for
individual legislators, $600 for individual exec board
3. CBL will be meeting this week and we will be
presenting election rules and calendar so please
look at that
23. Ceron: Clause 6, permissible that someone decides to
donate $25 to two candidates on same ticket would that be
1. The way it is worded now, no
2. I would offer an amendment – never mind can’t do
3. If I believe someone is going to give $25 to every
candidate, then they should be an affiliate of that
ticket which would take away this cap
3. Negative (Ricigliano)
1. Don’t necessarily have issue with this bill and understand
doing this now to apply to current cycle
2. Clause 6 has good intent but opens more questions than it
answers and this is something we should think about
sending to CBL so that more people have time to review it
3. There’s no harm necessarily in having someone’s
grandfather donate to campaign or if you know two
candidates on same ticket and that shouldn’t be a problem
and doesn’t violate nature of amendment but creates more
problems down the road
4. Can I motion to split question and vote on clauses?
1. Galloway: Yes
5. Strehle: data where election funding has come from?
1. Galloway: no
4. Affirmative (Pruitt)
1. I understand cutting clause 6 and if we cut it something
needs to go in its place
2. If just pass four and five, no allowed funding from outside
parties and no clause 6 will shut down funding process
from anyone
5. Query (Ceron): Open to striking clause 6 and reintroduce it in next
couple of weeks before election?
