Sports Program Details & Info

Prepared and Presented
by Wade Morrill
July 2015
Monmouth Academy Athletics
The Mission of Monmouth Academy is to promote the physical, moral, mental,
social and emotional well – being of the Student Athletes of the greater
Monmouth community; through education and competition.
Our goal is to provide a rigorous and rewarding athletic program which
complements and supports our academic program by teaching student athletes to
work hard in their endeavors, to persevere through tribulation and adversity, to
work well with others of varying abilities, to test and challenge their own physical
and mental limits, and lastly to respect the same qualities in their opponents.
Monmouth Athletic Department strives to build a competitive athletic program
that acts as a source of enduring pride for our student population, student
athletes, alumni, faculty, and members of the Monmouth Community.
The Basics
• Current Member of the Mountain Valley
Conference (
• Compete in Southern Maine Class “C” Region
in all sports except Wrestling and Football.
• MPA school- (
• We offer 10 Athletic programs on campus with
RSU paid coaches.
• We have 4 cooperative agreements allowing
students to participate at other schools either
on a team or as an individual.
The Basics Continued
We Employ 22 Coaches and have another 17 volunteer
Coaches who help out when available.
Our Athletics website is updated weekly and in the
event of cancellations or major changes in schedules.
We also try to do a Mustang of the Week.
M.A and MMMS an average participation rate of roughly
41.3% of students per season involved in Athletics.
Calculated by determining number of students participating in any one season divided
by number of total students in Monmouth.
Fall 2014 43%, Winter 14 /15 41%, Spring 2015 40%
Monmouth Athletics Yearly Goals
1.) To place all of our Varsity Sports teams in the
Regional Tournaments to compete for Southern
Maine and ultimately State Championships.
2.) To Provide quality Coaching to each and
everyone of our student athletes so that the
mastery of their chosen sport (s) fundamental
skills is achieved by the end of their 4 year career
3.) To Win at least one Sportsmanship award a year.
4.) To Participate in Community Service project per
Sports Season
Athletic Code of Ethics
“Character, Courage, Commitment”
1.) Treat Officials and opponents with respect due any
2.) Accept Victory with modesty, defeat graciously, and
never quit.
3.) Control his/her emotions at all times.
4.) Accept the judgment and decisions of the coaching staff
and Athletic Administrator
5.) Keep Physically fit and observe all training rules
6.) Use his/her influence on and off the court to develop
healthy behavior, sportsmanship, community pride, and
civic responsibility in others.
Monmouth Academy Co-Curricular Handbook
• PARTICIPATION IN CO-Curricular activities is a Privilege. It is
not a right or guarantee.
• THESE GUIDELINES outline the general governance of all
Athletic teams here at Monmouth.
• These are the rules all students are expected to adhere to
and these are the guidelines by which all discipline will be
administered from a departmental level.
• Each Coach may choose to enhance or augment these in
dealing with their own teams. However they must at the
minimum enforce these guidelines.
Parent Student Athlete Contract
4 components
1.) Physical Examination Form or Pre-participation Form: Students are required to have a
physical examination every two years. A signed physical statement must be submitted to the
school nurse prior to any participation. A medical update form will be required for those
students that are not required to have a physical.
2.) Emergency Information: Students are required to complete and return the “Monmouth
Academy Medical Information” card. All information must be filled out completely, including
insurance policy information.
3.) Permission, Insurance Responsibility, and Pledge:
– A.) Parent/Guardian must give permission for his/her child to participate,
– B.) Parent must sign stating that his/her child has health insurance. Students who participate in cocurricular programs at Monmouth Academy will be required to demonstrate proof of insurance.
Insurance may be purchased through an independent insurance company or through a group policy
offered by Regional School Unit #2. Forms are available in the main office and from the Athletic Director.
– C.) Student and parent sign that each is aware and understands the eligibility rules and regulations of
Monmouth Academy and the Maine Principals’ Association and that the student agrees to adhere to all
rules, regulations, policies and team rules.
4.) Student and parent read and signed the “Assumption of Risk”, “Understanding of
Possibility of Concussion/Head Injuries”, and “Permission for Medical Treatment.
