The Settlement of New England

Sources of Puritan Migration
The Mayflower
Colonizing New England
- The Separatists or Pilgrims wanted to
separate from the Church of England.
- First, they went to Holland to be able to
practice their religion separately from the
Anglican Church (In England you HAD to
be a member of the Anglican Church).
- They did not like that their children were
becoming more Dutch than English, so . . .
- In 1620, the Pilgrims came to America
and founded the Plymouth Colony.
The Mayflower Compact
November 11, 1620
• A man named John
Winthrop obtained a
charter from the king for a
joint-stock company called
the Massachusetts Bay
Company and set out for
America in 1630.
Eventually, the Plymouth
Colony was included into
the Massachusetts Bay
• In the Massachusetts Bay
Colony, all adult males who
belonged to the Puritan
Church were allowed to
• How is this different from
the voting rights in
• Those allowed to vote were
called “freemen” and they
voted once a year to elect
members of the lawmaking
body called the General
Court. Then, the General
Court elected the governor
of the colony.
• There was a close relationship
between the government and the
Puritan Church. The elected
leaders were members of the
church who believed they were
“God’s elect”. Puritan laws made
sins a crime and watched and
controlled families and people to
make sure they lived according to
the beliefs of the church.
• On your own sheet of notebook
paper answer the following
• Select the BEST possible answer
for each question.
1. The colony at Plymouth was
founded by a group of people that
a. To form a joint-stock company
b. To separate from the Church of
c. To set up the Anglican Church in
the New World
d. To convert the Native Americans
1. The “freemen” were
a. Any man who was not a slave
b. Adult males who were members
of the Puritan Church
c. Adult males who were not
members of the Puritan Church
d. Men who could not vote
3. Which sentence best describes the
Puritan Church in the Massachusetts
Bay Colony?
a. The Puritan church and the
government were closely connected.
b. The Puritan Church had strict rules,
but was not connected to the
c. In the Puritan Church, there were no
d. “God’s elect” were anyone who was
a member of the Puritan Church.
Puritan “Rebels”
Roger Williams
Anne Hutchinson
• Roger Williams had two problems
with the government of the
Massachusetts Bay Colony. He
thought that the royal charter that
granted land to the colonists was
wrong and that the Native
Americans had rights to the land.
He also thought people should be
allowed to worship however they
wanted to.
• The General Court ordered
Rogers to be arrested, but he
fled Massachusetts and
founded the colony of
Providence in Rhode Island.
Williams guaranteed
separation of church and
state and religious freedom.
• How was Rhode Island
different from
Massachusetts Bay?
• How was Rhode Island
similar to our government
• Anne Hutchinson was also
banished by the Puritan
leaders. She lead Bible
readings in her home and
soon she had many people
coming to hear her speak.
• The leaders felt threatened
by her because she was a
woman and also because
she taught her followers
that to worship God people
did not need the church or
the ministers to interpret
the Bible for them.
• She fled to Rhode Island
in 1638 when the Puritan
leaders banished her
from the colony.
• With a partner, make a list of
the things that Roger Williams
and Anne Hutchinson had in
• Add this to your sheet of paper
with the answers to the
multiple-choice questions.
New England Colonies, 1650
• As the colony grew, more and more
land was taken away from the
Native Americans. Part of the
problem was a difference between
the way Native Americans viewed
land and its’ use and the way
colonists viewed the land.
• What was the difference
between the way Native
Americans viewed the land
treaties with the settlers and
the way the European
colonists viewed the treaties?
• Answer this question on your
• The growth of the colony
meant that the Native
Americans lost their land
and their way of survival.
They were forced to work
for the colonists and obey
Puritan laws.
• aka
• Wampanoag chief Metacom,
who the colonists called King
Phillip, finally grew tired of this.
He decided to wage war as a
last hope of getting rid of the
intruders. For over a year, the
Native Americans and
colonists fought a brutal war.
• Finally, disease, food
shortages, and heavy
casualties caused the Native
Americans to either surrender
or flee. Chief Metacom was
killed, and his defeat marked
an end to Native American
power and resistance in the
• What was the half-way