NBAFC BOARD MEETING, JANUARY 24, 25, 2014 MONCTON PRESENT: Absent: Present: Charles Kavanaugh, President Dan McCoy, 1st VP Mike Walton, 2nd VP Raymond LeBlanc, Past President Jeff Richardson, Fundy District Harry Farrell, Capital District Sandy MacKinnon – DNR Dwaine Hallihan, Miramichi Valley Steve Armour – Central Valley Chief Quentin McGrath – Ste. Anne Regional Chief Jody Price, Training Committee Fred Kennedy, Sgt. At Arms Serge Gallant, Fire Service Co-ordinator NBCC Peter Kavanaugh Local Service Manager, Local Government Deputy Chief Tim Nickerson Royal District Deputy Minister Public Safety Kevin Mole, Acting Fire Marshal Deputy Chief Randy MacTavish, NBAFPO Chief Frank Guitard, Volunteer Chiefs Chief Jules Levesque, Northwest FF Chief Scott Poupart, Industrial Chiefs Fire Chief Ian Gavet, replacing Dwaine Hallian, Miramichi rep. Fire Chief Allan Peters – Aboriginal Affairs Meeting called to order 7:00 PM President Kavanaugh. Motion for approval of agenda Deputy Chief Dan McCoy 2nd Chief Scott Poupart motion carried. Motion for approval of minutes for the October 2013 Board of Directors’ meeting Deputy Chief Tim Nickerson, 2nd Chief Mike Walton, motion carried. Finances/Funding Raising Committee – Chief Mike Walton reported the bank balance to end of December 2013 is $ 62,054. Fenety Marketing Campaign to date has raised $ 91,657.00 Workshop expense 2013 was $ 34,887.00 revenue $ 31,100; it was agreed that grant funds remaining from the Live fire Burn would be allocated to cover the over expenditure of the workshop for 2013 remainder transferred to the 2014 accounts. Motion by Frank Guitar to transfer funding to 2014 accounts 2nd Dan McCoy, motion carried. President Report – President Kavanaugh reported since his last meeting of the Board of Directors in October the Executive had a meeting with Kevin Mole, OFM to discuss the vacant position of the Fire Marshal and staffing positions within the umbrella of this office, i.e. staff numbers. November 8th he attended the ceremony for the draw of Fire Chief for the Day in Fredericton Nob 29 & 30 – Annual conference of Local Government; President Kavanaugh stated this conference was very information and well attended. NBAFC BOARD MEETING, JANUARY 24, 25, 2014 MONCTON December 2 attend the ceremony for Fire Chief for a day in Fredericton. January 13th President Kavanaugh had a meeting with the Fire Chief of Plaster Rock regarding train derailment. Also attended the debriefing with Acting Fire Marshal Mole and responding department on January 23rd re Plaster Rock derailment there will also be meetings scheduled with CN officials in the near future. CAFC – Fire Chief Jody Price reported the CAFC convention 2014 will be held in Ottawa and will be in conjunction with the fallen fire fighters ceremonies. MFCA- President Kavanaugh is asking for host department to carry out training sessions May 1,2, 2014 Topic will be concerning people who are Hoarders and as a fire service what to expect. President asked anyone interested in hosting this seminar to please contact him. NBAFC Funding Raising Lottery – President Kavanaugh reported the NBAFC lottery has not had a lot of interest he asked for the Boards comments as to whether to cancel of move forward. It was decided to send notice on web site as a reminder and we will continue for possibly another year. Education and Training committee – Fire Chief Jody Price reported a meeting for the workshop 2014 will be held in mid February. Work shop will be September 19th & 20th, 2014. ICS Canada asked Chief Price to attend the PEI Country Music Festival to observe the ICS System being utilized for any emergencies; Chief Price reported he was very impressed with this system and he is recommending we use the ICS system for the workshop. DNR will be invited to work with the committee in this area. Chief Price attended the Pro Board Accreditation conference in January. Chief Price explained the agenda to the Board members with documentation of same. After explaining the process he advised the members that he feels we should move forward with this accreditation for the NB Fire Service and we need to sit on the Board of Directors to ensure the needs of ALL the NB Fire Service are met. He also recommended we maintain a two tier system in the Province i.e. Certification as well as NBCC Levels Need to ensure the seals (Pro Board and IFSAC ) are protected and held at the Office of the Fire Marshal. Training Process: Level 11 NBCC is being used to prepare for testing for Goal Seal. IFSAC Letter of intent has been sent and will be voting in April once document is received they have 90 days to confirm. Fire Chief Ian Gavet stated this seal for Volunteer Fire Fighters will assist them on the liability issue, i.e. should they have to go to court they have this accreditation