OPTION E1: PART A. INVENTORY OF EDUCATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS INDICATORS (1) Have formal learning outcomes been developed ? Yes (2) Where are these learning outcomes published? (please specify) Include URLs where appropriate. Quantitative Reasoning Yes College Catalog Link A* Common test questions Communicati ons Yes College Catalog Common writing assignments CATEGORY At the institutional level: (3) Other than GPA, what data/evidence is used to determine that graduates have achieved the stated outcomes for the degree? (4) Who interprets the evidence? What is the process? (5) What changes have been made as a result of using the data/evidence? (6) Date of most recent program review Spring and Fall semesters by Math department faculty Instructions for the test questions were edited fall 2012 Fall 2012 QR learning outcomes competencie s were revisited and confirmed as appropriate SMART Team: WAC Committee Syllabi rewritten in 2005 to meet 2012 Academic Team: Academic Dean, Assoc. Deans, Division Chairs For general education changing student population needs ENGL 100 redesign for 2012 Critical Thinking Yes College Catalog Common project in Psychology courses SMART Team: Karlee Hoecker Janet Veinot Data assessment due in spring 2013 Science Yes College Catalog Common test questions and lab course practicum Smart Team: Larry Chaney Brian Tarbox Data assessment due in spring 2013 Arts and Humanities Yes College Catalog Critique paper in ENGL 115, ARTH 215, MUSI 100 SMART Team: Jeff Badger Kevin Sweeney Data assessment due in spring 2014 SMART Team: Dana Hardacker Eben Miller Bill Sutton Data assessment due in spring 2014 Common exam questions in ARTS 230 Essay in PHIL 105 Global Citizenship Yes College Catalog Architectural and Engineering Design Yes College Catalog Required presentations in AEDD-205, 210,265,215,107,140 Annually by Department faculty Re-organization of classes, collection of student final projects, redesign of certain assignments or lessons so that they have a better focus on the learning outcomes and assessment Instructors check off tasks when students complete them in lab, rating them “unacceptable,” “needs improvement,” or “road ready.” NATEF updates the task list every 3-5 years to stay current with technology. The department has purchased software, equipment and tools to stay current with these changes and increase mastery of the tasks . Projects Exams on specifics of code requirements and applied engineering concepts Benchmark: 90 % of students score a 2.5 or better on department rubric Automotive Technology Yes College Catalog Checklist of NATEF tasks for each ASE subject. Students must complete 95% of priority 1 tasks, 80% of priority 2 tasks, and 50% of priority 3 tasks. Co-operative education reports include evaluation of students’ abilities in the subjects. Managers of repair facilities where students do co-operative education evaluate students’ abilities 2010 to perform tasks. Behavioral Health and Human Services Yes Business Yes College Catalog College Catalog HS-BCP Certification Examination Department faculty: 75% of students score ? or above on certification exam Completed Business Plans Negotiated cases Investment Analysis Analytical Memos Benchmark: 3 stage rubric – needs improvement, developing, and exemplary. Instructors have simplified the check list from 5 levels of ability to 3, so the lists are easier to use. Annually by Department Faculty Advisory Committee approved inclusion of performance review for NATEF tasks in the co-op evaluation. First opportunity for changes will occur June 2015 Annually by Department Faculty Data assessment will commence in spring 2013 80% of students will score at the developing level or higher Composite Technology Yes College Catalog CCTVIP Certification Exam Benchmark: 90% of students will certify Annually by Department Faculty Data assessment will commence in spring 2013 Annually by Department Faculty Underwent major curriculum change in 2008. Re-aligned credits in 2012. Data assessment will commence in spring 2013 Lean Manufacturing Certification starts Spring 2013 Construction Technology Yes College Catalog Common test questions Project assessment Benchmark: 90% of students will score C or better on common questions and project assessment. Cardiovascul ar Yes College Catalog. Cardiovascular Technology Student Handbook Clinical Evaluation, Didactic Exams and Registry attainment through either: American Society for Diagnostic Medical Department Chair, Review of the Advisory Committee learning outcomes were completed