TEST I: Introducing the Old Testament

Theology / OLM 12
Textbook Assignment Check
Chapter 1, The Foundations of Christian Morality:
Which of the following statements is correct?
A. Morality critically examines ethical standards.
B. Ethics critically examines moral standards.
The study of morality does NOT:
A. Constitute an essential foundation for a functional society.
B. Help resolve conflicts of interest.
C. Allow each individual to decide independently what’s universally good and evil.
D. Help lessen human suffering and promote human flourishing.
E. Allow developing both an ethic of doing and an ethic of being.
Which of the following statements is correct?
A. An ethic of doing reflects about the kind of good or evil person one is seeking to become.
B. An ethic of being deals with one’s character, rather than one’s behavior.
Which of the following statements is incorrect?
A. Morality must be exclusively concerned with one’s individual dimension.
B. Morality requires considering the consequences of one’s actions.
C. Morality implies accountability for one’s actions.
D. Accountability for one’s actions implies the capacity to make free choices.
Moral philosophy does NOT:
A. Justify moral principles and theories.
B. Investigate the central values and virtues of a given society.
C. Make direct references to God.
D. Based its findings on what reason tells us is right and wrong.
E. Allow developing both an ethic of doing and an ethic of being.
Which of the following statements is incorrect?
A. God’s Revelation is to Moral theology as human reason is to moral philosophy.
B. Theology is a subcategory of morality but it does not make use of reason to reach its conclusions.
C. Moral theology reflects upon the effects of our faith in Jesus on our way of living.
Which of the following statements is correct?
A. For the Catholic Church, Divine Revelation comes exclusively from the Sacred Scriptures.
B. For the Catholic Church, many implicit truths of faith are progressively revealed through Tradition.
Which of the following statements is incorrect?
A. Moral theology can be defined as ‘faith seeking understanding’.
B. Moral theology can be defined as ‘faith informed by reason’.
C. Moral theology can be defined as faith responding to the demands of reason.
D. Moral theology can be defined as the use of reason to the benefit of faith.
Theology / OLM 12
Put in syllogistic order the 3 following statements (A for major premise, B for minor premise, C for conclusion):
9. The theme of love is central to the Covenants, Jesus’ compassion, the Beatitudes or the Ten Commandments.
10. The theme of love is central to the Scriptures.
11. The Covenants, Jesus’ compassion, the Beatitudes or the Ten Commandments are central to the Scriptures.
12. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
A. Whatever good we do is, for the world, but a reflection of God’s original goodness.
B. God’s gift of free will to us implies that each of us is responsible to determine what goodness is.
C. God requires from us what He first enables us to achieve and become.
D. In a Christian perspective, it’s not enough for a choice to ‘bring good’ to be qualified as morally good.
Chapter 2, The Moral Act and Conscience:
13. Which of the following statements doesn’t apply to the Catholic definition of conscience?
A. The self-evaluation of one’s application of moral principles.
B. The intimate knowledge of the basic principles of practical reason.
C. The application of moral principles to a set of circumstances.
D. The self-determination of moral principles.
Answer ‘A’ for a general act and ‘B’ for a moral act:
Breathing while asleep.
Ordering a meal at a restaurant.
Digesting after a meal.
Refraining from eating meat on Good Friday.
Feeling tired.
19. Which of the following is NOT a font-principle for the evaluation of a moral act?
A. The circumstances / B. The intention / C. The consequences / D. The object.
20. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
A. Conscience is to the judgment of conscience as a principle is to its application.
B. The judgment of conscience applies to a specific moral act the natural law one’s conscience knows.
C. Conscience is a moral self-evaluation while the judgment of conscience evaluates the morality of others’ actions.
21. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
A. Synderesis is to moral science as an acquired skill is to a natural capacity.
B. Synderesis is infallible in always leading all of us to choose to do what we perceive as good.
C. Synderesis is fallible in leading us to choose to do what is objectively good.
D. Moral science is what allows for the formation of one’s conscience and of its fundamental ability, the synderesis.
22. Which of the following statements is correct?
A. The inalienable right to act according to our conscience implies the duty to form it in truth.
B. Because of our right to choose what’s good for us, we have the duty to reject all cultural and sub cultural influences.
23. Which of the following is NOT a source of formation of conscience for Christians?
A. Sacred Scriptures / B. Culture and subcultures / C. Magisterium / D. Synderesis.
Theology / OLM 12
Answer ‘A’ for consequent ignorance and ‘B’ for antecedent ignorance:
Ignoring what we couldn’t have anticipated.
Choosing to remain ignorant in order to be excused from the responsibility of our actions.
Ignoring what we could and should have known.
Ignorance that results from impairing our capacity to make sound judgments.
Ignorance that doesn’t excuse us from the moral responsibility of a wrongdoing.
