ELI PROJECT Kickoff Israel April 17, 2012 Oct. 30.1979 - Oct. 15.2009 1 PARTICIPANTS Currently scheduled Eli Project Participants: University Sami Shamoon College Of Engineering Holon Institute of Technology South Carolina Upstate Vanderbilt University Carnagie Mellon University Location Israel Israel USA USA USA 2 PARTICIPANTS Countries currently being scheduled: Europe/Middle East Germany Italy England Holland Belgium Poland Spain Kuwait Turkey Pacific Rim China India Singapore Korea Japan China Central/South America Mexico Honduras Brazil Chile 3 ELI PROJECT OBJECTIVES 1. 2. 3. 4. Create 1,000 successful startup companies worldwide within 3-years. Identify and select the ideal entrepreneurs that have the most talent and strong character for Ideation to partner with. To launch the first 10 startup companies in Israel during summer 2012. Allow as many individuals to receive a presentation of several hours, handouts, and a 3day workshop to follow. 4 INTRODUCTION Who am I? You and the world around you - connection with creativity, innovations, and inventions? Who is Ideation? Analyze and decide: • • Yes, enroll No, thank you for your time, good luck 5 Zion Bar-El Born June 1, 1942 Tiberius Israel WHO AM I 6 WHO AM I Age 1-6 7-15 16-17 18-22 23-29 30-34 35-50 51-70 71+ Childhood Special Schooling Officer in Israel Army Completed Education EE and Math Working as an Engineer (Bomar TIC), Married, Divorced, Olivetti, DH Minicom Second Marriage, 5 Children GA, Mini control, Interdata, Prime Computer Forward-Technology, Microproject Ideation International Building Wealth 7 YOU AND THE WORLD AROUND YOU CONNECTON WITH CREATIVITY, INNOVATIONS AND INVENTIONS 8 LIFE IS ALL ABOUT Creation, Imagination, Innovation, Invention Reality Analyzing Thinking R.O.I. Good Life! 9 HOW DO YOU FEEL? Confident Exhausted Confused Exotic Guilty Cautious Angry Hysterical Frustrated Sad Hopeful Embarrassed Suspicious Mischievous Disgusted Surprised Enraged Ashamed Depressed Smug Love Struck Overwhelmed Jealous Lonely Shy Happy Bored Anxious Shocked Frightened 10 SELF ASSESSMENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Name and coordinates Age Strengths Weaknesses Career desire Attitude Team player Leadership skills Financial resources Hard worker? Bad habits Hobbies Close family WHO YOU ARE 11 BEHAVIORAL CLUES TO SYSTEM OF THINKING Orientation Synthesist Idealist Pragmatist Analyst Realist Characterized by: Integrative view, sees likeness where not apparent, seeks conflict and synthesis, interested in change, speculative, data meaningless without interpretation Assimilative or holistic view, broad range of views welcomed, seeks ideal solutions, interested in values, receptive, data and theory of equal value Eclectic view, “whatever works,” seeks shortest route to payoff, interested in innovation, adaptive, any data or theory that gets us there Formal logic and deduction, seeks “one best way,” seeks models and formulas, interested in “scientific” solutions, prescriptive, theory and method over data Empirical view and induction, relies on “facts” and expert opinions, seeks solutions that meet current needs, interested in concrete results, corrective, data over theory 12 BEHAVIORAL CLUES TO SYSTEM OF THINKING Orientation Synthesist Idealist Pragmatist Analyst Realist Strengths: Focus on underlying assumptions, points out abstract conceptual aspects, good at preventing overagreement, best in controversial conflict-laden situations, provides debate and creativity Focus on process, relationship; points out values and aspirations, good at articulating goals, best in unstructured, value-laden situations; provides broad view, goals and standards Focus on payoffs, points out tactics and strategies, good at identifying impacts, best in complex, incremental situations; provides experiment and innovation Focus on method and plan; points out data and details; good at modelbuilding and planning; best in structured, calculable situations, provides stability and structure Focus on facts and results, points out realities and resources; good at simplifying, “cutting through”; best in well-defined, objective situations; provides drive and momentum 13 BEHAVIORAL CLUES TO SYSTEM OF THINKING Orientation Synthesist Idealist Pragmatist Analyst Realist Liabilities (weaknesses): May screen out agreement, may seek conflict unnecessarily, may try too hard for change and newness, may theorize excessively, can appear uncommitted May screen out “hard” data, may delay from too many choices, may try too hard for “perfect solution,” may overlook details, can appear overly sentimental May screen out long-range aspects, may rush too quickly to payoff, may try too hard for expediency, may rely too much on “what sells,” can appear overcompromising May screen out values and subjectives, may over-plan, over-analyze; may try too hard for predictability; may be inflexible, overly cautious; can appear tunnelvisioned May screen out disagreement; may rush to oversimplified solutions, may try too hard for consensus and immediate response, may overemphasize perceived “facts,” can appear too result-oriented 14 HISTORY OF CREATIVITY Creative activity of humans starts with the human history: • ~1500 BC – myths about Dedalus – the first human-inventor • Beginning of AD – descriptions of group search for solutions applied by Scythian and German tribes – Brainstorming predecessors. • 4th century of AD – attempts to create a science of invention (heuristics) by Papp from Alexandria. • 13th century – Great Art by R. Lullius (St. Lullius) published in 1480 – a technique for systematic exploration of possibilities – predecessor of morphological charts. • 19th century – evolutionary theories by Lamarck and Darwin (biology), Comte and Marks (sociology). Attempts of techno- and socio-Darwinism by Spencer. • End of 19th – beginning of the 20th century - beginning of psychological research in creativity. Creative Imagination by T. Ribot, works of Freud, etc.. • Middle of the 20th century - System approach by Bertalanfy, Brainstorming by A. Osborn; control questions for inventors by Osborn, Thring, Laithwait, etc.. 15 Components of Creative Thinking Adults' Thinking Children's Thinking "TRIZ" Thinking Fear of contradictions, aspiration to avoid them Non sensitiveness to contradictions, absence of aspiration to avoid them in their arguments Love for contradictions, search for contradictions in problems. Understanding that revealing and formulation of an obvious contradiction is a step toward to its resolution Metaphysical approach, consideration the objects, processes and phenomena separately, non systematically Syncretism, aspiration to connect "everything with everything" Systematic approach, aspiration to reveal the connections between remote objects, processes and phenomena, that often look as though they are not connected at all Unorganized combination of various types of deductions, that are often applied erroneously Traduction - type of deduction, erroneous from the classical logic viewpoint, were the deductions are made from the one specific fact to another specific one Deductions by analogue, transition of deductions, ideas, solutions between various systems, with various levels of generality (an organized combination of induction, deduction, and traduction) Combination of logic thinking and natural intuition Natural, inborn ability to produce an intuitive deduction Combination of logic thinking with purposely formed intuition "Laws obedience" - use of intuitively known or verbalized laws "Creation of laws " -spontaneous search and development of intuitive and verbalized laws Purposeful search and development of laws; verbalization of the intuitive laws Attempts to brain storm the difficult problem from one shot, retreat and giving the solving up in the case of failure Substitution of the problem. If a child is not able to solve a problem, he will purposely modify the conditions and the rules and than will solve the problem, that is possible for him to solve Substitution of the problem by another one, that can be solved by certain rules. 16 WHAT IS CREATIVITY? Development of new, interesting, stimulating, great ideas. 17 CREATIVITY PROFILE People who display a high degree of creativity tend to be: Optimistic about the future Open to alternatives Daydreamers Highly curious and observant Independent thinkers Able to recognize and break bad habits Good a turning innovative ideas into practical solutions Adventurous, with multiple interests Constantly exposing themselves to new ideas and information Willing to take risks and unwilling to let fears hold them back Open to new experiences People who take action and make things happen Full of commitment to what they’re doing Nonconformists Daniel Burrus in Technotrends 18 CREATIVITY PADLOCKS I’m not a creative person Be as practical as you can Follow all of the rules That’s not logical Avoid ambiguity at all cost Don’t be foolish Having fun is frivolous That’s not my area To make a mistake is wrong That’s not the right answer I can’t do that Someone else must already be doing this If I share my idea, someone will steal it Thinking—I’m not paid to think Daniel Burrus in Technotrends 19 KEYS TO UNLOCK YOUR CREATIVITY Observation Incubation Intuition Emotion Stimulation Daniel Burrus in Technotrends 20 ?????????? = CREATIVITY What if: We could get cold fusion to work? What if: We discovered silico-based life forms? What if: We could splice a chlorophyll gene into human genetics so that you could feed yourself simply by being exposed to light? What if: We discovered the particle of gravity allowing us to levitate anything” Daniel Burrus in Technotrends 21 WHAT ARE IDEAS? Product of mental activity and imagination Basis of Creativity Result of reason vs. perception Plan of action or path to follow 22 WHAT IS INNOVATION? Implement creative ideas into valuable and profitable solutions 23 FOUR TYPES OF INNOVATION Product Process Marketing Management 24 INGREDIENTS OF INNOVATION Processes Tools Technology Leadership Teamwork Environment 25 INNOVATION “Innovation is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.” T.A. Edison “What if: tomorrow doesn’t resemble today?” Daniel Burrus 26 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Products of the human intellect that have economic value. 