
English 10
 WELCOME!!!!!
 Please
come in and find your new seat.
 Take out your signed syllabus and release
forms and have them on your desk (if you
have not turned them in previously).
 Before the bell rings, quietly have a pencil or
pen on your desk and start completing the
assignment (“Learning Style Inventory”).
 When you are finished, take out your
“Flowers” annotated short story and
 Thank you.
 Same
seats as yesterday.
 Bucket list for Sophomore year.
 10am: Ch. 8
 Teacher:
Past Experience
Graduate School
High School Teacher
 My
 My Town
 Free
From the Beginning
Tardy IS…..not being in your seat with your pen/pencil
and bell work on your desk.
IF you are tardy more than once, you will owe me a 500
word action plan for each subsequent tardy before you
are allowed to rejoin the class.
Bell work IS….silent.
Group entry IS….your completed homework and your
respectful behavior toward the instructor and your peers
once in class.
Working independently while the class works in groups IS
what happens when the above criteria have not been
Writing a 500 word, properly structured essay IS what
happens if you argue with me about it.
will raise my hand and count down from
five on my fingers.
 Once you see my hand raised, you need to
raise your hand and turn to face me.
 If I get to one and it is still not quiet, I will
face the clock and record how many seconds
it takes for everyone to be silent.
 I will write those seconds on the board, and
this, plus one minute, is how long the class
will stay after the bell rings.
 Bell
Ringers: You will have a short assignment
every day that will be on the board before
class begins.
 You will need to turn these in for credit once
per month. There will be a test on these
concepts once a month, plus they will be on
the final. So do not throw these away!
 If you are absent, you must get the Bell
Ringer from a classmate.
 You must be working on the Bell Ringer
before the actual bell rings to be considered
“On Time.”
 Passing
Papers—wait until the person in front
of you or behind you is looking at you to pass
the papers to him or her.
 Put Your Row Number on Your Paper
Partner or group work is a luxury not a right. When working
with others, if you are caught off task, even once, even a
little bit, you will be quietly asked to move to a less
populated area of the class to work by yourself for the
remainder of the period.
If an “argument disguised as an explanation” occurs, you will
work independently the following day as well.
If a further “explanation” (aka argument) occurs, you will be
asked to write an “Admission Back into the Classroom” essay
before you may rejoin your classmates.
Let’s brainstorm what explanations/“arguments in disguise”
may look like.
***You may choose to work independently at any time.
Independent work is not necessarily a punishment. Some
people can be more productive on their own. Less homework
can be a good thing!
 Electronics
These may not be used in class at any time. If caught
using any electronic devices during a test, cheating
will be assumed, and the student will receive a
maximum of half of the total points possible.
Any electronics caught in use or “ringing, beeping, or
buzzing” in class will be confiscated and turned into
the office.
What this is….
This a raucous, fun-filled day where the class decides how the lesson will be
structured. Team Jeopardy? Pictionary? Slumber party where we eat popcorn
and learn in our comfy clothes? Scavenger hunt? Movie that relates to the
learning? You decide.
 How COS is earned:
Any day I do not have to speak to any individual member of the class more than once,
the class earns 5 COS points. Any day I have to speak to any single individual student
more than once, the class loses ALL behavior COS points. I will keep track of the
points on the board. I will also keep track of disruptive students on the board.
Any day ALL homework is turned in, by every student, the class will also earn 5 COS
points. One person not having their assigned homework completed causes the class to
lose all 5 homework COS points.
Each COS day costs 60 points. COS days will occur always on the closest
Friday to being earned. Once earned, points will not be taken away.
 Let’s practice nonverbally letting a disruptive student know that his/her
actions are not appreciated….
***Not that this is expected to happen, BUT…if I have to speak to any student
three times in one period, they will be separated from the class and write an
“Admission Back to Class” essay. This essay is 500 words, properly
structured, and will be read by me before the student is allowed to rejoin
their peers in the learning environment.
 If
a guest teacher leaves a note that the
class was disruptive in ANY way, the entire
class will write a 500 word anonymous essay
detailing the events that led up to the
negative report. Names will be named,
details will be spilled, consequences will
follow. Know that up front.
 Every positive, glowing, gratitude-filled
guest teacher report will net the class 10
COS points.
 Throughout
the year, this class will do many
projects in a cooperative group environment. Every
member of the group will have a task, and only by
working together will the project be completed.
