2014-2017 Strategic Plan - Housing and Community Development

Vision: HCDNNJ will be the premiere organization for New Jersey’s community development sector, by providing our members with critical technical assistance and resource development, public policy
education and advocacy, and cutting edge research and ideas to advance housing and community development.
GOAL: Raise organizational visibility to increase and expand organizational reputation for expertise and excellence among members, key partners, stakeholders and decision-makers as the leading
organization for and about housing and community development in NJ.
 Strengthening our brand
Amplify information about member and
CD sector impact and importance
Communicate with members, peers and
decision makers regarding challenges
and successes
 Maximize visibility opportunities through our 25th
anniversary celebration year
 Identify (brand) all committees with a consistent
moniker representing connection to the Network
 Identify all print/web materials with consistent
 Publicize members’ accomplishments
 Encourage peer sharing through the Membership
Directory & constituency opportunities
 Establish Speakers Bureau
 Create materials painting the “big” picture of impact
by members in NJ
 Ongoing
Ongoing – electronic communications
Directory being developed, Group/Issue meetings
(overlaps with Membership Services category)
Working with E-Consult/NRTC Update/Consider
Annual Report (hard copy or on-line)/TNJ Housing
Baseline Report/Impact of Recession on CDC’s
Report (being written)
Maintain on-line resource library/directory
Streamlined communications messages
Strong social media presence
Build & strengthen relationships with traditional
Utilize opportunities to place our stories in national
or regional media (beyond NJ)
Promote values based messages
New LinkedIn and Instagram Accounts
MSNBC/TNJ Star Ledger/Wall Street Journal/Bergen
Record/NJ Spotlight
MSNBC/Wall Street Journal/NLIHC/NACEDA
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Vision: HCDNNJ will be the premiere organization for New Jersey’s community development sector, by providing our members with critical technical assistance and resource development, public policy
education and advocacy, and cutting edge research and ideas to advance housing and community development.
Diversify Network fiscal resources
Board & Staff Development
Build a diversified development plan
Identify additional sources of revenue
Access Pro-bono services
Develop fee for service opportunities
HFH SSO/MHA/Increase Consulting-TA/
Around Housing Scholars being built – Others?
Seeking other potential Pro-bono resources
Administrative Fees for services
Create Committees/Ongoing Education
Internal Training/Cross Training/Leadership
Development/Peer to Peer Learning with other
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Vision: HCDNNJ will be the premiere organization for New Jersey’s community development sector, by providing our members with critical technical assistance and resource development, public policy
education and advocacy, and cutting edge research and ideas to advance housing and community development.
GOAL: Increase opportunities for members to utilize Network services (education, training, capacity building, networking and support) through collaboration and information sharing to support our
members’ housing and community development efforts.
 Increase new members – set annual goals
Retain existing members, increase dues
Diversify membership base
 Annual Membership Drive
 Ongoing – highlighting member benefits/mail out
window stickers/reduced fees for event attendance
for members
 Board Membership Committee – Board invitations
 Redone and being sent with new member and
renewal materials/Increase personalized outreach
from staff to new and renewing members
 Redone and working with other orgs to increase
 Completed
 Being restructured
 Ongoing
Referrals from existing members
Welcome materials highlighting membership
Member only discounts and other opportunities
Online dues collection
Improved invoicing; follow up
Member profiles on-line (full profile available for
members only)
Increase geographic representation from underrepresented areas
Provide affinity & constituency based opportunities
(tax credit, homelessness, Habitats, young
professionals, etc).
Engage emerging (including faith-based) CDCs to
partner with high-performing CDCs
Develop strategy for specific/targeted area
Habitat SSO/NRTF quarterly meetings/Housing
Counselor Quarterly meetings/Affinity breakouts at
membership meetings. Increase to include Forprofit developers & Architects/Real Estate
Consider CDC Mentoring Program
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Vision: HCDNNJ will be the premiere organization for New Jersey’s community development sector, by providing our members with critical technical assistance and resource development, public policy
education and advocacy, and cutting edge research and ideas to advance housing and community development.
Fostering Partnerships
Expand resources available to members
Leveraging relationships with other
statewide/regional associations
Sustain presence in national associations
Innovate and expand shared services/membership
Explore restarting Housing Scholar program
Support private/public investments that enhance
CDC opportunity
202/811 projects(Change to represent increase
federal resources including 202 Seniors/811
Utilize technology to identify and reach beyond our
traditional membership
Leverage relationships with other allied
Offer programs on-line (mini trainings, issues
statements, call to action, success stories, etc.)
Active Membership (i.e.: Urban Mayors
Association/NJSLM/Anti-Poverty Network/Regional
Planning Association, etc.)
