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Lesson Plan
Day: M T W T F Date: 27th August 2015 Time: 70 min Year: 3
Learning Area: Maths Topic: Data and Graphing
Curriculum content description: (from ACARA)
Collect data, organise into categories and create displays using lists, tables, picture graphs, and simple
column graphs. (ACMSP069)
Students’ prior knowledge and experience:
(Outline what the students already know about this topic)
 Chance and data
 Why data is used
 Why a title is used
 What the data represents
 Knowledge of additions and subtraction
Learning purpose: (May refer to the
Elaborations of the curriculum content description
(Explain how you will know that lesson objective have
been achieved / monitor student learning)
Exploring meaningful and increasingly efficient
ways to record data and representing and
reporting the results of investigation.
The lesson objectives will be achieved through asking
the students questions at random to ensure that they
are all on task, engaged and understanding the lesson
at hand.
(Detail what resources will be used and what other
preparation of the learning environment will be
 Inform Mr Bickley of my lesson plan
 Ask Mrs B to hand out smarties
 Ask Mrs B to hand out graph papers
White board
Colouring in pens and pencils
White piece of paper for the smarties per
Graph paper per student
Packets of smarties x25
Catering for diversity (detail any adjustments considerations for educational/resource adjustments)
Going around with the help of Mrs B to help students
Have an EA present
Sit and talk to the students to make sure they understand what is being taught
Ask students to show me their thumbs to see how they are finding the task at hand (this allows students
to put their thumbs up if they are fine with the work, in the middle if they are okay with the work and
down if they don’t understand the work given. This allows me to glance around the room and see where
students are at without having them call out that they are finding the work hard, as some students feel
embarrassed to say that they are having difficulties. If there is more than 6 students with their thumbs
down then I know that I am moving too fast and should go over what the students don’t understand.
Timing: Learning Experiences:
Introduction: (How will I engage the learners?)
Ask students what colour smarties they usually find in their packets ( 5mins to think and
write down on the board as a group the different colours usually found in packets of
Sequence of learning experiences: (What will you do to help the students achieve the
learning objectives? What tasks and activities will the students be involved in to help
achieve the learning objectives?)
Ask the students how we can place the number of smarties that we are going to count in a
neat and easy way ( 2mins to think of ideas as a class and write them on the board) graph is
the answer that I will be looking for
Ask the students who knows what a graph is and why we use them? ( 2mins to write down
as a class the answer) Answer I’m looking for Is graph is a visual way of representing data so
you don’t have to look at the numbers
Ask the students what different types of graphs there is (2mins, multiple answers)
Ask Mrs B to hand out smarties and graph paper
Ask students why a title is important (1min) answer I will be looking for is because the title
tells us what the graph is going to be about
As a class we will think of a title to use for our graph (4mins) get students to write the axis
we think of on top of their graph papers
On the board I will draw the axis on the board while explaining that the numbers go on the
side and the colours go on the bottom (5mins)
Ask students to count how many of each colour they have in their packets while also
counting how many I have in mine and placing the data I found on the board as an example
of how they should place their data, give students 10mins to do this (12mins)
During this time Mrs B and I will be walking around to ensure that students are on task,
engaged and understanding the lesson while providing help to students that are finding it a
bit more difficult than others
Once students have placed their findings in a data I will then ask them to place the data
found into a graph where they already drew the axis of the graph on their graph paper
Before/during this I will be demonstrating on the board which type of graph we will be using
with my own findings while explaining to them that they will not be copying my work but
using it as an example of what to do.
Lesson conclusion: (How will you summarise the learning and relate it to the lesson
Have the kids understand that we are finishing off and that they need to finish their graphs
and are allowed time to colour in their graphs if they wish to and make sure they have their
names on the piece of paper (10mins)
 Signal children to pack away and clean up ( during this time I will ask students to place their
smarties back into the smarties box and put it away until lunchtime)
 Recap and ask questions to see that children had an understanding of today’s lesson and
that they have met the learning objectives, questions such as:
 Can anyone tell me why we use graphs
 What is a graph
Lesson Evaluation:
(Reflect on the lesson. What worked? What did not work? What would you change? Why?)