Field-Tested Techniques for

Gathering and Interpreting

Dashboard Requirements

Singapore – Oct 2014

Dr. Bjarne Berg


Produced by Wellesley Information Services,

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Information Services. All rights reserved.

What We’ll Cover


Dashboard approaches — Agile, JAD, and RAD

Getting the right requirements

Where to start?

A real-world example



In This Session

Get best practice rules for conducting dashboard scoping sessions to effectively gather requirements from all stakeholders

Learn how to get the right dashboard requirements and how to use Agile, Joint Application Development (JAD), and Rapid

Application Development (RAD)

Criteria to map dashboard features and functionality to your specific requirements, depending on whether you are leveraging

SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards, SAP BusinessObjects Design

Studio, or SAP Lumira


What We’ll Cover


Dashboard approaches — Agile, JAD, and RAD

Getting the right requirements

Where to start?

A real-world example



Who Gets to Do What?

The major decision for an SAP BI-driven enterprise is to determine who gets access to each tool

There is often a temptation for the IT community of wanting to keep the tools under their domain – That is a mistake

The IT community should actively work with the power and casual users to improve human capabilities and thereby teach them to become more productive employees


The Dashboards Business Requirements

Business requirements can be collected in a variety of ways based on the methodology that the company employs

It is a complex process and involves the following periods:

Discovery and education

Formal communication

Prototypes and reviews

Final approvals

A dashboard implementation does not simply involve a series of black-and-white technical decisions; just because something is technically feasible does not mean it is wise or desirable from a business perspective

Source: Gooy_GUI, 2007


The JAD, RAD, Agile (XP), or ASAP Methodologies

There are several options for the SAP BusinessObjects

Dashboards project

Joint Application Design (JAD)

Rapid Application Development (RAD)

Agile or Extreme Programming (XP)

Accelerated SAP Methodology/System Development Lifecycle (SDLC)

Many of the methodologies are not appropriate for the dashboard development effort

Pick your SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards methodology carefully. Do not use

ASAP unless your project is part of a budgeting, consolidation, or planning effort.


The “Waterfall Methodologies” Are Not Good for


The System Development Lifecycle (SDLC) methodologies, such as

ASAP, are known collectively as “waterfall methodologies”

They give a false sense of clear-cut stages, and do not address substantial functionality changes during development

It is hard to fix missing functionality during integration testing

The waterfall

Examples for Accelerators:

• Project Plan, Estimating

Design Strategies, Scope Definition

• Documentation, Issues Db

• Workshop Agenda


• End-User Procedures

• Test Plans

Technical Procedures

• Made Easy guidebooks (printout, data transfer, system administration…)

Fill in the Blank


Start from Scratch

Source: SAP

The challenge with ASAP is that users don’t know what they want until they see it …


The ASAP Methodology Overview



Create Functional specs




Create Technical specs




System Testing

Unit Testing

Peer Review




Peer Review




Structured walkthrough








Structured walkthrough


Joint Application Design (JAD) — Who Participates?







Facilitator — Facilitates discussions, enforces rules

End Users — Three to five, attend all sessions

Developers — Two or three, question for clarity

Tie Breaker — Senior manager; breaks end-user ties, doesn’t attend

Observers — Two or three, do not speak

SMEs — A few subject matter experts (SMEs) for understanding business and technology

Keep it very focused and explore the interfaces. How do the users want to see the screen layouts and functionality?

A study of 60 development projects found that, without JAD, 35% of the functionality was missed

(Source: Caper Jones, Software Quality, Reliability, and Error Prediction ) 9

Rapid Application Development (RAD)

RAD has an abbreviated blueprinting phase where meetings are executed in short succession to get the requirements

Most of the blueprinting and realization phases of the project are combined

The first meeting: A one or two-day work session with uninterrupted time

Who: Power users, casual users, people who today interact with the current system, and managers who have a stake in the outcome of the dashboards

How many: A rapid pace is kept in these meetings and the number of attendees is kept to no more than seven people in attendance

The coordinators should focus on shared information needs and conduct multiple sessions (typically once a week)

Why RAD? Increase involvement, less business disruption, less opinions, more consensus, information sharing, and an education event


