
Nominations Open
20th March
Nominations Close
3rd August
Submissions Open
3rd August
Closing date for submissions
31st August
Announcement of finalists
14th October
Awards Presentation Night
26th November
North Coast Tourism Awards
Submissions Open – 20th April
Submissions Close – 13th July
Awards Ceremony – 15th August
The NSW Tourism Awards offer entrants recognition for outstanding achievements,
an increased profile and valuable networking opportunities. Including;
Be recognised as an outstanding tourism operator
Determine the full potential of your business
Benchmark your business against peers and competitors.
Gain exposure to influential and valuable networks
Use the awards to increase brand awareness and generate marketing opportunities.
Use your submission as a benchmark to improve your bottom line.
Review business goals and record achievements
Encourages and motivates your staff.
Receive feedback from industry leaders, giving you a competitive edge
Use the awards logo to highlight to visitors that you are a professional, and trusted.
Celebrate and network with industry peers and colleagues at the Gala Awards Ceremony
Automatic entry to Australian Tourism Awards for Gold Winners in categories 1 – 27
A national review of the Tourism Awards was undertaken in 2014.
As a result, substantial changes how been made to categories and
Take note of all the changes!
Make sure you are using the 2015 category descriptors and questions!
NSW Tourism Awards Categories
1 Major Tourist Attractions
16 Tourism Wineries, Distilleries and Breweries
2 Tourist Attractions
17 Caravan & Holiday Parks
3 Major Festivals and Events
18 Hosted Accommodation
4 Festivals and Events
19 Unique Accommodation
5 Ecotourism
20 Self-contained Accommodation
6 Cultural Tourism
21 Standard Accommodation
7 Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Tourism
22 Deluxe Accommodation
8 Specialised Tourism Services
23 Luxury Accommodation
9 Visitor Information and Services
24 New Tourism Development
10 Business Events Venues
25 Excellence in Food Tourism
11 Major Tour and/or Transport Operators
26 Qantas Award for Excellence in Sustainable Tourism
12 Tour and/or Transport Operators
27 Outstanding Contribution by an Individual to NSW*
13 Adventure Tourism
28 Tourism, Education & Training*
14 Destination Marketing
15 Tourism Restaurants and Catering Services
* Categories not offered as direct entries to the Qantas Australian
Tourism Awards
Category Names
2014 Categories
2015 Categories
Heritage & Cultural Tourism
Cultural Tourism
Indigenous Tourism
Aboriginal & Torres Straight Islander Tourism
Visitor Information & Services
Visitor Information Services
Business Tourism
Business Event Venues
Major Tour and/ Transport Operators
Major Tour & Transport Operators
Tour and/or Transport Operators
Tour & Transport Operators
Tourist & Caravan Parks
Caravan & Holiday Parks
New Tourism Development
New Tourism Business
A number of category descriptors have changed – make sure you read the new ones before
selecting your category!
New Category – Self Contained Accommodation
Accommodation providers that offer quality self-contained
accommodation including cabins, lodges and houses, excluding
serviced apartments & resorts.
New Tourism Business
Now only open to new business, that commenced operations
during the qualifying period
Business that have launched a new product or opened new
infrastructure need to enter another applicable category
2014 Question Area
2015 Question Area
Question 1
Tourism Excellence
Question 2
Business Planning
Business Planning
Question 3
Question 4
Customer Service and Professional
Customer Service
Question 5
Responsible Tourism
Sub questions have also changed – make sure you are working from the 2015 Criteria for your category.
You’ll find the criteria for each category at:
NSW Awards -
Business Profile
• Introduced to provide judges with a snapshot of each
• It will provide context for judges when they assess
Business Profile
How long has your business
been operating?
Years =
Months =
How many staff do you
Full time=
Part time =
Casual =
Volunteers =
Current Financial Year
Previous Financial Year
Total Visitor Numbers
• Complete on a separate page
• Business Profile will not be counted as a page in the formal submission
“changing or creating more effective processes,
products and ideas”
“implementing new ideas, creating dynamic products
or improving your existing services”
1. Tourism Excellence
This question sets the tone for the submission - give the
judges a great first impression!
• Answer this question last!
• Clearly show your products, services & experiences
• Focus on ‘tourism excellence’
1. Tourism Excellence
a) Demonstrate your eligibility for this category as related to the descriptor
above and provide a brief overview on the nature and history of the business.