to bring with them. NBAFC BOARD MEETING, JANUARY 24, 25, 2014 MONCTON Convention Committee – Deputy Chief Conrand Landry Dieppe F.D. reported on 2014 Convention which will be held in Dieppe N.B., May 30, 31, June 1, 2014 hosted by Southeast FF Association. Agenda was also presented to the Board of Directors. Awards Committee – Deputy Chief Tim Nickerson reported he has a temp plate for the certificate of awards however no meetings have been held. Fire Prevention – Randy MacTavish reported annual inspections of liquor establishments has been discussed within their Association. They would like to work with NB Liquor agency to establish a new system that when they are ready to renew their liquor license the Fire Prevention Officers carry out an inspection. Lengthy discussion took place and Kevin Mole OFM will look into the present legislation with the Liquor Licensing Board. There will be a meeting of the NBAFPO February 5th in New Maryland regarding the Fire Inspectors Program. The yearly Convention NBAFPO will be held April 10, 11, 12th in Moncton, NB. Motion by Chief Walton that the NBAFC allocate $ 1000.00 towards the NBAFPO for their seminar, 2nd Chief Guitar, motion carried. Director Local Service District Peter Kavanaugh reported tenders have been sent out for five vehicles; a few items had to be changed and will be resent. They have been waiting since 2010 for vehicles; there are presently 22 trucks which have to be ordered. Main issues which slow the process is getting people together to create standards. He also stated that Fire Chiefs are not sending the information required to his office in a timely manner which also delays tendering. Information sheets are set out to the LSD Chiefs for required information and some are not being received. It was recommended an Ad Hoc committee be developed for the New Brunswick Fire Service Pro Board Seal. The Committee will consist of a Chief Officer from the Permanent, Volunteer and Industrial Chiefs. Fire Chief Scott Poupart noted their next meeting is in February and a member will be picked. Fire Chief Frank Guitard was also asked to discuss this at his next Volunteer Chiefs meeting. Fire Rescue Service Committee – Chief Price reported that the Fire Rescue service committee has completed their part and this has been handed over to Local Government which now is a Government committee. Peter Kavanaugh reported a joint committee with OFM and members of the fire service in surrounding areas will be struck. First two components have been completed and have been sent for translation. February meeting will discuss water rescue and ice water rescue. Haz Mat – no report Regional 911 PSAP – no report License plates – Nadine LeBlanc report there were no issues with this topic. Aboriginal Fire Chiefs – Allan Peters reported a meeting with Aboriginal Affairs regarding funding will be held in February. NBAFC BOARD MEETING, JANUARY 24, 25, 2014 MONCTON Permanent Chiefs – Fire Chief Bill Ireland, CFO The Permanent Chiefs Committee met on Tuesday, November 5, 2013 in Fredericton. The following is a summary of our minutes from the November 5, 2013 meeting: Saint John Deputy Chief Joe Armstrong advised the group that the Federation of Canadian Municipalities has formed a National Municipal Rail Safety Working Group with a mandate to: - Equip and support municipal first responders to rail emergencies - Ensure federal and industry policies and regulations address the rail safety concerns of municipalities -Prevent downloading of rail safety and emergency response costs to local taxpayers Saint John Fire Chief Kevin Clifford is a member of this working group and has invited any NB Chiefs with concerns regarding rail safety to pass them on to him. - The Town of Oromocto and IAFF Local 1576 have commenced a two-year trial of a 24-hour shift. - Chief Ireland provided an update on the challenges associated with implementing the IAFF/IAFC Fire Service Joint Labour Management Wellness/Fitness Initiative. Chief Fleming raised a concern regarding the proliferation of industrial occupancies in the LSD area surrounding his municipality. After some discussion, it was agreed that this issue is similar to concerns raised previously regarding the increase in mutual aid responses to LSD’s. The P.Chiefs were requested to meet with their local RSM to get specific details on service contract funding formulas so that the rates across the Province could be accurately evaluated. The relationship between municipal fire departments and Local Government is a standing agenda item for the P. Chiefs Committee. The next scheduled meeting is set for February 25th, 2014. Calculations for LSD rates was discussed regarding response to outside areas Peter Kavanaugh will bring the calculation system to the next meeting for further clarification. NBCC