Professional Education Unit Department of Middle Grades and Secondary Education Clinical Practice II Six Hours Credit Face to Face EDUC 651 – 014,015,018,025,020,023 Fall 2013 Duane Lambert Pat Binion Brenda Blackburn b.blackburn@moreheadstate.deu Marian Sims Patty Hardin 408B Ginger Hall Office Hours 8:00 to 4:30 Monday through Friday 606-783-2079 Course Description: EDUC 650 Supervised Practice in Teaching Education I This course provides teaching experiences in a public school setting supervised by University personnel and a selected public school supervisor or mentor. In addition, students will complete a variety of learning activities to document proficiency in relation to each of the Kentucky Teacher Standards. Required Field Experience (Track B Candidates) 60 Hours “Community Engagement: A Light to and from the Mountains” The Professional Education Unit at Morehead State University delivers rigorous, high quality programs that prepare professionals informed by best national and international scholarship, plus research, literature, and experiences specific to Appalachia- preparing professionals to improve the schools, quality of life, and the communities in which they live and serve. This statement is not only the strategic mission for the College, but it also incorporates the conceptual framework that guides all our activities. Conceptual Framework Outcomes (CFO’s): The Unit and the faculty within individual programs assess the degree to which its graduates: 1) Master the content knowledge, professional and the twenty – first century skills need to make an optimal contribution to “whole” student learning in education settings. 2) Are competent in the collection and use of data to inform decision – making and to demonstrate accountability for student learning. 3) Demonstrate professional dispositions 4) Are culturally competent and understand the regions from which they have come utilizing knowledge and experiences to effectively “bridge the gaps” (economic, achievement, and geographic) ensuring optimal learning for all students. 5) Engage in authentic field experiences in collaboration with committed school – based partners and are empowered to improve the quality of education throughout this region and beyond. Student Learning Outcomes (SLO’s): By the end of this course, the candidate will be able to: 1. Apply methods and strategies necessary to create a quality learning environment that results in higher levels of student academic success 2. Document proficiency in all Kentucky Teacher Standards 3. Demonstrate and understanding of “Best Practice” teaching practices. 4. Create “Best Practice” products 5. Employ developmentally appropriate teaching practices for diverse learners 6. Demonstrate proficiency in various teaching methods and the ability to chose a methodology based on the goals of the lesson, assessment, and student needs. 7. Develop the ability to plan, manage, instruct, observe and provide feedback to students. 8. Demonstrate the ability to develop a safe and effective classroom environment. 9. Analyze formative data to effectively inform instruction. 10. Model effective teaching Recommended Textbooks: Thompson, Julia G. (2007) The First-Year Teacher’s Survival Guide (2nd Ed.) San Francisco CA: Jossey-Bass, Wiley and Sons Inc. Course Evaluation: The candidate’s course evaluation is determined by attendance and active participation in eight day long On-Site classes, teaching observations, teacher dispositions, participation on Blackboard guiding question discussion boards, successful completition of the Mentoring Inventory and successful completion of the MAT Evidence Binder . The course content is cross referenced with the Module Assignments in EDUC 653. Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs): By the end of this course, the candidate will be able to: [ number your Student Learner Outcomes for the course NCATE/ EPSB Accreditation Alignment of CFOs and SLOs: Program: Aligned with Assessment (point values) [ program title ] Kentucky Teacher Standards (KYS) 7,8,9,10 Attendance (60) CFO: 3 SLO: n/a 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 4 Observations (100) CFO: 1,2,3,4,5 SLO: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 MAT Evidence Binder (80) CFO: 1,2,3,4,5 SLO: 1 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 Blackboard Participation (40) CFO: 2,4 SLO: 3,8,9 Disposition (20) CFO: SLO: 1,2,3,4,5,7 [ course title ] Kentucky Core Academic Standards (KCAS) Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB) KY Core Academic Standards in Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Business Ed. Health, Physical Education Diversity, Assessment, Closing