 Midway through each cooperative group
assignment, an anonymous update will be assigned,
assessing each group member’s contributions. IF a
member of the group is choosing not to participate
fully, his/her group members may ask for that
person to be removed. That person will then work
on a modified assignment, independently, and the
group will divide their former responsibilities
amongst themselves.
 Group work is a privilege, not a right.
 Late
work may be turned in before the end
of the semester for a maximum of 50% of the
original points.
 Being
absent during a long-term assignment
does NOT allow the student to turn in their
work late. For example, if you have a month
to complete a project and were sick with the
stomach flu for two days in the middle of
that month, you may NOT turn in the
assignment two days late for full credit.
Don’t ask.
You have the length of the absence plus one day
to turn in missed work due to an EXCUSED
absence for full credit. You may make up work
for an unexcused absence (i.e. an absence not
excused with a parent phone call) for half of the
total possible credit.
 You may email me any questions related to the
missed work.
 You may come see me at PAWS or lunch on
Wednesdays to ask any related questions.
 It is your responsibility to get the work you
missed and ask me any related questions about
that work.
 There
will be no “pop” quizzes in this class.
 All tests and quizzes will be announced
ahead of time.
 Tests covering expansive topic areas will
have study guides handed out ahead of time.
 Your grade is in your own hands. There will
be no tricks. You will know what is due, how
much it will be worth, and how everything in
this class will be graded well ahead of each
 There are no excuses.
 Major
assignments, projects and papers will
all have the opportunity to be revised (tests
and quizzes are excluded…they are a oneshot deal).
 An assignment may be revised for half of the
credit back that was originally missed (i.e. if
a person receives a 90/100, they may revise
for 5 additional points…if a person receives a
0/100, they may revise for 50 additional
points, etc.).
 Every
once in awhile, an extra credit
opportunity may be announced. Only
students who have completed ALL
assignments will have the opportunity to
complete these additional assignments.
Your first extra credit opportunity!
 You get two per semester. If you do not use
them, you get ten extra credit points (five points
each). If you use them all, then need to use the
restroom again, you will owe me a 500 word
Action Plan, detailing what you will do
differently to avoid this situation in the future.
 If you have a medical issue, I need a note from
your doctor.
 If you do not have a medical issue, use the
restroom before class begins. Get the extra
credit. These are the only “free” points you will
get from me.
Student will re-do the test or assignment in an
alternate format for a maximum of half the
possible points if caught cheating or plagiarizing.
 Student name will be turned into the office for
further school-wide consequences.
 Parents will be notified.
 If the assignment is an essay, further essays must
be turned in hand-written with all
brainstorming, multiple handwritten drafts and a
one-page explanation of the writing process
stapled to the back to show how paper was
developed. It’s not worth it.
Please write the title and author (if you know) of
the best book you have read in the last year.
 Please write a 3-5 sentence summary of the
book, making sure not to give away the ending.
 Please write all of the elements that made this
book your favorite…action, romance, humor, etc.
Be as specific as possible without giving anything
 Please write who you would recommend this
book for specifically.
 Please write if this book is similar to any other
books you may have read or books you know that
your classmates have read.
 Topic:
 Some
state legislators believe that school
libraries should not provide Internet access
for students.
 Think about whether school libraries should
provide Internet access for students.
 Now write to persuade state legislators
whether school libraries should provide
Internet access for students.
 500+ words
 Create
a goal for semester two. What do you
want to learn more about? What skill still
needs work?
 What letter grade are you going to try to
maintain? How?
What are you going to do when you are absent?
Make a plan.
What are you going to do if you fail a quiz?
What are you going to do if you don’t do well on
a project?
 Everyone
will begin the semester with 60/50
participation points.
 Every tardy reduces this grade by 5 points, in
addition to the school consequences.
3rd – 4th tardy = 50 minute detention
5th tardy= 1 period class suspension
6th + tardy= 2 period class suspension
 Every
trip to the restroom reduces this grade
by 5 points.
From the Beginning
Tardy IS…..not being in your seat with your pen/pencil and bell
work on your desk.
IF you are tardy more than once, you will owe me a 500 word
action plan for each subsequent tardy before you are allowed
to rejoin the class.
Your participation grade will be reduced 5 points for each
Bell work IS….silent.