Ignorance that is not preceded by an act of the will.
Ignorance that causes accidents, not sins.
Chapter 3, Catholic Social Teaching, an Introduction:
31. Which of the following statements does NOT reflect the teachings of the Church’s fathers?
A. Our ability to suffer loss cheerfully shows whether we are master or slave of our possessions.
B. The right to private possession is limited by the duty to use it for the love of God and others.
C. Unbounded self-interest and avarice lead to condemnation and death.
D. All Christians should respect others’ possessions as an absolute and inalienable right.
E. Happiness is not to be found in external goods but in becoming a loving, generous and just person.
32. Which of the following statements is correct about CST?
A. CST provides a foundation for making social decisions consistent with our Christian values.
B. CST is a set of commandments ruling our actions in any given situation.
33. Which of the following statements is incorrect about the principle of human dignity?
A. Each individual human being maintains an inherent dignity and an infinite worth throughout life.
B. The principle of human dignity is rooted in our creation in God’s image and in the mystery of the Incarnation.
C. The principle of human dignity requires that we solely focus on issues involving the beginning and end of life.
D. The principle of human dignity requires that we never treat someone as an object.
E. The principle of human dignity requires that we never ignore the consequences our decisions have on others.
34. Which of the following statements is incorrect about the principle of community?
A. Because the Holy Trinity is a communion, and because we are to imitate God, we’re to live in communion.
B. The principle of community is rooted in Jesus’ commandment to love others as we love ourselves.
C. The principle of community states that, though we’re physically independent, we need relationships with others.
Put in syllogistic order the 2 following series of statements (A for major premise, B for minor premise, C for conclusion):
35. The good of each individual depends upon the common good of all.
36. Good life, good work, and fulfillment depend upon the common good of all.
37. The good of each individual consists in Good life, good work and fulfillment.
38. The good of individuals and groups depends upon the conditions of social life that allow them to be fulfilled.
39. The conditions of social life that allow individuals and groups to be fulfilled are called the common good.
40. The good of individuals and groups depends upon the common good.
Answer ‘A’ for the principle of participation and ‘B’ for the principle of subsidiarity (Q41 through Q45):
41. Any issue concerning the local community should be dealt with at the local level.
42. No federal authority should interfere with adequate local decisions.
Theology / OLM 12
43. No decision affecting a group of citizen should be made without their input or against their common good.
44. All levels of society have a right to self-determination and to representation in public affairs.
45. The best decision-makers are the ones who are directly impacted by and involved in any given public issue.
Put in syllogistic order the 2 following series of statements (A for major premise, B for minor premise, C for conclusion):
46. Jesus and the prophets displayed a preferential option for the poor.
47. Each Christian should display a preferential option for the poor.
48. Each Christian should imitate Jesus and the prophets.
49. Economic decisions should be judged by the good they bring to the most vulnerable.
50. Social decisions should be judged by the good they bring to the most vulnerable.
51. Economic decisions are social decisions.
52. Which of the following statements is incorrect about the Catholic view on private property?
A. Private property is good for meeting individuals’ basic needs.
B. Private property is a better way to keep individuals diligent with their possessions.
C. Private property has value in itself, regardless of its use.
53. Which of the following statements is correct about stewardship?
A. Stewardship simply means to watch over something entrusted to our care.
B. Stewardship means accepting full responsibility for that which is in our care.
54. Which of the following statements is incorrect about the Catholic view on solidarity?
A. All CST principles culminate in the principle of solidarity.
B. The principle of solidarity implies a firm and persevering commitment to actively serve the common good.
C. The principle of solidarity entails a sense of responsibility for the well being of the whole human family.
D. Being charitable and compassionate is all it takes to live by the principle of solidarity.
E. Living by the principle of solidarity leads to faithful and communal relationships with those we serve.
55. Which of the following statements is incorrect about CST?
A. CST principles develop as answers to the actual, rather then theological, issues faced by people and societies.
B. CST, having a theological basis, is obviously binding for Catholics only.
C. CST enounces universal moral principles that require the assent of all people.
D. CST principles leave room for secular experts to choose the best ways to apply them.
E. Living by the principle of solidarity leads to faithful and communal relationships with those we serve.
Matching Vocabulary:
Public policy decisions should be made at the local level
The sacredness of each human being at all stages of life
The good done to society’s most vulnerable citizen is the ultimate criterion
Accepting full responsibility for that which is in our care
People’s primary means of self-determination
The foundation for making social decisions consistent with Christian values
A firm and persevering commitment to actively serve the common good
The physical and social inter-dependence of all members of the human family
The sum of the social conditions necessary for the fulfillment of all
A. Human dignity
B. Solidarity
AB. Community
AC. Subsidiarity
AD. Common good
AE. Stewardship
BC. Participation
BD. The option for the poor