the Achievement Gap KY Core Academic Standards in Math, Science, Social Studies, English, Business Ed. Health, Physical Education Diversity Assessment, Closing the Achievement Gap [ include full name of SPA] National Council of Teachers of English, American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages, American Alliance for Health, PE, Recreation, Dance, National Science Teachers Association National Council for Social Studies National Association of Business Teacher Education National Council of Teachers of English, American Council on Teaching of Foreign Languages, American Alliance for Health, PE, Recreation, Dance, National Science Teachers Association National Council for Social Studies National Association of Business Teacher Education NCATE 1,3,4 1,3,4 Diversity Assessment, Closing the Achievement Gap 1,3,4 Diversity Assessment 1 Assignment Descriptions: Program: Master of Arts in Teaching Clinical Practice I EDUC 650 Assessment (point value) Description Attendance at On-Site Classes (60) Attendance is an important professional disposition. Attendance at the On-Site classes (Saturdays, 9am to 4pm) is mandatory. If students pre-arrange an absence, a mandatory make-up session will take place. Observations (100) The University instructor and the school based mentor will formally observe the teacher candidate teaching using the MAT Teacher Candidate Record of Performance. Written and verbal feedback is provided to the teacher candidate. The lessons observed are expected to demonstrate “Best Practices” of planning, teaching, assessment, management, and disposition. The teacher candidate will be formally observed a minimum of four times during the semester. MAT Evidence Binder(80) Teacher candidate will keep a running documentation as they work toward proficiency in the Kentucky Teacher Standards. The binder (portfolio) should present a record of products which document that the teacher standards are met. Documentation will include but not be limited to differentiated lesson plans, management plans, assessment, student work, teacher feedback, evidence of content knowledge, use of technology, communication with parents, evidence of collaboration, and reflection and personal growth. Additionally, all candidates will complete the MAT Mentorship Inventory which documents collaboration with the school based mentor. Blackboard Participation (40) Guiding questions are provided after each of the On-Site classes based upon the content of the class. Students will respond accordingly on individual instructor Blackboard sites. Disposition (20) Disposition forms are completed by the University instructor twice per year. As a result, an individual growth plan will be designed that will guide the teacher candidate in working towards improvement in areas of growth. Additionally, the disposition forms will be completed by the school based mentor and a self evaluation disposition will be completed by each teacher candidate. Grading Scale: Teaching Observations………….100 pts. On-Site Class Attendance ………60 pts. Evidence Binder………………...80 pts. Black Board Participation………40 pts. Disposition……………………...20 pts. Total Possible Points………………………….300 300--270 - A 269--240 - B 239--210 - C 209---Failing Attendance Policy: Attendance to the On-Site classes is mandatory. If a candidate has a pre-arranged and approved absence, a make-up session for the missed On-Site Class will be available. The candidate is expected to attend the make-up session. Assignment Descriptions: Program: [ program title ] Assessment (point value) [ course title ] Description Attendance at On-Site Classes (100) Attendance is an important professional disposition. Attendance at the On-Site classes (Saturdays, 9am to 4pm) is mandatory. If students pre-arrange an absence, a mandatory make-up session will take place. Observations (100) The University instructor and the school based mentor will formally observing the teacher candidate teaching using the MAT Teacher Candidate Record of Performance. Written and verbal feedback is provided to the teacher candidate. The lessons observed are expected to demonstrate “Best Practices” of planning, teaching, assessment, management, and disposition. The teacher candidate will be formally observed a minimun of four times during the semester. MAT Evidence Binder Teacher candidate will keep a running documentation as they work toward proficiency in the Kentucky Teacher Standards. The binder (portfolio) should present a record of products which document that the teacher standards are met. Documentation will include, but not be limited to differentiated lesson plans, management plans, assessment, student work, teacher