Methacton Elementary Health & Physical Education Department Healthful Living Total – 5 points Rev 2015-16 Grade 3 My name is _____________________________________ and this is my Health Notebook. It is my responsibility to save and organize all materials and papers from this class in my Health Folder. The following items may be used to measure my progress: classwork and participation notebooks assignments written assessments projects attitude and conduct. PA State Standards 10.1.3.D Know age appropriate drug information. definition of drugs effects of drugs proper use of medicine healthy/unhealthy risk-taking (e.g. inhalant use, smoking) skills to avoid drugs 10.1.3.E Identify types and causes of common health problems of children. infectious diseases (e.g., colds, flu, chickenpox) noninfectious diseases (e.g., asthma, hay fever, allergies, lyme, disease) germs pathogens heredity 10.2.3.A Identify personal hygiene practices and community helpers that promote health and prevent the spread of disease. 10.2.3.E Identify environmental factors that affect health. pollution (e.g., air, water, noise, soil) waste disposal temperature extremes insects/animals Competencies: Upon completion of this unit, students will be able to: explain how germs are spread. differentiate between communicable and non-communicable diseases. explain how the body defends itself against germs. establish good personal hygiene practices. summarize the parts of a good dental health plan. distinguish between a good drug and a bad drug and give some examples. -1- How Germs Spread -2- Body Defenses The Defenders Skin (like a fence) o cuts Openings around face and head o o o o mouth nose eyes ears White blood cells (like Pacman) o still may get sick -3- Personal Hygiene Directions: Write one complete sentence about good personal hygiene next to each picture. 1.) __________________________________________________ 2.) __________________________________________________ deodorant __________________________________________________________________ 3.) _________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4.) _________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 5.)__________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 6.) __________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ -4- Is It Catching? Dr. Derek Sheppard is a doctor at Gray-Sloan Memorial Hospital in Seattle. He has many sick patients; however, the doctor does not want to catch any communicable diseases. These are diseases that can be passed from person-to-person. You can help him. Below are the patients Dr. Sheppard needs to treat. He wants to talk on the phone with those who have communicable diseases. List their diseases under “phone”. Under “office”, list the health problems that are non-communicable. These are the patients he can treat in person. Phone Office (communicable) (non-communicable) 1.) ________________________ 1.) ________________________ 2.) ________________________ 2.) ________________________ 3.) ________________________ 3.) ________________________ 4.) ________________________ 4.) ________________________ 5.) ________________________ 5.) ________________________ -5- About Teeth Proper care of your teeth is important! Here are some facts you should know. You get two sets of teeth. Your first set is called your primary set. Normally there are 20. Your second set is called your permanent teeth. There are normally 32 teeth in this set. You have different kinds of teeth that have different jobs. Some bite food, some cut food, some grind food and some are good for chewing, The white part of the tooth is the crown. It is made of enamel, the hardest substance in the body. The part of the tooth inside the gums is called the root. The Decay Equations Fun Dental Health Facts - China sets aside September 20th as a national holiday known as “Love Your Teeth Day.” - An elephant’s molars measure one foot across and weigh between eight and ten pounds each. - During the Middle Ages in Germany, you would have been advised to kiss a donkey in order to relieve your toothache. -6- Responsible Decision-making Story: You have recently visited your dentist, Dr. Dee Kay, for your six month checkup. She tells you that you have two cavities and is concerned that you are not following a good dental health plan. Dr. Kay asks you to keep your teeth and gums clean. She also wants you to improve your diet and suggests eating more of some foods and less of others. You decide to take her advice and follow a good dental health plan. Directions: Using the toothbrush below, write one part of a good dental health plan on each bristle. If you want to list more than eight, write them below the toothbrush. Dr. Dee Kay NOTE: Can be used with video, “Dr. Rabbit’s World Tour” -7- Toothy Terms Crossword Puzzle Directions: Look at the clues to the crossword puzzle below. Solve the puzzle by filling in the correct answer to each clue. Choose your answers from the word bank below. ACROSS DOWN 1. teeth with broad, flat surfaces 2. the part of the tooth inside the gums 4. what your second set of teeth is called 3. soft tissue with blood vessels 6. a hole in your tooth 4. what your first set of teeth is called 7. what can eat away at your teeth 5. outside layer of a tooth 8. the part of the tooth outside your gums 9. something used to clean teeth -8- A Good Dental Health Plan -9- Drugs Drugs One of the most important healthy choices you can make is to not use drugs. The only drug that can be good for you is medicine when you are sick. Many other drugs are bad for you and should NEVER be taken. - 10 - Medicines Remember, medicine is a good drug because it can help you feel better when you are sick. However, medicine can be harmful if it is not used properly. ONLY take medicine if it is given to you by your parents, a doctor or a nurse. NEVER take any medicine on your own. - 11 - Alternative Activities There will be times when you will be asked to do something that you know isn’t right for you. You can always say “No”. However, suggesting a fun, alternative can be helpful. What are some fun, alternative activities that you could suggest? List them in the “bubbles” below. - 12 - Protect Yourself from the Sun! The ozone layer forms a thin shield in the upper atmosphere. It protects life on Earth from the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays. In the 1980s, scientists discovered that the ozone layer was getting depleted. Depletion of the ozone layer results in increased UV radiation reaching the Earth's surface. Overexposure to UV radiation can lead to serious health effects, such as skin cancer, cataracts, and immune suppression. (source: It is very important to protect yourself from UV rays by limiting the amount of time you spend in the sun. Here are some helpful tips to help protect you from harmful UV rays. 1.) Limit the amount of time spent in the midday sun. 2.) Cover up with light clothing 3.) Wear sunglasses that block 99 – 100% of UV rays 4.) Seek shade 5.) Always use sunscreen 6.) Wear a hat 7.) Avoid sunlamps & tanning parlors - 13 - Tips for Healthful Living Directions: Draw a line from each tip for healthful living to the picture that matches it. - 14 - HEALTHFUL LIVING REVIEW Directions: Use the word bank below to complete the first 16 statements. white blood cells animals primary non-communicable crown skin mouth decay communicable eyes cavities permanent nose UV drugs ears nurse acid medicine plaque 1.) Germs can be spread by people, insects, water and _____________________. 2.) The ________________________ is the first line of defense against germs. 3.) These attack germs once they get inside the bloodstream: ___________________________ 4.) A disease that can be passed to another person is called ____________________________. 5.) Sugar + Bacteria (from Plaque) = ________________ 6.) Acid + Healthy Tooth = _______________________ 7.) By brushing and flossing your teeth everyday, you can help prevent ____________________. 8.) Your first set of teeth are called your ___________________ teeth. 9.) This is the part of the teeth outside the gums: _________________________ 10.) _______________________ change the way you feel or act. 11.) The only drug that can be good for you is __________________________ when you are sick. 12.) You should only take medicine if given to you by your parents, a doctor or a ______________. 13.) Openings around the face and head where germs can enter are: ______________________ _______________________ _____________________ _______________________ 14.) When outside in sunny weather you need to protect yourself from __________ rays. 15.) Diseases that cannot be caught by another person are called ___________________diseases. 16.) A sticky, colorless layer of bacteria that forms in your mouth is called __________________. 17.) List four things you can do to have good personal hygiene: ___________________________ _______________________ _____________________ _______________________ 18.) List three parts of a good dental health plan: _____________________________________ _________________________________ ____________________________________ - 15 -