Part III B - Wantagh School

Global Studies IIReviewRegents in June, 2014
The Regents is broken down into THREE parts: You are expected to answer
ALL questions in ALL parts.
Part I contains 50 multi-choice questions. Answer all 50.
Part II contains one THEMATIC essay [see attached]
Part III is the DBQ ESSAY; Part III has TWO parts
Part III A contains the documents. Each document is followed by one or
more questions. You are to write your answer in the booklet provided.
You can utilize these answers in the DBQ essay that follows in Part III B.
Part III B contains the essay
Here is an outline for the last 2 lovely years
1. Primitive Man:
a. Old Stone Age or Paleolithic Era (NO RECORDED HISTORY)
i. Tools weapons were crude artifacts, things that were left
over…materials of the, knife, hammer
ii. Nomads moved from place to place in search of food
iii. Lived in bands known as clans
iv. Clothing adaptation of nature
v. Cave dwelling protects man from the elements
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vi. Decorated artwork in cave walls (basic religion)
vii. Made fire!!!!! Cooks meat, evolution of man
b. Neanderthal, Cro-Magnons and Homo sapiens humans begin
rift valleys of Africa
c. Neolithic Era first great revolution (dramatic CHANGE)
i. Better tools used for planting and farming (agriculture)
domesticated animals, irrigation (move water)
ii. Bronze
iii. Organized governments (permanent settlements) 8 features
iv. Built cities (higher populations, better chance of survival)
v. Industry
vi. Established trade of sorts (traditional economy, battering
and trade)
vii. Written records (first written evidence)
viii. Organized religion (polytheistic)
2. How do we know about the above/below?
a. Anthropologists studies human beings
b. Archeologists studies artifacts , physically digging
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c. Primary sources first hand account, from time period (letter,
map, journal by soldier, picture)
d. Secondary source written after the event (encyclopedia,
3. The Role of Geography; how did any/all of the following affect the
region/people/life that live near these geographic elements or factors?
Anything that they all have in common? Always a potential
THEMATIC essay question.
a. Rivers (used for trade, transportation, irrigation (soil), protection,
cultural diffusion)
i. Nile Egypt, located in north Africa, fertile, floods (gift of
the nile)
ii. Amazon south America (jungles)
iii. Tigris (mesopotamia)
iv. Euphrates (fertile crescent (same place)
v. Hwang He (china, yellow silt)
vi. Yangtze (china)
vii. Indus (India)
viii. Niger (west Africa)
b. Mts.
i. Himalayas (isolated china, natural barrier)
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ii. Andes (Inca – road system)
iii. Greece (archipelago – chain of islands), mountains allowed
city-states to grow independently..terrace farming
c. Valleys
i. Great Rift (civilization started here in Africa)
ii. Mesopotamia (sumer, cuneiform, code of Hammurabi,
wheel, Babylon)…tigris and Euphrates, fertile crescent
iii. Indus (India, Aryans brought caste system)
d. Plains
i. Poland (flat land, do not offer protection)…always invaded
ii. Llanos (latin America…also flat)
iii. Pampas (good for agriculture)
e. Island location
i. Japan (archipelago…coastline with many ports)…few
natural resources
ii. England (Britain, Scotland, wales, and Ireland)…navy for
iii. Greece (mountainous, harbors, isolated city states)
f. Deep Harbours
i. Greece
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ii. Great Britain ( also note that GEOGRAPHY has much
influence on this island nation especially when the
Industrial Revolution comes around).
4. Early Ancient Civilizations:– again, always a potential THEMATIC
What do these have in common, what did they contribute? Does a
common “theme” run through these civilizations?
a. Africa
i. Kush
1. Location (east Africa)
2. Contributions
ii. Mali (Mansa Musa) – trans-saharan trade)
1. Location (brings Islam to North Africa)
2. Contributions (Timbuktu-learning city)
a. Gold
b. Salt
iii. Axum
1. Location
2. Contributions
iv. Songhai
1. Location
2. Contributions
v. Timbuktu
1. Location
2. Contributions
b. Egypt
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i. Geography
1. Nile
2. Natural boundaries (sahara desert)
3. Government
4. Life
a. Pharaoh
b. Class division
c. Religion (mummified the bodies)…pyramids
d. Contributions?