and have been updated to more clearly reflect the expectations of Program review by MCCS completed Fall 2010. Self Study for Joint Sonographers (ARDMS) – Registered Diagnostic Cardiac Sonographer (RDCS) or Cardiovascular Credentialing International (CCI) – Registered Cardiac Sonographer (RCS) or Registered Cardiovascular Invasive Specialist (RCIS) Communicati ons and New Media Yes College Catalog Benchmark: Pass rates for registry will be 85% e-Portfolio Common final in Intro to Mass Comm. Benchmark: 75% of students will score 80% or better cardiovascular technology graduates Results: The current pass rate for students taking the registry exam is 100% Annually by Department Faculty Data assessment will commence in spring 2013 Annually by Department Faculty Data assessment will commence in spring 2013 Review Committee – Cardiovascul ar Technology (JRCCVT) in process. Thesis defense in CNMS 296 Benchmark: 75% of students will score 80% or better Computer Technology Yes College Catalog CMPT 230, Senior Internship Student Journal assignment and internship provider evaluation CMPT 235, Senior Seminar Eportfolio assignment 2008 Computer Science Yes College Catalog CSCI 250 - Exam Questions Will demonstrate the ability to do addition and subtraction using binary, hexadecimal, two's complement and real numbers in binary. Annually by Department Faculty Data assessment will commence in spring 2014 New Program CSCI290 - Final Exam - Will demonstrate the ability to choose from available search and sort algorithms given wellformed problem statements and design and construct the appropriate data structure to solve the given problem. Benchmark: Developing competence is measured by a score of 80% on these exam questions. Criminal Justice Yes College Catalog Exit exam Benchmark: 90% of students will score a C or better Annually by Department Faculty Data assessment will commence in spring 2013 Culinary Arts Yes College Catalog Practical exam Benchmark: 90% of students will score a C or better Annually by Department faculty Ongoing Review of Design project in ACFEF Accreditatio n in 2010 CULA 250 Benchmark: 90% of students will score a C or better Dietetic Technology Yes College Catalog Preceptor evaluations Module completions Annually by Department faculty Capstone project Early Childhood Education Yes College Catalog Benchmark: 75% of students will score 75 or better on final capstone project Practicum III (ECED 275) Annually by evaluation tool completed by Department faculty member and cooperating faculty community teacher. Benchmark: Evaluation tool has three levels for each benchmark (not met, partially met, fully met). Students will fully meet 50% of the benchmarks and partially meet at least 90% of benchmarks Electrical Engineering Technology Yes College Catalog Comprehensive final exams in ELEC 170 and ELEC 250 Lab report in ELEC 215 Annually by Department faculty Have created a 20 hour clinical experience review to better prepare students for their acute care rotation. Have adjusted assignments to better align with learning outcomes and enhanced instruction on code of ethical conduct by NEAYC due to feedback from advisory board Data assessment will commence in spring 2013 Lab portfolio Benchmark: 75% of students will score 75 or better Fire Science Yes College Catalog Portfolio review Benchmark: 80% of students will score 75 or better on each of 8 standards Health Information Technology Yes College Catalog Test questions embedded in final tests for Medical Terminology (MDAS 100), Electronic Health Record Systems (MHIT 200), and Billing Processes and Administration (MDAS 205). Annually by Department faculty Changes to curriculum, sequencing of curriculum, and added gateway course to create common entry and exit points. Annually by Department faculty Data assessment will commence in spring 2013 Annually by Department faculty Data assessment will commence in spring 2013 Practicum assessment (MHIT 275) Heating, Air Yes Conditioning, Refrigeration and Plumbing College Catalog Multi-zone forced hot-water, high-efficiency, gas/oil heating system project Benchmark: 90% of students will score 75% or better Design and build a residential plumbing installation Benchmark: 90% of students will score 75% or better Plumbing Journeyman in training or Journeyman oil and gas state licensing exam Benchmark: 75% of students will score 70% or better on state licensing exams Horticulture Yes College Catalog Capstone course (HORT 290), final exams (HORT 110 and 200), and state licensure exam (HORT140) Annually by Department faculty Data