FAITH COMMUNITY ALLIANCE OF GREATER CINCINNAT December 3, 2012, 10 AM URBAN LEAGUE OF GREATER CINCINNATI AGENDA OPENING PRAYER AND INTRODUCTIONS NEED OF SECRETARY FOR TODAY’S MEETING FINANCES – Eugene Godhigh, Ton Conlon Dues reminder Volunteer Accountant Income to buy table at Homeless Coalition Dinner, December 11 OLD BUSINESS Reminder new FCA email address is and website if Status of Letter Support for Madisonville Parkway Status of FCA Face Book page Acceptance of 2011 Annual Report NEW BUSINESS PRESENTATIONS COLLATERAL SCANTION BILL AFFECTING EX=FELONS – PHILLIP Nunez, Executive Director of Volunteers of America UPDATE ON CINCINNATI METROPOLITAN HOUSING AUTHORITY – Greg Johnson, Executive Director Partnership for Interfaith Mental Health Inc. – Melanie Recchia, Director of Training at Child Focus and Chair of the Interfaith Mental Health UPDATE ON HAMILTON COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ON COMMUITY DISEASES AND OTHER ISSUES - Tonya Key and Mary Ellen Kramer of Hamilton County Health Department ADVOCACY Community Environment – a) Metropolitan Sewer District - Marilyn Wall MSD Anti-Violence Cease Fire Cincinnati – Reverend Ennis Tait Status of Hate Crimes against the Homeless – Josh Spring Education a) Prepare the Future – Charles Wallner – Superintendents Summit – December 11 b) Board Reports 1-CPS – Eve Bolton (on vacation) c) CFT – Julia Sellers Health Status of Federal Health Care Law – Donald Washington UPDATE IN HIV SERVICES FOR GREATER CINCINNATI – see above in programs Labor – Doug Sizemore, Brentley Davis Status of outsourcing Cincinnati Bell Services Housing & Homelessness Status of Homelessness – Josh Spring Working with Ex-Felons and Families – Philip Nunes, Volunteers of America, Aaron Greenlea, St. Elizabeth Baptist Church Voter Registration – Karen Bell Faith Community Alliance Meeting URBAN LEAGUE November 5, 2012 Attendees: Karen Bell-MAPS, Mary Anne Berry-Women’s City Club, Anita Brentley-Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Reg Brazzile – ADC, Christine Brown – Cincinnati Human Relations Commission, Reverend Dennis Chriszt-Church of the Resurrection,Tamaya Dennard-office of Councilman P.G. Sittenfeld, Daniel Edmonds, Joshua Enoch- Magic Johnson Bridgescape Academic Accelerated Achievement Academy, Reverend Aaron Greenlea-St. Elizabeth’s Outreach Mission, Judy Van GinkelCincinnati Children’s Hospital, Bryon Hutchins – Rockdale Baptist Church, Blair Lanier-Breakthrough Cincinnati, Ben Lindy-Teach for America, Steve DeMar – Southern Ohio Episcopal Diocese, Cheryl Meadows, Phillip Nunes – Volunteers of America, Reverend Rousseau O’Neal-Rockdale Baptist Church, Patrice Pennington-Breakthrough Cincinnati, Kim Price – Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Cassandra Robinson-CPPC, Julie Sellers-Cincinnati Federation of Teachers, Missy Steams-Cincinnati Human Relations Commission, Pastor Ennis Tait – Church of the Living God, Thalia Ghiglia-Church of Scientology of Greater Cincinnati, Yolanda Waldon – Smart Money, Jimmy Walker-SAAF Ministries, Marilyn Wall-Sierra Club, Charles Wallner-PBE Services, Meeting begins with prayer and discussion of old business PRESENTATIONS Breakthrough Cincinnati-Blair Lanier and Patrice Pennington Breakthrough Cincinnati is an academic enrichment program started twenty years ago and, currently, located in 33 sites across the country. The program works with talented middle school and high school students inspiring them to go into the field of education. The program provides academic counseling, college readiness, study skills and tutoring with an emphasis on fun excitement around learning. It is currently recruiting students in the summer who are in the 5th grade entering 6th grade Q: Why have we not heard of you? A:, Not sure. Q. What kind of coordination is occurring with the school system? (Julie S will find out what schools are connected to this project and update the group at the December meeting). Q: Who are you funded by? A: Funded by area foundations and private foundations. We have long term funding. MAGIC JOHNSON BRIDGESCAPE ACADEMIC ACCELERATED ACHIEVEMENT ACADEMY - Joshua Enoch The schools are located in Clifton and Downtown Cincinnati as alternative schools for youth, provides a combination of online and classroom learning. The program in its second year, recruiting youth ages 1421 and has morning or afternoons sessions. There is one on one teacher attention involving real world life skills. Students receive assistance with finding a job or enrolling in college or technical school after graduation. The program is free of charge and provides assistance for youth such as daycare, The student base comes from low income communities. Majority of these kids come from Cincinnati Public Schools Q: How long have you been in existence? A: In our second year. Q: Do you have a community board? A. Not