Extra and Co-Curricular General
Eligibility ( MPA)
Students must be regularly enrolled at Monmouth Academy and meet all pupil
eligibility requirements of the Maine Principals’ Association in order to participate
in co-curricular activities. (Must be enrolled in the equivalent of 5 full time
To be regularly enrolled a student must be in attendance and pursuing a program of
studies approved by the principal and superintendent of schools
Students are eligible for eight consecutive semesters after first enrolling as a
freshman in high school. Students become ineligible upon their twentieth
birthday or upon graduating from high school or the expiration of their eight
Home School Students: A student receiving home-school instruction is eligible
to try-out for co-curricular activities sponsored by Monmouth Academy provided
that the Student abides by the same policies and regulations set forth and that
the student is enrolled in an equivalent instruction program.
School Attendance
• All students participating in co-curricular
activities must display regular attendance.
Students must be in attendance the day of the
scheduled activity in order to participate.
Students absent from school may not
participate in the game/practice/activity
scheduled for that day unless the absence is
for a valid excuse and they have received
permission from the Principal or Athletic
Director to participate.
Tardiness/Signing out/ Attendance to
School following a competition
• If a student arrives to school after 8:00 a.m., the student
may not participate in the scheduled
practice/game/competition for that day. Absences for an
excusable reason shall be examined on an individual basis
by the Athletic Director or Principal.
• Students who sign-out of school for any reason may not
participate in the game/practice/activity scheduled for that
day. This will be reviewed on a case by case basis by the
Athletic Director or Principal.
• Students are expected to be prompt to school on the days
following a competition. The second tardy on a day
following a competition, without a valid excuse, will result
in the student being ineligible for the next regular season
scheduled competition.
Academic Eligibility
a.) Teachers document students who are behind teacher-pace on the school’s “Behind Pace List”
(which is an up-to-date shared staff Google Doc). Teachers will denote whether the student
meets the criteria to be considered ineligible.
b.) As a courtesy, Students and Parents receive a weekly email that informs students and parents
of any classes that the student is currently behind teacher pace in.
c.) At the three-week mark, the Athletic Director will check the BPL and inform coach of the
students now ineligible to compete. Coaches will notify the Students. In fairness to the team
and coach affected, the student may compete on that particular Monday only (ie. if an event
gets postponed, the student will not participate).
d.) Student places greater emphasis on his/her academics, during class, HYP, before and/or after
school, and at home to perform at teacher-pace and make marked progress towards meeting
proficiency. “showing up” for help will not make the student eligible. Handing in work that is
owed does not make the student eligible. The work has to be corrected and score at a
proficient level in order for the student to be moved off the BPL.
e.) Once student is at teacher-pace, he/she will bring a signed “Return to Play” form to the
Athletic Director. The Athletic Director will confirm this with the teacher and inform the
coach that the student has regained his/her eligibility. This can be an email, a phone call, a
note from the teacher.
What Ineligibility Means!
* Student cannot participate in any regular season or tournament “countable”
game, meet, match, performance, etc. Student may participate in
scrimmages, exhibition games, etc.
* Student is expected to attend and participate in all practices, unless it
interferes with afterschool academic assistance. In which case, the
student should bring documentation from the teacher he/she stayed with
and give this to his/her coach.
* Student is not permitted to attend any away games, meets, matches, etc.
that are held on school nights. The student should be using this valuable
time to focus on his/her studies and work to be successfully performing at
teacher-pace in all of his/her courses.
* Student is expected to be with the team at all home games, meets,
matches, performances, etc.
Training Rules
• Prohibited Substances
are illegal and
unhealthy. Any
member of any
athletic team will be
subjected to
disciplinary action if
the athlete is involved
with any one of the
events listed.
• Possession or Using
intoxicating beverages,
illegal drugs, or tobacco.
• Including but not limited
too being present in a
vehicle, knowing it to be
illegal to transport drugs
and alcohol or to
knowingly be present
where drugs and alcohol
are illegally present
• Self Admission of Violation
of training rules
Procedures for Violations of Training Rules
A. When the violation occurs in school, it will be addressed by the disciplinary procedure
outlined in the Monmouth Academy Student Handbook and by the procedures that follow
under “B” below.
B. Procedure when violation occurs outside of school:
1. Staff person, coach, or advisor attempts verification.
2. Staff member, coach, advisor, student, or concerned person refers to Athletic Director,
Assistant Principal, or Principal.
3. Athletic Director, Assistant Principal, and/or Principal meet with student to gather facts,
provide due process, and inform of policy and procedure.