i. Hierolyphic
ii. Engineering
iii. Architecture
iv. Science
c. India
i. Geography
1. Monsoons (seasonal winds)
2. Himalayas (natural barrier)
ii. Empires
1. Maurya Empire
2. Gupta Empire (golden age)-advanced technology,
writing, culture, math, science, etc…
iii. The Aryans
1. Vedas (sacred writings)
2. Sanskrit (writing system)
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iv. Religion
1. Hindu
a. Caste system
b. Polytheism
2. Buddhism
a. Eightfold Path
b. The Vedas
d. China
i. Geography
1. Ethnocentrism (belief that your culture is superior to
others….isolation caused it)
2. Yangtze & Hwang Ho
ii. Dynastic Rule (each dynasty rises and falls)
1. Chou
iii. Religion/Philosophy
1. Confucius
2. Lao-tse Legalism
Tech: movable type, advanced before the Europeans
Silk Road: cultural diffusion
Great Wall: protected from Mongolian invasions
e. The Fertile Crescent
i. Mesopotamia
1. Geography
2. Tigris & Euphrates
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ii. Babylonians
1. Code of Law (Hammurabi: 1st Law Code) Eye for an
Eye…protected BUT NOT EQUAL…compare to
Twelve Tables and Justinian Code
a. Justice
b. Women
c. Class division
f. Greece
i. Geography
1. Mountains (lead to city-states)
2. Deep harbours (navy)
3. Location (three major continents…link between
those, Africa, Europe, Middle East)..Crete
ii. Sparta & Athens (powerful)Sparta: warrior, military,
agoge (boys trained from young age)….ATHENs: Wisdom,
philosophy, trade, democracy, learning (women have no
iii. Politics
iv. Democracy (Direct, but limited)
1. Pericles (father of democracy)golden age, parthenon
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2. Draco
v. Wars
1. w/ Persia (Greece and Persia over land)
2. Delian League (trade network, alliance w/ Greek city
states AGAINST Persia)
3. Peloponnesian Wars (war with Sparta and Athens)
Sparta wins…
vi. Alexander the Great (Hellenistic Culture Spreads!) as he
conquers, the Persian, Greek cultures blend together
vii. Contributions
1. Math
2. Science
3. Architecture (Parthenon, Acropolis, Statues)
a. Columns
4. Philosophy (idea was to question society/govt)
a. Socrates
b. Plato
c. Aristotle
g. Rome
i. Geography (Italy, takes over Meditteranean Area)
ii. Governments (becomes an Empire)
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1. Republic (lasting contribution)
2. Dictatorship
a. Civil war
iii. Roman society
1. Patricians (UPPER Class)
2. Plebeians (LOWER Class)
iv. Fall of Rome
1. Germanic invasions (“barbarians”)
2. Reasons for the Fall of Rome?
a. Political (too big to control, corrupt)
b. Economic (massive debt)
c. Social (too many languages, Rise of
d. Military (hired soldiers)
v. Contributions
1. Law (Twelve Tables)
2. Engineering (Colosseum, aqueducts – way to
transport water, Road system)
3. Literature
4. Language
5. The Middle Ages:
a. The Dark Ages 476 AD, Rome Falls…Period of chaos and
broken governments…feudalism (decentralized government)
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b. Charlemagne, 800 AD
i. “Emperor of the Romans” [HRE] Holy Roman
Emperor…tried to bring things back together,
everything falls apart afterwards…granted by Pope
(more important that the King)
c. Feudalism (cannot move out of your class)
i. Reasons for it (obligations, traditional economy)
ii. Society
1. Economics (system of loyalties)
a. Serfs (slaves to the land)
b. Manor system (protection for goods)
2. Social pyramid (rigid – self-sufficient system)
Compare to Japanese Feudalism
a. Kings
b. Lords
c. Knights
d. Church has the most power, offers stability
3. Primogeniture (first born becomes king)
iii. Factors leading to decline of feudalism
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1. Crusades (late middle ages, Pope Urban II calls for
a holy war against the Turks in Jerusalem)…200
years…Muslims win…society is changed…trade
increases, cultural diffusion (Successful failure)
a. Results: trade, exploration, products, spices,
Islam, travel, currency, Commercial
Revolution (banking)…lasting hatred
2. Rise of Nation States causes the fall of feudalism
6. The Roman Catholic Church: – The most powerful institution in the
Middle Age era. It UNIFIED people and it also exerted power over lots
of aspects of your life [health, school, religious, economic, etc.]
Church holds all life together during this time period
a. RC Church hierarchy (CLERGY)
i. Pope: highest church official, excommunication (cut off
from heaven)
ii. Cardinals
iii. Bishop
iv. Priests
v. Religious Orders (education, social help, evangelical)
b. Activities of RC Church
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i. Religious: birth, marriag, death…all major parts of life,
ii. Economic: TITHE – 10% to the church or in crops
iii. Cultural: centerpoint of everyones life, including art,
architecture and education…NO DIVORCE
iv. Political: more power than the king until Renaissance,
power and wealth is from LAND! Pope declares war
c. Church struggles
i. Great Schism, 1378-1417 [time of Two Popes] DIVISION
between Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox
ii. Concordat of Worms, 1522 problem for church, Martin
Luther chooses NOT to recant his beliefs
7. Other Major Religions: – not to sound redundant, but again a “theme”
runs through these belief systems/religions; they influence the
life/dress/culture/food/government of where that are followed…some
belief systems even help in the creation of or the running of nations!