yet. Q, Do you have non-profit status. A. Not yet. At this point, Pastor Greenlee shared his past history with youth and schools and the need to hear about options for students. Reverend O’Neal discussed Charter schools and his abandonment from this approach. Charles Wallner points out that the program is administered through Edison International Community Education which is a private company that due to opening in October of last year has no academic rating as yet. Edison has also faced criticism in other parts of the country. Further discussion outlines that part the program is funded by the Magic Johnson Foundation and the majority of funds through Public School sources both state and local. Karen Bell spoke about the program- her granddaughter graduated from Bridgescape and the program was first class. The program helped her grandchild. Pasto Godhigh shared his concerns and said that this issue is lack of parent involvement in public meetings about education. He shared that parents need to share their concerns so that we can get the school that we need to maintain education. SAAF COMMUNITIES - Jimmie Walker, Executive Director Mr. Walker states that SAAF Communities is a wonderful outreach program to the community on health and education and relationship issues- presenter. The organization hosts back to school rallies in Bond hill and Winton terrace. During these events parents are encouraged to get involved in the education of their child (children). Among its programs are: Adopt a Family; Blessed Women’s Health Conference; Marriage Celebration Day. The program also works with Beech Acres Parenting Center to provide healthy relationship training. There are Thursday night classes – we will give you a 15.00 gift card if you participate in all sessions. Members of FCA who are aware of a business that is interested in thisr program please have them contact SAAF at SOCIAL MEDIA OPPORTUNITIES FOR NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS - Bryan Hutchins, Rockdale Baptist Church Mr. Hutchins provided information on how organizations and struggling non-profits can work effectively with social media. He gives these guidelines First, when working with Social media know your goal; second, start the conversation on line; third, is there a return on investment; fourth, it takes 3-5 actual leads to being interacting with a desired contact; fifth, go after influencers such as the local news media. He reminds the groups that Facebook and Twitter are only a start. Look at the data affecting social media. For instance, Facebook is becoming over used; and organization’s Website should be more s social. Do not fall into the idea that there is one source for knowledge in this area. There is no such thing as a guru and changes happen quickly in the social media world. Develop an online calendar of events and stay current. THE FAITH COMMUNITY ALLIANCE WEBSITE – Marilyn Wall, Sierra Club The Sierra Club developed FCA’s Website and Marilyn reviewed the relative ease by which the site can be used, not only for announcements about FCA meetings but activities and projects of the membership. She asked for volunteers to assist in developing the outreach of the site. Volunteers signed a sheet that was passed among the attendees. ADVOCACY Community Metropolitan Sewer District – Marilyn Wall states that there is no new news about MSD. Its meetings taking place in closed door discussions. There had been discussion regarding the waterworks and the sewer district merging but no talks about privatization. It privatized, the City of Cincinnati will lose a major financial asset in the Water Company. Charles Wallner points out that the Water Company is engaging a rule that one a single tenant bounces a check twice in a twelve month period, payments from other tenants, not only at the residence of the offending tenant, but of all properties associated with the landlord will not be accepted. The landlord will have to pay through bank check or money order. The Cincinnati Real Estate Association of Greater Cincinnati will be having its members contact City Council about this rule. Marilyn Wall volunteered to represent FCA if a meeting occurs between the landlords and the Water Company. Anti – Violence / Cease Fire – Pastor Ennis Tait There are behind the scenes discussions regarding the increased homicides in Price Hill. There is a working with safety teams that are dealing with the issues and concerns of the community to develop a plan in the next 6 months. There is a comment that “We say peace but we make no effort to live in peace.” Another comment refers to how well Avondale has done because of ceasefire and other groups. To stop the violence, there must be a coordinated effort Education Prepare the Future – Charles Wallner reports that a follow-up to the legislative breakfast of last May there will be a Regional