feedback, evidence of content knowledge, use of technology, communication with parents, evidence of collaboration, and reflection and personal growth. Additionally, all candidates will complete the MAT Mentorship Inventory which documents collaboration with is school based mentor. Blackboard Participation (30) Guiding questions be provided after each of the On-Site classes based upon the content of the class. Students will responding accordingly on individual instructor Blackboard sites. Disposition (20) Disposition forms are completed by the University instructor. As a result, an individual growth plan is designed that guides the teacher candidate in working towards improvement in areas of growth. Aditionally, the disposition forms is completed by the school based mentor and a self evaluation disposition is completed by each teacher candidate. Grading Scale: Teaching Observations………….100 pts. On-Site Class Attendance ………100 pts. Evidence Binder………………...40 pts. Black Board Participation………30 pts. Disposition……………………...20 pts. Total Possible Points………………………….290 261 – 290 - A 232 - 260 - B 203 - 231 - C Attendance Policy: Attendance to the On-Site classes is mandatory. If a candidate has a pre-arranged and approved absence, a make-up session for the missed On-Site Class will be available. Links to Websites for NCATE/ EPSB Alignment: This site contains the revised KYS. Resources/Teaching+Tools/Combined+Curriculum+Documents/default.htm This site contains the KERA Combined Curriculum Documents 4.1 (Academic Expectations, Program of Studies, and Core Content for Assessment with DOK Levels). This site lists the four themes of preservice teacher preparation that are integrated within this course Academic Honesty Cheating, fabrication, plagiarism or helping others to commit these acts will not be tolerated. Academic dishonesty will result in severe disciplinary action including, but not limited to, failure of the student assessment item or course, and/ or dismissal from MSU. If you are not sure what constitutes academic dishonesty, read the Eagle: Student Handbook or ask your instructor. An example of plagiarism is copying information from the internet when appropriate credit is not given. The policy is located at Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) In compliance with the ADA, all students with a documented disability are entitled to reasonable accommodations and services to support their academic success and safety. Though a request for services may be made at any time, services are best applied when they are requested at or before the start of the semester. To receive accommodations and services the student should immediately contact the Disability Services Coordinator in the Office of Academic and Career Services, 223 Allie Young Hall, 606-783-5188, Campus Safety Statement Emergency response information will be discussed in class. Students should familiarize themselves with the nearest exit routes in the event evacuation becomes necessary. You should notify your instructor at the beginning of the semester if you have special needs or will require assistance during an emergency evacuation. Students should familiarize themselves with emergency response protocols at EDUC 651 – 01,03,05,06,07,08,09,010,011,012,014 Supervised Practice in Teaching Education Six Hours Credit Spring 2010 Schedule Date Jan. 21, 2012 Topic Program Expectations Review Readings Candidate Expectations Content Based Model Lessons March-flex date, 2012 Active Learning Strategies 20 Active Learning Strategies Open Response / Rubrics Designing Open Response Questions On-Demand Questions Developing On-Demand Prompts Evidence Binder Review Reading in the Content “Reading in the Content, If Not Me Then Who?” Billmeyer Assignments Due Signed Understanding Agreement Jan. 16-10 Formative: Lesson Reflection Jan. 16.-09 Summative: Lesson Revisions Jan.26.-09 (Evidence Binder) Formative: Content Open Response Questions and Rubrics Jan. 31.-09 (Evidence Binder) Summative: On-Demand Question Models Jan. 31.-09 (Evidence Binder) Summative: Evidence Binder April 24.-2009 Summative: Content Based Literacy Lesson Plan (Evidence Binder) Literacy / Strategic Processing Narrative Text Informational Text April 21-2012 Vocabulary Development Effective Readers Intro. to Module 6 Analysis and Reflection of Lesson Identifying Similarities and Differences Module 6 Summative: Module 6 April 5-10 Classroom Instruction That Works - Marzano Group Presentations Representing Knowledge / Nonlinguistic Representations Summarizing Review of the Year Small Group Conferencing with Individual Instructors “ “ Summative: Group Presentations Summative: Group Presentations