jack ch2_networks_types_2_2012


Information Technology, Chapter 2, Networks

Complete the following from p 49-53

Examples, types of networked information systems.

1 Local area networks a.

Define a local area network.

A local area network is a group of computers connected by a neighbouring geographic area that enables users to share information and resources.

2 b.

What is a node?

A node is a network connection point, including desktop or mobile computer, peripher such as printer or scanner or a portable device. c.

How are the nodes usually connected via wireless

Often the nodes are connected to the LAN via cables. A wireless Lan (WLAN) used no wires. d.

In a LAN who owns the infrastructure?. e.

What is the network operating system?

Network operating system (NOS) is a system software that organises, controls and coordinates activities on LAN. f.

List the tasks performed by a NOS.

The task performed on nos is: Administration- adding, deleting and organising maintance checks. Locating files. Printing checks. Security checks. g.

List the 3 significant providers of NOS.

3 significant suppliers of Nos they are: Microsoft(windows XP pro), Vista and windows 7 and

Windows server 2008.

Within a LAN two types of networks may operate:

Peer-to-peer local networks a.

Describe the nature of a peer-to-peer network

A peer-to-peer network is a a simple inexpensive network that typically connects fewer than

10 computers. Each computers can share the hardware. b.

Where are these networks best suited?

These networks are best suited when you are at home or in a small organisation with trusted users. документ1

3 c.

What are the disadvantages of these type of networks?

The disadvantages are is that if one computer dies you can’t access the computer. You don’t have central storage space. It is not protected by virus protection.

Client-server networks a.

Describe a client-server network.

In a client-server network is a server sometimes called the host computer controls all access and hardware and software on the network. b.

What is the major difference between the server computer and the client computer?

The major difference between the server computer and the client computer is that the server has more storage space and power. c.

What are the advantages of a client-server network?

The advantages are it has backup and security against viruses.


5 d.

What are the disadvantages of a client-server network?

It cost more than peer-to-peer networks.

Wide area networks, p 52 a.

Describe a wide area network, (WAN).

A wide area network covers a city or a country of the world using communication channel that combines many types of media such as telephones lines, cables and airwaves. b.

What is the largest WAN?

A WAN can be one large network, or it can consist of two or more LANs connected together, the internet is the world largest WAN.

Internet peer-to-peer, (P2P) a.

What is a P2P network?

Another use of peer-to-peer is called P2P that involves the internet which enables the user with the same networking software to connect to another’s hard disks and exchange file. b.

What is required to connect to a P2P network?

The thing that are required for a P2P network are appropriate software and a good internet connection. документ1


Why have Kazaa and LimeWire created controversy? d.

They had created controversy by allowing users to copy MP3 music files from one computer to another. e.

What attempts have been made to reduce copyright infringement?

To stop copyright infringement, music sharing services are fee-based. f.

What are some of the risks of using P2P networks?

Allowing internet P2P file sharing exposes your computer to posiple security security violations. g.

How does Kazaa now operate?

Kazaa operates документ1
