User Documentation Lucian Smith 210154241 Shoprite Enterprise Plan Contents Background: ............................................................................................................................................ 3 Installation, Start-up, Shutdown & Login Instructions:........................................................................... 4 Keystrokes, Mouse & Command Sequences: ......................................................................................... 5 Descriptions of Specific Business Functions: .......................................................................................... 6 Description of Menu, Data Entry & Processing: ..................................................................................... 8 Examples of Reports: ............................................................................................................................ 13 Request Changes and Errors: ................................................................................................................ 15 Frequently Asked Questions: ................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Help: ......................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Background: As a major retail store in South Africa, Shoprite currently has no efficient system in place for planners and buyers to predict and quantify how much stock needs to be purchased on a monthly basis. The lack of presence of such a system proves very problematic, as the amount of stock to be purchased and distributed is not properly calculated, resulting in Shoprite either over, or under estimating how much stock to purchase. UCS Solutions along with the JDA Group have approached Shoprite in developing an Enterprise Plan to be used to make the process of predicting how much stock is to be purchased and which stores the stock is to be distributed to, more efficient. This solution will involve members of UCS Solutions, the JDA Group, as well as Shoprite. Each member will be assigned a specific role in the development of this project in order to make it a success. The following functional activities will be supported as part of the overall engagement: Strategic Merchandise Planning Top Down Product Planning Bottom Up Product Planning Location Planning Cross Plan The solution includes both a user interface and a central database which work together seamlessly to support the business processes and the way the users will work. Installation, Start-up, Shutdown & Login Instructions: Installation: Install JDA Enterprise Planning Suite V 7.9.0. Install as User. Start-up: Click on Enterprise Planning icon. Shutdown: Click the Enterprise Planning icon in the top-left corner from within Enterprise Planning Suite. Click the Exit Planning icon from within the Menu. Login: User details are stored within a config.ini file. Users can only be added, amended, and removed by the Planning Administrator. Keystrokes, Mouse & Command Sequences: Enterprise Planning Suite is made up of a Graphical User Interface connected to an Enterprise Knowledge Base (Database). When a user opens the Enterprise Planning Suite, the Enterprise Planning Menu is opened by default. Administrators have access to all functions within Enterprise Planning, whereas Users only have access to specific Menu functions. Menu functions are only accessible with the use of a mouse cursor, whereas Menu tabs are accessible with the following keystrokes: Hit Alt button to display keystroke shortcuts: F – File Menu 1 – Save Data 2 – Save View 3 – New View 4 – Print 5 – Publish Assortment H – Home A – Advanced M – Maintenance W – Windows E – Equation Descriptions of Specific Business Functions: As the entire Shoprite Enterprise Plan encompasses over 100 functions for specific business processes, only one function from each menu will be described below. All functions are executed through the relevant menu options from Enterprise Planning Suite. Strategic Plan: Select Planning Year The Strategic Planner will be working with a single plan but with a different one for each planning year. This option will be used for all other processes available to them. When selected the user will be presented with a list of years for which strategic plans are available to work in and should select one from the list which will then set the necessary control parameters for all other processes. Top Down Product Plan: Seed Plan with Last Year Revised Plan The purpose of this process is to initialise the working plan version with last year’s data so that the planner can make adjustments to reflect any specific holiday movements (e.g. Easter) and eliminate any promotional activity and abnormal events which occurred in the same period last year, but which are not expected to occur in the coming year. Bottom Up Product Plan: Submit Plan for Approval Once the planner has completed the Bottom up Product planning/reforecasting process for Sub-Department and is ready to review with the merchandise planning management they will submit a version of the Working Plan (WP) version to the Published Bottom Up Product Plan (BUPP) version so the Chief Planner can approve the plan after reviewing and comparing