assessment will commence in spring 2013 Annually by Department Data assessment will commence Benchmark: 75% of students will score 75% or better on common test questions and capstone project 75% of students will score 80% or better on state licensure exam Hospitality Management Yes College Catalog Common test questions in HSPM 230 final test Fall 2012 faculty in spring 2013 Facility design project in CULA 250 Internship evaluations Marine Science Yes College Catalog Medical Assisting Yes College Catalog. Nursing Yes Medical Assisting Handbook College Catalog Nursing program brochure, Nursing Student Handbook Benchmark: 80% of students will score 75 or better on common test questions and facility design project. Capstone course in final Annually by semester Department faculty National Registry Examination(s) of American Association of Medical Assisting or American Medical Technologist , standardized tests, course-based exams, clinical evaluations Annually by Department Chairman, Program Faculty, and Program Advisory Committee Licensure exam, graduate surveys, employer surveys Nursing faculty – licensure exam results reviewed annually; other data reviewed every 3 years National Council of State Boards of Education Licensing Exam Maine State Board of Nursing National League for Nursing Accreditation Commission (NLNAC) Benchmark: Data assessment will commence in spring 2013 August 2012 Course Curriculum Changes, Addition of Program Prerequisites, and Clinical Competency modification Specific course content adjusted to meet any identified deficits; curriculum revision in process to focus more on broad concepts with exemplars CAHEEP accreditation 2009 MEARB report 2010 & 2011 Program evaluation most recently done June 2012; reviewed NLNAC criteria with expected levels of achievement and how the criteria was met The licensure exam pass rate will be at or above the national mean of 90.87 Current SMCC pass rate is 96.55 Paramedicine Yes College Catalog, Paramedicine Handbooks Preengineering Yes College Catalog National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians Paramedic Exam scores, Clinical competencies, course-based exams, employer surveys & graduate surveys Department faculty & advisory committee Course curriculum modifications, clinical competency modifications CAAHEP/Co AEMSP site evaluation on 12/03/2012 Common test questions in DC Circuits, AC Circuits, Statics, Strength of Materials, Chemistry I & II, and Programming in C++ Annually by Department faculty Data assessment will commence in spring 2014 New Program Department Chair evaluates outcomes and prepares a report annually for review by the advisory committee and clinical supervisors. Pass rates have exceed the 75% minimum benchmark for the Admission criteria have been modified to include 5 prerequisite courses, job shadowing experience and mandatory information session, which A four year interim report was submitted to the JRCERT in September 2012 Benchmark: 75% of students will score 75 or better on common test questions Radiation Therapy Yes College Catalog Radiation Therapy Policies and Procedures Handbook American Registry of Radiologic Technologist Certification Exam, 58 Radiation Therapy Clinical Competencies and course-based tests. Benchmark: National Certification pass rates will be at a minimum of 75% last 5 years Radiography Yes College Catalog Radiography Clinical Handbook Respiratory Therapy Yes College Catalog Respiratory Therapy Didactic Handbook. American Registry of Radiologic Technology National Exam Scores; Didactic exam scores. Simulation Laboratory exam scores; Clinical Practice evaluation scores; Graduate Follow-up Surveys scores Department Chair, Program Faculty, Radiography Advisory Board, Clinical Affiliates all done annually. National Board for Respiratory Therapy Entry Level and Advanced Practitioner Exams Clinical Competency Assessments. National Certification Exam pass rate must exceed 80% as 3 year average. Department Chairman, Program Faculty, and Program Advisory Committee. include the review of a Self Directed Search report. Tutoring Program was implemented in 2011; Program Grading Scale was revised to change pass rate from 7375%; Course Curriculum Changes, Addition of Program Prerequisites, and Clinical Competency modification. Link a - https://my.smccme.edu/ICS/icsfs/SMCC_Catalog_2012-2013.pdf?target=1d3f93f3-bee7-4d18-bae0-918de47f41a7 JRCERT Accreditation Review and site visit 2008;JRCER T Interim Review due Dec 2012 March, 2011 Program reaccredited for 10 years,. We also submit Annual Report due each July 15