a. Islam
i. Where was it founded? By whom? Where is it found?
ii. Beliefs
iii. How its affected region/government/people
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b. Hindu
i. Where was it founded? Found where? Founder?
ii. Beliefs
iii. How its affected region/government/people
c. Christianity
i. Where was it founded? Found where? Founder?
ii. Beliefs
iii. How its affected region/people/government
d. Buddhism
i. Beliefs
ii. Where was it founded? Found where? Founder?
iii. How its affected region/government/people
e. Sikhism
i. Where was it founded? Found where? Founder?
ii. Beliefs
iii. How its affected region/government/people
f. Animism
i. Beliefs
ii. Where was it founded? Found where? Founder?
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iii. How its affected region/government/people
g. Judaism
i. Beliefs
ii. Where was it founded? Found where? Founder?
iii. How its affected region/government/people
8. The Byzantine & Moslem Empires:
a. The Moslem Empires (The Middle East)
i. The
1. Babar
2. Akbar
ii. Influence on…..
1. Religion
2. Architecture
iii. Mohammed, 570-632 (see Islam religion on page 8)
1. Medina, Mecca, & Hegira
2. Five Pillars of Faith
3. Expansion of Moslem Empire
iv. The Turks
1. Seljuk Turks
2. Ottoman Empire
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b. The Byzantines
i. Origins Eastern Roman empire keeps Roman Culture
alive…Golden Age of Culture
ii. Emperor Justinian, 527-565 Justinian Law Code (brought
laws together)…law is “just” – “fair”
iii. Aspects of Byzantine life
1. Constantinople (capital, trade between Black Sea and
Meditteranean Sea, becomes Istanbul (turks)
2. Eastern Christianity (orthodox Church, Cyrillic
3. Autocratic government (authoritarian)
iv. Contributions of Byzantine Culture spreads to Russia
1. Laws Justinian Code
2. Architecture (DOMES!!!!)
9. The Later Middle Ages:
a. The Crusades, 1095-1291
i. Goals of Crusades?
ii. Results of Crusades
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1. Weakened serfdom
2. ↑ trade
3. ↑ power of kings
b. Revival of Trade and Towns
i. Conditions of towns?
1. The Black Death/Plague, 1347-1350 Millions dead,
urban areas, ruins economy & govt, brought in
through Rat/Trade from Asia…1/3 dead…reduces
population BUT it brings a new system with it
ii. Guilds common workers band together for common
practices…skilled artisan…profession/craft
1. Crafts
2. Merchant
3. The Apprentice, the Journeyman, & the Master
iii. Rise of the Bourgeoisie/middle class people who have
money and are getting educated, professionals
c. Life in the Middle Ages
i. Architecture
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1. Romanesque Roman Empire, Collumns, rounded
2. Gothic pointed, flying buttresses, huge, gargoyle
The Renaissance:
a. Definition rebirth of Greek and Roman Culture
b. Starts in Italy – why?
Medici Family, Trading country, had money, Florence
c. Humanism
Philosophy of the individual, renaissance art, naked people
Secular (not religious, worldy)
d. Vernacular
Language of the people, Shakespeare,
e. Literature
i. Machiavelli the Prince (absolutism, ends justify the
means)…better to be feared than love
ii. Shakespeare british lit…voice of the people, drama,
comedy, theater
iii. Cervantes Don Quiote pokes fun at medieval society,
f. Art
i. The “Ninja Turtles”
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1. Donatello also a sculptur
2. Leonardo renaissance man, last supper, involved in
most activites, inventor
3. Michelangelo statue of David, Sistine chapel
ii. Characteristics of Renaissance Art
1. Realism, detail, perfection (perspective)
2. Religious themes vs. Secular/daily life
Northern renaissance is LESS RELIGIOUS
g. Science
i. Challenged medieval superstitions church loses power
ii. Observations, experimentations, scientific method
iii. Scientific progress Galileo (telescope)
h. Scientific achievements
i. Copernicus Heliocentric Model (earth revolves around
the sun)
ii. Francis Bacon (idea of experiments and scientific
iii. Sir Isaac Newton (laws of gravity and motion)
The Protestant Reformation:
a. Causes
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i. Intellectual people are questioning the church
ii. Economic Indulgences – should not have to pay for your
sins (Germany is losing too much money to the church)
iii. Political
iv. Abuses rich people were getting better treatment
b. Martin Luther monk of the Catholic Church
i. Ninty-five Thesis, 1517 (immediate cause of reformation)
listing of grievences of the church
ii. Printing Press: Gutenberg, Bible is printed in the
Venacular (common language)
iii. Salvation is achieved through faith alone (personal, no
church hierarchy)
c. Results of Prod. Reformation
