Coaching the Long Jump

Coaching the Long Jump
2016 OATCCC Clinic January 28 - Columbus, Ohio
What Are the Physical Components of Long Jump?
• Strength- The ability to produce force
• Speed- The ability to move the body quickly
• Coordination – The ability to perform a skill precisely
• Are there others missing?
• YES!
• But, they are combinations of the above – ex.
• Is the ability to produce force QUICKLY!!!
• This is a combination of strength and speed
• Why does this matter?
• Because they must be trained specifically and in a proper order
• As well as executed in a proper order on the runway to be successful
What are the technical components of a long
• Approach
• Takeoff
• Flight
• Landing
• Start• The action or motion used by the athlete to initiate the run
• Walk in, 2 pt start, rocking, others???
• Drive Phase• The first few steps of the approach ( in an 8 stride approach it is the first 2-3)
• Continuation Phase• The next 3 strides of the approach
• Transition Phase• The last 2 strides of the approach where the athlete approaches the board for
• How to decide the best way to start
• The first rule is the athlete must be able to duplicate this no matter the
• It is a good idea to have younger less experienced athletes start more simply
than older more advanced athletes
• They tend to develop a style and flare all on their own
• I am open as a coach to let the athlete be an individual as long as the starting
position does not adversely effect the principle goal of the drive phase
Drive Phase
• The 1st 2-3 strides (R and L) of an 8 step approach.
• The D.P. is meant to allow the athlete to create momentum and
• It must be shorter than on the track but has similar characteristics to
the initial steps in a sprint
• The main directional push is horizontal in nature
Continuation phase
• The C.P. is the middle 3-4 strides of an 8 stride approach
• It is where the athlete seeks to get to Maximal or “Optimal” Speed on
the runway
• When compared to sprints, mechanical characteristics resemble an
athlete that is tall and at full speed
• The primary directional push is vertical
Transition Phase
• The T.P. is the last 2 strides of an 8 stride approach
• This is where the athlete has there final “approach” to the board and
prepares to jump
• Hips should move down and then flat through board – Rise at or
• This is the part everyone destroys
• Athletes and COACHES!
• This is where the athletes takeoff foot comes into contact with the
ground on the final step of the approach
• The final goal here is the prepare for flight and actually initiate the
• This is when the athlete’s takeoff foot leaves the ground
• The main goal here is to control rotation through a series of motions
in the air to allow the body to prepare for the landing
• It is important to note that the flight pattern is set once the takeoff
foot actually leaves the ground
• The landing is initiated in flight and if done properly allows the athlete
to maximize the overall distance of the jump by placing the body into
the correct position
• It also limits chances of injury and impact to lower limbs
Establishing an Athletes Approach
• Where?
• This is best done on the track and in spikes.
• A series of runs where the coach has the athlete execute a run and marks several
• Takeoff foot at stride 8 – takeoff spot (Board)
• Takeoff foot at stride 6* - Coaches mark
• 2nd step or 1st stride- rookies only!
How To Train For Long Jump
• Here I need to talk about
Weights- Olympics- Statics- Regional
Sprints/ approach days ( accel v max vel)
Repeat takeoffs and all variations of them
Tempo running extensive- teaches consistency- don’t over do this
GS circuits
Multi throw- Multi jump
Jumps/ short jumps- standing through step
Weight Training For Long Jump
• Olympic Lifts- Cleans, Snatch, High Pulls, Jerk – all variations/ starting
• These are a staple in training all year.
• Heavier = strength
Lighter = Speed/ Power
• Sets 4-9 and reps of 1-5
• Static Lifts- Bench- Squat- Deadlift- Military press, etc.
• These are great for offseason and pre comp.
• Sets ~ 3-6 and reps of 4-8
• Regional Lifts- Curls, Tri. Ext, Ham curls, etc.
• Sets ~3-6 and reps of 4-10
GS Training for Long Jump
• General Strength/ Circuits- Typically Bodyweight 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
• or for time in circuit fashion
• Circuits 2-3 sets 8-15 minutes MAX per set ratio of 1:1 (hard) or easy 2:1) rest to work
• Ex. Body weight squats 30 sec on and 30 sec rest or 30 sec on and 60 sec rest
• General Strength/ Circuits- Typically Bodyweight 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps
MB Training for Long Jump Continued…
• Medicine Ball Throws
• These are great training tools
Cheap, almost everyone has them, beneficial to more than LJ
These can be done as circuits as well
Can train almost any body region with them- Chest pass, squat and push, knee flicks
Sets 10-20 with reps of 5-10/ sets in circuit fashion only 2-3 sets per region or exercise
Catch and toss is great for impact acceptance! HUGE FOR JUMPERS!!!
