Birmingham Changing Futures Together- Research and Evaluation Services Talent Match Birmingham & Solihull – Research and Evaluation Services Bidders Presentation, 17 April 2015 Talent Match Birmingham & Solihull – Research and Evaluation Services Bidders Presentation 17 April 2015 Project overview Pre-employment support programme for 18-24 years olds Higher value, input, impact - £7.6m over 5 years to help participants secure and sustain employment Working with those furthest from the labour market Our ‘Demonstrator model’ tests our approach, developed in partnership. Project overview 1,000 participants over 5 years Coach/mentor provides support Participant Journey - tailored pathways, including options for volunteer placement, subsidised work placement and wrap-around support Outcomes include improvements in skills and confidence Impact upon employers also captured Covering all spects of ‘The Participant Journey’ ach/Mentors Partnership approach Cross-sectors (business, voluntary, local authority) Demonstrator Model ap around support Volunteering Employer Engagement Talent Match Company Birmingham and Solihull Learning and Evaluation Supported Wage Option Services Required 4 separate pieces of work. 1-3 come under the banner of ‘Operational Intelligence (Mapping)’ 1. Mapping 1 - Initiatives that support sustainable youth employment 2. Mapping 2 - TM key participant groups 3. Mapping 3 - Employer engagement 4. Talent Match Learning and Review Operational Intelligence (Mapping) 1. Mapping 1 - Initiatives that support sustainable youth employment 2. Mapping 2 - TM key participant groups 3. Mapping 3 - Employer engagement Mapping 1. - Initiatives that support sustainable youth employment • Identification of Birmingham & Solihull initiatives that support sustainable youth employment. • A list of those of strategic significance to Talent Match against the criteria BVSC supplies and on the Bidder’s advice. • Updatable matrix (annual) that includes a factual overview, plus a report containing analysis of the initiatives’ potential relationship to TM. Mapping 2. - TM key participant groups • Identification of activity in Birmingham & Solihull in relation to TM key participant groups: a) Care leavers b) Learning Difficulties and Disabilities c) ‘Hidden’ participants - those not receiving benefits. • The mapping is likely to identify key local stakeholders, networks of activity and sources of good practice. Mapping 3. - Employer engagement • Identification of employer engagement activity – local picture. • Aim - TM team gains an understanding of the local market place in order to target potential TM employers for employment placements and partnership working opportunities. • Bidders to suggest options on the nature and extent of mapping required to achieve the Aim 4. Talent Match Learning and Review • Review of project activity since July 2014 • Exploring the participant journey – how are the participant outcomes being achieved? • Will include an early assessment of the ‘Demonstrator Model’ elements 4. Talent Match Learning and Review • Output will be suitable for Talent Match team learning and wider stakeholders e.g. BIG Lottery Fund, Core Strategic Partnership, learning and policy networks • Will refer to material from the National Evaluation to give a complete picture Other Local Evaluation work • Project Specific Consultancy Advice • Learning Opportunity for Talent Match Ambassadors Questions and Answers Procurement process • Provisional timetable – Request for Quotation (RFQ) issued w/b 20 April, Bidder responses by 8 May • Process will be managed via the In-Tend portal • Submit Expression of Interest to receive RFQ documents • Submit clarification questions via In-Tend • Today’s material will be posted on BVSC website Working together to enable people in in Birmingham and Solihull to live more fulfilled lives