i. Religious wars end of religious unity in Europe
ii. Increased power of monarchs King Henry VIII (Anglican
Church – Act of Supremacy)
iii. A divided Europe many different sects (religious groups)
The Counter Reformation: Catholic answer to the
a. The Council of Trent [1545-1563] some reforms are made
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i. Holy Inquisition (many are persecuted – HERETIC: person
who speaks out against the church)
ii. Society of Jesus [Jesuits] education order of the church
b. Results
Church still is wealthy, but loses believers in northern
Europe….small changes within the church (reforms)
Growth of Democracy in England:[evolved…over centuries]
a. Magna Carta [1215] limited the power of the King..starts
democracy later on…takes away kings power to tax without
b. Parliament congress/representation of England (power of the
i. House of Commons (lower house)
ii. Parliament victorious in Puritan Revolution, 1642-1660
1. Roundheads vs. Cavaliers
c. Habeas Corpus Act, 1679 expands rights – you must be
charged with a crime before you can be thrown in jail
d. Glorious Rebellion, 1688 [William and Mary]
i. Bill of Rights, 1689 limits kings power further
ii. Toleration Act, 1689 king and queen become powerless
e. John Locke NATURAL RIGHTS (life liberty and property
i. Two Treatises of Government john lockes book
ii. Basic ideas? Consent of the governed (people’s support)
Rise of Nation States/Absolutism: france, Britain, Spain
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a. Thomas Hobbes (the Leviathan) vs. John Locke
i. Natural Rights Hobbes believes in Absolutism versus
Locke’s support of limited government
b. Despots vs. Enlightened Despots power, but they reform society
with some enlightenment ideas…like a good dictator
c. Divine Right: right to rule comes from God (Mandate of Heaven
in asia)
d. Absolutism
i. England [Tudors vs. Stuarts]
1. Elizabeth I
2. Charles I
3. James II and Glorious Rebellion, 1688
a. William and Mary
b. English Bill of Rights, 1689
c. Toleration Act, 1689
ii. France
1. King Louie XIV (the Sun King)
“I am the state”, Absolute Monarch, Versailles Palace to keep
his nobles in check, puts France into massive debt, expands
borders and fights wars…rules for 7 decades
iii. Austria
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1. The Hapsburg Dynasty
a. Maria Teresa
b. Joseph II
iv. Prussia
1. The Hohenzollern Dynasty
a. Frederick the Great
v. Russia
1. The Romanov Dynasty (lasts till Russian Revolution,
1917) – you may be able to use these Russian leaders
if a Thematic Essay asks about LEADERS or
a. Peter the Great, 1682-1725 warm water port
and westernization (St. Petersberg), bring
modern reforms to Russia
b. Catherine the Great, 1762-1796 enlightenment
ruler…attains the Warm water port sought
after by Peter The Great (Odessa…Crimea)
The Commercial Revolution/Era of Exploration:[1500’s] –
here’s what the Europeans found upon entering the Western
Hemisphere [Americas] GOD, GOLD, and GLORY
The Encounter: meeting between Europe and the natives
a. The Aztec[Mexico]
i. Government had advanced (complex) civilization before
Europe arrived
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ii. Life
iii. Contributions
b. The Mayan [Mexico & Guatemala]
i. Government
ii. Life
iii. Contributions
c. The Incas [Andes region]
i. Government
ii. Life
iii. Contributions Road system in the Andes mountains and
terrace farming
d. Natives [Indian]
i. Contributions tobacco, cotton
e. Factors aiding expansion
New ideas, astrolabe, caravel sail, magnetic compass
f. Trade horse goes to the Americas
1. Colombian Exchange ideas and goods exchanged
between America and Europe
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ii. Curiosity Europeans begin exploring other places
looking for profit – begins Mercantilism (mother
country and colony…raw materials for manufactured
iii. $$ of Nation States England, France, Spain, Portugal,
Netherlands (Holland)
iv. Scientific progress
v. The 3G’s
1. God spread Christianity to the new world
a. Treaty of Tordesillas/Line of Demarcation line
that divided Brazil (Portugal) from the
Spanish colonies- Pope drew the line
2. Gold wanted gold and profits
3. Glory taking over land and expansion of
empires…think Nationalism
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vi. Examples of European nations exploring
1. Portugal first country – Vasco da Gama, pizarro
a. Brazil
b. Line of Demarcation
2. Spain Conquistadors (soldiers), cortez (Aztecs)
a. Latin America
3. England
a. India, the “Jewell” of the British Empire has
everything that England needs for
imperialism, great location and goods
vii. Results of Era of Exploration?