Ball weight? Men ? Women? It depends on the exercise and the athletes ability
Multi Throw and Multi Jump Training for LJ
• Multi throw- UHF-OHB-Hammer with variations in starting position
• Men- 8-16lb depending on ability Women- 6-12lb. depending on
• Standing, hop forward, backward toe board, ground, etc.
• Usually in sets of 3 to 5 throws 15-50 total
• Multi Jump- Variety of reactive strength plyometrics
• In place, short and extended bounding, Xdepth jumpsX, single leg and
double leg jumps
• Volumes – about the same as multi throws 30-50
Sprint Training for Long Jump
• Acceleration- less than 10 - 40 m – horizontal
• Starts – always dictate the position
• be progressive
• Tricky because approaches are not acceleration work!!!
• Why not?
• They have both horizontal and vertical components. Closer to speed
• Speed – over 40m - ~70m- vertical
• Always dictate starting position
• Ins and outs, fly 30’s, etc.
• Approaches!!!
Short Jump Training and Long Jump
• For LJ these start from a standing and move to ~10-12 steps max.
• These are not done every day
• 1-3 times per week MAX! (2)
• Repeat takeoffs- all variations
• Teaching the landing from standing as well.
• Control rotation DO NOT LAY DOWN!
• Stand, squat, butt down feet out
• As they get better move back to more steps
• More steps = less reps
Tempo running
• For Jumpers???
• YES!!!
• Typically use less distance than your Long Sprints groups and do them
less frequently
• These are a great way to teach jumpers consistency and to run
• Shoot for ~ 1600 m total
• 10 x 150 @70-75% effort with 60-90 sec rest.
• Outdoors I LOVE as the crow flies
What goes with what for training?
• Sprints-approaches- multi jumps-multi throws-Olympic and static liftsshort jumps• You do not need to do them all BUT these work well with one another. The
order is still important
• These are your “workouts”
• General strength-regional lifting- tempo running-circuit training
• You do not need to put them all in the same day
• These are your “recoveries” – YES-YOU MAY STILL BE REALLY TIRED AFTER
How to do both without great facilities… or….
Too many kids…
• Example of a speed/power day early to mid season
• UHF – 3 frog hops for distance- 5m high knees AFAP- 3 hurdle hops- 20m sprint
5-8 reps total rest b/t 2-4 min
• This can be done in a hallway or gym
• Example of a tempo day early to mid season
• 8 x 100m @ 70% - w/ 60 sec rest – 2 sets with 3 min b/t
• Or a GS exercise as the rest after the run!!!!
• In a hall or around the gym
What other events should my LJ athletes be
• Speed is your best friend in the LJ
• The training between short sprints/ hurdles and LJ is very compatible
• Other Field Events?
• HJ, PV are ok
• Long sprints are not ideal…..
• But, we do what we have to do in order to_____.
• Win
• Keep the athletes interested
Coaching Long Jump at the meet
• Measuring approach- always do your own- DO NOT trust anyone else
or their Tape Measure!!!
• Coaches check mark
• Not allowed in HS???- Just eyeball a spot in warm ups most athletes will be
close to one another by ability
• Never move an athlete based on approach number 1
• Make sure they are right or wrong
• You do not move on a whim
• MOVE ONLY BECAUSE Coaches mark proves to
• Your eyes and emotions will deceive you- check mark will not
Coaching Long Jump at the meet continued…
• Warm up
• Run through first no jumps
• Set up
• Pop up and Ride
• Short jump or two
• Compete
• If the athlete just has a brain fart- DO Not move ….. Re focus
• Small meet or big meet??????
• Athlete looking for a mark or a WIN
Final Thoughts
• Have a plan and commit to it- DO NOT CHANGE WEEKLY
• Don’t get into too many contraptions
• K.I.S.S.
• There are things for you to know and think about
• The athletes need it to be simple
Special Thanks
• You all for attending
• Jason Maus
• Ohio Northern University Track and Field Team
• Kris Boey
• The Many more I know I will forget
Contact Information
• Please feel free to contact me.
• I am here to help…
Casey Gantt
Ohio Northern University