Serge Gallant reported meetings have been held with OFM with PRO Board and information has been sent to IFSAC as to what was required to move forward. Target date is June for site visits with return to the Board with an answer from IFSAC. Fire Chief Ian Gavet report on behalf MVFF "The MVFFA recognizes that there are many challenges attracting volunteers, in part the burden of getting necessary and vital training: - Volunteers don’t all work 9-5 or Monday – Frida Often work evenings and weekends in conflict to NBCC schedule Often work out of province for some weeks away and some weeks back Often work seasonally which conflicts with training schedules/hunting seasons In short, many are put off by the traditional schedule MVFFA unanimously agree that change is needed to the limited options available thru NBCC NBAFC BOARD MEETING, JANUARY 24, 25, 2014 MONCTON We recognize that: - Training with an experienced skilled instructor can be a better learning experience in the classroom Some students won’t or can’t use a computer so will need access to classroom training However, with the knowledge of the challenges with traditional training delivery we believe that NBAFC and/or the FMO needs to: Deliver the cognitive/theory component online using a method like “blackboard” server in which - Students can be enrolled at any time rather than just when there are enough numbers regionally Students can learn at their own pace when work/home constraints permit Still get all the existing PowerPoint online and the copy of the IFSTA manual to refer to Can ask questions to dedicated instructors online, or at their parent department Take progress checks at the end of each chapter to test retention with a minimum pass mark of 70% Take the Block exams at the College or proctored elsewhere However, the students still have to attend the fire station or regional training weekends to complete their skills training packages We’re not reinventing the wheel here and colleges do it throughout North America. Though it threatens the income of some instructors across the province it benefits the fire service by: Making training more accessible and user friendly Reduces the cost of course delivery across the province Most importantly it ensures that we reduce the big training related roadblocks that get in the way of the attraction and retention of volunteers In summary, offering the cognitive theory portion of Firefighter I online, but with skills testing and examinations in person, will enable that portion of the New Brunswick Fire Service that relies on volunteers, to attract and retain members who we'd otherwise not be able to attract because their lives don't match up to traditional training schedules. In addition, it should also reduce the cost of delivery to the Province. This initiative is critical to the survival of many volunteer fire departments, especially those of the MVFFA. We all know that many volunteer fire departments are struggling to safely staff fire ground operations with reports we've heard this weekend of 4 FF structure fires which is 12 less than the NIST study suggests is the basic minimum safe number. The MVFFA and all of its Fire Chiefs urge NBAFC and the FMO to direct NBCC to make this a reality in the next 12 months. If NBCC is unable or unwilling then serious consideration should be given to contracting this option out to another organization whose standing in the education community will allow students to still test with NBCC and the FMO and be certified by NBCC. This should be a major priority for our NB fire service." Motion by Dan McCoy with regard to the request from Chief Gavet, on behalf of the Miramichi Valley Fire fighters Association “on line training for the NB Fire Service”; that a committee be struck to look at the possibility of on line training with Fire Chief Ian Gavet chairing this committee to discuss cost and procedures to follow to develop this type of training, 2nd Scott Poupart, motion carried. NBAFC BOARD MEETING, JANUARY 24, 25, 2014 MONCTON NBCC - Serge Gallant – Fire Service Co-ordinator We have currently 10 FF1 courses running multiple FF2 courses and Remote Rescue We need to plan a rental agreement for the FTC training site, Cost ect… Serge is getting request from department requesting the Training Site Miramichi for training. Funding between government and NBAFC for the site was discussed. No decision made Upgrades to the site include Fence, lighting, moving trailer and house, pump house… Serge reported there will be a house moved to the Training Site in Miramichi for training purposes. The office trailer which has been used as the home base for the workshop administration staff has been given to the NBAFC/NBCC for use for the annual workshop. Lighting is also being done on site with video cameras. Costing is