1. Mercantilism
2. Shift in power from Med to Atlantic Ocean power
came from who had the most colonies
3. Capitalism economic system that is based on
supply and demand, free market, make $$$$
4. World trade increases between different continents
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The Enlightenment:The Age Enlightenment aka Intellectual
a. Role of other “revolutions”
b. Basic ideas
i. Natural Rights
ii. Consent of the governed
iii. Basic freedoms; press, religion, speech, etc
iv. Laissez-faire
c. Leaders
i. Voltaire
ii. Rousseau
iii. John Locke
iv. Montesquieu
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v. Adam Smith
d. Scientific Revolution
i. Newton
ii. Gallileo
The French Revolution, 1789
a. Basic causes
i. Taxation third estate (commoners paid all of the taxes)
Middle class had money but no power…wanted a say in
ii. Representation – Estates General (commoners were
always outvoted 2 to 1 by the clergy and the nobles)
iii. Absolutism (nobles had too much power and control)
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b. Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen Bourgeois Class
(middle class) – listed the rights of the people of France…rights
they were seeking with the revolution…goals.
c. Results
i. Reign of Terror Thousands of people were killed at the
hands of Robespierre. Guillotine, against the church
and royalty…ALL CLASSES were affected. Anyone
against the revolution as a target.
ii. Jacobins radicals of the revolution (Robespierre)
iii. ‘French Plague’ Ideas of France spread to other areas.
iv. Nationalism spreads Other European and Latin American
nations want to seek independence.
Napoleon’s Era, 1799 - 1815
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i. Reasons for him coming to power France needed stability
since the revolution had too many phases. Coup D’etat
(Overthrow of the Government)…Nationalism.
b. Napoleonic Wars Napoleon takes over much of Europe
i. General Winter Russia has a harsh winter, destroys
Napoleons troops….similar to Hitler and Nazi Germany.
(SIZE and CLIMATE of Russia makes it hard to
invade)…scorched Earth (Russian burn down their own
c. Accomplishments
i. Napoleonic Code law code of Napoleon…education,
enlightenment ideas. Compare to other law codes.
ii. Bank of France
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iii. Louisiana Purchase sold land to America
iv. Legion of Honour
v. 100 Days – Napoleon COMES BACK after first exile to
Elba…then gets exiled again to St. Helena.
vi. Effects: Napoleon causes Nationalism to spread across
Congress of Vienna, 1815 [Age of Reaction]
a. The Metternich System Turn the Clock Back on Europe after
Napoleon conquered much of Europe. Restore balance of
power. Meet in Austria.
b. Balance of Power Bring power BACK to the monarchies of
Europe after Napoleon took over.
c. Age of Reaction/Conservative
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d. Compensation/Legitimacy Re-establishing their monarchies
that have lost power. Redrawing the map of Europe (making
sure no one country is too powerful or large)…same after
The Industrial Revolution
a. Causes
b. Starts in GB – why?
i. Geography ideal…perfect…good harbors, natural
population…coal…stable government…resources from
colonies…increase in population…more goods were
ii. Government allowed for capitalism
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c. Impact
i. Urbanization people moved from the farms to the cities.
ii. Imperialism Europe began to take colonies around the
world for raw materials. INDIA – Jewel of the British
iii. Capitalism businesses begin to make money/profit from
industrialization….textile industry (clothing)
iv. Nationalism Germany and other countries follow
suit…countries compete.
v. Socialism created Karl Marx…division between the
wealthy and the poor causes revolution to occur.
 Textile Industry
d. The Agricultural Revolution/Green Revolution
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i. Impact industrial technology begins to affect the farms.
Food sources begin to increase (seed drill…cotton
gin)…causes a MAJOR INCREASE in population.
Larger labor force occurs.
ii. Enclosure Acts you must create larger farms out of
smaller farms…done to feed the nation of Britain.
Fencing off of public land. Forced people to move to
e. Karl Marx
i. View of history history is a series of inequality. The
“haves” versus the “have nots.” Owners versus
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ii. Socialism will prevail workers of the world unite…the
poor will take over the rich…the “Proletariat” will
overthrow the Bourgeoisie (middle class)…create a
classless society. Violent revolution.
iii. Communist Manifesto [with Engle’s] Russia is the first
country to try this model. Later on in China (Mao),
Fidel Castro (Cuba). Only supported by agricultural
societies and peasants.
a. Latin America Independence Movements
i. Monroe Doctrine, 1823 The Western Hemisphere is OFF
LIMITS to colonization by the Europeans.
ii. Leaders
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1. Simone Bolivar Gran Colombia, The Liberator.
Frees the MAJORITY of South America (George
Washington of Latin America)
2. Jose de San Martin Argentinian revolution.
3. Toussant L’Overture Slave rebellion in Haiti. Frees
it from French control.
4. Miguel Hidalgo/Las Casas – Catholic Priests that
were Latin American Independence leaders.
b. Unification of Italy
i. Cavour, Garibaldi, Mezzini Nationalist leaders in Italy.