Group entry IS….your completed homework and your respectful
behavior toward the instructor and your peers once in class.
Working independently while the class works in groups IS what
happens when the above criteria have not been met.
Writing a 500 word, properly structured essay IS what happens
if you argue with me about it.
will raise my hand and count down from
five on my fingers.
 Once you see my hand raised, you need to
raise your hand and turn to face me.
 If I get to one and it is still not quiet, I will
face the clock and record how many seconds
it takes for everyone to be silent.
 I will write those seconds on the board, and
this, plus one minute, is how long the class
will stay after the bell rings.
 Bell
Ringers: You will have a short assignment
every day that will be on the board before
class begins.
 You will need to turn these in for credit once
per month. There will be a test on these
concepts once a month, plus they will be on
the final. So do not throw these away!
 If you are absent, you must get the Bell
Ringer from a classmate or online.
 You must be working on the Bell Ringer
before the actual bell rings to be considered
“On Time.”
Partner or group work is a luxury not a right. When working
with others, if you are caught off task, even once, even a
little bit, you will be quietly asked to move to a less
populated area of the class to work by yourself for the
remainder of the period.
If an “argument disguised as an explanation” occurs, you will
work independently the following day as well.
If a further “explanation” (aka argument) occurs, you will be
asked to write an “Admission Back into the Classroom” essay
before you may rejoin your classmates.
Let’s brainstorm what explanations/“arguments in disguise”
may look like.
***You may choose to work independently at any time.
Independent work is not necessarily a punishment. Some
people can be more productive on their own. Less homework
can be a good thing!
 Electronics
These may not be used in class at any time. If caught
using any electronic devices during a test, cheating
will be assumed, and the student will receive a
maximum of half of the total points possible.
Any electronics caught in use or “ringing, beeping, or
buzzing” in class will be confiscated and put into
“Phone Jail”. You may retrieve it at the end of the
period. If you argue with me about it, your phone will
be taken to the vice principals office where you or a
parent can retrieve it after school.
What this is….
This a raucous, fun-filled day where the class decides how the lesson will be
structured. Team Jeopardy? Pictionary? Slumber party where we eat popcorn
and learn in our comfy clothes? Scavenger hunt? Movie that relates to the
learning? You decide.
 How COS is earned:
Any day I do not have to speak to any individual member of the class more than once,
the class earns 5 COS points. Any day I have to speak to any single individual student
more than once, the class loses ALL behavior COS points. I will keep track of the
points on the board. I will also keep track of disruptive students on the board.
Any day ALL homework is turned in, by every student, the class will also earn 5 COS
points. One person not having their assigned homework completed causes the class to
lose all 5 homework COS points.
Each COS day costs 60 points. COS days will occur always on the closest
Friday to being earned. Once earned, points will not be taken away.
 Let’s practice nonverbally letting a disruptive student know that his/her
actions are not appreciated….
***Not that this is expected to happen, BUT…if I have to speak to any student
three times in one period, they will be separated from the class and write an
“Admission Back to Class” essay. This essay is 500 words, properly
structured, and will be read by me before the student is allowed to rejoin
their peers in the learning environment.
 Late
work may be turned in before the end
of the semester for a maximum of 50% of the
original points.
 Being
absent during a long-term assignment
does NOT allow the student to turn in their
work late. For example, if you have a month
to complete a project and were sick with the
stomach flu for two days in the middle of
that month, you may NOT turn in the
assignment two days late for full credit.
Don’t ask.
You have the length of the absence plus one day
to turn in missed work due to an EXCUSED
absence for full credit. You may make up work
for an unexcused absence (i.e. an absence not
excused with a parent phone call) for half of the
total possible credit.
 You may email me any questions related to the
missed work.
 You may come see me at PAWS or before school.
 It is your responsibility to get the work you
missed and ask me any related questions about
that work.
Major assignments, projects and papers will all
have the opportunity to be revised (tests and
quizzes are excluded…they are a one-shot deal).
 An assignment may be revised for half of the
credit back that was originally missed (i.e. if a
person receives a 90/100, they may revise for 5
additional points…if a person receives a 0/100,
they may revise for 50 additional points, etc.).
 Quizzes, NOT TESTS, may be revised. Every
quiz revision must be accompanied by a
detailed explanation of why the original
answer was chosen and how you figured out
what the correct answer was (including quotes
and page numbers if relevant).