About the module…

HNC / HND Programme 2003 - 2004
Stuart Cunningham - Computer Platforms - 2003
About the module…
• HNC/HND Level 1 Module
• Provides a grounding of the basics of
– Computer Systems
– Operating Systems
– Networking Issues
• 12 weeks contact
– 11 weeks + 1 reading week
• 2 Assignments + 1 Very small test
– More on this later!
Stuart Cunningham - Computer Platforms - 2003
About the lecturer…
• Stuart Cunningham
– Room B126
– s.cunningham@newi.ac.uk
– Tel: 01978 293583
Notes and information found at:
• www.newi.ac.uk/cunninghams/
– Scottish!
• If I say something you don’t understand please
ask! (Generally a good idea, not just because
of the accent).
Stuart Cunningham - Computer Platforms - 2003
Scheme of work
• Week 1
– About the module
– Introduction to the computer system
• Week 2
– The CPU
– Von-Neumann model
• Week 3
– Data formats
– Terminology
• Week 4
– Improving the PC
Stuart Cunningham - Computer Platforms - 2003
Scheme of work
• Week 5
– Reading Week
• Week 6 (Assignment 1 IN)
– Fundamentals of computer networks
• Week 7
– Network applications & performance
• Week 8
– Planning networks
• Week 9
– Operating Systems
Stuart Cunningham - Computer Platforms - 2003
Scheme of work
• Week 10
– Managing the OS
– User training & support issues
• Week 11
– Computer and network security issues
• Week 12 (Assignment 2 IN)
– The end?!
Stuart Cunningham - Computer Platforms - 2003
Introduction to the Computer System
Week 1
Stuart Cunningham - Computer Platforms - 2003
Computer Platforms
• Introduction to the computer system:
About computers
Input / Output / Process
Stuart Cunningham - Computer Platforms - 2003
• Computers are in widespread use
– Business
– Education
– Home
• Computers used for many things:
Office work
Science and Research
Games and Entertainment
Multimedia production
Data storage
Stuart Cunningham - Computer Platforms - 2003
The Computer
• The computer is a machine
– ‘TOM’ – (Totally Obedient Moron)
– Carries out instructions
– Consists of electronic components
• Performs three main tasks
– Accepts INPUT
– Performs a PROCESS on the input
– Produces OUTPUT from the process
Stuart Cunningham - Computer Platforms - 2003
Computer System
• Computer System consists of two
main areas of functionality:
– Hardware
• Physical components to a computer system
• Stuff you can touch and hold
• Wires, transistors, keyboard, printer etc.
– Software
• Instructions given to the hardware
– Programs or applications to run on the
– Usually stored on a hardware media
– E.g.- Windows, Dreamweaver, MS Office, etc.
Stuart Cunningham - Computer Platforms - 2003
• Essential Hardware Components
– Input
• Keyboard, mouse
– Processing
• Central Processing Unit (CPU)
• E.g.- Intel Pentium n, AMDAthlon
– Output
• Monitor, printer
– Memory
• Temporary data storage, with fast retrieval
• E.g.- RAM (Random Access memory)
– Permanent storage
• A form of media to store data for a long term
• E.g.- Hard disk drive
• E.g.- ROM (Read Only Memory)
Stuart Cunningham - Computer Platforms - 2003
• Employing RAM and backing store
– RAM = Random Access Memory
• Sometimes called ‘main memory’
• Used for temporary storage
– Contents are erased when power is off
• Very fast access to data
– Any byte can be accessed randomly
– Backing store
• Permanent place to keep important data
• Commonly a hard disk drive
– Allows reading and writing of data
• Could also be a ROM (Read Only Memory) chip
– Once written to can only be read in future
Stuart Cunningham - Computer Platforms - 2003
• Employing RAM and backing store
Backing Store
Stuart Cunningham - Computer Platforms - 2003
• Peripheral Hardware Components
– Input
• Scanner, microphone, light pen
– Processing
• Graphics card, sound card
– Output
• Speakers, plotter, digital projector
– Memory
• Extra RAM, VRAM
– Permanent storage
• Zip drives, memory sticks, floppy disks
– Other Devices
• Modem, NIC, DVD-R, DV-Camera
Stuart Cunningham - Computer Platforms - 2003
• Essential Software
– Operating System (OS)
• Many different types
– Graphical user Interface (GUI) / WIMP
• E.g.- MS Windows, MacOS, NeXT
– Command line Interface (CLI)
• E.g.- DOS, UNIX
– Low Level systems
• E.g.- BIOS (Basic Input Output System)
– Application Software
Used to do anything ‘useful’
Office / Business
Stuart Cunningham - Computer Platforms - 2003
• Operating Systems
– Acts as an interface between the user and
the capabilities (hardware & software) of
the computer
– Need the OS to run other applications
– Need OS to control hardware
– Organises files and directories
– Is the ‘front end’ of the computer
– The environment the user interacts with
– Responds to commands issued by the
Stuart Cunningham - Computer Platforms - 2003
• Operating Systems
– Command Line Interface (CLI)
Stuart Cunningham - Computer Platforms - 2003
• Operating Systems
– Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Stuart Cunningham - Computer Platforms - 2003
• Different Types of OS:
– Real-time
• Commands are carried out straight away
– Multi-threading
• Can carry out parts of one program at the same
– Multitasking
• Can run more than one program at the same
– Multiprocessing
• Allows more than one CPU to be used to
execute a program
– Multi-user
• Allows many users to share a CPU
Stuart Cunningham - Computer Platforms - 2003
• Application Software
Word processing
Web browsing
Email client
Internet hosting
Desktop Publishing (DTP)
Integrated Development Environment
Games (?)
Stuart Cunningham - Computer Platforms - 2003
Types of Computer
• Personal Computer (PC)
– Single-user computer
– Standalone
• Supercomputer
– Very fast computer which can carries out
huge amounts of instructions per second
• Mainframe
– A powerful computer which can be used
by lots of users at the same time
Stuart Cunningham - Computer Platforms - 2003
Computer Platforms
• What you know now (hopefully):
– More about this module
– More about your lecturer (and more
importantly, where to find his module
– What a computer is
– Input -> Process -> Output
– About basic computer hardware
– About computer software
• Operating Systems (OS)
• Application Software
– Types of computer
Stuart Cunningham - Computer Platforms - 2003