27 DO YOU RECOGNIZE THESE PEOPLE? The “Know-it-alls” They are arrogant and usually have an opinion on any issue. When they are wrong they get defensive. The “Passives” These people never offer ideas or let you know where they stand. The “Dictators” They bully and intimidate. They are constantly demanding and brutally critical. The “Yes” People Agree to any commitment, yet rarely deliver. You cannot trust them to follow through. 28 DO YOU RECOGNIZE THESE PEOPLE? The “No” People They are quick to point out why something won’t work. Worse, they are inflexible. The “Gripers” Is anything ever right with them? They prefer complaining to finding solutions. Of course you recognize them. They are the people you work with, sell to, depend on, live with. Learn to deal with them quickly. 29 HAVE A _____ DAY. Have a Nice Have a day Have a Credible Contagious day Have a day Have a Curious day Manageable Romantic day Have a day Have a Peaceful day Have a Groundbreaking day Have a Have a Warm day Remarkable day Funny Stellar Silly day RoseColored day Have a day Have a day Have a Productive day day Have a day Superb Savory Have a Have a Have a Have a Have a Rebellious day Have a Comparable Ridiculous Have a Have a day Fragrant Have a day Copasetic day day Forgettable day High strung day Have a 30 THE WORLD – 258 COUNTRIES 7 Billion people as of October 30, 2011 (8 AM EST) 31 STIMULATE PEOPLE IN THE WORLD… 258 Countries 7,000,000,000 People (as of 10/30/2011) …To Investigate Their Needs What Should People Know? What Should People Feel? What Should People Do? What Should People Be? 37 POPULATION OF COUNTRIES Country Population Language Currency /$U.S. China 1.265 B Chinese Yuan 8.269 India 1.014 B Hindi Rupee 46.769 U.S. 275 M English U.S. Dollar Indonesia 212 M Bahasa Rupiah 8.250 Russia 145 M Russian Ruble 27.767 Japan 126 M Japanese Yen 105.9 Mexico 99 M Spanish Peso 9.070 Germany 82 M German Mark 2.174 Philippines 81 M Spanish Peso 45.175 Korea 69 M Korean Won 1,105 38 POPULATION OF COUNTRIES Country Population Language Currency /$U.S. Turkey 65 M Turkish Lira 653 K Thailand 62 M Thai Baht 40.86 U.K. 60 M English Pound .0685 France 60 M French Franc 7.291 Italy 58 M Italian Lira 2,152 S. Africa 50 M Afrikaans Rand 6.929 Spain 40 M Spanish Peseta 184.9 Canada 31 M English Dollar 1.472 Malaysia 23 M Bahasa Ringgit 3.799 Taiwan 22 M Chinese Dollar 31.083 Australia 19 M English Dollar 1.733 Holland 16 M Netherlandic Guilder 1.77 39 POPULATION OF COUNTRIES Country Population Language Currency /$U.S. Greece 11 M Greek Drachma 375.1 Belgium 10 M Flemish Franc 44.82 Sweden 8.9 M Swedish Krona 9.325 Switzerland 7.2 M Swiss Franc 1.724 Israel 6.2 M Hebrew Shekel 4.01 Denmark 5.3 M Danish Krone 8.29 Finland 5.2 M Finnish Markka 6.607 Norway 4.5 M Norwegian Krone 8.995 Singapore 4M Malay Dollar 1.721 New Zealand 3.8 M English Dollar 2.336 40 MY PERSONAL PROFILE Mind Shapes: Understanding the Differences in Thinking and Communication by Dr. Alan Kahn and Kris Radcliffe 41 KILLER PHRASES A good idea, but … Against policy Be practical Costs too much Don’t start anything yet. It needs more study Not in the budget We’ve never done it that way It’s not part of my job Min Basadur 42 TRANSFORM Twist/turn Reverse/rotate Another angle Novelize Simplify Fuse Omit Rearrange Magnify/minify Min Basadur 43 FUNCTIONS OF THE BRAIN Absorb Retain Diverge Converge Min Basadur 44 PROCESS SKILLS 2002 Basadur Applied Creativity Model Diverge Ideate No Judgment No Logic Relax Quantity Stream of ideas Radical ideas Think in pictures Build into idea fragments Converge Deferral of Judgment Separate Divergent and Convergent Thinking Evaluate Yes Judgment Yes Logic Clarify meanings Generate relevant criteria Focus on a few Consider risky options Modify and refine Move good options forward 45 PROCESS SKILLS Ideate No judgment No logic Relax Quantity Stream of Ideas Radical Ideas Think in Pictures Build onto Idea Fragments Evaluate Deferral of Judgment Yes judgment Yes logic Separate divergent and convergent thinking Clarify meanings Generate relevant criteria Focus on a few Consider risky options Modify and refine Move good options forward Min Basadur 46 “WHY-WHAT’S STOPPING?” ANALYSIS 3 Steps 1. Ask Why or what’s stopping…? 2. Answer in a complete statement. 3. Restate into a new How Might…? Ask “Why?” To broaden the problem Ask “What’s stopping?” To narrow the problem Min Basadur 47 EIGHT STEP PROCESS Problem Solution Formulation Formulation 1-Problem 4-Idea finding finding 5-Evaluate and 2-Fact finding select 3-Problem definition Solution Implementation 6-Plan 7-Acceptance 8-Action Min Basadur 48 WHO IS IDEATION INTERNATIONAL INC. INCORPORATED 1992, DELAWARE CORP. 49 Ideation International Inc. Design for Worldwide Innovation Increasing the Value of the Intellectual Capital of an Enterprise Principles Ethics Results Family Expectations Commitment to Customers Trust INTEGRATED SOLUTION Ideation + Innovation(Methodology + Tools) = S Competitive Advantage Technical Superiority Greater Market Share Increased Profit Greater Return on Investment Value, Value, and More Value Brief History: Ideation International Inc. Established in November of 1992 as a Delaware corporation Provider of TRIZ-based services and products Merged with leading TRIZ School in Russia (The Kishinev School ) Headquartered in Farmington Hills, MI Includes world’s most experienced group of TRIZ Masters and certified TRIZ specialists Conducted business with over 5000 enterprises worldwide Active in 30 countries and numerous universities Has trained over 250,000 individuals worldwide Conducts continuous research/advancement of TRIZ methodology Copyright 2001 Ideation International Inc. 51 WHAT IS IDEATION I (Ideation)’ methodology guides individuals through a process of systematic innovation. Rooted in the world accumulated technological knowledge, this methodology is a result of extensive ongoing research of over 65 years; over 2 million patents throughout the world and spanning numerous technologies have been screened. Patents describing solutions to difficult technological contradictions were used to define the nature of inventive problems and to classify them. The knowledge represented by these inventions formed the basis for extensive research resulting in development of a methodological core for solving the challenges faced by inventors. Akin to other sciences such as physics and math, The Ideation methodology is represented by a set of regularities, algorithms and tools. Applying this methodology allows an individual to innovate in systematic way through a process which begins with problem identification, categorization and formulation. The methodology’s applicable tools are then utilized to develop innovative Concepts of Solutions which overcome challenges 52 WHAT IS IDEATION D (Discovering) inventive problems is a performance process which can be described on an S curve. Utilization of Ideation’s methodology gives timely indications of the nature of the next paradigm shift, and the conditions under which it will occur. Every organization has its own set of rules and regulations, often implicit, which Establish or define boundaries Tell members of the organization how to behave within those boundaries in order to be successful. Yet it is nature of paradigms that with passage of time they accumulate unsolved inventive problems like ship does barnacles. When this accumulation begins to impede progress and weaken competitiveness, it is time for reworking the paradigm. 53 WHAT IS IDEATION E (Every) organization defaults the future when it has no alternative paradigm through which it can solve its most intractable (inventive) problems. Utilization of Directed Evolution® can highlight potential destructive technologies in in time to suggest and incite appropriate investment countermeasures. Directed Evolution (DE) makes use of the patterns of technological evolution from the Ideation methodology. 54 WHAT IS IDEATION A (And) using these patterns one can determine the likely direction in which a product or a process will evolve (evolution is toward a more “ideal” realization of the product or process). 55 WHAT IS IDEATION T (The) patterns of technological evolution suggest many alternative routes in the evolutionary cycle. When one technology, product or process approaches its maturity, it is vulnerable to destruction by a new technology not so burdened with unsolved problems. A paradigm based on the new technology replaces the old. Strategic planning must predict the occurrence of the shift to the new paradigm well in advance of its arrival. Once the shift occurs, development based on the old ways of solving design, production, and of marketing problems is worthless. Those organizations which lag behind in technological evolution drop out of competition. In order to direct product evolution, management requires concepts which mark the road to ideality. The Ideation methodology provides these concepts promptly and reliably. 56 WHAT IS IDEATION I (Innovation) is an essential element in a life cycle of markets, industries, companies and individuals. By adapting the Ideation methodology, innovation becomes the customary part of life. Individuals become empowered – there is no more waiting for the mental “light bulb” to shine with a bright idea. Companies need not depend on a few extraordinary individuals who innovate based on their personal experience, intuition and luck. 57 WHAT IS IDEATION O (Once) you adopt to the Ideation methodology of Systematic Innovation, the most important invention is continuous reinvention. As the logic of the competition changes, long term successes require new mindsets and behaviors. In an era of unforgiving competition and accelerating change, new products are important for success. By utilizing of Ideation methodology, the life cycles of successful new products grow even shorter. As a result, the management processes and technologies which generate streams of such products become even more valuable. Further, the Ideation methodology eliminates the risks associated with those technologies and processes which are doomed to fail. 58 WHAT IS IDEATION N (No) doubt, Ideation methodology is the key to creating, evaluating and maintaining a “knowledge system”. It reduces the need for raw materials, labor, time, space, capital and other inputs – knowledge becomes the ultimate substitute for these things, and the central resource of an advance economy. And as this happens, its values sores. 59 ZION’S BRAIN TRUST Group A: My closest friends and family Alla Zusman 2. Amir Eliezer 3. Bob Yorio 4. Boris Zlotin 5. Cal Halliburton 6. Chuck Buchannan 7. Daryl Boudreaux 8. David Bonner 9. Dick Bouley 10. Don Sims 11. Francis Campra 1. 