Social Work Advocacy: Short Essay

Social Work Advocacy: Short Essay
Based upon Schneider and Lester Text Social Work Advocacy
Due Thursday in My Office Thursday 2/23 5:00 pm
Name: ____________________________________________________
Question One (Chapter One): Social work has long experienced tension between our
advocacy roles and our service roles. Based upon the material in this chapter, discuss
your understanding of this history and how it manifested itself in the positions taken by
key figures social work history at various points.
Question Two (Chapter Two): What are the key dimensions of advocacy, according to
the authors survey of the literature? Describe each and discuss the one you feel is most
Question Three (Chapter Two): What is the authors’ new definition of advocacy and how
does it differ from other from other social work roles, including social reform, brokering,
problem solving, clinical social work, and community organizing?
Question Four (Chapter Two): Schneider and Lester argue that there are many reasons
why social workers are not active in the legislative arena. Please list and discuss each
and indicate if you agree or disagree and why. Also, provide at least one additional
reason why you feel social workers are not as involved as they might be in legislative
advocacy or in other forms of advocacy (such as writing letters to the editor, op-ed
pieces, advocacy with local service providers, rallies and demonstrations, or within the
organization for whom a social worker works).
Question Five (Chapter Four) In your own words, (a) define and discuss the differences
between collaborative, campaign and contest strategies, (b) state what the difference
between a tactic and a strategy is, and (c) think of at least one additional tactic which is
consistent with each of the three types of strategies (you may have to improvise here, i.e.
make something up or refer to a tactic you have heard used and see which strategy it is
most consistent with!). Please try to have a little fun with (c), I know it's not easy having
fun on a quiz.