The Brian, The Sword, The Soul
ii. Wars
1. Vatican City
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c. Unification of Germany
i. Bismarck & Prussia Wants to UNIFY Germany…Iron
Chancellor…symbol of Germany
ii. Blood and Iron Use warfare and Industry to unite
Germany and take back German lands.
iii. Franco-Prussian War, 1870 War with France, Germany
gets territory back. One of the leading causes of World
War I…creates hostility between France and Germany.
a. New Imperialism
i. Reasons?
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1. Natural Resources
2. Cheap Labor
3. Trade Partners
ii. Open Door Policy (China is open to trade)
1. Meiji Restoration [similar to Peter the Great and the
Shah of Iran]…Japan becomes westernized and
2. Imperialism by Japan
a. China Japan wanted natural resources from
iii. India, the “jewel” of the British Empire
1. Sepoy Mutiny Wanted to EXPEL foreign invaders.
Compares to the BOXER rebellion.
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iv. China – isolated by geography for many years from the
Gobi Desert and the Himalayan Mountains.
1. Ethnocentric your country is better than others.
a. Mandate of Heaven Divine Right for
China…leads to the Dynastic Cycle
2. Opium Wars, 1850’s Britain imperializes China.
Europe wants to trade to get Opium. England
attacks China…forces them to trade. (Treaty of
Nanking…unequal treaty)…Europeans had better
guns and technology.
3. Spheres of Influence Europe carves up China into
different “Spheres” or “Zones” for trade
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4. Boxer Rebellion wanted to expel foreign invaders
from China...fails…similar to the Sepoy rebellion.
Eliminate foreign domination.
v. Ireland ♣
1. Potato Famine, 1847  Causes Irish to leave
Ireland…food shortages…emigrate to other areas.
vi. Scramble for Africa Europeans want to imperialize
Africa and take their natural resources.
1. White Man’s Burden by Rudyard Kipling Europeans
felt it was their “obligation” to civilize the natives
of Africa. Bring education, religion and
technology to the natives…force this on other
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2. Berlin Conference, 1880’s Europeans make plans
to divide Africa without any regard to tribal
boundaries (Otto von Bismark’s idea to avoid war
between European nations).
3. Mau Mau in Kenya They begin to fight back
against the Europeans…expel foreign invaders.
vii. Results of Imperialism
1. Transportation/infrastructure trains and
transportation systems are built.
2. Schools Education expands.
3. Western ideas Europeans ideas spread.
4. Positive or negative?
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Positive results? Europeans build infrastructure and provide jobs,
medicine and other advancements.
Negative results? Exploitation of the native population and resources.
Loss of culture amongst the native tribes.
SOCIAL DARWINISM: Survival of the fittest (gave the Europeans a
justification to imperialize others).
WWI – The Great War, 1914-1917
a. basic causes
i. M
ii. A
iii. I
iv. N
Immediate cause?
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b. Results
i. Treaty of Versailles/Treaty of Paris
ii. Harsh treatment of Germany
1. War Guilt [Article 231]
2. Anschluss
3. Reparations $
iii. New nations created
The Russian Revolution, 1917
a. Revolution of 1905
i. Bloody Sunday
b. Provisional Government under Kerensky, March 2017
c. November Revolution/Bolshevik Revolution, 1917
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d. Results
i. V Lenin
1. War Communism
2. New Economic Policy {NEP}
ii. Treaty of Brest Litovsk
iii. Socialism established- USSR created
e. Reign of Stalin, 1924-1953 (man of steel)
i. Purges
ii. 5 Year Plans – command economy
iii. collectivization
iv. kulaks
v. gulags
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vi. Industrialization
Rise of Dictators in Europe – 1920’s
a. Hitler – Nazi
i. reasons
ii. Nuremberg Laws
iii. Munich Conference
1. Appeasement [Neville Chamberlain]
iv. Nazi Aggression
b. Benito Mussolini – Fascism
i. Fascist aggressions
WW II, 1939-1945
a. Causes
i. Nazi-Soviet non-aggression pact
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ii. Appeasement Munich Conference
iii. Poland invaded, 1939
b. Results
i. A Bomb
ii. Nuremberg Trials
iii. Germany divided
iv. Japan occupied
v. UN created
vi. NATO created
1. Expansion of membership to former Warsaw Pact
vii. Cold War begins
1. Containment
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2. Domino Theory
3. Berlin Blockade/airlift
4. Space Race
China:from Dynastic rule to Republic to Communism
Weakness of Manchu Dynasty:
a. Dr. Sun Yet Sen [ the 3 principles ]
