Carbon loss from cultivated peat soils in Norway


Carbon loss from cultivated peat soils in Norway

Arne Grønlund and Daniel P. Rasse

Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and

Environmental Research

Division for Soil and Environment

Cultivated peat soils in Norway

• Cover 7-10 % of agricultural soils in Norway

• Uneven distribution due to climate conditions:

– 2-3 % in south-east

– 12-15 % in north and west

• Subsidence and C-loss has been known for a century

– An agricultural problem

– Relation to climate change and greenhouse gas emission the last 2 years in Norway

• No systematic/extensive survey of C-loss from cultivated peat soils in Norway

• Rough estimates can be obtained

Estimates from 3 methods are compared


Long-term monitoring of peat subsidence


Changes in ash contents


Soil CO

2 flux measurements

1. Monitoring of peat subsidence

• Subsidence includes:

– Compaction

– Soil loss

• Data required for calculating C loss:

– Initial and final bulk density

– Initial and final C-concentration

Not always available

•Material from a study in western Norway:

•11 fields – 1300 observation points – 30 years

•Mean annual subsidence 1.86 cm


•50 % of the subsidence due to C loss

•Mean C concentration 40 %

Estimated loss: 0.77 kg C (2.85 kg CO


) m -2 y -1

2. Changes in ash (mineral) contents


• Increase in mineral content is due to:

– C loss

– Lime and fertilizer application

2. Changes in ash contents

The OM loss can be calculated from the equation:

OM loss

MF fin

MF fin

BD fin






 

MF ini

= measured final mineral content


MF fin

BD fin


MF ini

= measured initial mineral content (can be estimated from adjacent uncultivated peat)

BD fin

= final bulk density

Thick = layer thickness

Not required:

•Initial bulk density

•Bulk density of deeper layers

•Subsidence measurements

2. Changes in ash contents

Calculations based on material from the mentioned study in western Norway:

11 fields – 1300 observation points – 30 years

• Available data:

– Final mineral content

– Initial mineral content

– Final bulk density

• Assumptions:

– Thickness of the influenced layer was assumed to be 20 cm

– Correction for increase of lime content: 0.4 % CaO (mean value from the soil database)

• Results:

Final mineral content:

- Initial mineral content

11.1 %

4.5 %

- Increased lime content: 0.4 %

= Increase due to degradation: 6.2 %

Estimated carbon loss: 0.75 kg C (2.75 kg CO


) m -2 y1

3. Soil CO


flux measurements

Small chambers (25 x 25 cm)

Sampling interval: 2 weeks

Period: August 2003 – November 2004

(Not December- March)

3. Soil CO

2 flux measurements


Gross respiration (emission)

+ Yield removed kg C m -2 y -1



- Gross photosynthesis* 0.94

= Net C loss (ecosystem balance) 0.6 (2.2 kg CO



*Estimated from: net plant producivity/above ground net plant productivity (NPP/ANPP=1.4) net plant productivity/gross plant productivity (NPP/GPP=0.55)

Assessment of the 3 methods


Monitoring of peat subsidence


Changes in ash contents


Soil CO

2 flux measurements

Advantages Disadvantages

High precision of total long-term C loss

Cheap – few parameters required

Initial data and long term monitoring required

Less precision expected

Uniform peat layer a precondition

Temporal variability of CO

2 loss

Relation to other greenhouse gases

More expensive

Many replicates necessary

Photosynthesis estimates required

Comparison of the results


Monitoring of peat subsidence: 0.77 kg C m -2 y -1


Changes in ash contents: 0.75 kg C m -2 y -1


Soil CO

2 flux measurements: 0.6 kg C m -2 y -1

Likely estimate: 0.6 – 0.8 kg C m -2 y -1

Total losses fram cultivated peat soils

• Cultivated peatlands the last 100 years in Norway:

– 150,000 – 200,000 ha (15-20 % of cultivated area)

• From the soil database:

– Organic soils: 6.3 % of soil samples, whereof 2/3 have 20-40 % SOM (mixed mineral-organic soil)

• Estimated peat area in agricultural use: 70,000-

100,000 ha

• Estimated total annual carbon loss from cultivated peatlands:

– 2 - 4 million tons CO

2 y -1 ,

– 5 - 10 % of the total human induced CO

2 emission

• The emission will be reduced as the peat is converted to mineral soils

Mitigation measures

Limited options for areas under cultivation:

>90 % used for grass production

Raising ground water table hardly feasible

Restoration of abandoned cultivated peatland

• Natural processes

– Shallow peat soils over bedrock or stone rich moraine

Too low slope for further drainage

Difficult drainage because of low permeability

• Deliberate actions

– Commitments to WTO can lead to surplus of cultivated land -

Unfavourable climate conditions

– Encouragements for set aside land and C sequestration

• Options

– No management - high ground water table

Deep/shallow drainage

Afforestation/bioenergy production

• Main challenge:

– minimize CH

4 emission


• Little attention to cultivated peat soils as a source of


2 emission

• No systematic survey of C loss has been conducted

• Calculations by three methods indicate a loss of

– 0.6 – 0.8 kg C m 2 y -1

– 2 - 4 million tons CO

2 y -1

– 5-10 % of the total human induced CO


Norway emission in

• Future challenge:

– Restoration of abandoned cultivated peatlands

– Maximize C accumulation and minimize CH

4 emission

Thank you for your attention
