Sacramento City College CHEMISTRY 401 Daniel Bender Spring, 2015 GENERAL INFORMATION SHEET COURSE DESCRIPTION: Chemistry 401 is a continuation of General Chemistry 400. This course includes topics in kinetics, thermodynamics, gas-phase equilibrium, ionic equilibrium, electrochemistry, chemistry of coordination compounds, nuclear chemistry and beginning organic chemistry. Critical thinking and writing skills will be practiced in this course. One hour per week will be devoted to a discussion/problem solving session. Chemistry 401 is for students in biology, chemistry, pre-dentistry, pre-medicine, pre- pharmacy, and engineering. The laboratory includes both quantitative and qualitative experiments and some qualitative analysis. Written laboratory write-ups are required. It is recommended that Chemistry 400 and 401 be taken during consecutive semesters. (CAN CHEM 4) PREREQUISITES st Chemistry: 1 semester general chemistry (Chem 400) or equiv. with a grade of “C” or better. REQUIRED Materials: • Textbook: Chemistry: A Molecular Approach 3rd Edition, © 2013 by Nivaldo Tro with Mastering Chemistry online homework pass-code. ISBN 9781269651684 with the pass-code (Any other college level general chemistry textbook is acceptable if you buy a separate Mastering Chemistry pass-code, ~$54 online at , or ~$59 at the college bookstore for those without access to a credit card) • Lab Manual (Packet) for Chem 401, 2013 – 2014 Academic Year • Laboratory Notebook: Bound Composition Book (at least 9.5” tall). • Safety Goggles: Must be form fitting to the face and have indirect venting. • Scantron: 50 questions per side (#882) • Scientific Calculator: with log and ln capabilities and scientific notation, square root; programmable OK. HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS AND QUIZZES Homework sets will generally consist of online “Mastering Chemistry” problems assigned through the Pearson website ( The due date will be set based on the expected completion date for the lecture material that the assignment corresponds to. To makeup for any possible technical glitches with mastering you will start out with 30 pts. Course Code for Mastering Chemistry is: chem401spr2015. There will be quizzes throughout the semester based on the completed homework assignments and the lecture. Quizzes will be given at the end of class and you should come prepared for a quiz everyday. Please have a scantron and a pencil ready every class sesssion. The lowest two quizes will be dropped so if you miss a quiz it will be counted as a low quiz. LABORATORY: The laboratory experiences are an integral part of the class. They not only serve to reinforce lecture concepts, but also will be used to introduce new ideas and to provide you with the opportunity to be an experimental scientist. Students will check into their lockers during the first week of lab. If you drop the class for any reason, you should come and check out of your locker at the next available lab period. LAB POINTS LAB WRITE-UPS. Pre-lab write-ups will be checked at the beginning of the lab period and will be worth 2-3 4-6 points each. Required calculations and graphs will be checked for completeness during the following lab period. Completeness checks are worth 5 10 points for most labs. NO CREDIT GIVEN FOR LATE WORK! There will be a flow chart (6 12 points) and an unknown (6 12 points) as part of the qualitative analysis lab. There will be one more extensive write-up required for the acid-base titration lab, which will be worth additional points. ANSWER KEYS • Each lab write-up will be available during lab (the other two, not your own), discussion (the other 3, not your own), and office hours. Students must receive a completeness score of 4 out of 5 (80% complete) in order to review the key. Students can then make any required changes to their write-up if corrections are necessary prior to the quiz. WRITE-UPS, INCLUDING CORRECTIONS, MAY BE CONSULTED DURING LAB QUIZZES. LAB QUIZZES • Quizzes will be given after the completion of every 1-2 labs. Lab quizzes will be worth 10 20 points per experiment. • DO NOT BE LATE FOR LAB. Quizzes are given at the start of lab and extra time will not be given for those who arrive late! • Lab quizzes are OPEN LAB NOTEBOOK. If you complete all required observations in lab, do the required after-lab work, and check the results, the lab quizzes should go well. • DO NOT MISS ANY LAB QUIZZES. IF YOU MISS 1 QUIZ, YOU WILL RECEIVE THE SAME PERCENTAGE OF POINTS THAT YOU RECEIVED ON YOUR LOWEST OTHER LAB QUIZ. IF YOU MISS MORE THAN ONE LAB QUIZ, YOU WILL RECEIVE A ZERO FOR THAT QUIZ. ATTENDANCE Attendance at all class sessions is necessary for successful completion of the course. Without question, the single most important contribution to student failure in Chemistry 401 is poor attendance. Following district policy , a student can be dropped for excessive absences. "Excessive absences is defined as the number of unexcused absences which equal the weekly number of class meetings. Thus, the student who accumulates 2 or more unexcused absences during the semester can be expected to be dropped from the course. If a student does wish to withdraw from the course, It is the student's responsibility to formally drop the course and check out of the laboratory locker. Failure to formally drop the course "just stop coming", may result in an "F" grade for the semester. (The student should be reminded that an F received for not formally dropping a course becomes part of the student's permanent record and to any reviewer appears no different than completion of the course with a failing grade.) GRADING The course grade for Chemistry 401 will be weighted as one-fifth from laboratory and four fifths from lecture. For the lecture portion of the course, students will be evaluated based on a percentage of a total of 800 points accumulated during the semester. Points will be assigned for (1) three midterm examinations, (2) a final examination, and (3) quizzes (4) homework. Arrangements for make-up exams may be arranged prior to the scheduled exam date if reasons appear valid and justifiable. The student who misses a scheduled midterm examination and merely shows up at the next class period expecting a "makeup" will be given a zero for that particular exam. Although this policy may appear harsh, it is in the interest of fairness. To allow one student the advantage of additional study time and the possibility of obtaining Information about the exam would be highly unfair to the remainder of the class. BASIS OF Evaluation Grades Midterms (2) Final Exam Quizzes Laboratory Mastering Total >90 80-89 70-79 60-69 < 50 200 points 200 " 90 " 160 " 50 700 “ A B C D F