Alison Miller, Ph.D. Keys to Recovery Acknowledge your multiplicity. Internal leaders should lead the recovery. Improve your inner world, government and jobs. Become physically safe. Recognize the BIG LIE. Choose your goal—stability or healing. Work through memories systematically, including all internal participants and all pieces of each memory. Choose a safe therapist. Allow co-consciousness and integration to happen naturally. Dissociative Splitting Dissociative splitting is an adaptation which enables a child to live with ongoing trauma, in many or most cases involving his or her own parents or caregivers. Organized groups who abuse children deliberately try to split and structure their victims’ minds in such a way that they will not remember what happened, or that if they begin to remember they will disbelieve their own memories. Dissociative splitting affects survivors’ awareness of some or all of the traumatic events, the circumstances surrounding the events, and the identity of the abusers, for some period of their lives. 3 What is Mind Control? Abuse of children (and adults) by an organized group which deliberately creates, indoctrinates, and trains internal parts (alter personalities) to do its bidding. Deliberate creation of inside parts in infancy Creation of a planned structured personality system Creation of inner structures and/or an inner world where parts “live” Beliefs implanted and parts trained to do their jobs through torture, drugs, training and stage magic Ritual abuse is mind control by a religious group. 4 Programming “Programming is the act of installing internal, pre-established reactions to external stimuli so that a person will automatically react in a predetermined manner to things like an auditory, visual or tactile signal or perform a specific set of actions according to a date and/or time.” Arauna Morgan There is only one way to create persons who can engage in spying, sex slavery, assassination, or ritual murder without any conscious awareness of this. The way is through abuse and torture of small children, separating parts of their minds that are then indoctrinated and trained individually as the abusers see fit. 5 RA and MC Survivors are Multiple Mind control is only achieved by dividing the mind in infancy. Mind controllers work hard to make sure the survivor’s “front person” doesn’t find out about the other parts. There is deliberate programming to not know you are multiple. Internal Hierarchies A mind-controlled personality system is deliberately structured into layers or levels as well as sections, and everyone has to stay in their place. In most mind-controlled or cult personality systems, parts are set up in one or more hierarchies. The bosses and their enforcers issue threats to those who disobey, and administer punishment for disobedience or disclosures through flashbacks or self-harm or ordering “programs” to be turned on. To really change things, those parts in charge, at the top of the hierarchy , need to decide to make a break for freedom. Those parts, who rarely if ever come out in everyday life, need to learn about how the survivor’s life circumstances have changed, so that in adulthood freedom is possible. The internal leaders also need to discover that they were deceived by the mind controllers, that their power is only internal, and that they do not deserve lifelong slavery. 7 Attention, Inner Leaders I want your inner leaders to pay attention; I am talking to you, not the front person. You are the key to recovery. You can tell the rest of the system to change their loyalty, to be loyal to your own true self. Why should you do this?... Because you have been deceived by the abusers The Abusers’ BIG LIE “We know everything and are all-powerful. We have magical (for young children) or technological (for older children) ways of knowing what you think and do and say.” The walls have ears. Satan’s eyes/the All-Seeing Eye watch you. We live in the shadows or in the walls. The crows/squirrels/spiders report to us. Your stuffed animals report to us. A microchip/device implanted in your body tell us where you are and what you are thinking/saying. A bomb in your body will go off if you are disloyal. Everyone you know is linked to us and will report to us. God/Lucifer/Satan (who is omnipotent, omniscient, and omni-present) is always watching you. All these things are simulated in childhood, using hidden microphones, one-way mirrors, fake surgeries, and other deceptions. It’s all tricks! 9 A Lie Plus Some Tricks None of these things the abusers tell you about their knowledge is true. Instead, it is hidden parts of you who tell them your whereabouts or report when you have disobeyed orders. These reporter parts are hidden from the system leaders. There are also hidden parts who have to return home in response to cues or misbehavior, or who have to “come when called.” Healing begins with establishing safety. Calling Home If the person discloses secrets, a part who loves family feels an urge to call home. Many survivors call right after therapy. This part calls (or answers the phone when family calls) and remembers only a normal conversation. The family member calls out a reporter who tells what is happening in therapy and describes any disloyalty. The family member calls out other parts and gives them orders, e.g. harass the therapist, cut your arms, or come to the next ritual. 11 Preventing or Stopping Reporting It is not true that the abusers know everything. Internal leaders, find out how the abusers said they knew things, and how they proved it. Internal bosses—ask your insiders how the perpetrators’ “magic” knowledge was actually obtained. Ask to speak with the reporter parts. Tell them to stop reporting in order to prevent re-abuse. Reporters are often young kids who believe what adults tell them. Ask them why the abusers would need them to report if they already know everything. Update young child parts about where they live and what year it is. They often don’t know. Point out that it’s easy for adults to keep track of a child, but not of an adult who’s moved away. Relocation is useless until reporting is disabled. 12 Some Kinds of Internal Punishment Causing extreme depression, mood swings, and flooding of unpleasant emotions Causing flashbacks and nightmares Causing intermittent learning disabilities, or scrambling of sensory information Creating physical pain or apparent illness with no current cause Causing apparent seizures (using electroshock memories) Creating hallucinations and delusions, distorting what people say Causing internal world disasters (flood, lightning, fire, tornado, earthquake) Cutting or burning self, especially with patterns or symbols of loyalty Suicide attempts In survivors of organized abuse, all these things are simply caused by insiders doing their assigned jobs, to punish for disloyalty or disclosures. 13 Additional Security Internal programmers at control panels turn on programs when insiders trip “wires” by disobeying rules. Scary outliers (demons, ghosts, gods, entities) threaten the higher-ups. Don’t be fooled by them. They are inside parts like anyone else. Reporter parts tell external abusers about security breaches. 