Agricultural Mechanics & Metal Technologies Agricultural Power Systems Course Syllabus 2014-2015 Teacher: Mrs. Tierney Email: Course Description: AG Mech. & Metal Tech.: To be prepared for careers in agricultural power, structural, and technical systems, students need to attain academic skills and knowledge; acquire technical knowledge and skills related to power, structural, and technical agricultural systems and the industry; and develop knowledge and skills regarding career opportunities, entry requirements, industry certifications, and industry expectations. To prepare for success, students need opportunities to learn, reinforce, apply, and transfer knowledge and skills and technologies in a variety of settings. This course is designed to develop an understanding of agricultural mechanics as it relates to safety and skills in tool operation, electrical wiring, plumbing, carpentry, fencing, concrete, and metal working techniques. AG Power Systems: To be prepared for careers in agricultural power, structural, and technical systems, students should attain academic skills and knowledge; acquire technical knowledge and skills related to power, structural, and technical agricultural systems and the workplace; and develop knowledge and skills regarding career opportunities, entry requirements, industry certifications, and industry expectations. To prepare for success, students should have opportunities to learn, reinforce, apply, and transfer their knowledge and technical skills in a variety of settings. This course is designed to develop an understanding of power and control systems as related to energy sources, small and large power systems, and agricultural machinery. Course Objectives: This class will be a mixture of the following two groups of course objectives. Agricultural Mechanics & Metal Technologies The student learns the employability skills of a successful employee to meet current industry standards and society. Supervised agriculture experience program as it relates to agriculture, food, and natural resources The student develops an improved supervised agriculture experience program as it relates to agriculture, food, and natural resources. The student follows operating instructions for tools and equipment to perform a given task The student identifies and performs electric wiring skills. The student performs plumbing skills. The student performs concrete construction skills. The student performs carpentry skills. The student identifies fencing methods. The student performs appropriate cold and hot metal techniques. The student knows metal merging technology and processes relating to assembly of equipment in agricultural systems operations. The student plans and performs cost-effective construction techniques. Agricultural Power Systems: The student outlines the employability skills of a successful employee to meet current industry and societal standards. The student develops an improved supervised agriculture experience program as it relates to agriculture, food, and natural resources. The student connects power generation to differing energy sources. The student selects the appropriate tool to perform a given task related to agricultural power systems. The student selects, operates, and maintains small engines. The student selects, operates, and maintains agricultural machines and equipment. The student selects, operates, and maintains tractors and agricultural power systems. The student monitors and controls electrical systems as related to agricultural machines and equipment. The student implements control systems as related to agricultural machines and equipment. The student describes hydraulic controls and applications as related to agricultural machines and equipment The student describes additional control systems as related to agricultural machines and equipment Grading Plan: This is a tentative outline of how all students will be evaluated. A 90+ B 80-89 C 70-79 F 69 - Tests Tests will consist of multiple choice, short answer, fill in the blank, matching, and essay. Directions for each test may vary so it will be your responsibility to read all directions. If you miss a test day it will be your responsibility to schedule a time to make it up. You will be expected to make up the test with-in one week of the original date. For the first 2 tests any students that receive less than 70% will be required to retake the test with no penalty. After this point all students receiving less than 70% on a test will have the opportunity to re-take the test to a maximum score of 70%. Quizzes There may be pop quizzes following the lesson of the day. The majority of the time there will be a quiz at the end of each lesson so be prepared. Some of our lessons will be video based, therefore if you miss a video day and we take a quiz it will be up to you to watch the video and take the quiz. However you may opt out and receive a zero for that quiz. Projects/Reports This course will include presentations and projects. We will be creating simulations, doing field experiments, and completing oral presentations over research. Students are expected to show respect and professionalism while presenting and while observing others. All research should include MLA citations. All reports will be typed on a word document using Arial or Times New Roman 12 point font. Page format should include 1” margins all the way around and be double spaced. All students are required to present each presentation in class. Presentation are to be completed using PowerPoint. Professional presentations will be expected: do not write everything you are going to say on the slides, include bullets and expand, and do not read straight from the slide, instead use note cards or memorize your presentation. Attendance/Participation Students are expected to be present for class each day. Absent students are responsible for missed assignments. If a student knows they will be absent prior to they are required to fill out a “make-up assignment form” and turn it in with the complete assignments. Each assignment can be found in the absent folder located in the shelf by the classroom door. If you are absent it is your responsibility to check the assignment folders for the days that you missed. You will not be reminded to pick up your missed work. You must also reschedule any missed tests. Students will be given the same number of days missed to complete missed assignments, including tests. This course is a research/project based class in which all students are expected to participate. Students will be evaluated based on how active they are in the research process. Many group assignments will be included and students group participation will be evaluated by the teacher and their peers. Active participation is required, but remember if you do not have anything nice to say then you shouldn’t say anything at all. Participation in all classroom discussion should benefit the lesson at hand, and should not be random irrelevant remarks. Professionalism Each of you will be graduating in a few years and be going into the “real world” of college, career, or military.. I expect each of you to treat this class as a business. You are expected to dress appropriately, speak appropriately, show proper work ethic, follow procedures, be respectful, be on time, and demonstrate proper professional character. If you learn one thing from my class I hope that it is how to properly act in a professional setting. As young adults you are expected to use your own discretion when deciding what proper professionalism actually means. Rules R-E-S-P-E-C-T others property and personal space. Be professional: be on time, meet deadlines, wait your turn to speak, do not interrupt, accept & encourage diversity. Be ready for work: bring your supplies, dress appropriately, be organized, come to class ready to learn. Have integrity: be honest, do your own work, take responsibility for your own actions. FYI: I can’t stand liars. Treat this like a work place: clean-up after yourself, speak appropriately, and if you are going to be absent let me know.