Superintendents Forum in December, most likely at the middle of month. It will be open to the public and all FCA members will be invited. So far the School Districts involved will be Cincinnati Public Schools, Reading, Princeton, Oak Hills, Lakota and Kings-Mill. Anticipated to join the panel are Mason Public, Mariemont, Wyoming and Butler Technological Institute. The attempt is for the region’s school districts to present their concerns and views on public education in Southwest Ohio before the Governor’s plan is presented to the state legislature in January. The program will be televised on cable and presented in the four counties. Copies will be presented to state representatives. The program will be presented at the new Princeton City Schools Administration Building at 3800 Cottingham Drive. Reverend Rousseau O’Neal shared information about one of the Prepare the Future trip to the statewide conference in Powell, Ohio with major presenter Diane Ravitch, author of The Death and Life of the Great American School System. Ms. Ravitch worked under the administration of George Herbert Walker Bush and was a major architect of the choice movement. Over the years she has become an opponent to that movement. What struck him most was that in public education, we are more holistic society, but under charter schools, there is an increased breeding of societal segregation. Q: How is Prepare the Future measuring the success of education? A: Right now this is difficult. The Governor has assumed the duty, with a small group, the structure of Ohio education. No one knows exactly what this committee is going to present to the legislature. But, there is comments that this committee, itself, is divided among some issues. This has bred some concern among legislators of both parties what will presented and are not sure that it will be acceptable to their constituents. Consequently, there is already division in the state legislature. There is already concern about alternative programs to public schools since a majority of them are not ranking well. The comment is made that schools are necessary to retool people so as to attract employment to the state. There is a statement that there should be more discussion on how schools are going to perform their tasks but, more people are asking about their tax dollars. CPS- Julie Sellers, CFT President, is able to speak for the CPS Board Reports (Education) stating the system is making strides and that there are huge changes in individual school performance. She requests members to Honk and Wave today for Public Schools Issue 42 and that there appears to be widespread support for the levy. If the levy fails, there will be a major impact on school transportation. Julie states that there will be a CPS School Board Meeting Today. Areas that are currently being dealt with are the budget struggle, the need to work with building student futures, past criticism for support for the charter schools, to have great Community Learning Centers, the 3rd grade reading mandate by the state (a child cannot go on to 4th grade w/out passing the reading test) Health UHCAN- presenter- Karen Bell (for Donald Washington) states that Ohio will look at the federal exchange promoting education around the Affordable Health Care Act. No child should be uninsured. There is work being done on senior programs (informing seniors on how to have a voice in determining their insurance plans). Voter registration continues now and after the election HIV Services- Charlie Wallner states that the County Health Department will be operating a new, and updatable HIV Website. Plans are being made for World AIDS Day. Q: – what is the point of the website? A: Resources providers and those with HIV/AIDS on testing sites and other resources for those suffering from HIV Labor There will be a Justice for Janitors Rally. Custodians have spoken out at City Hall. Some employers retaliated on and fired employees involved. There is an effort to ensure that theyg to get jobs back Homelessness Homeless Coalition is Planning Annual Dinner December 11, 2012 to be located at the Syndicate in Newport. Ex- Felons Re-entry- Phillip Nunes reports that 300 felons will soon be returning from prison. On November 19th meeting to discuss housing at Longworth Hall. He refers group to senate bill 237 which allows employment opportunities for this population. Pastor Aaron Greenlee shared his history with St Elizabeth’s Outreach Ministry for Ex-Felon’s. The ExOffender program is struggling but doing well. Former prisoners find it difficult to obtain housing. There is a need for the religious community to step up and help this population. Because of rules governing Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing people coming out of prison cannot join their families because of their past criminal records Closing Prayer and meeting adjourned.