Handout & Classroom Policy - Burgettstown Area School District

Ms. Miller
Course Description:
This course is designed to give students a thorough background in the basic
accounting procedures used to operate a business. The complete accounting cycle
is covered for a business organized as a sole proprietorship. Computer software
such as QuickBooks and Excel will be used as an enrichment tool to simulate the
accounting procedures found in today’s high-tech workplace. The accounting
procedures learned will serve as a sound background for employment in the
business sector and/or preparation for studying college business courses. In
addition, students will complete Your Checking Account simulation designed to
develop the skills needed to maintain a personal checking account.
It is strongly recommended that students take Accounting I-A and I-B
consecutively. Ninth grade students electing this course are required to have
taken Algebra I in the eighth grade and passed the course with a grade no lower
than a “B”.
Accounting I is a cumulative course, therefore, it is important that students are
present in class each day. Students who are in attendance will strongly benefit
from the guided instruction and demonstration problems. The following are
guidelines to follow when absent:
● Students are responsible for all class work missed when absent.
● Students are encouraged to check the calendar link on my homepage for
dates of homework assignments, tests and quizzes, or automated accounting
● When absent, it is the responsibility of the student to see the teacher upon
returning to school to receive credit for assignments which are due.
Homework will be given to reinforce learned concepts and procedures. Each
homework assignment is worth five points – partial work warrants partial
credit (no more than 2 points). A homework pass will be given to students who
receive a 92 percent or higher on a test that is worth at least 80 points.
Extra Help:
Should a student need extra help, I am available during 2nd homeroom and
period 11. A student should see me in the morning to obtain a pass for that day.
Students should bring all materials when coming to class for help, with specific
questions in mind.
to all of you for electing Accounting I!
You are wise to know the importance of accounting in any profession and that
good financial record keeping skills are a life-long tool. Parents, please feel
free to contact me throughout the school year should you have any questions or
concerns regarding your child. For additional information please link to my
homepage on the Burgettstown School District’s website at
burgettstown.k12.pa.us or email me at krmiller@burgettstown.k12.pa.us. I
look forward to a successful and rewarding year!
Ms. Miller's
Behavior Expectations
1. NO gum, food, or drink permitted in the computer lab!
2. Show respect and courtesy to others at all times.
● Do not talk or interrupt when a classmate or teacher is speaking.
● Do not touch teacher’s belongings without permission, including windows,
thermometer setting, teacher computer, blinds, telephone, cabinets, etc.
● Do not work on assignments from other subjects unless class work is completed
and you are granted permission.
● Do not sleep or put your head down. If you do not feel well, ask for a pass to the
nurse’s office.
● Cell phones will be taken if visible or used during the class period. Make sure
your ringer is turned OFF. NO EXCEPTIONS!
3. Seats will be assigned.
● Go to your assigned seat upon entering the room and begin the Do Now activity.
Logon to the computer ONLY if the Do Now activity instructs you to do so.
● Do not move from your assigned seat at any time unless granted permission,
including when a substitute teacher is present!
● Do not answer the door and/or telephone or stand at the door prior to the bell
● Do not sharpen your pencil, throw something away, or ask to use the restroom
while the teaching is instructing.
4. Be responsible for your own actions.
● Students will not be permitted to leave the classroom without a signed agenda.
Make sure you bring your agenda to class everyday!
● Intentional damage, misuse, or theft of computer equipment will be dealt with
swiftly and severely.
● Failure to follow the expectations set forth in this document and all school-wide
rules will result in appropriate consequences, including revoked privileges.
Contacting the Teacher:
Students and parents are encouraged to utilize the MMS online gradebook to keep track of
student performance. The District has provided a link to each teacher’s webpage on the
District’s website from which you may contact the teacher via e-mail, view course information, or
see upcoming due dates of projects, tests, quizzes, etc. Go to
www.burgettstown.k12.pa.us and link to my teacher page (Kris Miller).