Active membership in NACEDA/NLIHC/Housing
Counseling Resource Center/Explore relationship
with Cornerstone
Coordination of Efforts with Center for Non-Profits/
JIF/Coordination with Citizens Campaign/ Housing
Counseling Intermediary Status/Exploring Sandy
Outreach Activity/Habitat for Humanity SSO
Request to JBJ Soul Fndn/possible coordination
with SHA & through appeal letter
Continue to advocate for increase in NRTC
Ongoing awareness, training & advocacy
Utilize electronic media to share information with
and from other aligned organizations
Increase awareness outside of the
traditional networks
Webinar Wednesdays/purchased go to
webinar/policy webinars
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Vision: HCDNNJ will be the premiere organization for New Jersey’s community development sector, by providing our members with critical technical assistance and resource development, public
policy education and advocacy, and cutting edge research and ideas to advance housing and community development.
GOAL: Secure and advance policies and resources at every level of government, as well as from the private sector, to create homes and stabilize communities for low and moderate income NJ
 Enhance the public policy engagement and
 Organize and support engagement between members and
 Sustained support for at least a dozen member organizations in
advocacy capacity of our member
decision makers to educate and build support for community &
various forms – (A Teams)
organizations at every level of government
economic development issues, where and when needed
Achieve legislative and regulatory public
policies that enhance the ability of our
members to meet their goals, and protect
and preserve the opportunities they currently
Educate CDC leaders and members about their advocacy rights;
encourage CDC members, partners and clients to participate in
civic engagement opportunities that increase support for
community development
Provide cutting edge research and communications to our
members and allies that supports our policy initiatives
Work with national partners and experts on federal issues,
especially NLIHC and NACEDA
Solicit and identify critical policy barriers for members and the
sector; help our members develop and promote solutions to
these challenges ; strategize approaches to specific legislative
issues, and craft policy proposals
Organize and engage members for annual Advocacy Days (State
and Federal)/ Sandy Bill of Rights Tour/United for Homes/COAH
Hold Monthly Policy Committee Conference Calls
Publish regular Policy Bulletins, Action Alerts and other issue
related announcements
Prepare members for In-District Visits (October – Affordable
Housing Month)/ and Lobby Day;
Spearhead United for Homes Program and release of NLIHC Out
of Reach Report; support for NACEDA Regional Peer Learning
Groups and CCP State Caucus Task Force on problem properties
Evaluate accomplishments on at least a quarterly basis
Report on signature issue and other policy accomplishments as
part of annual highlights, reports, etc.
Develop and regularly update policy priorities for staff, members
Vision: HCDNNJ will be the premiere organization for New Jersey’s community development sector, by providing our members with critical technical assistance and resource development, public
policy education and advocacy, and cutting edge research and ideas to advance housing and community development.
and partners to use
Identify a signature issue campaign around a public policy or
regulatory challenge; include measureable outcomes and plan
an achievable timetable; evaluate these benchmarks regularly
Monitor threats and opportunities that may emerge in policy
Advance policy agenda by engaging members and leaders
through grassroots advocacy opportunities at local, state and
federal levels (lobby days, in-district visits, etc.)
Sustain strong alliances with other organizations and
stakeholders that share similar concerns
Work to ensure an equitable and sustainable recovery and
rebuilding process after Superstorm Sandy and for future
disasters Identify and promote rebuilding strategies that
support sustainable redevelopment
Advocate for resources to maximize housing for affected low
and moderate income people and communities; serve as a
clearinghouse for information on available recovery resources.
Continuous Communications Loop with Members and activities
that include Lobby Day/Fall In-District Meetings/Sandy Bill of
Rights Tour
Work with SHA/FSH/NJF/TNJ/APN, etc.
Promoted Housing Recovery Resource Center Model/Successful
participation in NJ Recovery Fund/Advanced and Passed Sandy
Bill of Rights
Continue Sandy Working Group/Significant successful
improvements in 2nd tranche/improved distribution of resources
as a result of the voluntary consent agreement/Successful
advocacy resulting in state to provide opportunity for public input
in 3 hearings one in each region
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Vision: HCDNNJ will be the premiere organization for New Jersey’s community development sector, by providing our members with critical technical assistance and resource development, public
policy education and advocacy, and cutting edge research and ideas to advance housing and community development.
GOAL: Promote community stabilization and neighborhood revitalization by supporting Network members by promoting peer sharing, resource development, collaboration and efforts to address
common barriers.