being done through NBCC for a pump for water supply. The fence has been installed and compound secure. We need support on getting some fire fighters cleaned up with Level 1 –Serge explained there are fire fighters who started their Level 1 under 2nd Edition and have still not finished due to their time frame of working hours and family Motion by Chief Walton that the NBAFC support NBCC to send correspondence to the fire fighters who have not completed their FF 1 training be allowed a year for completion, 2nd Tim Nickerson, motion carried Hazmat operations vs blk 5. Committee or not. Edition was discussed. It was suggested to move forward with the 10-12 hour course. Upon completion of this course the Firefighter will have their Haz Mat Operations certificate. Fire Investigator update on course 25 students completed level 1. IFSTA updates available for pump and officer programs in April. Officer program Committee is to start soon. ICS Canada has approach NBCC to be the jurisdiction having authority in New Brunswick to deliver their training to fire fighters. Haz Mat Operations Block 5 – 5th Edition was discussed. It was suggested to move forward with the 1012 hour course. Upon completion of Firefighter one with this course you will have your Haz Mat Operations certificate. Fire Investigator course held January went very well student had good comments. 2nd part of program will be end of March early April. Deputy Chief Dan McCoy’s advised the members it was a very good course and complimented the NBAFPO for the work they did to expand and bring an excellent course for the Province. NBAFC BOARD MEETING, JANUARY 24, 25, 2014 MONCTON IFSTA update fire attack. IFSTA has dropped fire attack program, due to this we will be building our own program, the same for pump course use people from NB for training courses. Officer program IFSTA will have their program in April. Regional 911 PSAP (Public Safety Answering Point) – Dianne Pelletier Regional Status: Miramichi Region o Completed as pilot several years ago. Edmundston Region o 5 Simulcast Dispatch Zones deployed and operational. Bathurst Region o 3 Simulcast Zones deployed and operational. o 27 out of 37 FDs moved over to new dispatch system. o 8 FDs at various stages of readiness and expected to be online over the next few months. o 2 FDs have not committed to using the Standard Dispatch System. Codiac Region o Coverage and Zoning Assessment completed. Fredericton Region o Coverage and Zoning Assessment to be conducted by end March 2014. o Capital Region Fire Departments have done assessments of their existing equipment and ready to participate in a design and implementation initiative. Saint John Regions o Coverage Assessment anticipated to be conducted within fiscal 2014/15. Proposed Approach: Define the zone and start the process to acquire new simulcast zone frequencies (can be a 12 week process). Where co-location on Bell or other agency owned towers is required start the process to get permission to co-locate (1-3 months). Focus on zone by zone implementation approach. Inform stakeholders throughout the process and identify willing participants. Start installing the necessary infrastructure at the PSAPs and at required tower sites based on confirmed participation. Continue to engage and inform stakeholders at the PSAPs and within the Fire Service. Contact Information: Diane Pelletier, 506-462-5032, Jilanna Eagles, 506-457-6412, Regional Fire Dispatch 911 – President Kavanaugh suggested that the members contact the Executive if they have issues with PSAP and they will meet with Dianne Pelletier to discuss further. NBAFC BOARD MEETING, JANUARY 24, 25, 2014 MONCTON Appendix “A” New Brunswick Regional Fire Dispatch Minimum Standards Office of the Fire Marshal – Acting Fire Marshal Kevin Mole reported on the strong relationship that his office shares with NBAFC. He explained the process for the call out for the Plaster Rock derailment incident January 7th. Dallas Boudreau received the call and spoke with the Fire Chief of Plaster Rock. Acting Fire Marshal Kevin Mole spoke on the collaboration between all the agencies responding; there was an issue regarding communications, of who was in charge of the scene and through the debriefing session this item was solved. He was impressed with the calm and bravery that the fire department of Plaster Rock submitted at the scene with the evacuation of families and their response to the scene. This was his first time at such an incident to be on scene and to see how our 1st responders take charge. The debriefing afforded a lot of information should an incident occur in the future. Meetings were also held with SJ FD and Fredericton FD along with Chief Jody Price in attendance. AFM Mole reported on the procedure carried out from the beginning of the incident. Debriefing