1. Pruitt: motion to withdraw entire amendment from the floor.
2. Galloway: amendment was been withdrawn.
3. Pruitt: can I sent this to CBL between this week and next
1. Galloway: pretend amendment one is now a bill
and going to CBL
3. Amendment two to standing rules
4. Debates
1. Affirmative (Pruitt)
1. Thank you everyone again and I believe this amendment is
important and as former parliamentarian I can say that I
messed up when I didn’t find this last year at CBL and
going over history
2. This legislative body, unlike a congress or house, we don’t
have parties and we don’t register and a rule like this
where speaker may refuse for introduction any bill makes
sense where you have two parties and our Congress is like
that and still, if speaker refuses legislation, there is clear
reporting system and also action available to legislature to
overturn that refusal
3. I don’t know why we didn’t have that and I talked to former
parliamentarian and he said that I was right and it is
somewhat an oversight and protect organization from
public debate that would hurt the SGA
4. My feeling about that is that anyone feels strong enough to
support bill even if it is embarrassing, the public should
here about this; there shouldn’t be secret back network
where anyone
5. Aiden has used this once and she did the right thing and
she came and told us she refused legislation and she told
us about her reasoning
6. What I’m worried about is she didn’t have to do that – it
was her showing good leadership but we leave this to
7. I don’t understand why a veto by speaker, because that is
what this is, should not be made public or give opportunity
to debate and then appeal that decision
8. I understand that there are two instances where a bill
should be outright refused – cannot go against state or
federal law and wouldn’t make sense for us to do that in a
bill; instances where our faculty advisor has information
that we may not need to or cannot have and if SGA
advisor comes to speaker and says that we cannot see this
bill then it should be refused
9. I believe that in these subclauses that I have done enough
to create system of accountability and public reporting that
will prevent this oversight from confusing
10. I don’t believe that this has not been taken advantage but I
don’t believe we are doing due diligence to not close this
2. Negative (Galloway)
1. Mostly taking negative floor to make friendly amendment
2. After talking to advisor, couple of things to add
3. Given advisor ability to say no and that I as speaker do
anything to hurt this organization and we don’t know who is
going to be here and I do agree with this amendment and
reason that speaker can veto or choose not to introduce
something and if they have good enough reason I believe
legislature would support them
4. Propose amendment – end of point D, say as subpoint 1):
“SGA advisor may make recommendation based only on
law, university policy, or the SGA governing documents” to
put oversight over advisor to make recommendation for
these reasons only and it can be flat out refused
5. Query (Pruitt): University policy piece?
1. Galloway: for example, where we are trying to do
event in stamp but stamp does not allow that
2. Changing policy does not go against policy
6. Galloway: Motion to make amendment, seconded (Pruitt)
1. Objection (Ronk): clarify a little more
2. Section D as whole should be speaker and advisor
and I trust Joe and I think it should be made
partially by student and I think that it would be a
decision no matter what
3. Amendment passes
7. Galloway: another amendment in subsection D – make
sure that student is involved; generally speaking, would
bring something to Joe’s attention and we would talk about
1. In case that does happen, there is student involved
and there is some oversight
2. Amendment passes
8. Time reserved
3. Pruitt yields time
4. Question:
1. Amendments pass
2. Pruitt: Amendment has to be approved by OSC
S 16-01-27 A - A Resolution Urging the University Administration to Mandate Syllabi Be
Posted In A Designated Location During Class Registration Dates (Khetarpal) [Committee on
Academic Affairs (Primary); Committee on Shared Governance (Secondary)]
1. Tabled until next meeting
Tabled Bills
F 15-11-11 C - An Act Concerning the Approval of the 'SGA Election Rules and
Regulations' and the '2016 SGA Election Calendar' (Galloway, on Behalf of the Administration)
[Committee on Constitution and Bylaws]
Follow Up
F 15-11-18 A - A Resolution Supporting the Construction of a Gender Neutral Bathroom
and Showers in Eppley Recreation Center and Ritchie Coliseum (Weng) [Committee on
Diversity and Inclusion]
F 15-11-18 B - A Resolution Supporting the Construction of Gender Neutral Bathrooms
and Showers in North Campus and South Campus Residence Halls (Himmelsbach) [Committee
on Diversity and Inclusion]
F 15-11-18 C - A Resolution Supporting the Construction of Gender Neutral Bathrooms
in the North Campus and South Campus Dining Hall (Banks) [Committee on Diversity and
F 15-11-18 D - A Resolution Supporting Visible Solar Panels on Campus Parking
Garages (Galloway, On Behalf of the Administration) [Sustainability Committee]
F 15-11-18 E - A Resolution Urging Looney’s Pub to Remove Discriminatory Language
Regarding the Dress Code of Patrons (Stafford) [Committee on Diversity and Inclusion]
F 15-11-18 F - An Act Condemning H.R.3403 - The Safe Campus Act (Russell)
[Committee on Governmental Affairs (Primary); Committee on Student Affairs (Secondary)]
F 15-11-18 G - An Act Urging the University Senate to Establish Uniform Procedures for
University Advisory Boards (Ceron) [Committee on Student Affairs]
F 15-12-02 C - An Act Establishing the MaryPIRG Referendum Question for the 2016
SGA Election (Delessa) [Committee on Financial Affairs]
F 15-12-02 D - A Resolution Supporting the Promotion of Textbook Affordability and
Financial Literacy on Campus (Ricigliano) [Committee on Academic Affairs]
F 15-12-02 B - A Resolution Commending the School of Public Health’s Efforts to
Remove Academic Major Restrictions for Classes (Feng) [Committee on Academic Affairs]
Executive Updates
Patrick Ronk, President
1. Yesterday, sat on student committee about Loh’s five year review
1. Every president has initial contract up for renewal after five years
and gave student input on his performance at this University
