SAT Quack Vocab Presentation


SAT Quack Vocab


By: Jonas Cooper and Luke



Part of speech: adjective

Definition: excessive, elaborate

Synonym: florid

Antonym: plain

Sentence: The ornate building was designed to resemble a church.


Part of speech: Adjective

Definition: plain, simple; stern in manner

Synonym: strict

Antonym: tolerant

Sentence: The first settlers lived in austere houses.


Part of speech: Adjective

Definition: Relating to the brain

Synonym: intellectual

Antonym: dumb

Sentence: The judge was very cerebral in the way he held the court case.


Part of speech: Adjective

Definition: lacking in space, uncomfortable

Synonym: cramped

Antonym: spacious

Sentence: The college dorm room was very incommodious to the four students.


Part of speech: Adjective

Definition: offensive, disgusting

Synonym: noxious

Antonym: healthful

Sentence: The noisome remark by the student offended the teacher.


Part of speech: noun

Definition: a loud sound; harsh noise

Synonym: clamor

Antonym: silence

Sentence: The band made such a cacophony in their garage that the neighbors called the police.


Part of speech: Adjective

Definition: unquestionable, true, actual

Synonym: genuine

Antonym: fraud

Sentence: The old silver dollar was not veritable and was proven counterfeit.


Part of speech: adverb

Definition: using word for word

Synonym: directly

Antonym: inexactly

 Sentence: You can’t copy a article verbatim or you have committed plagiarism


Part of speech: Adjective

Definition: at the same time

Synonym: simultaneous

Antonym: nonsynchronous

Sentence: It is very difficult to work two concurrent jobs at once.

Part of speech: verb


Definition: to elude or flee

Synonym: escape

Antonym: succumb

Sentence: The thief managed to evade the police for 3 years.

Part of speech: verb


Definition: to obstruct or interfere with

Synonym: block

Antonym: assist

 Sentence: The defender impeded the halfback’s sprint to the end zone.


Part of speech: Adverb

Definition: crooked, out of place

Synonym: strewn

Antonym: aligned

 Sentence: The child’s toys were askew all over the floor.


Part of speech: noun

Definition: to wait in line

Synonym: column

Antonym: misplaced

Sentence: The family was waiting to receive a movie on their Netflix queue.


Part of speech: Adjective

Definition: parched by heat; burning

Synonym: burnt

Antonym: frozen

Sentence: The torrid grass was burned brown by the sun.


Part of speech: noun

Definition: fear or state of anxiety

Synonym: terrified

Antonym: peace

Sentence: The bombing of London left many citizens in a state of trepidation.