it to their Top Down Product Plan. When running the approval process, the Revised Forecast (RP) version will be updated. Location Plan: Model New Store Using Like Store Approach This process will enable the user to model a new store on a current or historic one. After selecting the new store that the user wants to model the user will be prompted to select the beginning period they want to model from and the end period to which they want to model. Post these selections the user will be prompted to select a store on which the modelling must be based. Administrative Menu: Make User Plans Public Plans can only be used by the users once they have been made public, this option will make one year’s user plans available to the end users, on selecting the option the user will be asked to select the year they want to make public and following the selection be asked to confirm the selection before the process starts. Description of Menu, Data Entry & Processing: Enterprise Planning Common Menu: Shoprite Merchandise Planning o Strategic Plan o Top Down Product Plan o Bottom Up Product Plan o Location Plan o Administration o Exit Planning Planning Menu: Selecting an option will access the relevant Planning Menu after validating that the user is authorised to access this process. If the user does not have the necessary authorization, a relevant warning message will be displayed, and the Main Menu will remain visible. Strategic Product Planning Menu: The example below provides a guide to how the process navigator is presented for the Strategic Merchandise Planning. Strategic Product Planning Select planning year Seed Strategic Plan from Last Revised Forecast Strategic Planning Process Plan Total Sales Strategy Plan Outflow Margin Targets Plan Closing Stock and Stock Turn target Review Plan Publish Plan Return to previous menu Top Down Product Planning Menu: The example below provides a guide to how the process navigator is presented for the Top Down Product Planning: Top Down Product Planning Select Planning Year Select Department Pre-Season Planning Seed Plan with Last Year Revised Forecast Load targets from Strategic Plan Normalise Last Year data Plan Total Sales by Hierarchy levels Reconcile with Strategic Product Plan Reconcile with Location Plan Plan Markdowns over time Plan Outflow Margin Plan Stock over time Reconcile with Bottom up Product Plan In-Season Planning Review performance against Revised Forecast Revise Plan Sales over time Revise Markdowns over time Revise Outflow Margin Revise Stock over time Review Bottom Up Product Plan Copy Sales from next plan for Forward Cover Copy Previous Year Closing Stock to Opening Stock Publish Top Down Plan Approve Location Plan Approve Bottom Up Plan Return to previous menu Bottom Up Product Planning Menu: The example below provides a guide to how the process navigator is presented for the Bottom Up Product Planning: Bottom Up Product Planning Select Sub-Department Select Planning Year Pre-Year Planning Seed Plan with Last Year Revised Forecast Normalise Last Year Revised Forecast Plan Total Sales Plan Outflow Margin Plan Markdowns Plan Receipts and Stock Plan DBO/CRO Split Reconcile with Top Down Product Plan Re-Forecasting Review Performance against Revised Plan Revise Plan Sales Revise Outflow Margin Revise Markdowns Revise Stock Review OTB Reconcile with Last Approved Revised Forecast Copy Sales from next plan for Forward Cover Copy Previous Year Closing Stock to Opening Stock Copy Location Plan Sales Phasing Submit Plan for Approval Cross Planning Generate Divisional Cross Plan Review Divisional Cross Plan Publish Divisional Cross Plan Return to previous menu Location Planning Menu: The example below provides a guide to how the process navigator is presented for the Location Planning: Location Planning Select Planning Year Select Department Pre and In Season Planning Normalise Last Year data Plan country store brand mix Plan closing stock by store brand Review sales and closing stock by store by month Seed Plan with Last Year Approved Location Plan Model new store using like store approach Copy Product Plan product mix Reconcile with Strategic plan Submit Location plan for approval Return to previous menu Administrative Menu: The example below provides a guide to how the process navigator is presented for the Administrative Menu: Build a new admin environment Backup user plans data Restore backed up plans data Profile -Demand Maintenance Generate plan and module list Return to previous menu Data entry is completed from within Enterprise Planning Suite, and once a User has selected a Plan to work with. Once a Plan has been selected, a new View can be created, or an existing View can be edited. Examples of data that can be entered are listed below: Receipt Units Receipts Value Receipt Cost Sales Units Sales Value Sales Cost Wastage Units Wastage Value Wastage Cost Shrink Units Shrink Value Shrink Cost On Order Units On Order Value On Order Cost Examples of Reports: Reports are illustrated in the form of spread sheet views from within Enterprise Planning. Views are illustrations which depict Organization, Product, Calendar, Version, and Variable dimensions. Views can be configured according to