b. Civil War, 1920’s thru 1930’s
i. Chiang Kai Shek – Nationalists/Kuomintang
ii. Mao Ze Tung – Communists
1. Why Mao and Communists victorious?
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iii. Establishment of Red China/Peoples Republic of China,
1. Long March
2. Great Leap Forward
3. Cultural Revolution
4. Little Red Book
5. Deng Xiaoping, 1980’s
a. “Four Modernizations”
b. economic reforms
c. Tiananmen Square, 1989
d. MFN Status
Creation of New States
a. Turkey
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i. Mustafa Kamal aka Attaurk
 Western
 secular
b. India
i. Mahatma K Gandhi
1. civil disobedience
2. Salt March
3. Boycott of British goods
ii. Sepoy Mutiny
iii. Partition of India
1. Nehru
2. Gandhi dynasty
3. India-Pakistan relations, 1948 - now
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c. Pakistan
i. Mohammed Ali Jinnah
ii. West Pakistan and East Pakistan
1. Bangladesh created, 1971
iii. Islamic Republic
d. Vietnam aka French Indo-China
i. divided at 17th Parallel
ii. Ho Chi Minh
iii. Reunification of Vietnam
1. Normalization of relations with the West
iv. Containment vs. Domino theory
1. Cambodia
a. Khmer Rough
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b. Pol Pot and the ‘killing fields’
e. Israel
i. Zionism belief that Israel should have a right to exist
1. Herzl
ii. Balfour Declaration British belief that says a nation state
for the Jews should be created (in Palestine)
iii. Creation of the State of Israel
1. Wars Six Day War…every war gives Israel more
iv. PLO Palestinian Liberation Organization…Yasser
Arafat is the leader…wanted their land back from
Israel and wanted to destroy Israel…terrorist group
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1. West Bank location of Palestine’s in
Israel…largest occupied territory
2. Occupied territories Gaza Strip & Golan Heights
3. Camp David Accords, 1978 Sinai Peninsula was
given back to Egypt by Israel…1st attempt at
Peace between Arab (Egypt) and Israel
(Jewish)….signed by Anwar Sadat (gets
4. Oslo Accords, 1993 Tried to ease tension between
Israelis and Palestinians…next peace agreement
5. Intifada recent uprising in the occupied territories
Cuban Revolution, 1959
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a. F Batista dictator of Cuba that is OVERTHROWN by the
b. Fidel Castro Leader of the Communists…aligns with the
Soviet Union…1st communist country is the western
c. Bay of Pigs USA tried to overthrow Castro
d. Cuban Missile Crisis USSR puts missiles on the island of Cuba
e. Sanctions USA responds by using its navy to block the
Soviets…a Sanction is a LIMIT against another government,
things that become prohibited.
f. Containment Stop the Spread of Communism…used in
southeast Asia and Korea
Ending of the Cold War
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a. Poland and Solidarity [Polish trade Union] Forced member of
the Warsaw Pact…wanted to leave USSR…
i. Lech Welesa wanted to end Communism there. 1st to
stand up to the USSR…others join this effort.
ii. Pope John Paul II
b. Russian invasion of Afghanistan, 1979 Shows that a
superpower cannot always successful force its will against a
smaller nation.
c. Gorbachev Last soviet leader
i. Glasnost and Perestroika Opening to the west…allows
capitalist and economic reforms in Russia
1. Removal of Russian troops from Afghanistan
[Soviet’s Vietnam]
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ii. Berlin Wall removed, 1989 Wall is brought down
1. German reunification symbolism that the Cold War
was almost over
iii. Soviet Union abolished RUSSIA IS BACK!
iv. CIS created Former Soviet States…Commonwealth of
Independent States (former members of the USSR)
1. Boris Yeltzin 1st President of Russia, non soviet
2. V Putin Current President of Russia
Iranian Revolution, 1979
a. Shah Reza Pahlavi Wanted to westernize Iran
b. Ayatollah Khomeini leads an Islamic Revolution
i. Hostages Americans were taken hostage in their
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ii. Islamic conservatism, creation of Islamic State Theocracy
is created…
iii. Theocracy religious government.
c. Nuclear threat?
Republic of South Africa
a. Apartheid, 1948-1990
i. Pass laws most laws segregated society
ii. Minority [white]Rule
iii. Sanctions by international community South Africa was
not allowed to compete in the Olympic games
b. Nelson Mandela Leader against Apartheid…becomes 1st black
President of South Africa.