started from the time the call was received to releasing the scene. AFM Mole stated that with the little staff available through the OFM Chief Price was called in to assist and was appointed to Acting Regional Fire Marshal; with his knowledge of Haz Mat he was great assistance. One item that was learned regarding this call was importance of having Regional Haz Mat teams; realizing there are two heavy teams in the Province, as well the 4 scout teams. Kevin Mole stated there will be another debriefing of all the agencies who attended this call. Due to staffing at the present time with the OFM Chief Price has been asked to be primary call out for Haz Mat incident in the Province. Kevin Mole spoke on the communications with the Office of the Fire Marshal. He stated that all fire Chiefs contact the Office of the Fire Marshal through the 506-453-2004 and will be directed to the proper person. He asked that should there be no response to please leave a message and a staff member will return the call. AFM Kevin Mole reported that the Hall of Flame Award plaques have been moved to Arygle Street. Another location was discussed however Kevin Mole noted that if the NBAFC which to keep them at this location that would be fine as well. He also informed the members some of the administration work has been shared i.e. Medals, fire reporting. Changes to the Fire Marshal Office – since the retirement of Administrative Staff bilingual administrative support is being looked into. NBAFC BOARD MEETING, JANUARY 24, 25, 2014 MONCTON Serge Sirois has been appointed to Regional Fire Marshal effective January 27th and will be replacing Hubert Morin for the Northwest section of the Province. Kevin Mole stated that all Regional Fire Marshals are to contact him prior to going to a call out. Ross Randal Director of Public has been asked to assist the Office of the Fire Marshal with Administration; this will be a temporary. AFM Mole reported he will be away on vacation for a few weeks in February and Mike Colbert Assistant Deputy Minister for Emergency Services will be replacing his position while he is away. Mr. Doug Brown has been appointed to the position Fire Marshal for the Province of New Brunswick has will start the 1st of April. A bio will be established and put out to the Fire Service. NBCC has been approached by ICS Canada to carry out the training for the Province. Motion Dan McCoy that NBCC, in conjunction with Sandy McKinnon, DNR look at the avenue to provide ICS training to the NB Fire Service, 2nd Frank Guitard, motion carried Volunteer Chiefs Frank Guitar advised there was no meeting held in fall 2013; there should be a meeting in near future. He is also waiting to meet with Minister Public Safety to discuss red lights. Frank Guitard will be asking the Volunteers for a co-chair to replace him in event he cannot attend a meeting. Industrial Chiefs – Scott Poupart Meeting will be held in February to discuss the election of a member to be part of the Pro Board Seal committee on behalf of Industrial Chiefs. They have been informed there is interest in forming an industrial brigade from northwest region. Industrial Chiefs have been communicating with Chief Clifford regarding his new training facility in Saint John. Regional Directors Chauleur – Quentin McGrath reported the Association continue training in FF 1, ISFAC fire fighter instructors course will be carried out. They are having problems with Ambulance NB. Also they are having problems with dispatch making decision for the fire department or questioning their request. They are also revamping their present constitution. Central Valley – Mike Walton reported training continues however there is not enough numbers to carry out a Level 1. They are looking at February for a Level 11. Southeast – Raymond LeBlanc reported training continues with the Southeast. Working on 2014 convention to be held in Dieppe, Crystal Palace May 30, 31, June 1, 2014 Royal Fire Fighters – Tim Nickerson reported on training for the Royal District. Miramichi Valley Fire Chief Gavet reported training continues in the field of auto extrication, haz mat operations, deliberation course along with FF 1. NBAFC BOARD MEETING, JANUARY 24, 25, 2014 MONCTON Northwest Jules Levesque reported on the training of Level 1 in his area. They also had a problem with dispatch. 