business needs, and dimensions can be arranged to display data in different formations. Below is an example of a report for a Top Down Product Planning process: Organization Tot_Brands Brand 1 … Brand 999 Products Department Sub Dept 1 … Sub Dept 99 Year Mth 1 … Mth 12 LRP WP WPLRP Sls_Rtl SP WPSP CP WPCP Sls_Unt Sls_AUR This report’s configuration is as follows: Slice: Organization Slice: Products Across: Calendar Down: Variables Down: Versions The two Slices allow the user to select which Organization and Products to view. The Across Calendar dimension allows users to view and input data for each Variable and Version. The Down Variables and Versions allow the user to input data for each Calendar entry. Views can be created by clicking the New View icon from within Enterprise Planning. Views can be configured by clicking the View Configuration icon from within Enterprise Planning. Views can then be configured by Selection, Ordering, and Orientation, using the screen below. Request Changes and Errors: Change Management is maintained in the ”Shoprite Change Control Log.xls”, which stores entries of all changes that have been requested, approved, denied, and still pending. The process for change to occur starts with an initial change request. This process involves a project member/stakeholder logging a change request to the Technical Administrator or Business Administrator, stating what change is required, why it is necessary, and how it will assist in the implementation of the project. The request is then captured and detailed in the ”Shoprite Change Control Log.xls”, and the status is regarded as Pending until such time that it has been approved by top management. Once the change request has been forwarded to the respective Administrator, the request is then discussed in detail during the consequent Shoprite Weekly Meeting. The change request will either be denied or approved. Should the request be denied, details will be posted in the “Shoprite Change Control Log.xls” as to why the request was unsuccessful. Should the request be approved, the same procedure is followed, and the relevant parties involved in implementing the change will be contacted. The “Shoprite Design Document.doc” is updated to reflect the changes that are to be made, and is made public to all project members. A backup of the existing Enterprise Plan is made to ensure security of entire project (i.e. should the approved request change not function as expected, it could potentially compromise the solution, jeopardising the entire project). Regular backups and detailed logs of changes will allow for efficient recovery, should the need arise. Below is an example of the “Shoprite Change Control Log.xls”: Log ID: Phase: Date Raised: Status: Priority: Expected Resolution: Actual Resolution: 26 27 28 Development Implementation Documentation 28-Aug-12 14-Sep-12 03-Oct-12 Approved Approved Pending 2 2 4 04-Sep-12 21-Sep-12 10-Sep-12 07-Sep-12 21-Sep-12 Log ID: 26 27 28 Phase: Ref: 26Dv 27I 28Dc Description: Development <t_Year.lst> to be made available across all user plans Implementation EKB AppData Source credentials to be verified by Technical Administrator Documentation Page numbers to be updated in "Design Document v2.0" Post Implementation & Help: Following the success of the Shoprite Enterprise Plan, training workshops will be held to instruct end-users (Buyers, Planners, and Top Management) as to the functionality of the Enterprise Plan. The end-users will be trained by a member of the project team, and given detailed workshop documentation. The documentation will include a synopsis of what the workshops entail, the workshop material, and additional information regarding the daily operation of the Enterprise Planning Solution. Workshops will comprise of a detailed breakdown of each process, relevant to the respective end-user. The objective of the workshops is to familiarize end-users with the tool (Enterprise Planning) and allow for feedback and clarify uncertainties surrounding the functionality. Workshops will incorporate a simulation of how Enterprise Planning will be operated on a daily basis. This will allow end-users to become accustomed to the software and demonstrate proficiency before working on a live environment. Workshop material will encompass a variety of scenarios that end-users may experience on a daily basis, as well as situations uncommon to day-to-day operations. Supporting documentation will be distributed following the conclusion of the workshops. The documentation will contain additional resource material to assist end-users. The documentation will contain a summation of the events of the training workshops, particularly the simulated scenarios, as well as step-by-step instructions for each scenario. The documentation will include a troubleshooting section for any possible shortcomings that users may experience, as well as comprehensive, detailed solutions. Should end-users experience difficulties with the tool, and a solution is not available in the supporting documentation, a call will be logged and the Technical Administrator (also assigned the role of Support Administrator) will be made aware of the issue and will attempt a resolution.