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i. ANC African National Congress
1. Jailed in Robyn Island Nelson Mandela went to jail
for 27 years
ii. “New” South Africa
1. Elections held free elections where blacks were
allowed to vote
c. FW de Klerk 1st President of a Free South Africa
d. Desmond Tutu and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission
(TRC) Anglican bishop that helped end Apartheid…win the
Nobel Peace Prize
The EU [Common Market, EEC, Euro Zone]…similar to
NAFTA (free trade agreements – hemisphereic cooperation)
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a. Maastricht Treaty Creates the European Union…ECONOMIC
UNION to help prevent problems in Europe and expand
b. Euro Zone Creates a common currency…the EURO
c. Turkey joining? Turkey is a middle eastern country and links
to Asia…not sure if they should be allowed to join
20th Century Genocides [human rights abuses]
a. Armenian
i. Where it took place? Between whom? Armenia in the
caucuses near Russia…1st modern genocide
b. The Holocaust
i. Where it took place? Between whom? In Europe when
Hitler invades Poland and other nations. 6 million Jews
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are killed along with 6 million others at Concentration
c. Pol Pot
i. Where it took place? Between whom? Cambodia – The
Killing Fields
d. Rwanda
i. Where it took place? Between whom? Rwana in
Africa…between the Hutu and Tutsi
e. Serbia [FYR]
i. Where it took place? Between whom? Slobodan
Milosovic…Ethnic Clensing in Bosnia
f. Darfur
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i. Where it took place? Between whom? Africa…in Darfur
region of the Sudan
a. Koran as law – Sharia
b. Role of women
c. Jihad
d. Afghanistan
e. Taliban
f. Al Qaida
a. Globalization the world is becoming smaller and more
interconnected….each nation depends more on other
nations…global community
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b. Interdependence One country’s future is tied to another
country…countries rely on each other. One nation gets
something from one nation and exchanges goods with
another. Travel between nations
c. Nuclear Proliferation Goal of trying to reduce the nuclear
weapons that are around the world…slowing down the build
up of nuclear weapons. Limited arms.
d. WMD’s Weapons of Mass Destruction…Nuclear bombs,
chemical weapons, biological warfare….Iran and North
Korea are trying to make them
e. Human rights basic rights of all people…linked to the
problems of genocide. Anything that hurts a population (one
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child policy, free speech, aparthied, violations), ethnic
f. Human trafficking People are stolen and taken into a sex or
slave trade. 200 girls in Nigeria, eastern Asia, even children
soldiers in Rwanda…poor countries
g. Narco dollars Drug money from cartels in Central Mexico,
and Afghanistan/Pakistan
h. Petro dollars OPEC, money is made from oil. Most nations are
in the middle east.
i. Ethnic cleansing goal is to remove a specific ethnic group from
a country…can lead to genocide…Pol Pot in Cambodia
(killing fields)
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j. HIV/AIDS epidemic in Africa sub-saharan Africa has this
disease problem.
k. Third World parts of the world that are NOT industrialized
some are developing…Third World still has issues with
feeding their population (Latin America and Africa)
l. Acid Rain chemical rain that can destroy the
environment…caused by pollution
m. Deforestation forests are being cut down and removed…will
lead to oxygen problems down the road
i. Kyoto Convention Meeting in Japan…limit carbon
Global Hot Spots [last few years]
a. Northern Ireland
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i. Issue? Between who? Issue between the protestants and
the Catholics…IRA (Catholic army…terrorist group)
religious conflict…sectarian war (based on religion).
b. Serbia [Former Yugoslavia Republic or FYR]
i. Slobodan Milosevic mass genocide in the former
Yugoslavia…known as “The butcher of Bosnia”
1. On trial in The Hague International court
ii. Ethnic cleansing Dispute between the Serbians and the
c. Middle East [see #28 e]
i. Issues? Between Arab Nationalists and Jewish
Nationalism…Israel vs. Palestine
d. Iraq
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i. Issue? Saddam Hussein killed the Kurds (minority in
Iraq). Many were gassed. He then tried to take over
Kuwait for oil…America intervened in the Gulf
War…America later invades Iraq and gets rid of
Saddam Hussein
e. India-Pakistan
i. Issue? Division (partition) between the Muslim
(Pakistan) and Hindus (India). Constant conflict in the
Kashmir region…
ii. Gandhi - leads India to independence. Uses Civil
disobedience…Salt March
f. North Korea
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i. Issue? North Korea is still communist and has nuclear
weapons…is run by a dictatorship and censors their
g. Somalia
i. Issue? Pirates that attack trade ships
h. Sudan
i. South Sudan Conflict in Darfur (region that wants
sovereignty - independence). Genocide against non
Muslims. South Sudan becomes its own country.
i. Crimea
i. Issue? Russia is expanding into the Ukraine and half
wants to rejoin Russia. Warm Water Port for Russia.
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Organizations/Groups - note that some of these no longer are in
business due to the ending of the USSR or Cold War etc.
a. World Trade Organization [WTO] expand trade with other
b. The World Bank
c. International Monetary Fund [IMF]
d. G 8 or G 9 or G 20
e. NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organization Cold
War…started to oppose the USSR Warsaw Pact
f. Warsaw Pact USSR treaty used against NATO (Satellite
g. Tank-diddy-tank
h. ‘Soviet Bloc’
i. Pacific Rim
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j. NAFTA – North America Free Trade Agreement Free trade
agreement in North America.
k. OAS – Organization of American States
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