911 Communications failure, dispatch called him by phone to report of a fire; what would happen if he was not at home they should have texting availability as cell phones are always with you. This will be his last meeting as Director for Northwest; Deputy Chief Yvon Pelletier will be the new representative for Northwest. Live Fire Burn Unit – Lengthy discussion was held regarding this topic. It was suggested that perhaps it would be for the best if the NBAFC were to purchase their own Live Burn Trailer. Various comments were made to be discussed cost is a man facture and manning of this unit for discussion. Motion to adjourn D/C Dan McCoy NBAFC BOARD MEETING, JANUARY 24, 25, 2014 MONCTON Appendix “A” New Brunswick Regional Fire Dispatch Minimum Standards The standards contained herein constitute the proposed minimum, acceptable standards for the provision of a Regional Fire Dispatch system in New Brunswick. These standards of protocol, performance and service delivery have been developed for the unique delivery service model proposed for the New Brunswick pilot project. They are subject to review and revision throughout the development of a Regional Fire Dispatch system in New Brunswick. 1.0 Operations 1.1 Dispatch services shall be provided in an uninterrupted manner, twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week 1.2 Ninety-five (95) % of all incoming calls shall be answered within eighteen (18) seconds (approx. 3 rings) 1.3 Dedicated constant, recordable, two-way voice communications shall be available between the communications centre and the fire service. 1.4 All two-way communication between the communication centre and the fire service shall be voice recorded in such a fashion that it allows for a date/time stamp 1.5 All two-way communication shall be in plain language. 1.6 Dispatch services shall be offered to the fire service in the official language of choice 1.7 Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and/or Standard Operating Guidelines (SOG) shall be developed and maintained with consultation from the NB 9-1-1 Bureau, the Regional Fire Dispatch Steering Committee (RFSC), and the Emergency Service Communications Committee (ESCC). 1.8 Dispatch services shall be supported by Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) and Records Management Software (RMS). 1.9 Communications dispatch equipment (radios, pagers and/or phones) shall be tested as per agreed upon schedule with each fire service and dispatch service provider. 1.10 An incident reporting process shall be followed as defined by the NB 9-1-1 Operating Procedures Directives (OPD) 2.0 Facility 2.1 Each facility shall have an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) and back up generator system that ensures continuous uninterrupted services at the dispatch centre. NBAFC BOARD MEETING, JANUARY 24, 25, 2014 MONCTON 2.2 Each facility shall have dedicated phone line(s) for fire communication and dispatch purposes. 2.3 Each communications centre shall develop a written protocol to maintain and operate an alternative communications system capable of providing emergency functions within 60 minutes, if required. 2.3.2 Written protocols shall include a description of an alternate physical location 2.3.3 Written protocols shall include a description of the ability to re-route incoming calls for processing and response. 2.3.4 Written protocols shall include a scheduled, annual testing procedure 2.3.5 The dates of testing completion and all findings shall be documented and a copy available to the Regional Fire Dispatch Steering Committee upon request 3.0 Records management 3.1 Each communications centre and fire service shall possess and maintain maps for all areas of dispatch jurisdiction and coverage. 3.1.2 Maps in electronic and hard copy formats shall be provided to each communications centre by the NB 9-1-1 Bureau. Electronic mapping format shall be provided to each fire service upon request. 3.1.3 All maps shall be updated as required and provided to each communications centre and fire service by the NB 9-1-1 Bureau 3.1.4 Cross reference tables (electronic and hard copy) shall be provided and updated as required to each communications centre by the NB 9-1-1 Bureau 3.2 Electronic and paper documentation specific to the communication services shall be maintained as per standardized retention schedule (TBD – legal opinion pending) 3.3 A copy of all call reports shall be forwarded to each fire service as per agreed upon form and substance schedule. 4.0 Training 4.1 Dispatch staff shall be trained in emergency services dispatch. 4.1.1 Emergency services dispatch training objectives and content shall be as mutually agreed between the ESCC and the Regional Fire Dispatch Committee. 4.1.2 Training topics shall include, but not be limited to: efficient use of all communications equipment, communications centre evacuation protocols, proper use of resource NBAFC BOARD MEETING, JANUARY 24, 25, 2014 MONCTON materials such as the Hazardous Materials Handbook, knowledge of formal mutual aid fire service plans. 