 Advance our member’s NRTC plans/projects
and expand access to resources for
neighborhood planning
 Update/refine NRTC impact info and promote release
of updated 2012 report
 Identify and help develop new resources for
neighborhood planning and implementation of plans
Identify and share proven approaches to
sustainable planning and redevelopment goals
in members’ neighborhood plans
Secure cohesive and systematic strategies
to address problem properties with
municipal officials and CDC partners
Organize peer learning sessions with Neighborhood
Revitalization Task Force on key topics of interest,
with follow up TA and advocacy as needed
Engage with partner organizations and consultant(s)
who can help members create neighborhood plans,
develop more detailed plans in key areas, connect to
regional planning efforts, and/or participate in and
influence the municipal master planning process
Pursue problem property agenda for members &
municipalities including land banking legislation, tax
sale law and Healthy Homes
Support/promote progressive state planning and
transportation policies for older communities,
 Re-release NRTC Report & Create Update – released
in Camden in May
 Advocate for increase in NRTC cap for funding (other
new ideas?)
 Serve on Statewide NRTC Task Force
 Each NRTF quarterly meeting providing lessons
learned at NRTC funded locations
Ongoing – Explore continuing relationship for probono work with NJAPA.
Passed Land Banking & Tax Lien Sale Bills – awaiting
Governor’s signature. Mold Bill legislation passed
Assembly – to be heard in Senate. Held statewide
problem properties caucus meeting. Brought
together Trenton and Newark HH’s programs and
bringing Camden HH into the mix for ongoing
quarterly meetings.
Need to focus on long-term affordability/tie TOD to
NRTC work/Successfully completing One Region grant
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Vision: HCDNNJ will be the premiere organization for New Jersey’s community development sector, by providing our members with critical technical assistance and resource development, public
policy education and advocacy, and cutting edge research and ideas to advance housing and community development.
Support members’ efforts to address
enhance local community development efforts and
expand (equitable) TOD
Encourage and promote use of qualified housing
counseling services as a means to educate at-risk
consumers and prevent foreclosures.
Identify additional resources for qualified housing
program/Continue to work with NJF, TNJ, Tri-State
Support our members who participate in local
Foreclosure Task Forces/Advance Foreclosure bills
Lobby Day Assembly Housing Committee hearing on
foreclosure crisis featured our members and report
we issued.
Become a HUD Intermediary/HC Grantee
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Vision: HCDNNJ will be the premiere organization for New Jersey’s community development sector, by providing our members with critical technical assistance and resource development, public
policy education and advocacy, and cutting edge research and ideas to advance housing and community development.
ION/GOAL: Strengthen the resources and tools available for CDCs and their partners to create homes and jobs, while expanding the capacity of our members to access and put those resources
and tools to work in their communities.
 Expand measurable knowledge, skill level
and performance of Network members
and other community development
Develop solutions to address ongoing
challenges related to foreclosure
prevention work in New Jersey
Improve and expand funding programs
and investment resources
 Provide targeted TA & training through a variety
of curriculum and partnerships, including
Together North Jersey , One-CPD, CHDO, TA &
 Survey members about emerging sector training
needs; develop curriculum in response; Create
training opportunities utilizing technology (go-to
meeting, web classes, etc.)
 Establish menu of technical assistance/consulting
services available to members through HCDNNJ
 Create and support association of housing
counselors to identify challenges and areas of
need to assist in counseling efforts; promote best
practices from other areas; provide and/or
identify training requested by counseling
organizations as needed.
 Communicate with HMFA and encourage
meetings to help address counselor challenges
 Identify opportunities for greater alignment with
academic institutions
 Evaluate member access to financing
 Lead quarterly meetings of Community Economic
Development group with lenders and members
 Closing out TNJ/CPTED provided for 6 programs
through TNJ/Additional CPTED for Camden or
Urban Mayors Association/On-going TA &
Training as requested
 On-going survey of members/purchased go to
webinar/Wednesday Webinars starting/Policy
Conf Calls becoming Webinars
Ongoing & Building TA & Consulting (ex. UVSO)
Created HC statewide association – open to
members/outreach to non-members/quarterly
meetings. Funded through HUD as grantee with
six sub-grantees throughout the state
Work with HUD and HMFA to remove deed
Bloustein/Princeton/TCNJ (intern programs)
CED Meetings Quarterly (should there be a
specific issue – what would make this valuable?)
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Vision: HCDNNJ will be the premiere organization for New Jersey’s community development sector, by providing our members with critical technical assistance and resource development, public
policy education and advocacy, and cutting edge research and ideas to advance housing and community development.
to encourage dialogue about CRA and other
financial investment prospects
Work w/lenders to promote current and develop
new products and strategies to finance members’
projects and increase investment into lowincome areas
Leverage Sandy CDBG-DR opportunities for
Work with NJCC re: Re-Start/ Exploring additional
CDFI opportunities
Work to increase NRTC cap
Working to make sure the funding goes into
appropriate areas through the neighborhood
enhancement program
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