Resources for teaching languages at Emory, Bumyong Choi

Resources for teaching
languages at Emory
Bumyong Choi
 Blackboard
 Classroom Technology
 Other Educational Technology
 Workshop & Training
 Available Courses
 Available Fund
What is OPUS?
Online Pathway to University Students
Emory's online student information system
What can you do with OPUS as faculty?
Check your class schedule in each semester
Find your class rosters
Email students in your class
Submit your grade at the end of the semester
Access the data of your advisees
Search other courses
The link to OPUS
What is Blackboard
What can you do with BB
Blackboard is Emory’s web-based Learning Management System. Blackboard allows
faculty to build sophisticated web-based learning environments without a lot of time,
resources or technical expertise.
It can be used both as a supplement to lecture-based courses or for fully online
courses. ( )
Post a syllabus
Post a class announcement
Send an email to your class
Run a discussion board
Develop a test
Receive students assignments
Post the grades for assignments and tests
Where can you find more information
 What is EPASS?
EPASS Peer Tutoring is designed to provide content specific
support while fostering the development of the independent
 What can you do with EPASS?
You can send your students who is struggling in your class
You can send your students who missed your class to make up the
class and check their performance later
 Where can I find more information of it?
Contact Julie Loppacher, Associate Director of EPASS Peer
Programs, at
Classroom Technology
Check my classroom
Live 25
A Smart classroom usually has
Computer, projector, video, document camera…
Starting the computer (code:1836)
If you encounter any problem during your class, please call to (404)-727-6853
Echo 360 (
Echo360 is a class capture and video delivery system, with user-friendly tools for
capturing, transcoding, publishing, and viewing recordings of class sessions
You can use either Podium Capture in the Echo360 podium capture classroom or
Personal Capture Software on your laptop
To deliver the captured video to student, you need to request an Echo360 course site
on you BB
Other available educational
technology at Emory
 File sharing
Emory Box:
Sync your folder:
Invite people to share the file or folder
Dropbox vs. Emory Box
More space (25GB)
Technical support from Emory IT technology
Account for every Emory faculty, staff and students
 ECDS EdTech Toolkit
Workshops & training
 Emory College Language Center (ECLC)
 Emory College Digital Scholarship (ECDS)
 FREN 505 - Problems Foreign Language Teaching
 Korean Internship Program and Mentoring program
Korean Teaching Fellow Internship program
Two teaching fellows from Korea every year
Teach two courses each semester and take course as a graduate
KRN620: Seminar on Korean language pedagogy
Theory + Practicum
Discussing the real issues on classroom situation
Planning and sharing lessons
Observing lead teacher’s class and observed by peers and lead teachers
Funding opportunities
The Center for Faculty Development and Excellence
The Fund for Innovative Teaching (FIT)
Classroom Mini-Grants
Eligible for anyone currently teaching at Emory
This Fund supports:
Honoraria for guest presenters (non-Emory)
Food and travel expenses for off campus class visits
Classroom materials that may not be covered by regular departmental funds.
Usually open at the end of the semester for the following semester
ECLC curriculum development fund
ECLC Faculty mini Travel grant
Each department has some fund to support teaching and researching
E.g., REALC support a travel for both permanent and temporary faculty to present at a conference