4.2 Each communications centre shall maintain a current resource listing to contact emergency support service agencies for their response areas. Agencies identified shall include, but not be limited to: Provincial Mobile Communications Centre (PMCC), Canutec, Emergency Measures Organization (EMO), Dept. of Natural Resources (DNR), Dept. of Energy (DOE), Dept. of Transportation (DOT), NB Power, Canada Coast Guard, and relevant mutual aid agencies. 5.0 Audit 5.1 A system for quality assurance (QA) and quality improvement (QI). TBD 5.2 An annual audit schedule be developed for the QA/QI system. 5.3 A regional stakeholder committee shall be formed to review QA/QI. Membership shall be determined on a regional basis. The committee shall meet at a minimum of twice per year. Glossary CAD – computer aided dispatch computer based system, which aids public safety answering point telecommunicators by automating selected dispatching and record keeping activities. Call reports – recorded information taken by the dispatcher as transmitted by the fire service for the duration of the response. May also be known as occurrence or incident reports Communication Centre – A communications agency charged with the responsibility for receipt, transmission and delivery of fire dispatch. Cross reference table – A confidential document containing a listing of community names with their primary and back up emergency service providers (ESPs) and their respective telephone numbers. It is available in hard copy and electronic format. ESCC - Emergency Service Communications Committee - A joint provincial and senior municipal public safety answering point (PSAP) committee that acts as a liaison between the Province and the PSAPs on all matters related to the NB 9-1-1 call taking and call transfer services. Dedicated phone line(s) - A telephone circuit used for a single purpose. Dispatch services – the process surrounding the receipt of calls from individuals who need assistance from emergency service providers. Once information is obtained from the caller, the dispatcher activates the services necessary to respond to the nature of the call for help. NBAFC BOARD MEETING, JANUARY 24, 25, 2014 MONCTON Essential Functions: 1. Receive emergency service calls requesting emergency service; determine nature, location, and priority of emergency 2. Dispatch emergency and backup units as necessary; 3. Maintain compliance with established procedures for operating a dispatch system; 4. Obtain and relay estimated arrival times for units and other agencies; 5. Read and relay geographical directions as required; 6. Maintain contact with all units on assignment; 7. Contact additional agencies/resources as requested by the fire service (ex. NB Power ) 8. Maintain a variety of logs, records and files related to dispatching activities. Electronic documents - all documents as compiled, transmitted and stored in electronic format ex. CD, email. Paper documents – all documents as compiled, transmitted and stored in hard copy format Plain language – A clear, spoken message used in radio communications transmissions. Based on common terminology, it avoids misunderstanding in complex and noisy situations and reduces the chances for error. When utilizing plain language, 10 - codes or agency-specific codes are not used. (reference the Operate Communication Equipment doc from the Office of the Fire Marshall) PSAP – public safety answering point. QA – quality assurance - planned, step-by-step activities that let one know that testing is being carried out correctly, results are accurate, and mistakes are found and corrected to avoid adverse outcomes or Quality assurance is defined as a system in which the level of quality of a product is determined and then compared to certain parameters or guidelines to resolve acceptance or rejection QI – quality improvement - actions taken throughout the organization to increase the effectiveness of activities and processes to provide added benefits to both the organization and its customers. Records Management Software (RMS) - A program that collects, stores and collates data into reports enabling interpretation and evaluation of performance, trends, traffic capacities, etc. Regional stakeholder committee – a committee of representative stakeholders relevant to the fire dispatch services in that region, that shall meet to review the operational issues, trends, needs and outcomes. Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) - A device that sits between a power supply (e.g. a wall outlet) and a device (e.g. a computer) to prevent undesired features of the power source (outages, sags, surges, bad harmonics, etc.) from the supply from adversely affecting the performance of the device. NBAFC BOARD MEETING, JANUARY 24, 25, 2014 MONCTON Voice recorded – a process whereby a voice-band audio recorder records to and plays from a permanent storage media such as tape or disk. Logging recorders are typically multi-channel so as to simultaneously record from several sources.