Albert Einstein
A National Paradigm Shift from
Process to Results
• IDEA 97 Access to the general curriculum
• NCLB Accountability for academic progress for all students
• IDEIA 04 Response to Intervention
• AYP and NCLB moves focus of attention to student progress, not student labels.
• The focus is now on students achieving benchmarks, regardless of their placement in
General or Exceptional Student Education.
• Accurate ”placements” do not guarantee that students will be exposed to interventions that maximize their rate of progress.
BIG Ideas (cont’d)
• Interventions must be research-based
• Staff training and support will improve intervention skills.
• The implementation of a tiered system will improve service efficiency.
IST is a team of educators at a school who work together as effective problem solvers.
• A proactive approach to address all students’ educational needs.
• Teachers seek assistance while problems are small and more easily managed.
• Help is directed toward the student and the teacher in the general educational environment.
Define the Problem
What is the problem?
Did our plan work?
Analyze the Problem
Why is the problem occurring?
Implement Plan
Carry out the intervention.
Develop a Plan
What are we going to do?
School-Wide Systems to Support Student Achievement
1 – 7%
Adapted from Sugai and Horner
Tier I Problem solving model analyzing current school-wide data to improve instruction to all students. Interventions and strategies are designed for groups of students identified as performing below the school’s expected performance level.
Tier II
Problem solving involving parent and teacher intervention efforts access further classroom resources.
Tier III
Problem solving involving building level team and resources
Tier IVBroader, systematic problem solving involving building level team and resources
Did our plan work?
Define the Problem
What is the problem?
Carry out the intervention.
Analyze the
Why is the problem occurring?
Develop a
What are we going to do?
Tier I reflects what schools are doing on a routine basis to improve the quality of instruction to all students.
Analysis of school-wide data is used to identify the need for system changes to improve instruction, curriculum, and learning environment for groups of students that are not achieving.
47% of Escambia students are in Level 1 or 2 in BOTH
Reading and Math
The Tier I Team may recommend that a student be considered for Tier II.
Define the Problem
Defines problem by focusing on area(s) of concern
Determines effectiveness and need for additional resources
Implement Plan
Implements interventions and monitors progress
Analyze the
Analyzes data and observations to generate hypothesis for cause of problem
Develop a Plan
Develops plan including involvement of both parent and teacher
This tier reflects what teachers do on a routine basis to solve an problems. individual student’s academic or behavioral
Student (as appropriate)
• You will see part of the Tier II form on the next slide.
• Observation, intervention and conference forms (2-2-2’s) have been streamlined and integrated into the new Tier forms. The forms also include a checklist to identify areas of concern to replace narratives.
The School District of Escambia County
Evaluation Services
30 East Texar Drive, Pensacola, FL 32503
(850) 469-5569
Tier II
Instructional Support Team
Student Name: _____________________________________ Student Number: _________ FSNI: _________________
(Legal Name) Last First Middle
Grade: ______ DOB: _________ School: __________________________ Teacher: ___________________________
First Observation
Area(s) of Concern: (check all that apply)
___ Phonemic Awareness
___ Phonics
___ Fluency
___ Vocabulary
___ Comprehension
FCAT areas:
___ Word and Phrases
___ Main Idea, Plot, and Purpose
___ Comparisons and
___ Reference/Research
___ Other __________________
___ Penmanship
___ Focusing and Planning
___ Drafting
___ Evaluating and Revising
___ Editing
___ Publishing
___ Genre Study
___ Prose
___ Poetry
Information Literacy
___ Research Process
___ Information Evaluation
___ Ethical Practices
___ Speaking
___ Listening
___ Viewing
___ Technology Tools
___ Other __________________
___ Articulation
___ Fluency
___ Voice
___ Number Sense, Concepts,
and Operations
___ Measurement
___ Geometry and Spatial Sense
___ Algebraic Thinking
___ Data Analysis and Probability
___ Other __________________
OTHER AREA(S) OF CONCERN: (attach documentation)
___ Does not comply with verbal commands
___ Refuses to complete classroom assignments
___ Off-task
___ Out of seat
___ Interrupts classroom during instruction
___ Destroys school or other persons property
___ Uses profanity
___ Seeks attention inappropriately
___ Exhibits defiance
___ Becomes verbally or physically aggressive with peers and adults
___ Tantrums
___ Other ___________________
At this conference, the teacher and parent/guardian document the following:
– the specific concern/problem
– the possible cause of the problem (hypothesis)
– the plan developed to address the concern
– a list of two to three interventions that are readily available to all students should be generated
– the desired performance/criteria for success
– the time for reassessing the desired outcome.
• Teacher implements the intervention(s) for a minimum length of 4 to 6 weeks .
• Teacher collects data as specified by the plan.
• Teacher reviews with parents the current performance to determine if interventions were successful, need to be changed, or reflect a need for Tier III assistance.
Tier III
Problem Solving Involving Building
Level Resources
Define the Problem
Clarifies problem
Evaluates data and makes decisions based upon pre-determined criteria
Analyze the Problem
Reviews results of Tier II intervention(s)
Generates multiple hypotheses considering Instruction, Curriculum,
Environment, and Learner
Implement Plan
Implements interventions with fidelity to IST plan
Collects progress monitoring data according to IST plan
Develop a Plan
Based on research-proven strategies
Considers previous interventions
Establishes specific observable, measurable outcomes
Selects sensitive measurement tool
Establishes timelines for implementation
If a student's performance does not change in the desired direction with the interventions made in Tier II, the purpose of
Tier III is to provide assistance and support for the teacher from a building level team. Each school’s team will be selected and trained.
The IST:
– Clarifies the specific problem/concern
– Identifies the possible cause of the problem
– Documents current level of performance (strengths and weaknesses)
– Sets goals to reach the desired level of performance
– Develops a list of interventions to supplement the core curriculum
– Implements and monitors interventions
– Assesses effectiveness of interventions or possible need for Tier IV assistance.
Tier IV
Broader, Systematic Problem
Solving Involving the Building Level
IST Team
Define the Problem
Clarified by multiple members of the team
Determines success by evaluating data for rate of progress and current discrepancy as compared to grade level
Re-intervene through IST process or determine need for evaluation
Analyze the Problem
Based on input from IST Team, previous interventions, and data gathered since Tier III
Reviews progress monitoring data and screening results
Implement Plan
Implements interventions with fidelity to IST plan
Collects progress monitoring data according to IST plan
Develop a Plan
Determines whether or not an evaluation is appropriate and establishes appropriate interventions that are to continue
When a student's performance does not change in the desired direction with the interventions made in Tier III, the purpose of Tier IV is to determine the need to provide broader, systematic support to the teacher and student.
The Instructional Support Team:
• Reviews student’s progress
• Determines how effective the interventions were (Have desired goals been met?)
• Decides to: continue interventions modify interventions request an evaluation
• An evaluation may be requested if
– the gap is closing but cost and/or time for continued implementation would be well above what is typical for regular curriculum and placement
– the student is not making progress toward the goal/desired level of performance set at Tier
– the student is making progress but current performance in the area of concern is significantly lower than same grade peers.
If we are to better the future, we must disturb the present.