Answer Key Exam Two


Answer Key

Exam Two

Spring 2015

Multiple Choice

1) Deists believed all nature was a god and its clockwork complexity proved the existence of a creator

2) Washington and Braddock’s defeat at Fort Duquesne was the first battle in the Seven Years War (French and Indian War) which was the first true

“world war.”

3) In the 1763 Peace of Paris, Spain got the Philippines and Cuba back and

Spanish Florida went to the British, Spain got the old French Louisiana including New Orleans and they got Guadeloupe and Martinique back.

4) Washington barely escaped the British in New York and retreated to New

Jersey where he won unexpected victories at Princeton and Trenton.

5) In the 1783 Peace of Paris American diplomats outmaneuvered the British and French and got a much better deal than they had expected.

6) In his farewell address Washington warned against foreign entanglements and political parties

7) The Monroe Doctrine was a presidential message to Congress with no force of law.

8) Thomas Jefferson was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence

9) Shays’s Rebellion resulted from increased taxes and foreclosures in western



10) X,Y, and Z were code names from agents sent by Talleyrand to solicit a bribe.

The Coercive Acts were the British response to the Boston Tea Party and included the Boston Port Act that closed the port until the teas was paid for, the

Administration of Justice Act that moved court jurisdiction out of Massachusetts, the

Massachusetts Government Act that made many previously elective offices appointive, and the Quebec Act that transferred lands north of the Ohio River to


Common Sense was a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine in early 1776 explaining why Paine thought Britain and the King had no right to rule the colonies.

The Battle of Yorktown in 1781 was the place where Lord Cornwallis and his army were trapped on the Yorktown peninsula by a combined force of French troops and

Americans under Washington and were surrounded at sea by Admiral de Grasse and the French navy. It was the last major encounter of the Revolutionary War and drove the British to negotiate a peace.

The Alien and Sedition Acts were Federalists measures aimed at limiting the power of Jefferson and the Democratic Republicans . They lengthened the time necessary

to become a citizen, gave the president the right to expel aliens he deemed dangerous, and made criticism of the government and government officials illegal.

Jefferson and Madison correctly viewed the acts as violations of the first amendment to the Constitution. The acts were used against opposition newspaper editors and were very unpopular and contributed to the Federalists losing the 1800 elections.

The Transcontinental Treaty of 1821 established the border between the United

States and the Spanish southwest and allowed the U.S. to purchase Florida for $5 million. The U.S. also gave up aspirations to take Cuba and Texas. The treaty established the U.S. border all the way to the Pacific for the first time.

The Era of Good Feelings refers to the time during the presidency of James Monroe in which the Federalists had essentially ceased to exist and the only functioning party was the Democratic Republicans.

William Pitt was the Whig prime minister of Great Britain put in office to salvage

Great Britain as it was losing the Seven Years War. He appointed a collection of new young generals and spent a great deal of money on the Royal Navy and allowed

Britain to defeat France. He was replaced by his Tory brother-in-law Sir George

Grenville shortly after the Peace of Paris in 1763.

The Circular Letter came from the Massachusetts General Court in 1769 in response to new British tariffs and the establishment of admiralty courts to try smugglers.


The philosophical tenets of Whiggery included the ideas that all men are born perfectly free and then give up part of that freedom in return for the government agreeing to protect there persons and property. The rights a person is born with need no justification and are “self evident.” Governments that do not fulfill there part of the bargain can be replaced. Good government requires that those who govern remain virtuous. The first paragraph of the Declaration includes the idea that it is possible for one people to “dissolve the bands which have connected them to another,” that certain truths and rights are “self evident,” and that men are

“endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights.”

The compromises that made the Constitution possible include the Great

Compromise (a population based House and a state based Senate), the 3/5

Compromise that valued slaves as 3/5 of a person for purposes of both taxation and political representation, and the Bill of Rights which was designed to protect the people from a too-powerful government and the states from the Federal government (Article 10).

Marshall’s three great cases included:

Marbury v. Madison in which (in a footnote) he asserted the right of the Supreme

Court to reject laws passed by Congress that violated the Constitution.

Martin v. Hunter’s lessee in which he said that national treaties overruled state laws and that the Supreme Court could overrule state courts.

McCulloch v. Maryland in which he said a bank was constitutional by virtue of the federal government’s implied powers to take actions mandated by the Constitution and in which he rejected Maryland’s argument that the federal government was a creature of the states in favor of the idea that it was a creature of the people and that the Constitution was a contract between the people and the government and not the states and the federal government.
