Pre/post test for GPS

Pre/post-test for GPS
1. When in the United States and travelling from South to North, the
latitude _____________.
a. Increases
b. Decreases
2. What is the distance between 1⁰ of Latitude?
a. 111 km
b. 68.97 miles
c. Both of the Above
d. None of the Above
3. Distances between 1⁰ of Longitude depend on the latitude. (True /
4. When travelling in the United States, the longitude is always
a. negative.
b. positive.
5. Which source would most likely be the culprit of pollution if the quality
testing revealed increased phosphate levels?"
a. Abandoned Mines
b. Wastewater Treatment Facilities
c. Power Plants
6. The activity of finding a hidden object with a given set of GPS
coordinates is known as:
a. Geocading
b. Geocaching
c. Geocation
d. None of the Above
7. A boat is located 8 miles away from a boat dock and is travelling 20
miles per hour, how long will it take the boat to reach the dock?
a. 15 minutes
b. 20 minutes
c. 24 minutes
d. None of the above
8. A set of coordinates are of an oil spill are given to you as (39⁰18’11”N,
81⁰21’47”W). Your GPS only reads decimal degrees. What are these
coordinates in decimal degrees?
a. 39.11705⁰, -81.94851⁰
b. 39.30306⁰, -81.36306⁰
c. 39.84721⁰, -81.41257⁰
d. None of the Above
9. If there is a river near you, would you be more likely to pay attention to
and care about water pollution?
a. Certainly.
b. Maybe.
c. Not really.
10. Which statement below do you agree with the most?
a. Water pollution has nothing to do with me; scientists should deal
with the issue.
b. I don't care about water pollution; I still go swimming in the river.
c. I, as an individual, can and need to take actions to minimize
water pollution.
d. Water pollution is a hoax; I don't believe it.