14 Healing Work Destabilizes In the early stages of a survivor’s disobedient pursuit of recovery, young inside parts who live in the past follow abusers’ instructions to punish or report. Internal leaders can order these programs to be turned off. Then backups may take over their jobs. You can be proactive about backups; ask for them to listen and join in when you’re working with the first part. 15 Closedowns and Therapists If a survivor is remembering too much, and/or speaking up, he or she may be sent to a closedown specialist, who may be disguised as a therapist. The closedown specialist systematically puts away significant inner people through torture, hand signals, and threats. The inside of a closed down person is full of prisons, wells, freezers, coffins, etc. in which internal people are hidden. The person ends up “stable,” managing life apparently okay, but no longer remembering most of the abuse. Make sure your therapist is a safe person, not a closedown specialist, especially if he or she is a “ritual abuse expert.” Ask all your insiders. A naïve therapist who’s willing to learn is better than an expert who works for the abusers. Stabilization and Healing What’s your goal—to be stabilized, or healed? It may depend on your age and life responsibilities. There is closed-down stabilization, and there is stabilization created by restructuring your inner world and redefining your insiders’ jobs. You may choose to take back your own life and freedom by rescuing your inner parts and working through their memories. That takes much longer but gives you back your soul. Building Inner Community The internal leaders who the abuser group put in charge should remain in charge at first, so there won’t be chaos. Those leaders can learn to use their authority wisely and kindly. They didn’t have good examples. Gradually move towards democracy in which the leaders in the governing council represent all parts’ needs. Insiders often have names which reflect their roles in the abuse; they can choose different names. Costumed insiders can take off the costumes. Those who resemble perpetrators can become kids again. You can ask parts to stop doing harmful jobs. You can ask parts to do jobs when they are helpful, e.g. put away memories, make everyone forget, help parts stuck in trauma to go to sleep temporarily. Research each group of insiders—age, likes and dislikes, needs. How could the system provide for their needs in the external world? In the inner world? 18 Giving Insiders New Jobs Use insiders’ job skills to assist in recovery. New jobs may resemble old jobs but in the service of help. File keepers can keep memories contained and then bring them up when ready to process them. Observers and recorders can watch the survivor’s present life to make sure he or she is safe. Spinners can spin away bad feelings and spin peaceful and calm feelings out into the system. Pain holders can help with medical and dental appointments. Soldier parts can get the body to exercise, or take charge of external safety. “Forget” program holders can make reporters forget anything they may have been trained to report. Scary parts can take off their costumes and change their names. 19 How Insiders Can Improve their Inner World Cut wires, destroy control towers, etc. (with permission). Rescue parts who are “stuck” in inner copies of the places where the abuse occurred: boxes, cages, cold basement rooms, garbage pits, bedrooms where a rapist found them. Give inner kids their own rooms with locks on the inside, comfortable beds or couches, etc. Make nurseries for babies, caregivers, stuffed animals, toys, blankets, pets. Create mansions, tree houses, whatever is most helpful. Make places for exercise, sports, anger release. Create inner TV screens for safely viewing the outer world. Create an inner movie of life to update insiders. You can import movie or TV or book characters, e.g. nannies, doctors. 20 Choosing Memories to Work With Choose the memories to be worked through strategically in order to dismantle the programming. There is already a filing system for memories, especially the ones that constitute programs. Use it! Begin with easy traumatic memories, minor traumas without too much shock or horror or physical pain, so that your insiders can learn the process, and other parts can observe and see how it resolves the trauma. Then have the system choose memories on a logical basis, with the goal being safety. Suicide and self-harm and access programs are a priority. Eventually you can work chronologically to clean up unprocessed memories, or internal programmers can write out a chart or list of the programs to be worked through. Don’t forget the infant memories of the original splits. 21 Resolving Traumas A memory usually involves several insiders, each of whom holds a particular feeling, sensory modality or knowledge. Everyone must be present. The “sound track” involving instructions is important. It is easy to miss a segment because some insider is missing, or is a recycler hiding a piece. Insiders often avoid embarrassing parts of memories like sexual feelings, shameful ones like perpetration, or very painful parts. Similar memories can be processed together. 22 Involve the Inner Recyclers Hidden recycler or reactivator inside people are trained to deliberately withhold and hide a small piece of each training memory, so that the training effect cannot be destroyed, and the perpetrator group can re-create the program from the missing piece. The hidden piece may be words, emotion, something seen, or physical pain. Look for recyclers: ask if anyone inside has the job of keeping pieces of the memories separate. Dialogue with them and make sure their pieces are put in every time you process a memory. 23 Feelings in Memory Work A trauma is not resolved until all aspects of it have been joined: knowledge, sight, hearing, touch and taste, pain, drugs, and each emotion involved. I find it easiest to put all the feelings (bodily and emotional) into a container while getting the story of the memory, then at the end adding the feelings in to the story, naming each feeling while it is added. Don’t put any inner people in containers. Co-Consciousness and Integration The goal of mind controllers is to keep you fragmented so you can’t take charge of your life. A cooperative personality system can work together effectively even if not fully integrated. Premature integrations can flood you with shame, grief and despair. The front person does not have to know everything all the way through your healing. Integration happens naturally and gradually as you work through memories. Keys to Recovery Acknowledge your multiplicity. Internal leaders should lead the recovery. Improve your inner world, government and jobs. Become physically safe. Recognize the BIG LIE. Choose your goal—stability or healing. Work through memories systematically, including all internal participants and all pieces of each memory. Choose a safe therapist. Allow co-consciousness and integration to happen naturally.