• Make sure you enter the most appropriate category for your business!
• Include the history of your business; why did it start, who operates it, how
long of your been operating, how has your business developed
• Give an overview of the type of business
• Where are you located – include a map (don’t assume the judges know
where you are!)
• Include a hero image/s of your business
1. Tourism Excellence
b) What tourism products, experiences and services do you offer
visitors? (6)
• This question is about the actual products & services you
• The focus is on tourism!
1. Tourism Excellence
c) Describe your commitment to tourism excellence. (4)
Explain your business values & philosophy
• What is you commitment to excellence - what makes
you stand out.
• Include details of accreditation and recognition in
award programs.
1. Tourism Excellence
d) Describe your involvement in the tourism industry. (4)
How are involved in the tourism industry locally, regionally
and nationally
• How does it benefit your business
• How does it benefit the industry
2. Business Planning
Show that you are a well managed, innovative business
that has clear goals
• Answer this question first!
• Keep your answers succinct – layout is important for
this question
• Show measurable outcomes
2. Business Planning
a) Provide an overview of the key features of your
business plan including goals, strategies and
outcomes. (6)
• Introduce this section with your mission and/or vision
statement & an overview of your planning process
• Use measurable goals and outcomes
• Include 5 -7 key goals
• Your answer here should flow through the rest of the
Goal: Financial Viability
Demonstrate continued financial viability through achieving 5% revenue growth to
$50,000 in 14/15.
•Increase repeat client rates
•Increase the average spend per guest
•Control expenditure through account
management, cash flow analysis, debtor
•Repeat visitation represents $10,000 in
revenue and 20% of overall business in
•The average spend increased by 8% to $95
pp in 14/15.
•Expenditure maintained at $25,000 or 50%
of gross revenue.
2. Business Planning
b) Describe any innovations that have taken place during
the qualifying period to improve your tourism business
and demonstrate how these innovations enhance your
tourism experiences/services. (6)
• This is a 2-part question make sure you answer both
• What new things have you implemented to improve
your business?
• What has the impact been?
2. Business Planning
c) What investment has been made in staff training and
development and how has this improved the services
provided to your visitors? (4)
• Another 2 part question!
• What is your commitment to training?
• Investment does not need to be financial
• How did training benefit for your business?
2. Business Planning
d) Describe the main risks for your tourism business and
the risk mitigation measures you have implemented. (4)
• Provide an introduction about how you identify risks
• Consider all aspects of business risk not just workplace
health and safety
• Case studies can be useful here
Consider all risks
Marketing risks – High
competition with
new operator
Reduced visitation
With competitor in
the marketplace in
same area
•Conduct regular competitor analysis
•Partner with like operators to package
and market together.
•Secure contracts with key wholesalers
and inbound operators
•Review product offering, deciphering
from competition
Loss of permit to
operate in
National Park
Tours cancelled
Reputation damaged
Job losses
•Guides complete training
•Permit conditions respected and
adhered to
•Business licences are all relevant and
3. Marketing
Show that you understand who your customers are & that
you tailor your marketing to them
• Review your answer to Q2a and expand on your
marketing goals – be careful not to contradict yourself!
3. Marketing
a) Who are your target markets? (4)
• Show that you understand who you aim your
marketing towards; who they are, where they are
from, how old they are, how do they purchase travel,
what motivates and inspires them and how your
product meets their expectations.
3. Marketing
b) How do you know your product/service meets the
needs of your target markets? (4)
• What research have you conducted or used to
determine your target markets?
• How do you know the target markets you identified in
Q 3 a) are right for you?
3. Marketing
c) What are your unique selling points and demonstrate
how you communicate these to your target markets? (6)
• Make sure you answer both parts of the question!
• What makes you different from your competitors?
• Consider including a competitor analysis
• How do you communicate theses difference to your
customers (link back to target markets in 3a )
3. Marketing
d) Describe the innovative marketing strategies you have
implemented to encourage new and/or repeat business
and demonstrate the success of these initiatives. (6)
• What have you done differently to attract your
• Focus on new marketing strategies – online, social
media, bloggers or how you have used traditional
channels in a different way
• Show measurable outcomes!