12. Gary Baker 13. Gary Farina 14. Grant Stockwell 15. Homie Taghavi 16. Karel Bolckmans 17. Karen Pike 18. Lynn Lerer 19. Mark Harrison 20. Mitch Tarr 21. Randy Emery 22. Ron Fulbright 23. Stan Kaplan 24. Svetlana Visnepolschi 25. Terry Kamimura 26. Valeriy Prushinskiy 27. Vicki Roza 28. Vladimir Proseanic 29. Yoni Mizrahi 60 ZION’S BRAIN TRUST Group B: My friends and associates 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Ari Manor Ash Madan Ben (Sadegh Babaii) Kochekseraii Bill Coughlin Bill Palmer Bob Lieberman Bob Kelley Boudewijn Bertsch Brenda Pomerance Bruce Winkler Carlos Garcia 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Charles Brainard Charles Schultz Chris Quinn Claudia Gross Daniel Burrus Dave Bush Dave Cole Dave Patrishkov Dave Weaver David Levy David May Derek Chason Dirk Schlingmann Don Coates Dov Shenkman 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. Dr. Ueno Ed Story Felice Lotito Frank Voehl Frank Zeihsel Fred Moller Gail Cresswell Glenn Reed Gordon Singer Harlem Jacob Harvey Forest Hein Vastenouw Herb Shapiro Herbert Roberts Howard Kaplan 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. Ivan Taylor Jamil Scott Jay Fisher Jim Antaki Jim Bradley Jim Cappio Jim Harrington Jim O'Shaughnessy John Doorish 61 ZION’S BRAIN TRUST Group B: My friends and associates 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. John Higginson John Opfell John Swaim John Terninko John Wolverton Juergen Hess Lee Fenicle Michael Sorli Mickael Weiner Mike Brady Mike Fedotowsky Mike Sharer Nan Wei 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. Napoleon Monroe 77. Noel Leon Rovira 78. Patrick Choquette 79. Paul Germeraad 80. Paul Otterson 81. Paul Sequin 82. Randi Dikeman 83. Rene Kapik 84. Reuven Karni 85. Rich Kaplan 86. Rick Holdren 87. Rick Soto 88. Rob Klein Robert Cantrell Ruhi Kaykayoglu Sara Greenberg Scott Kelley Scott Walker Shinsuke Kurosawa Steve Curtis Steve Falls Steven Ungvari Tim Campbell Tom Karas Tore Wiik 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. Toru Iura Tsukasa Shinohara Van Brollini Yossi Ben-Dak Zvi Porath 62 Title Options: Continuous Innovation The Next Big Thing A SYSTEM FOR MASS INNOVATION THE NEXT BIG THING The Innovation Age Has Arrived! Are You Ready? IS BUSINESS LOOKING GOOD? Not if: Your product is becoming a commodity Your technology, products or IP are mature Competition has blocking patents You have recalls for failures or safety Performance or features are not meeting expectations or standards Global competition is growing (and it is!) How are you handling these challenges? GLOBAL WARNING Due to rapidly evolving global competition, CONTINUOUS INNOVATION will become as necessary for business survival as the ability to read and write! Do you have the infrastructure to continually adapt in your future business world? How are you creating or directing your future business world? Innovation Age Law: If you’re not innovating you’re disintegrating! CREATIVITY VS. INNOVATION Creativity is idea generation Innovation is implementing ideas in ways that create economic value We are all creators, but innovation requires implementation in your business world $ INNOVATION MANAGEMENT? Corporate innovation management is where quality management was 20 years ago Billions spent on R&D each year with uncertain ROI and time to market measured in years for a typical company Innovation is viewed as “R&D’s job” Innovation requires broad & specialized knowledge Lack of innovation operating system for all to use Risk averse culture and physiological inertia HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR INNOVATION SYSTEM? DO YOU HAVE ONE IN MIND? “Most companies lack an “Innovation Engine” A high performance organizational system that continually creates promising ideas or solutions and transforms them into powerful new ways of creating value and wealth INNOVATION CULTURE A company with an innovation culture has institutionalized a reproducible, reliable, lean operating system for generating solutions to problems and creating process/product innovations for gaining and sustaining a highly competitive edge All organizations have “innovation workers” trained in using the operating system for directed continuous innovation Business Age BUSINESS AGE EVOLUTION Innovation Knowledge Workers Workers Information Workers Office Workers Factory Workers Land Worker (Farmers) Time (Wave) SO HOW EXACTLY DO YOU BUILD A CORPORATE INNOVATION SYSTEM? Institutionalization within an Enterprise Proposed Plan to Institutionalize the Ideation TRIZ Methodology throughout an Enterprise Ideation International World Technological Leader in The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Presentation Outline Presentation Objectives Ideation International Inc. – Executive overview Ideation Operating System for Innovation Proposed Plan Conclusion. Questions and Answers ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Presentation Objectives To propose an effective plan to institutionalize the Ideation Operating System for Innovation throughout the enterprise to: • Establish the Enterprise as the undisputed market & technological leader in its core of competencies • Increase the value of intellectual property portfolio • Improve employee’s inventive skills ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Why Institutionalize the Ideation Operating System for Innovation To create an environment that supports innovation, knowledge sharing, risk taking and creativity To develop a formal process for innovation from idea generation to commercialization To collaborate and share knowledge across functions and business units To establish core relationships between businesses, technologies and intellectual property To overcome roadblocks to innovation ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Executive Overview ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Ideation Brief History Established in November of 1992 as a Delaware corporation Provider of TRIZ-based services and products Merged with leading TRIZ School in Russia (The Kishinev School ) Headquartered in Farmington Hills, MI Includes world’s most experienced group of TRIZ Masters and certified TRIZ specialists Conducted business with over 5000 enterprises worldwide Active in 30 countries and numerous universities Has trained over 250,000 individuals worldwide Conducts continuous research/advancement of TRIZ methodology ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Ideation’s Mission Our mission is to enhance and institutionalize systems for continuous product/process innovation and strengthening of intellectual property, based on directed innovation methods and tools, with a commitment to strategic partnerships that produces the following results: Your organization is an industry or market leader in its core competencies and products Strategic positioning, which cannot be copied or imitated Problem-solving and innovation skills are accelerated throughout the enterprise Intellectual property portfolios are enhanced thereby protecting future directions of your products and services ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Ideation International Business Commitment The company’s business is to assist its customers with the essential business function of innovation via institutionalization of the system including education, software tools, mentoring and analytical services ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Ideation Business Philosophy Customer Satisfaction Quality Innovation Excellence Respect Winning Customer Trust Caring Integrity Quality Commitment Building on Values ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Ideation International Inc. Structure & Core Competences I-TRIZ Training / Software Distance Learning Kent State Model Options A & B Workshops •Public •Per Company •Train the Trainers I-TRIZ Applications Project Work •Think Tank Model •Facilitation Approach •Coaching Intellectual Property Solution Providers •Analytical Services •Train the Trainers •SWAT Team •Reports •IP Portfolio •Software, Service Bureau on a case by case basis Market: Primary: any enterprise that seeks organic growth Secondary: any university that does research and seeks IP User profile: CEO, President, CTO, Engineers, Scientists, Patent Attorneys & Litigators. Strategy: Outsource training & Software, become open source with developing expertise in specific vertical market. Healthcare, Automotive, Chemical Electrical, Agriculture and more. ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Business Drivers & I-TRIZ Customer Satisfaction Value ↑ = FP DE CIP FP Quality↑ Cost↓ IPS AFD FP FA Kano Model of Quality System Function & Performance ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Innovation Management Innovation Mgt. is where Quality Mgt. was in the 80s Billions spent on R&D each year with uncertain ROI Time to market measured in years for a typical company Ideation has codified innovation making it a step-by-step procedure anyone can use This means reliable, repeatable results “The future of business will require that innovation is something employees do as a routine business practice” ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Innovation Management “Innovation has nothing to do with how many R&D dollars you have…it’s not about money. It’s about the people you have, how you’re led, and how much you get it” – Steve Jobs, Apple, Inc. Innovation Process Capability = Subject x Personal x Personal x Management x Knowledge Capabilities Motivation Support The people you have How you’re led 1 + CI-TRIZ How much you get it I-TRIZ Acceleration Factor ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Innovation Systems Incremental Dramatic Process Product I-TRIZ Lean6Sigma Directed Evolution® Suggestion Voice of the Systems Customer Dramatic Process & Product Improvement & Breakthrough Innovation ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Innovation Culture A company with an innovation culture has institutionalized a reproducible, reliable, lean system for generating solutions to problems and creating process & product innovations for gaining and sustaining a highly competitive edge and new ways of creating value and wealth. All organizations have “innovation workers” using a system for directed continuous innovation. ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Innovation Engine (I-TRIZ) Patents represent the best definition of what constitutes “INNOVATION” All Patents (Inventors) New Problem I-TRIZ > Inventive Principles (operators) Structured Knowledge Bank All levels & patterns of invention and technological evolution > Inventive Patents Analogous Known Problem > Exhaustive Solution Set Trial & Error Available Resources Deadline! Best Solutions Solution? DELAYS ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Innovation Engine (I-TRIZ) Inventive Problem Solving (IPS) Directed Evolution (DE) Generate multiple innovative solutions to meet consumer’s spoken expectations Anticipatory Failure Determination (AFD) ® Reduce failure risk for consumer’s spoken & unspoken expectations Strategically evolve future generations of technological systems & products to drive consumer excitement! Control of Intellectual Property (CIP) Maximize IP value and create patent fences around the directed evolution of technology & products ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Ideation Office of Innovation Based on Ideation TRIZ (I-TRIZ) methodology Inventive Problem Solving (IPS) A systematic procedure for resolving tough technological problems, enhancing system parameters, improving quality, reducing cost, etc. for current generations of products and technologies. Anticipatory Failure Determination (AFD) Failure Analysis Failure Prediction A systematic procedure for identifying the root causes of a failure or other undesired phenomenon in a system, and for making corrections in a timely manner. A systematic procedure for identifying beforehand, and then preventing, all dangerous or harmful events that might be associated with a system. Directed Evolution® (DE) Control of Intellectual Property A systematic procedure for strategically evolving future generations of technological systems. A systematic procedure for increasing IP value and providing protection from infringement and circumvention. What does Ideation offer? I-TRIZ Application/process Education Software Publications Analytical Services Age of Application Inventive Problem Solving Multiple books and paper 65 yrs Failure Analysis Two books multiple papers 30 yrs Failure Prediction Two books multiple papers 30 yrs Directed Evolution Internal use One book multiple papers 20 yrs Enhancement of Intellectual Property Internal use Multiple papers 10 yrs Ideation’s Vision Enablers Market Leader Technology Leader Leadership Assets Organizational Value Knowledge Based Human Resources Instruments ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Worker Evolution Land Workers (Farmers) Factory Workers Office Knowledge Information Innovation Workers Workers Workers Workers Business Age Wave ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Worker Evolution Innovation Worker (Dynamic Specialization) SPECIALIZED YES Broad (------------) YES (------------) NO NO I-TRIZ (------------) (------------) (------------) (------------) GENERALIZED Information Worker Innovate & invent on demand! Deep Knowledge Worker ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Innovation Worker Results Solutions Confident Decision Point All Possible Solutions Solutions Needed to Make Good Decision Rapid Knowledge Accumulation Deadline Engineering Grad (with I-TRIZ) First to Market Experienced Engineer (without I-TRIZ) Time Forced Decision Point ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Selected Successes To-Date Chemical Industry New Generation of Existing Chemical Processing Plant Processing of New Chemical Heavy Equipment Lifting Cranes Automotive Industry Parking Brakes Doors Cable Applications Medical Industry Surgical Instrumentation Oil Industry Control of Oil Production Materials Development Super Absorbent Fibers Plastics Packaging Fluid Systems Water Pumps Hazardous Materials Pumps Commercial Products Sanitary Products Foot Massagers Electric Shavers Hair Care Products Combs, Hair Dryers, Curling Irons, Hair Clippers Stock / Commodity Exchange ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Automotive Industry: Selected Successes-To-Date GM Ford Chrysler Eaton W.E.T. BorgWarner Dana Corporation Rockwell Int’l Automotive TRW Automotive ITT Automotive Dura Automotive Navistar Cost reduction, warrantees, recalls, new design, patent circumvention, failure analysis, failure prediction, training ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Selected Projects Completed for Automotive Industry Break squeal Brake roughness Noise and vibration Transmission Air bag Bumper corrosion Door Automotive cables Fuel tank rotation Zero emission design Electrostatic paint Tail light Seat cover Wind tunnel Plastic fuel tank Walking bearing Truck mirror Ringing and hinging Car seats cooling and heating Zero defect engineering Cost reduction, warrantees, recalls, new design, patent circumvention, failure analysis, failure prediction, training ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Clients • Automotive • Chemical • Electronic • Medical • Aerospace • Aviation • Energy • Food 3M Allied Signal Boeing BP Amoco Chrysler Conoco-Phillips Creighton University Dana Corporation Dow Chemical DuPont Exxon-Mobil Ford General Motors Hitachi Honeywell Johnson & Johnson Kent State University Liverpool John Moores University Lucent Technologies Medtronic Motorola NASA National Semiconductor Navistar International Nortel (Northern Telecom) Pratt & Whitney Rice University Ridge Tool Company Rockwell International S.C. Johnson Shell Oil Texas University Toyota TRW Automotive Unisys US Air Force US Army US Navy Vanderbilt University W.E.T. Automotive Western Michigan University Xerox ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Teruyuki Kamimura Japanese Patent Attorney Certified TRIZ practitioner CEO of Willfort International Patent Firm “Before I met I-TRIZ in 2008, I had been practicing Classical TRIZ for several years. At that time, I felt the necessity of improving Classical TRIZ more user-friendly, more efficient and more effective for ordinary engineers to develop a larger number of more outstanding inventions in shorter time, while I had no good ideas to make it. But, I-TRIZ has solved that problem without tears like a dream. Furthermore, ITRIZ has dramatically enriched my patent firm’s service portfolio. I-TRIZ comprises four main systematic methodologies, IPS, AFD, DE and CIP, which cover almost all the stages of an innovation activity. Taking advantage of those methodologies, we provide very wide array of unique and effective IP services. This is the greatest strength of my firm remarkably distinguishing us from the other patent firms in Asia.“ 101 Bill Coughlin President & CEO at Ford Global Technologies, LLC Adjunct Professor at Thomas M. Cooley Law School “Zion has a genuine heart for education and a real dedication to helping clients to find innovative solutions.” February 18, 2010 Top qualities: Personable, High Integrity , Creative Hired Zion as a Business Consultant in 2003 , and hired Zion more than once ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Dr. Ron Fulbright, Chair, Department of Informatics University of South Carolina Upstate “I started using classical TRIZ over 16 years ago. About 6 years ago I became aware of I-TRIZ and have been using it ever since and I use it almost every day. For the past 4 years, I have entered a state-wide innovative business idea contest and have won five awards including the Grand Prize in 2008. (No other person has won more than 1 award in this contest.) Even though I did not win an award in the latest contest, I placed 2 ideas in the top-ten. I employ I-TRIZ in the development of my ideas for this annual contest and it undoubtedly gives me an edge. As the evolution of classical TRIZ, I-TRIZ represents the distillation of human innovative thought. By encapsulating the entirety of human innovation and making it accessible to the average person, one can stand on the shoulders of the most innovative, creative, and inventive people throughout history. Using it is like having Thomas Edison and Yoshiro Nakamats right there in the room with you!” ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Dr. Paul H. King, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Emeritus Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Emeritus at Vanderbilt University “I have found that IWB (Innovation Workbench) is a useful addition to my student’s toolboxes in their pursuit of their design projects. We have had a good ~ 10 year history of collaboration with Ideation International.” ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Rene Kapik, Ph.D. Medical Industry Consultant, Certified Master Black Belt Certified I-TRIZ Specialist Ideation has created an outstanding innovative product that assists users in discovering innovative solutions for themselves. Ideation's revolutionary software, called I-TRIZ, has brought clarity to the long-standing mystery of classical TRIZ and simplicity of the tools that once required extended study time to master. I discovered the power of the software five years ago, when I began applying the tools in both my new product development and continuous improvement roles. My teams have demonstrated the remarkable ability of the IWB software tool to facilitate in solving chronic, so-called "unsolvable", and expensive problems by removing barriers to creative thinking and eliminating typical product performance trade-offs that result in suboptimized product functionality. The Directed Evolution software tool allows the user to anticipate the direction of a products evolution. Using this tool, my teams have created a higher level of patentable and profitable "next generation" products and processes, adding millions of dollars in new revenue to my companies' bottom line. ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Paul Seguin, Ph.D., P.E. Strategy and Integration Office U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Disclaimer: This statement reflects the personal views of the author, and does not represent any official position of the U.S. Government or the U.S. Army. I first became acquainted with ITRIZ in 2004. I soon became so enamored with its elegance and efficiency for problem solving that I chose to study it intensively and become a certified ITRIZ specialist. Since then, ITRIZ has become (and remains) my 21st century system of choice for addressing all of my strategic analytical issues: organizational/managerial problem solving, anticipation of unknown failure modes, and identification of future agency challenges. I have also introduced its concepts and techniques to executive leaders at my agency, and to design engineering students at George Mason University, who use it on their inventive engineering challenges. ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Lee I. Fenicle, Director Intellectual Resources Management Creighton University “Using Invention on Demand and Directed Evolution, Ideation’s I-TRIZ staff helped us turn one patented surgical device into a core of products that we used to start a company. Our company has received its second round of venture-backed funding and will be selling its first products in the next few months. Without Ideation’s help we would have licensed our technology and would be waiting for a royalty stream for a very long time. For medical devices, I-TRIZ has proven to be the best way to attack a future market, solve design problems and to get the most out of the intellectual property we have.” ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Prof. James F. Antaki Professor of Biomedical Engineering (Carnegie Mellon University) Professor of Surgery and Bioengineering (University of Pittsburgh) “I was completely hooked on Triz about half way though the Ideation introductory seminar. Their vast knowledge of the technology can be overwhelming. And this is why Innovation WorkBench is so valuable – it allows the average person to use these powerful principles without needing years of study. And my students have used it gainfully in their capstone design projects. Their slogan, ‘Innovation on Demand’ says it all.” ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Karel Bolckmans Director Global R&D and Production Koppert BV, Netherlands “I found that I-TRIZ helps you look in directions where traditional creativity techniques would never take you. It helps you cover the entire scope of potential innovations. I-TRIZ is so powerful that it should become part of any education curriculum and the main component of a company’s toolbox for those businesses that are serious about innovation." ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Herbert Roberts Principal Engineer General Electric – Energy “I have been training with the I-TRIZ specialist at Ideation International since 2005. I have progressed in my problem solving skills with each level of training. In my work as a gas turbine engineer at General Electric, I have developed over 90 patent applications in my field based on my skills as an I-TRIZ practitioner. One of these patent applications came directly out of a Directed Evolution training session. I have use the Innovation WorkBench software to teach the I-TRIZ principles to my fellow engineers and to support my own problem solving needs.” ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Rick Holdren Healthcareangel “I've known Zion for over a decade and has used his firm on multiple reports. I recommend his TRIZ analysis and knowledge...” ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Alexander Zelikov, ESQ Intellectual Property Attorney Certified I-TRIZ Practitioner “I initially came into contact with TRIZ early in my engineering career. As an engineer, I have used TRIZ principles in developing solutions to various challenging technical problems, including those that have resulted in patented inventions. As an intellectual property attorney, I have used I- TRIZ and the underlying TRIZ principles in advising clients and during patent preparation. I have found that I- TRIZ facilitates a broader approach to the development of patentable subject matter, including the development of patent fencing, thus creating additional value to the client” ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Jonh Doorish, Ph.D Doorish Ophthalmic Technologies, Inc What Zion Bar-El has done for Doorish Ophthalmic Technologies is to spell out the strengths and/or weaknesses of the AeRP/MeRP in order to increase the effectiveness of the device and the project. The system used, TRIZ, is a brilliant Mathematical procedure that enables companies to determine the most efficient and cost effective ways of proceeding. Doorish Ophthalmic Technologies is indebted to Zion for his great work. ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 David P. Weaver CEO at Blaze Medical Devices, LLC Board of Directors Member & Chairperson, Life Science Task Force at Michigan Israel Business Bridge (MIBB) CEO / President at Aimattech Consulting LLC “I have traveled and worked on some projects with Zion and found him to be very hard working and providing exceptional value to his clients. In at least one occasion, I saw his team find some very exciting ways to improve and strengthen the patents for a start-up medical company which would provide some nice blocking IP.” ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Ari Manor CEO ZOOZ Consulting “Sometimes engineers encounter difficult technological problems in development, manufacturing and operation. Problems that they do not know how to solve, and that need “special treatment”. Ideation’s TRIZ scientists offer brilliant and feasible solutions to 95% of such problems, and this is what makes them the best technological think tank in the world. Or, as one of my clients commented on Ideation’s suggestions to his problems: “It’s insane!” ” ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Dr. Randi Dikeman Dean of Corporate and Community Development Edgecombe Community College Tarboro, NC “The TRIZ methodologies, facilitated by Ideation’s I-TRIZ software tools, really open your mind to innovations from technical fields you aren’t as familiar with. These new applications of innovation can provide inventive solutions to the tough problems that remain after Lean Six Sigma approaches have made initial improvement.” ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Charley Ansbach CEO Ansbach & Associates Adjunct Professor, Social Enterprise University of the Pacific “Ideation has created the system-based "magic shop" for making innovation part of any company at every level, every day.” ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Sadegh Babaii Kochekseraii, PhD CAE/FEA, Virtual Aanlysis Chrysler, Mexico “Wanting to solve this contradiction: How to make TRIZ Complex to be used by the masters and the specialist, BUT Simple to make it usefull to the general working professinals, engineers, scientists. I was lost until I was introduced to IDEATION suite of TRIZ software tools and IWB (Ideation Work Bench) in particular. In IWB, I see a powerful tool where, even if you wish, you can teach yourself to take advantage of true potential of TRIZ in a package useful to masters, specialists and general working professionals alike.” ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 119 Gail Cresswell Successful Entrepreneur “As a key player in the leadership of his business, I’ve seen Zion make considerable contributions to the overall strategic direction of Ideation by implementing well thought out marketing strategies and plans. It is always a pleasure working with him and his colleagues.” ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Ash Madan Principal Engineer & IP Lead Ethicon Endo- Surgery, J&J “While the engineers were applying the IWB, the Ideation International scientist used the IWB to produce a number of viable concepts. In live meetings, they demonstrated how the Ethicon Endo-Surgery (EES) engineers could develop such concepts using the IWB. Both the training and support for 3 months produced a final concept that is expected to achieve 90% of cost targets and 100% of volume target. Without Ideation International’s contribution, it was likely for us to have challenge in overcoming our psychological inertia and settle for less than the superior outcome. At EES we plan to use IWB as well as Intellectual Property Software ( IPS) to compete in the new dynamics of the medical device industry. We will not only deliver superior medical devices, but also protect intellectual property for the business.” ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Endorsements "Absolutely brilliant!" LeighAnn Weiland, Corporate Counsel for Intellectual Property Hewlett-Packard Corporation "I-TRIZ gives you a head start on designing things right the first time and it allows you to look for solutions in places you might not normally think to look.” Chuck Buchanan, Certified TRIZ Master and Managing Director of Innovation Ohio Systems, LLC (IOS) ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Endorsements “In my experience, most problems that seem unsolvable really have more to do with the way the individual is looking at the problem. I-TRIZ breaks down those psychological barriers and provides a step-by-step guide and structure for looking at the problem from different perspectives. Because I-TRIZ draws on a large base of lessons learned and doesn’t recognize industry or application boundaries, it is able to engage you in a series of possible approaches or solutions you may not normally have access to." William Dean, defense industry consultant ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Endorsements "…I suspected that it would be much like any other relationship -- a good product and limited support. What I received instead was excellent support, additional books, and software. Most importantly, I was treated as a partner, not a customer. It is most reassuring to know that if I have a question or require additional information, help is only a phone call away…." James C. Bradley, Ph.D., P.E., Senior Engineer Avant Group, Inc. ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Endorsements “In this business, everyone is looking for a crystal ball, but Ideation's Disclosure Evaluation report is the next best thing. It tells me at a glance how to manage a piece of IP and the decisions to make for the next few years—whether to invest, when to invest, and for how long. I can also use this information as an intellectual asset management tool to manage my IP portfolio at the organizational level.” Michael Sharer, Ph.D., MBA Director, Technology Transfer & Licensing/Commercialization Western Michigan University ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Endorsements "Ideation has a model for innovation that works. The company’s unique knowledge-based inventive problem-solving methodology called Ideation-TRIZ (pronounced "trees"), among other benefits, is helping companies overcome technological roadblocks, invent on demand and identify next generation breakthrough products." Lou Luedtke, President and CEO The National Composite Center ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 What Ideation International means to me: Business Innovation Systems & Support Showing the world how to create instead of compete The starship for breakthrough innovation The praxis around continuous improvement The soil for human capital growth John Dubuc ROI Creations, LLC Business Innovation Opportunities: Manufacturing & Service Schools Breakthrough Innovation Human Capital Growth Continuous Improvement ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 What Ideation International means to me: IP Innovation Assurance Helping businesses realize their vision with intellectual property control Business Vision Intellectual Property Control Legal Team Opportunities: Legal Assurance Innovation Assurance Business Development Global Patent Agencies Expose IP Service methods and tools via patent application(s) What Ideation International means to me: Creators of best practices for discovering sustainable solutions to ANY problem Highly resourceful, broadly experienced focused teams Dedicated educators and mentors Business Vision Business Innovation Intellectual Property Control Breakthrough Innovation Human Capital Growth Continuous Improvement Legal Team Legal Assurance Innovation Assurance Business Development COMPETE WHEN U CAN cREAT Спасибо תודה Ideation TRIZ Methodology ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 What is TRIZ? Russian acronym for the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving Systematic, structured way of inventing supported with numerous tools Science of Technological Evolution Results of over 65 years of research based on analysis of over 2 million of worldwide patents within all engineering disciplines ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Why TRIZ was Created Be a systematic step-by-step procedure Be able to guide an inventor through the solution space and to direct him or her to the area with the best (ideal) solutions Provide an inventor with reliable and repeatable results that do not depend on personal (psychological) issues Proved knowledge (patent information) can be accessed Accumulation of human innovation experience is possible ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 I-TRIZ Knowledge Bank I-TRIZ BEAM All that is knowable Knowledge throughout Society Knowledge within Industry Knowledge within Company Personal Knowledge Knowledge Bank Intranet ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 TRIZ is Based on Extraction of Knowledge from the Best Innovation Practices Patents (worldwide) Key Findings • Definition of inventive problem • Levels of invention • Patterns of evolution • Patterns of invention T R A N S F E R A B L E General Purpose Principles. ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Ideation TRIZ – The Next Step Ideation TRIZ Combination of all “Altshuller’s Direction” effective approaches Utilization of evolution patterns and methods to creative problem of idea generation based on evolution patterns solving and control of technological evolution ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Summary Offering of the Ideation TRIZ Methodology Four Original Key Findings Ten Knowledge-Based Tools Definition of the Inventive 40 Innovation Principles & Contradiction Three Main Premises Table Separation Principles 76 Standard Solutions Effects Pattern/Lines of Evolution Selected Innovation Examples Four Analytical Tools System of Operators AFD Checklists IP Checklists Bank of Evolutionary Alternatives™ Problem Levels of Inventions Patterns of Inventions Patterns of Evolution Contradictions Ideality & Resources System Approach Innovation Situation Questionnaire (ISQ)® Problem Formulator® Algorithm for Inventive Problem-Solving (ARIZ) Substance-Field Analysis (Su-Field) Four Main Applications Inventive Problem Solving (IPS) Anticipatory Failure Determination (AFD) Directed Evolution (DE)® Management of Intellectual Property Legend: Classical TRIZ (in black); Advanced by Ideation; Newly developed by Ideation ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Evolution of TRIZ and I-TRIZ Directed Evolution® and IP Control Era Re-Structuring of Theoretical Base Methodology Advancement Advanced TRIZ Tools Ideation/TRIZ Era Non-Technological Applications AFD Kishinev Era ARIZ-85 40 Principles Advanced Software Tools Directed Evolution® Classical TRIZ Era Patterns of Evolution 1946 1982 1985 1992 1997 2000 2015 ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Ideation TRIZ Differentiation Integrated Approach Processes developed for each application TRIZSoft® supporting most of applications’ processes TRIZSoft® customization Continuous research and advancement Business model developed including education, software, project based workshop and coaching/facilitation A turn key solution for TRIZ institutionalization Expanding TRIZ in non-technical areas (science, arts, business, management, etc..) ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Structured Innovation Process Directed Evolution™ Front End of Innovation Highly Innovative and Profitable New Business Options Leveraging: Core Competencies and generated by Market Attack Teams Platform Technology Concepts Leveraging Existing Customer Value Business Unit Idea Chain Selection Process Anticipatory Failure Determination Inventive Problem Solving New Product Process Commercialization Improved Stage Gate Business Team •Commercial •Manufacturing •Finance •R&D ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 I-TRIZ Map Created by Alla Zusman based on request from M. Meier ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Lean-6Sigma & I-TRIZ Lean-6Sigma Reduces: Customer Dissatisfaction & Cost of Poor Quality Waste Variability Lead Time Continuous Improvement I-TRIZ Accelerates: Innovation & Product Commercialization Inventive Problem Solving Technology & Product Breakthroughs Market Share Growth & Market Evolution Continuous Innovation ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Lean-6Sigma & I-TRIZ Lean-6Sigma Reduces: Customer Dissatisfaction & Cost of Poor Quality Waste Variability Lead Time Continuous Improvement I-TRIZ Accelerates: Innovation & Product Commercialization Inventive Problem Solving Technology & Product Breakthroughs Market Share Growth & Market Evolution Continuous Innovation ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 The Ideation TRIZ System Pyramid Problem Level Complex or large-scale projects 4 Inventive Problems “Light” Inventive Problems 2 Conventional Tasks 3 1 Ideation Coaching I-TRIZ Specialists (Professionals) 30 to 180-day project I-TRIZ Professional coaching I-TRIZ Practitioners IWB Software 7 to 30-day project I-TRIZ Practitioner coaching I-TRIZ Users Ideation Brainstorming 1 to 5-day project Engineers, Subject Matter Experts 145 Mastering the Ideation TRIZ Methodology and TRIZSoft® Individual / Enterprise •Requirements •Expectations Integrated, Innovative Solution Train The Trainer Learning Phase Value Yes No •Explain •Return •Restart Advanced Programs •Select Technological Challenge •Sign Confidentiality Agreement •Complete ISQ 3-Day Workshop Certification I-TRIZ Specialist Hands-On Project DE+IP IPS 45-Day Coaching / Mentoring AFD TRIZ is not a Magic Wand Innovation Success = Pc x Pkn x Pm x Ms x (1+CI-TRIZ) Success Pc Pkn Pm Ms = Personal Capabilities; = Personal Knowledge; = Personal Motivation; = Management support; CI-TRIZ = factor depending on I-TRIZ training, tools and personal experience in their utilization. CI-TRIZ can be between 0 and hundreds. 147 ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Establishing Partnership Step 1. Sign N/D and Secrecy Agreement Step 2. Meeting with Top Executives to understand: Culture Vision and Mission for 3, 5 and 10 years ahead. Strategy to become a market and technological leader Existing critical business and technological challenges and a plan to overcome them What is the competitive intelligence system in place What are the milestones and criteria of success of becoming a global leader ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Establishing Partnership Step 3. Establish a three years Action Plan with timeline and milestones to achieve specific goals. Step 4. Establish 3 years corporate agreement between Ideation International Inc. and the enterprise. Step 5. Select and assign an appropriate individuals from both companies to oversee and command the partnership. Step 6. Establish a training program, website and checkpoints to meet all the setup goals. ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 I-TRIZ for the Enterprise Activities Strategic planning I-TRIZ services R&D IP protection I-TRIZ tools Revealing future needs Finding possibilities for enhancing existing and developing new products and markets Predicting government and other regulations influencing the business Revealing possible actions of competitors Enhancing exiting designs and technologies (cost reduction, increasing quality and number of useful parameters and features) Next generations’ designs and technologies DE, Nontechnical IPS AFD FP Evaluating and enhancing invention disclosures Strengthening patents, protecting patents from inventing around Structuring intellectual property, converting it into a cash cow IPVS, DE IPS, DE, AFD FA AFD FP ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 I-TRIZ for the Enterprise Activities Production I-TRIZ services Marketing Warranty People management I-TRIZ tools Eliminating production defects, quality improvement Cost reduction, increasing productivity Inventing new product applications and markets Predicting future needs Revealing possible actions of competitors IPS DE, Nontechnical IPS Predicting and preventing potential undesired events and AFD FA harmful effects AFD FP Timely unveiling root causes of occurred undesired events and IPS their elimination Increasing employees’ creative potential I-TRIZ education Increasing employees’ satisfaction from work & software ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Recommended Implementation Plan Phase 1. Orientation in the I-TRIZ Office of Innovation – one day, no limit to number of participants. Phase 2. IPS (Inventive Problem Solving) Workshop – three days with a project, limited to 15 attendees. Note: We recommend to conduct 4 IPS Workshops as follow: 1. 2. 3. 4. With engineers that are working on improving existing products. With engineers that are working on the next generation of products. With scientists that are working on the specific research. With sales, marketing and IP personnel that are working with launching a new products. ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Recommended Implementation Plan Phase 3. AFD (Anticipatory Failure Determination) Failure Analysis – two days workshop with project. Note: Select 12 participants that have completed the IPS training successfully. Phase 4. AFD (Anticipatory Failure Determination) Failure Prediction – three days workshop with project. Note: Select 12 participants that have completed the IPS training successfully. ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Recommended Implementation Plan Phase 5. DE (Directed Evolution) – 10 days with a project. Select 8 participants of the ones that completed phase 4 successfully. Note: 10 days are divided into 5 and 5 with a month in between. Phase 6. IP (Intellectual Property) Analysis and Enhancement – 3 days with a project. Same 8 participants of the ones that completed phase 4 successfully. ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Put Emphasis on... Skills / Resources Strategy Product Compensation Market IP Technology IP Prioritize & Selection Company Mission Knowledge If new “S” curve -- reuse, rebuild, replace “the house” Bottoms-up Build -- IP Building Blocks & Architecture ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Put Emphasis on leveraging IP Intangibles Intellectual Property (Corporate Knowledge: Patents, Trade Secrets, Processes) Resources (Human Assets) Business System Customer Satisfaction (Value) Shareholder Satisfaction (Profit) Market & Customers Industry Structure & Trends Technology Developments & Sources Competitor’s Capabilities, Plans, & Intentions Political, Economic, & Social Forces ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Based on Future Thinking Leadership Teams Vision Values Mission Objectives Strategies Goals Initiatives Milestones What we want to be What we believe in What we are going to do What we are going to win How we are going to win How we want to be measured Tasks to convert strategies into reality Measurement of progress ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Questions and Answers ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Based on Market Knowledge and Market Future View Intelligence analysis Market share tracking Prioritize market segmentation Market forecasting Segment, profiles & trends Customer readiness (market lifecycles) Value sets, buyer criteria, price elasticity Trends -- emerging and declining value attributes Competitive analysis and trends assessments Strategic planning Intellectual property planning and licensing -- technology, patent fences Readiness assessments: organizational competencies ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 I-TRIZ provides value by supporting a variety of business needs. Business Challenges Expanding Breadth of Business Opportunities Matching of Technological Solutions to Market Needs Managing Technology, Society, and Market Increasing Probability of Success Rapidly Overcoming Technological Problems Shrinking Time to Market Development and Implementation of Products and Processes Reducing Cycle Time While Maximizing Quality and Reliability Integration of Innovation and Six Sigma Maximizing Return on Capital Investment Cost of Development, Capital Equipment, Facilities Life Expectancy of Capital Investment Controlling growth and profitability ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Integration within Business Business Core Competencies, Investments & Assets Financial Perspective Sales Growth Controlled Growth Earnings Growth Market Change Competitive Intelligence Knowledge Application Industry Change Business Dynamics Social Change Regulatory Awareness Technological Change Technology Awareness Organizational Change Directing the Evolution of Technological Systems Supplemental I-TRIZ Based Research of Historic and Inherited Ideas Business Intelligence Business Environment ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Measures of Success A. Creativity Were viable approaches developed in areas not considered by Subject Matter Experts and management? B. Logic Were the Concepts of Solution selected justified, prioritized, and clearly presented? C. Practicality Will the Concepts of Solution be testable and/or implementable within a reasonable time period and with reasonable resources? D. Detail Were Concepts of Solution thought through sufficiently so that they did not contain obvious logical flaws or oversights? Were they quickly comprehended? Was the information provided adequate to take the next steps (for example, concept testing or engineering design)? ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Measures of Success (continued) E. Efficiency Was the interaction between company’s personnel efficient? How much of the SMEs time and any additional resources were required to develop the Concepts of Solution? F. Communications Quick to comprehend the problems/issues? Was the technical expertise adequate? Were the questions asked pertinent? Were the responses clear and concise? ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Measures of Success (continued) G. Applicability Was the power of the Ideation TRIZ methodology demonstrated? Was it clear that the methodology is more systematic, wider ranging in its solution search, and more efficient than alternate approaches? Was the methodology’s general applicability to other company problems evident? Will Systematic Innovation be easily adapted within the company through support and utilization of Ideation’s software and service capabilities? H. Value How much time and how many dollars will Systematic Innovation save for this project? Were the results worth the price and effort? ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Summary and Conclusions Approximately 60 individuals would be trained and certified in IPS. Approximately 12 individuals would be trained and certified in IPS and AFD. Approximately 8 individuals would be certified as a TRIZ specialists. Those will create the foundations of the enterprise’s office of innovations. 8 projects of difficult challenges would be completed. Some or all of TRIZ specialists will go through train-thetrainer program, to be able to disseminate I-TRIZ methodology and applications throughout the enterprise operations. ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 TRIZ History “Evolutionaries” Charles Darwin Genrich Altshuller 1809-1882 1926-1998 Natural Evolution Nature’s Inventive Problem-Solving Technological Evolution Human Inventive Problem-Solving ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Ideation Management Team The World’s Leading TRIZ Scientists & Experts www.IdeationTRIZ.com Farmington Hills, MI (248) 737-8854 Director of AFD Svetlana Visnepolschi Zion Bar-EL CEO & President Alla Zusman Director of Product Dev. Boris Zlotin Chief Technological Officer Vladimir Proseanic Director of IP Services ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 I-TRIZ “Expert System Lite” / Knowledge-based software tool embedded process Somebody, Somewhere Has Already Solved Your Problem or One Like it – Go Find It ISQ (Innovation Situation Problem Questionnaire) Formulation Problem and Detailed Brainstorming Description Select Directions Explore tool knowledgebase recommendations Collect Ideas/ Develop Concepts I-TRIZ is Ideation International’s software based expert system and knowledgebase extensions of the traditional TRIZ methodology Categorize Concepts Evaluate results Reveal and prevent potential failures Apply the Patterns/Lines of Evolution Plan the implementation I-TRIZ in Automotive Industry ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Automotive 37% For the last 16 years, Ideation International has completed over 100 projects for prominent automotive companies, including Ford, GM, Chrysler, Rockwell Automotive, Peugeot, Universal Diesel Research, Dana Corporation, W.E.T., Visteon, Delhi, Navistar, Federal Mogul, TRW, Renault, Valeo, Dura Automotive, Ecostar, Pico, BorgWarner, etc.. ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Automotive Industry More than 100 projects in 18 years for OEM and suppliers: GM Peugeot Ford Motor Renault Chrysler Valeo Visteon W.E.T Delphi Rockwell Automotive Dana Corporation Dura Automotive Navistar Ecostar Universal Diesel Research Inc. Pico Federal Mogul Toyoda TRW Yazaki, United Technology Autoliv BorgWorner BMW ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Evolution of Functions of Vehicle ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Evolution of Main Function and Market 1886 - 1905 Luxury Toy ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Evolution of Main Function and Market 1886 - 1905 Luxury Toy + 1905 - 1920 In-city horses substitute ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Evolution of Main Function and Market 1886 - 1905 Luxury Toy + 1905 - 1920 In-city horses substitute 1920 - 1950 + Transport = freedom ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Evolution of Main Function and Market 1886 - 1905 Luxury Toy + 1905 - 1920 In-city horses substitute 1920 - 1950 + 1950 - 1990 Transport Car = country = freedom + house ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Evolution of Main Function and Market 1886 - 1905 Luxury Toy + 1905 - 1920 In-city horses substitute 1920 - 1950 + 1950 - 1990 Transport Car = country = freedom + house Today + Car - a part of personal space ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Evolution of Main Function and Market 1886 - 1905 Luxury Toy + 1905 - 1920 In-city horses substitute 1920 - 1950 + 1950 - 1990 Transport Car = country = freedom + house Today + Car - a part of personal space Tomorrow + ? Car of tomorrow = protector, partner, companion, friend, part of friendly environment ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Evolution of Vehicle Intelligence ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Evolution of Vehicle Intelligence 1886 - 1930 Pure mechanical, zero intelligence car ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Evolution of Vehicle Intelligence 1886 - 1930 Pure mechanical, zero intelligence car 1930 - 1960 Car with various power assistance • Electrical starter • Power steering system • Power windows • Power seat ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Evolution of Vehicle Intelligence 1886 - 1930 Pure mechanical, zero intelligence car 1930 - 1960 Car with various power assistance 1960 - 1980 Car with “mechanical intelligence” • ABS • Power transmission • Smart wipers ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Evolution of Vehicle Intelligence 1886 - 1930 Pure mechanical, zero intelligence car 1930 - 1960 Car with various power assistance 1960 - 1980 Today Car with “mechanical intelligence” Car with many “little electronic brains” ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Evolution of Vehicle Intelligence 1886 - 1930 Pure mechanical, zero intelligence car 1930 - 1960 Car with various power assistance 1960 - 1980 Today Car with “mechanical intelligence” Car with many “little electronic brains” Tomorrow Car with “strong centralized electronic brain” Car with “electronic brain”, continuously collaborates with central “traffic brain” ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 S-Curve Analysis for Automobile System Characteristic “Informational” vehicle with distributed brain “Electro/Mechanical” vehicle “Pure Mechanical” vehicle 1886 1900 1920 1940 Highly integrated “smart” vehicle 1960 1980 2000 Year 2006 ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Evolution of Safety of Vehicle ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Evolution of Safety of Vehicle Risk 1 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 1. Original system dangerous because of poor design, low reliability, lack of tests and professionalism ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Evolution of Safety of Vehicle Risk 1 2 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2. Improved design, introducing professional management, development of design standards ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Evolution of Safety of Vehicle Risk 3 1 2 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 3. Increasing of speed up to 49 mph, increased number of vehicles with no traffic rules and regulations, unstable system, uncomfortable seats, no side walls nor window shield, tight steering, week brakes, unreliable tires, vibrations, noise, hazardous exhaust gases ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Evolution of Safety of Vehicle Risk 3 1 2 1880 1900 4 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 4. Development of reliable design, convenient control elements, simplification of use and service, introducing traffic and safety rules ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Evolution of Safety of Vehicle Risk 3 1 5 2 1880 1900 4 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 5. Loss of control on good roads, shimmy of chassis, unexpected accidents. Exhausting the resources of the classical model of car ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Evolution of Safety of Vehicle Risk 3 1 5 2 1880 1900 4 1920 6 1940 1960 1980 2000 6. Introduction of scientific calculations, implementation of independent suspensions, changing general scheme of loading ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Evolution of Safety of Vehicle Risk 3 1 5 2 1880 1900 4 1920 7 6 1940 1960 1980 2000 7. Increasing speed and power and number of drivers. Decrease quality and experience of drivers. “Unsafe at any speed”. Ralph Nader and its war against General Motors ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Evolution of Safety of Vehicle Risk 3 1 5 2 1880 1900 4 1920 7 6 1940 1960 8 1980 2000 8. Introducing complex safety approach ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Evolution of Safety of Vehicle Risk 3 1 5 New dangers of information era 7 9 2 1880 1900 4 1920 6 1940 1960 8 1980 2000 2020 9.Predicted potential harmful effects caused by safety devices like airbags, or by informational systems failures. ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Evolution of Safety of Vehicle Risk 3 1 5 New dangers of information era 7 9 2 4 6 8 10 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 10. Predicted Integrated multifunctional safety control system” ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Evolution of Safety of Vehicle Risk 3 1 5 New dangers of information era 7 9 11 2 4 6 8 10 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 11. Predicted potential harmful effects caused by automatic driving systems ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Evolution of Safety of Vehicle Risk 3 1 5 New dangers of information era 7 9 11 2 4 6 8 10 12 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 12. Global integrated control of safety and security ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Prediction “Integrated Multifunctional Safety Control System” • Coordination with others vehicle, whether and traffic conditions, some supersystems, etc.. • Dynamic analysis of traffic situation and prediction of possible changes • Dynamic analysis of driver and passengers condition and position • Dynamic analysis of vehicle condition • Support of automatic driving • Participation in “System of general safety” and Homeland Security ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Integration of Automobile with Surroundings Virtual dynamic network between automobiles located in close proximity and other possible surroundings Car brain – part of virtual brain of traffic regulation system Each car – “eyes and ear” of a general surroundings controlling system (“Big Brother”) ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 From “Safety of Vehicle” to “Safety of Life” ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Catastrophe and Terrorism Main Factors 1. Sources of danger, for example: • High concentration of energy (fuel, electrical power, high pressure, etc..) • Dangerous concentration of hazardous materials • Dangerous systems or devices (nuclear reactor, weapon or things that could be utilized as weapon) • Presence of dangerous people, etc.. 2. High concentration of potential victims or valuable goods, for example: • A full theater when showing a new popular movie or show • Airports, rail road stations, cruse ships, etc.. • Big celebrations, meetings, parades, etc.. 3. Joint presence (coincidental or purposeful) of several danger factors at the same place and/or time, for example: Rail road: when a cargo train with hazardous materials meets a passenger train (especially if it happens on a bridge or in the zone of a high power line) • Oil tanker terminal when the tanker is loading or unloading • Nuclear station in the moments of maintenance or regular tests (Chernobyl catastrophe happened during tests). ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Catastrophe and Terrorism Intensifying Factors A catastrophe or an act of terror outcome could be substantially increased in the following situations: • Presence of mobile sources of danger (energy or hazardous materials), for example, trucks or trains carrying fuel, chemicals, etc.. in crowded areas. • Various avalanche type situations (positive feedbacks or reinforcing loops) capable to turn an insignificant accident into an inferno (power functions catastrophes). ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 System for Possible Undesired Events Monitoring System for Possible Undesired Events Monitoring (SUEM) is computer system provides monitoring positions and movements of various dangerous systems and vulnerable objects with the following capabilities: • Reveal any dangerous coincidences (for example, a gasoline tanker stops near place with stored hazardous chemicals or stadium). • Predict certain potential coincidences ahead of their occurrence (for example, a tanker approaching the river where the fireworks take place, etc..). • Monitor dangerous deviations from normal situations (for example, a tanker changing its route or too many tankers stopped for lunch at the same rest area, etc..). • Alert appropriate organizations or automated devices to prevent potential dangerous coincidences (for example, turn off the ignition of the tank truck deviated from the approved route, etc..). • All changes in situation and possible undesired events, predicts by SUEM are shown on Dynamic Map of Dangers (DMD) ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 System for Possible Undesired Events Monitoring Mobile sources of danger with GPS Receivers Failure Prediction and Elimination Processor Alarm signal Suggestions for failure prevention Suggestions for failure elimination Stationary sources of danger Concentration of people and/or valuable goods Information Database Failure Scenarios Generation Center ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Dynamic Map of Dangers Gasoline tanker Danger zone Threatened area Stadium with high concentration of people Tanker with dangerous chemical substances Tanker with compressed gas ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Failure Prediction and Elimination Processor Failure Prediction and Elimination Processor is a computer system using data about potential dangerous zones (danger map) and signals received from GPS about movements of mobile potentially dangerous objects and capable of the following: • Detect deviation of mobile potentially dangerous objects from approved routes and schedules. • Predict and prevent dangerous coincidences, including concentration of mobile dangerous objects in the proximity of stationary dangerous or valuable objects or highly populated (crowded) areas. • Block if necessary the movement of mobile dangerous objects (for example, turn off the ignition of trucks deviating from the approved routes without legitimate reasons, etc..). ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 Failure Scenarios Generation Center Failure Scenarios Generation Center is a special organization or a task force using the Anticipatory Failure Determination technology and software for the following purposes: • Invent scenarios of potential catastrophes, acts of terror or other large scale undesired events. • Invent ways and possibilities to avoid or reduce possible harm from the “invented” catastrophes; etc., including the ways of (in the order of importance): • Prevention • Early detection • Most effective and expeditions elimination of undesired consequences in case the harmful event took place. • Constant search for and monitoring of new scientific, technological and social information that can become a dangerous resource capable to produce substantial harm. • Conducting an expeditious analysis of past undesired events, their root causes and mechanisms of realization. • Provide urgent problem solving during recovery missions. ©Ideation International Inc. 2012 ANALYZE AND DECIDE - ARE YOU INTERESTED? 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