2. Report from him will be coming out tomorrow and where the
university is at
3. Think he’s doing a good job overall; learned a lot about how to
engage with students and better receive feedback especially
about diversity
4. Think he’s great and we should keep him around
2. Jake and I walked around Annapolis trying to get cosponsors on intern
tax credit
3. Meeting next week about Student Orientation
4. Talked to CARE and they supported that and hopefully have them do
5. Police Advisory Board at the end of next week
6. Cabinet shakeup to look for next week
7. Cabinet: Meetings next Wednesday and the Wednesday after that but not
meeting tonight
8. Not starting new initiatives but please let me know so that I can help you
9. If you have friend who has no interest in someone interested in being
elections chair and never involved with SGA
Shabnam Ahmed, Vice President of Academic Affairs
1. This semester, trying to be more project focused and for this week got
head start about financial wellness campaign and how that will look and
you’re going to be hear about projects and stances and slowly working
towards implementation of those
2. No textbook update but started working on financial wellness and
tomorrow I’m meeting with LCSL to talk about leadership in academics to
work on project to promote different way of approaching leadership in
3. Reading day is still big issue for Senate and going to hear more about
that and talk to Katherine about what Student Affairs
1. Want feedback from students and there’s all this controversy and
bring it back to you all and want to have everything done to bring it
back to Senate
Katherine Swanson, Vice President of Student Affairs
Sarah Niezelski – VPFA
1. Group Help
1. Pandamonium – Fully Fund
2. Agape Campus Fellowship – Full Fund
3. Agape Campus Fellowship – Fully Fund
4. Niezelski: 2 and 3 are for different events, 1 and 2/3 were voted
on different days
5. Approved
2. Cabinet Updates
1. City Affairs (Holocker)
1. I serve on the transportation committee and advocate for need for
more parking because we’re reaching tipping point and in fee
proposal, I advocated for David Allen to be ambitious with the fee
structure because I feel like university needs to start saving and
preparing for lower capacity
2. Proposal just covers mandatory fees but concern down the road is
need a parking garage on campus in next five years and garage
will most likely not be financed by bonds because bonds are for
academic resources and bond authorization are down significantly
1. Told David to bring proposal that involved savings account
and he didn’t do that
2. Continue to advocate for that and if we need to build
garage two or three years down the road,
3. Most likely vote to approve proposal
4. Added during construction to Mowatt Lane Garage
3. University View and buildings – Clark looking to sell and need to
provide parking
1. Advocate to city council to move cautiously to remove that
requirement given parking pressure
4. University wants to rename Paint branch parkway to rename
campus drive so that it continues all the way to facilitate
Kenilworth avenue access
1. Ultimately up to PG county
Sustainability (Spaur)
1. Big meeting with USM was yesterday and it was a small success
according to article but our questions weren’t really answered
2. Said that divesting immediately would have huge negative impact
1. Bill from last semester had five year
2. Sent questions to assess over five years and ten years –
ten years and freezing future investments said we wouldn’t
lose money but they didn’t give us much of a chance to
3. Fight is not over and way to demonstrate to them is to sign
this petition and take these stickers and show USMF
shows that we’re not going away and they agree that this
is a serious issue but don’t want them to think we’re going
to let it go
4. Host some rallies and keep putting pressure on them
5. UBaltimore SGA President bring the issue to attention
3. Climate Action Summit in May to implement COP21 agreement to
limit warming and this presents us with good opportunity to switch
1. Interested in joining us please join my committee we don’t
have any legislators
4. Pesticide bill asking FM to provide information and probably send
more bills to you guys about golf course use
5. Support fracking ban in PG County and it looks promising for
county council and send out information about this meeting
6. Publish sustainable city business review to try to get businesses
to be more sustainable
Communications (Roxy)
1. Ja’Nya, Erich, and more
2. Galloway: a lot of people have resigned so we’ll talk about people
that have showed up
3. I can take headshots next week
4. No legislators yet but doing rearranging and if you’re interested in
design or communications
Galloway: need to reassign some of you and if you’re working on
something and in middle of project, don’t apply to leave and make sure
that everything’s balanced and need one person on CBL; student affairs
or academics regardless
TradCom (Farrell)
1. Meetings with alumni center and
Health and Wellness (Zheng)
1. Work with DS to get them to update their website and nutritional
information is super hard to work
2. Talking about it at our meeting and trying to make case that it’s
important to see facts as we move to different dining plan
7. Gov Affairs (Kotler)
1. Walked to legislators about intern tax break bill and we’ll have
update tomorrow morning
2. Monday, 2/8 from 5-7 is student showcase and first lobby event;
van of 12 students doing research, MSOM, startups, fish robots
and lots of really neat things to show legislators before hearing
which is next Thursday
3. Ice cream day is later in February and hopefully hearing dates for
tax credit bill and Hogan had 2% tuition increase
4. Voter registration – universal registration is being worked on and
look for something about that later
5. 529 program – get people to come testify and really cool piece of
6. Logistics – expand to all legislation that’s been submitted and we’ll
go from there
7. Next Thursday – USM lobby day, tax credit bill; I’m going to be
driving down and you’re welcome to come
1. Probably excuse you from classes
3. Comments for the Good of the Council
1. Aguiar: still a two minute limit
2. Ceron: voter registration before primaries, let me or Mark or Mihir know
3. Keosian: most exciting committee talk to me about CBL
4. Adjourn – Motion to Adjourn