Target Market: Fishing Enthusiasts
•Grow midweek business from
by 5%
•Targeted fishing bloggers
•Enhanced Website – added BOOK
NOW button
•Developed mobile responsive
•Increased use of Facebook to
engage with previous clients and
attract new ones
•7 media groups resulting in
$197,000 publicity
•5 group bookings
•23% bookings online
•Facebook fans – 3,500
– 28% increase from
– 55% previous
– 45% potential
4. Customer Service
How do you want to make your customers feel?
How do you achieve this?
Explain your customer service philosophy, how do you
surprise & delight your customers (link to target markets
in Q3a)
Have you introduced any new customer service initiatives?
4. Customer Service
a) Describe your customer service philosophy/values. (5)
Link to values described in Q1c
Consider the systems and procedures you have in
place to deliver outstanding service.
How do you make an effort to understand visitor
needs, welcome them, respect them, thank them and
do business with them?
4. Customer Service
b) Explain how you provide for visitors with specific
needs. (5)
• Demonstrate how you consider visitors’ special and
specific needs.
• What are the specific requirements of your target
markets? What do you do to accommodate them?
4. Customer Service
c) Describe how you measure customer satisfaction and
identify areas for improvement. (5)
What processes do you have in place to understand how your
customer feels about your product/service?
What do you do with guest feedback?
Consider providing a case study/example where you have
implemented a change based on customer feedback.
Make sure you answer both parts of the question!
4. Customer Service
d) What processes do you have in place to respond to
customer complaints? (5)
Is there a complaints handling procedure?
Who is responsible?
Consider all avenues for feedback – in person, phone, email,
social media, TripAdvisor. How do you respond to each channel.
5. Sustainability
What is your commitment to ensuring that your business
& the environment, community and economy you
operate in will continue to grow and prosper.
• Do you have a sustainability policy
• Focus on innovative new activities
• Use testimonials, case studies & measurement data
5. Sustainability
a) Demonstrate how your business contributes to the
local economy. (6)
• How do you contribute to the local economy?
• Use actual dollar figures where possible eg; how much
do you pay in wages to local staff, how much do you
spend with the local butcher etc
• How many visitors do you attract to the region each
year? How much do they spend across the region
during their stay?
5. Sustainability
b) Demonstrate how your business engages with and
brings benefits to the local community. (7)
How do you support your community?
Think about all the social benefits you provide; employing
local staff, supporting local businesses, product packaging/
bundling, engaging community groups, donations, working
with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people etc.
Link activities to benefits for the community & your business
5. Sustainability
c) Describe how your business cares for the local
environment. (7)
What is your commitment to environmental sustainability?
Detail your activities in relation to conserving and measuring
water, waste management and energy, showing
measurements where possible
Have you introduced any new environmental initiatives – big
or small.
Preparing your
Decide on the submission team
Elect a project coordinator
Who are the knowledge holders?
Who can contribute and to what sections?
Take up mentoring assistance
• Who will answer what questions?
• Allow yourself time to pull together – establish a time line
• Allow time for others to critique it for you
Read the
Identify key
Arrange your
Read and edit
Sleep on it
evidence and
Complete Draft
Have it
Review and finalise
response to whole question
Financially, well managed sound business
Evidence of a strategic approach
Demonstrated flair and innovation
Awareness of your marketplace & industry
Measurable goals, outcomes with quantifiable results
Passion, enthusiasm
Sense of humour
Structured and easy to read submission
A business deserving of being recognised
A good example for others
Keep it clean & simple
Use tables where appropriate
Consider where you can include graphs & charts
Include good quality images that help to tell your
• Be creative
• All portrait is easier for the judges to read
• Use the points allocated as a guide to length for each
Use your 30 pages wisely!
There is no right or wrong way to
present your submission - be
innovative (but stick to the rules)
Cover Page - The cover page must be included and clearly marked with:
- The name of the business being entered;
- The category entered;
- The state/territory tourism awards entered including the year; (e.g. 2015
NSW Tourism Awards)
An image of the product entered.
(Failure to comply – deduct 1 point)
Font - All font within your submission must be 12 point Times New Roman,
Calibri, Tahoma or Arial with the exception of:
- Image captions
- Testimonial quotes
which must be a minimum of 8 points. No variation, such as narrow or
condensed font styles, is acceptable. There is no margin requirement.