Agile and Extreme Programming

XP was started by programmers who decided that the traditional requirements gathering sessions took too much time, and often just verified what they already knew

The argument for XP is that other methodologies were developed to build software for low levels of change and reasonably predictable outcomes

But the business world is no longer very predictable, and software requirements change at extremely high rates

Development can be completed faster with collaborative efforts of paired programmers with small “sprint” timelines and many go-lives

The core premise of Agile is that you can only pick three out of these four dimensions: cost, quality, scope, and time


Framework for Picking a Dashboard Methodology


When to Select Different Methodologies

Joint Application Design


System development Life-Cycle based methodologies


Time to


Extreme Programming


Rapid Application Development




I.e. Scrum and Agile Impact of Failure



What We’ll Cover


Dashboard approaches — Agile, JAD, and RAD

Getting the right requirements

Where to start?

A real-world example



Where Do You Start? — First Alternative

You can start with a blank template and fill in the capabilities

Focus on graphs, layout, measures, and navigation

One method is to write storyboards from a user perspective and add needed functionality to support this


Where Do You Start? — Second Alternative — Step 1

Get a group of 5-7 people for a brainstorming session

Draw the solution, knowing that it may look somewhat different once developed

Focus on the use of space, graphs, navigation, available data, and the purpose of the dashboards

Do not design fixed-format “reports”


Building a Mockup in Excel — Step 2

If you can make a “mockup” in Excel, users can see what it may look like in SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards (formerly Xcelsius)

Users can now see what it may look like


Prototyping the Dashboard Requirements — Step 3

Once the first day of brainstorming is done, you can create data in

Excel and prototype the solution in SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards

Focus on layout, space management, colors, and basic formatting

Plan for multiple weekly prototypes before you get the solution that everyone can agree on


What We’ll Cover


Dashboard approaches — Agile, JAD, and RAD

Getting the right requirements

Where to start?

A real-world example



Flexible Options to Meet Many Requirements

There are often disagreements on how to present numbers and graphs

Make your dashboard flexible and present data in many interactive ways

Amount vs.


Different graphs

Users can select what they want graphed


Creating Dashboard Standards

A dashboard template should be developed that standardizes the font, colors, button locations, navigations, and tabs. Spend serious time on this; it should become the global standard for all your dashboards.


Senior Management — Graphical Dashboards

Dashboards for the senior management should be very graphically oriented

Consider using logos and images instead of text for this purpose

Navigation should be very simple

For senior managers, the ability to interact with the data (what-if), and see performance numbers relative to plan, budgets, and prior years are critical functionalities 21

Divide and Get Performance

Drill-down options

Link to Details

WebI reports

Split your dashboards into logical units. This keeps the result set for each query small and also decreases the load time for each dashboard.


Build Several Dashboards for Each Functional Area

Avoid trying to create a single dashboard for each functional area

You will normally need 3-5 dashboards for areas such as accounts receivables, accounts payables, purchasing, sales orders, invoices, shipping, etc.

Build 2 to 5 WebI reports for more details and link them to the dashboards so that navigation is easy for end users


Operational Dashboards

Dashboards can be operational

This dashboard focuses on billing disputes and is used to monitor closing of cases

The users of this dashboard are clerks in the billing office, not executives

Some dashboards are operational in nature and give a summary of the key metrics and new cases as they occur. Such dashboards works best when data is refreshed often or real-time.


The Dashboards User Acceptance Testing (UAT)


Dashboard Name:

Area Approved



Background color &

By requiring each of the five


Button layout & locations

Link names & to seven UAT members to complete a form for each dashboard, you get solid feedback that you can use in the next RAD locations

Chart and Table names & location

Table location

Table and font size

Colum order

Sort ability

Summary row layout & colors

Graph type

Graph location development cycle

Graph labels & size

Graph colors

During each UAT test cycle, you should solicit detailed feedback on layout, graphs, theme, tables, and navigation


Ability to change graph type

Ability to select fields

Usefulness of fields displayed

Drilldown to more detail

On-line help



Single sign-on


Approvers Name:

Approvers Signature:


25 25

Dashboards on SAP HANA


SAP Lumira — Visualizations and Interactive Development

With SAP Lumira you can create graphs on-the-fly and get requirements while building them