4. Athletic Director, Assistant Principal, and/or Principal inform parents/guardians.
5. Principal, Assistant Principal, Athletic Director, and coach/advisor will take disciplinary
action that will include:
a. Two-week removal from the activity without participation in practice or contest. (The
student may not attend practices/games/contests.)
b. Two-week reintegration period in which the student attends and participates in practice,
but may not participate in games/contests.
c. Penalty can carry over from one sport season to the next. (i.e. If a violation occurred
within the last week of one season, the penalty will continue at the beginning of the
following sport season.
Repeated offenses will constitute automatic removal from all co-curricular activities for
one calendar year.
Monmouth Team Policy
• When a student makes the decision to commit to a Monmouth Academy
team, it is expected that the student-athlete will attend all practices and
games/meets/matches (including exhibition).
In extraordinary circumstances, the “MPA Bona Fide Team Policy will be
adhered. Please note, games/meets/matches should always take
precedence over any non-Monmouth Academy team. Violations will be
dealt with according to MPA guidelines.
• Participation on more than one Monmouth Academy athletic team per
season is not allowed.
Leaving/Switching a Team
Students may not switch from one athletic team to another after the
first two weeks of the pre-season.
During the first two weeks of pre-season, a student may switch to a
different team upon communicating with the coaches involved and
the Athletic Director.
Students leaving an athletic team after the first two weeks of the preseason must meet with the coach and the Athletic Director. Failure
to meet and provide a reason that meets with the approval of the
Principal, Athletic Director, and coach shall result in the student
being ineligible for the next sport season.
• Any student representing Monmouth Academy at any away
function as a participant must travel by the means provided by the
school. The person in charge of the activity may grant permission
for the participant to leave with his/her parents or legal guardians
• The Principal or Athletic Director may grant permission for a
student to arrive or leave with the parent or guardian of another
student if the following condition is met:
- A Monmouth Academy Transportation Form that will list
parents and other consenting adults (non students at least 21 yrs of
age or older) whom they may ride home with, is completed and
returned to coaches.
1. Coach and program’s philosophy
2. Individual and team expectations
3. Location and times of all practices and contests
4. Team requirements (practices, special equipment, off-season conditioning)
5. Procedure followed should your child be injured during practice
6. Any discipline that may result in the denial of your child’s participation
1. Concerns expressed directly to the coach at an appropriate time
2. Notification of schedule conflicts well in advance
3. Specific concerns with regard to a coach’s philosophy and/or expectations
4. Support for the program and positive role modeling at games
5. Questions concerning the mission and vision of the overall program
Our goal in education-based athletics is to provide an enjoyable, challenging experience for each
student-athlete. However, there may be times when your child may have concerns. At these
times, discussion with the coach is encouraged.
At the high school level, we encourage your child to take the initiative to talk to his/her coach.
1. The treatment of your child, mentally and physically. 2. Ways to help your child improve
and develop.
3. Concerns about your child's behavior.
Communication Continued
1. Play calling
2. Team strategy
3. Other student-athletes
It is very difficult to accept your child not playing as much as you may desire. Coaches are
professionals. They make judgment decisions based on what they believe to be best for the
team and all athletes involved. There are certain areas and issues that can and should be
discussed with your child’s coach. Other things, such as those below, should be left to the
discretion of the coach.
1. Please do not attempt to confront a coach before, during, or after a game/meet or
practice. These can be emotional times for both the parent and the coach, and this situation
does not promote resolution nor objective analysis.
2. Please call the school to set up an appointment with the coach.
3. If the coach cannot be reached, call Mr. Wade Morrill, the Athletic Director. A meeting with
the coach will be set up for you.
Please call and set up an appointment with Mr. Wade Morrill, the Athletic Director. (This
meeting will consist of the parent, coach, athletic director, and possibly the student-athlete.)
Sports Organizations to Get involved
• Monmouth Academy Boosters
– Meet:
– Contact Info:
Veni Vidi Vici
Monmouth Athletes represent their school, community, family, and
themselves and the Traditions of their sport. A great athletic
tradition is developed through hard work and focus on excellence
made by the efforts of numerous people over many years. As a
member of our athletics you have inherited a wonderful tradition,
a tradition you are challenged to uphold and improve.
It will not be easy to contribute to such a tradition, things that are
worth doing seldom are. When you wear a Monmouth Uniform
you are expected to understand our traditions and accept the
responsibilities that come with them. Your time as an Athlete and
an Athletic parent here will be rewarding, educational, fun, and
rich with fond memories. That is the true nature of sport. The
lessons are learned not in the destination but in the journey.