(Failure to comply – deduct 1 point)
Text - All text must be 1½ line spacing (Microsoft Word) with the exception of:
- Text contained within a table
- Question text
- Image captions
- Testimonials
which can be single lined spaced.
(Failure to comply – deduct 1 point)
Format - Newspaper column format will not be accepted. Text must be presented in
portrait with the exception of:
- Tables
- Graphs
which will be accepted in landscape.
(Failure to comply – deduct 1 point)
Pages - All pages are required to be numbered. The final submission must have no more
than 31 pages including cover page and all text graphs and images.
Excellence in Food Tourism must have no more than 21 pages including cover page and all
text graphs and images.
(Failure to comply – deduct 1 point)
Hyperlinks are not to be included within your submission
PDF Size - Your submission must be no more than 20MB when you upload.
The awards are competitive, penalty points can mean the difference between winning
and not!
• Nominate online at
• Create a new account in the Awards ePortal
• Click ‘Nominate’ and follow the four steps to nominate
for one category (if you are entering more then one
category, you need to repeat the process)
• Contact details:
Submission contact, Awards Contact (who will accept when you win!), Site Inspection
Contact & Media Contact
• Nomination Details
• Are you a member of the NSW Business Chamber
• Are you large (over 20 full time employees) or small (less than 20 full time employees)
• Business Name – enter it exactly as you wish it to be listed in promotional material & on
your trophy!
• Select your category
• Select your region
• Enter a 100-word description - your introduction as you walk to the stage to accept your
• Read the terms & conditions
• Select your preferred payment option & payment type
• You’re done – you’ll receive an email confirming your nomination
Once you have completed your submission, proof read it
and saved as a PDF (that is smaller than 20MB):
• Log in to the Awards ePortal
• Go to your nomination list and click on ‘submit entry’
• Browse your computer to find your file & upload!
• Upload your 10 resolution images
• Yay – you are done!
1. Issue: No email notification received by the entrants upon creating an account or completing the
Possible Cause: Email spam filters at the client end could have been set as high.
Let the coordinator know so they can chase an alternate copy
2. Issue: Uploading of files takes too long
Possible Cause: Could be uploading a very huge file size of submission/image or user’s internet
connection is slow.
Survey the total size of files and if proven to be large, file needs to be reduces in size, as these are
accessed by judges and they can not download ones that can not be uploaded.
3. Issue: Problem saving on the online forms
Possible Cause: Very old browser being used by client or drop out of internet connection.
Download newer versions ie Google Chrome or Firefox. Raise the matter to coordinator to ensure
that is the problem.
What next?
Site visits apply to every category except:
• Destination Marketing
• Individual category
The purpose of site verifications is to:
• Verify business practices
• Sight documents not able to be included in submission
• Gain judges qualitative feedback on the business
A judge will be in touch to organise a suitable time for your site
They will ask to see:
Customer Service Policies
WHS policies and Risk management procedures
Human Resources Policies
Sustainability Policies
Marketing Plans
Business Plans
Businesses are under no obligation to offer a free experience of
their product.
Give clear directions
Treat the judge like a guest to your property
Give them a chance to “experience” your product where possible
Make sure you are available to spend time with them
Be prepared
Be enthusiastic
Make sure your website is current
• Change times or dates at short notice
• Don’t delegate the visit or “apologise”
• Ask the judge for feedback on your competitor
• Your submission will be judged by a panel of 3 judges
• Each will mark your submission independently
• Results are correlated by an Independent Auditor
• Judges come together to discuss scores and agree on
the winner
• All judges sign confidentiality agreements & are
required to declare any conflicts of interest
16th July
12.00pm - 1.30pm
13th July
13th August
12.00pm - 1.30pm
10th August
• You are now eligible in participating in the mentoring program.
• You will receive:
• receive a written feedback report from a tourism specialist who will review
submissions and highlight opportunities for improvement.
• This can include a phone conversation and clarifying emails to maximise the
benefits of this mentoring.
• Each entrant is allotted one free mentoring session, additional sessions can be
negotiated at the Mentors discretion.
Tourism Industry Essentials
Tourism Industry Premium
Tourism Industry Corporate Connections
Tourism Industry Corporate IR Advisor
Diana Brcic
Ph: 02 9458 7790
Naomi Farrelly
Tourism Awards Consultant
Ph: 0409 267 174
Thank you &
Good Luck!