You can also create many graphs and put them together on a report

This means that you can represent the same data in many ways, and do not need to force an agreement on requirements from all users


SAP Lumira — Complex Visualizations and Requirements

Since Lumira is much more interactive and it is very simple to change graphs, you can build your visualization together with the users

They can then provide you feedback while you are designing in a collaborative manner


SAP Lumira — Getting Feedback

You can also share your work products with others and get their feedback

You can even use the

SAP Lumira Cloud solution to publish your visualizations and solicit feedback


Delivering Requirements with Design Studio

With Design

Studio you can build almost anything the user wants

This tools does not lend itself to interactive prototyping sessions like Lumira.

Instead, it gives you total flexibility to meet complex requirements.


Design Studio — Standard Templates, Look, and Feel

When building a set of dashboards in DesignStudio it is very important to first agree on the standards, color palate, button locations, and standard graphs used

If you don’t standardize the look and feel before you start, there is a high probability that each dashboard will function differently and users will get frustrated trying to use them


Design Studio — Using External Objects to Meet


Sometimes the objects or maps you need are not available in Design Studio. You can then incorporate these from other sources using HTML5.

In this Dashboard example, the map requirements were met by using an external set of maps from a 3rd party vendor. Design Studio allows you to simply integrate this.


What We’ll Cover


Dashboard approaches — Agile, JAD, and RAD

Getting the right requirements

Where to start?

A real-world example



A Real-World Example

This project is for travel expense analysis

The color codes communicate changes, year over year

Graphs can be displayed in many ways

Navigation can be done and can get new query result sets

This dashboard is based only on BW query and BICS connector; the cube is now in SAP HANA and the dashboard, therefore, loads in less than 12 seconds


A Real-World Example (cont.)

Dashboards are most useful when compared to something

This dashboard is relative to a budget

Notice that all graphs can be displayed in many ways and that color coding is consistent across the dashboards

Make sure layout, buttons, and colors are consistently used


A Real-World Example (cont.)

This dashboard groups six different categories and over 30 lines into an easily readable table using a few lines and mostly colors

Too many lines and incorrect use of

“bold” makes dashboards very hard to read

Don’t cram too much into a single dashboard. Plan on multiple dashboards for each business area.


A Real-World Example (cont.)

Changes over time are typically tracked in the dashboards

Don’t just present numbers, plan on only showing changes

I.e., in amounts and percentages

In this dashboard, the graphs are sometimes hard to read, so filter selections were added. Use these carefully, since they are slow and make Flash files large.

A better solution would be to use Design Studio to meet these requirements.


Go-Live Planning for the Dashboards Initiative

During the planning phase, you should also start planning your go-live strategy

This includes answering the following questions:

Where are my users located?

What is the network capacity?

Do I need support people for extended time periods — Different time zones?

Do I need multi-currency support on my dashboards?

Do I need multi-language support?

What type of users do I have in each region?

Create a user map as part of your project planning. This will help you understand your user base.


What We’ll Cover


Dashboard approaches — Agile, JAD, and RAD

Getting the right requirements

Where to start?

A real-world example



Where to find more information

Creating Dashboards with SAP BusinessObjects - The Comprehensive Guide, book by Ray Li and Evan DeLodder, SAP Press, ISBN 978-1-59229-410-7

Getting Started with SAP BusinessObjects Design Studio, book by Xavier

Hacking, Jeroen van der A, SAP Press, ISBN 978-1-59229-895-2

SAP Dashboard on SAP Community Network


SAP Lumira on SAP Community Network –


SAP BusinessObjects DesignStudio on SAP Community Network –



7 Key Points to Take Home

Requirements gathering is interactive, and users are discovering what they want – Show them many demos

Use a RAD, JAD, or XP approach for your dashboards requirements gathering process and development

Have multiple meetings with the user groups to gather requirements

Build interactive prototypes and expect requirements changes

Plan for a formal user acceptance testing of the dashboards

Have a roll-out plan and a long-term vision of how to get there

Spend serious time planning for support and on-going enhancements of your dashboards, or they will become useless in a very short time …


Your Turn!

How to contact me:

Dr. Bjarne Berg

Please remember to complete your session evaluation



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