Week of Feb. 1-5, 2016 See Daily Agenda PREBELL TIMEWRITING TEST ON EDU Typing on 3 Minute > Text Messaging Safety and Etiquette OR CANVAS PREBELL QUESTION- Describe bold, font and bullets you use. OBJECTIVE: Recognize key terms related to business letters and reports COMPLETE REVIEW CH. 3 PAGES 59-62-TYPING WORK INTRODUCE BUSINESS LETTER-CH. 4-DO PRE TEST ON TEACHER WEB SITE LOOK UP BUSINESS LETTER Ch 4 TERMS IN TECH TERMS (SEE NEXT SLIDE) OR GLOSSARY IN WORKBOOK. VIEW SOME BUSINESS LETTERS-IN GOOGLE Students will continue Edu Typing Reinforcement Lesson, Independent Work- Mon—Lesson 6.1, Tues.- Lesson 6.2, Wed. Lesson 6.3, Thurs., -Lesson 6.4 and Friday—Lesson 6.5 EXIT TICKET: SEE CANVAS FOR MONDAY HOMEWORK-CREATE SENTENCES DUE THURS Bibliography Modified-block style Block style Open punctuation Body Personal business letter Closing Plagiarism Hyperlink Return address Inside address Salutation Letterhead Sender Margins Homework: Create Mixed punctuation Sentences-Due Thursday Students will complete Pre Bell Activity in an online learning Management Program called Canvas. Or Students will complete Time Writing Test on Typing Ace TUESDAY PREBELL QUESTION: WHAT IS THE DIFFERENT BETWEEN TEXTING AND WRITING A LETTER? BELL WORK ACTIVITY5MINS—PICK A CHOICE TIMEWRITING TEST ON EDU TYPING OR CANVAS QUESTION INTRODUCTION CLASS PRESENTATION/CLASS DISCUSSION-15 MINS. GUIDED PRACTICE Objective: WRITE & COLOR CODE BUSINESS LETTER.--Group Activity GROUP RESPONSES DEFFERENTIATED ACTIVITIES ON COMPOSING BUS. LETTER Students will continue Edu Typing Reinforcement Lesson, Independent Work- Mon—Lesson 6.1, Tues.- Lesson 6.2, Wed. Lesson 6.3, Thurs., -Lesson 6.4 and Friday—Lesson 6.5 ENRICH/REMEDIAL: www.brainpop user name: elmontufsd password: brainpop EXIT QUESTION: THINK, PAIR & SHARE—GO TO CANVAS –CHOICE: TYPE IT OR WRITE ON COLOR INDEX CARD. Inside Address The inside address gives the name and address of the person or company receiving the letter. Formal Greeting The formal greeting is always followed by a colon (:). Dr. Robert Harris, Director Health Care Center P.O. Box 123 Drew, MS 38737 Dear Sir: Dear Madam: Dear Mr. Harris: Closure – 5-10 minutes Complete Closure Assignment (question) on Canvas. and then discuss responses with their shoulder partner. The students have a choice to type/submit their answers in Canvas or write their answer on the color coded index cards and place in the exit ticket container. Closure QUESTIONS: "What did you learned from the business letter writing activity today?" Do you think that business letter writing will be obsolete in the future? Justify your answer. PREBELL TIMEWRITING Test on EDU -3 Minutes on E-Mail Safety OR CANVAS PREBELL QUESTION Objective: Perform word processing application by typing a business letter CH. 3 TEST RE TEST ON FORMATTING TODAY. CONTINUE BUSINESS LETTER PROJECT FROM TUES. DUE TODAY Students will continue Edu Typing Reinforcement Lesson, Independent Work- Mon—Lesson 6.1, Tues.- Lesson 6.2, Wed. Lesson 6.3, Thurs., -Lesson 6.4 and Friday—Lesson 6.5 ENRICH/REMEDIAL: www.brainpop user name: elmontufsd password: brainpop EXIT QUESTION: THINK, PAIR & SHARE—GO TO CANVAS –CHOICE TYPE IT OR WRITE ON COLOR INDEX CARD. Pre Bell-- Have students to complete Pre Bell – 3 Minute--Time Writing –Test on EDU Typing on E-Mail Safety-5mins. Objective: TSW compose a business letter correcty. 1) Teacher will review key terms and check homework in Ch. 4 2) Teacher will introduce Lesson 4.1 Personal Business Letter page 64-65 with students using Power Point 3) Students will read and follow directions in the textbook on page 66-72 on a Personal Business Letter-- word processing (typing) activity and complete the Now You Try It on page 72, if time permits. 4) Students will continue Edu Typing Reinforcement Lesson, Independent with students Work- Mon—Lesson 6.1, Tues.- Lesson 6.2, Wed. Lesson 6.3, Thurs., Lesson 6.4 and Friday—Lesson 6.5 5) Wrap up with a review---Think-Pair and Share—See Canvas Pre- Bell Activity: Have students to complete 3 Minute -Time Writing-on Text Message Safety—5 mins. OBJECTIVE: TSW: Perform word processing application by typing a business letter and a business document. 1) Students will complete Notes on Ch.4 for Ch. 4 Post Test-- 15 minutes 2) Student will complete Typing Assignment on Handout and save to their “T” Drive to be graded by the teacher. 15 minutes 3) Students will complete typing the Business Letter from Thursday and save it to your “T” Drive.—15 minutes 4) Independent Activity on Edu Typing: Students will continue Edu Typing Reinforcement Lesson, Independent Work- Mon—Lesson 6.1, Tues.- Lesson 6.2, Wed. Lesson 6.3, Thurs., -Lesson 6.4 and Friday— Lesson 6.5—20 minutes 5) Extra Assignment--Enrichment Activity: Students will complete Business Letter with Letterhead Activity---Differentiated Activities or Complete Business Letters from ICT DigiTool textbook on pages 188189. Turn in one Business Letter for evaluation by saving in their “T” Drive 6) Exit Questions: Oral Review