Calcium is an silvery white element that goes along with Vitamin D which helps maintain healthy bones and teeth Calcium also helps lower blood pressure, control heartbeats and maintains cell membranes There are many objects containing calcium. Some of those objects that contain calcium include: Limestone! Marble! Milk! Milk is a great source of calcium which contains 315 mg of calcium. Plain nonfat yogurt! Yogurt contains about 400 mg of calcium Atomic Number: the number of positive charges or protons in the nucleus of an atom of a given element, and therefore also the number of electrons normally surrounding the nucleus Calcium’s atomic number is 20 20 40.078 Atomic Mass: the mass of an isotope of an element measured in units formerly based on the mass of one hydrogen atom taken as a unit or on 1 / 16 the mass of one oxygen atom, but after 1961 based on 1 / 12 the mass of the carbon12 atom. Calcium’s atomic mass is 40.078 The melting point of calcium is 839 degrees Celsius The boiling point of calcium is 1484 degrees Celsius Calcium was discovered by Sir Humphrey Davy in 1808 Calcium is a basic component of most animals and plants Calcium naturally occurs in limestone Calcium’s occurrence in the atmosphere is 3.5% of the earth’s crust enQXc6I&feature=related Microsoft Clip Art Calcium.htm l#Atomic htm