BUSI 222A3: Financial and Managerial Accounting Summer 2015

BUSI 222A3: Financial and Managerial Accounting Summer 2015
Contact Information:
Office Hours:
Brent Groen, MBA, CPA, CGA
Before and after class
www.twu.ca - mycourses
Course Description:
The first half of the course focuses on financial accounting with topics such as shareholder
equity, investments, the cash flow statement, the comprehensive income statement and
financial analysis. Students apply financial analysis to a public corporation's financial
statement and Management Discussion and Analysis in the Annual Report. The second half
of the course focuses on managerial accounting covering topics such as cost-volume-profit
analysis and budgeting.
Course Objectives:
The Student should acquire the ability to:
 Calculate and record various corporate accounting transactions
 Account for non-current liabilities and corporate investments
 Prepare a statement of cash flows
 Analyze and interpret financial statements
 Apply learned skills to managerial decision-making
Required Texts and Materials:
Weygandt, Jerry J. (2013). Accounting Principles - Custom TWU edition Part 2.
Mississauga, ON: John Wiley and Sons.
Course Activities/Requirements:
The course grade will be calculated based on the following components:
Homework Assignments
Financial Statement Analysis
Midterms (2x 15%)
Final Exam
Homework Assignments:
Homework assignments will be posted on the website for completion and submission, as
per instructions. Marks can be lost for work that is not properly presented, even if a correct
solution is given. Assignments will be due at the beginning of class on the date
indicated. Students are encouraged to work together, for learning and study purposes, but
what is handed in must be original and prepared by each student individually.
Financial Statement analysis
An assignment will be posted on the website which will apply ratio and other analysis skills
covered in Chapter 18. Proper presentation of the analysis will be required as per the
specific instructions. Due date will be May 13, 2015
Exams consist of multiple choice, definition, short answer and problem type questions. At
least half of each exam will be made up of problems.
 Midterm exam #1 will cover Chapters 13-15 on May 4, 2015.
 Midterm exam #1 will cover Chapters 16-18 on May 8, 2015.
 The final exam will be comprehensive, Chapters 13-23 on May15, 2015.
Proposed Course Outline:
The topics will be covered according to the following approximate schedule. Students
should read each chapter prior to classes:
Monday, April 27, 2015
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Friday, May 01, 2015
Monday, May 04, 2015
Tuesday, May 05, 2015
Thursday, May 07, 2015
Friday, May 08, 2015
Monday, May 11, 2015
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Friday, May 15, 2015
Chapter Due/Exams
Midterm 13, 14, 15
19, 20
Midterm 16, 17, 18
20, 21
21, 22
Project due
Final Exam 13-23
Grading System
The grading system as outlined below will be used (modified from catalogue).
A+ 95-100 A 88-94
A- 82-87
B+ 77-81
B 73-76
B- 70-72
C+ 67-69
C 63-66
C- 60-62
D+ 57-59
D 53-56
D- 50-52
F below 50
Late Assignment Policy
All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the due date listed. Late assignments
submitted within one week of the due date will earn up to half the points.
Attendance Policy
Students are expected to attend all classes on a regular basis. Students who are absent for
the first two classes of a semester may be removed from the class list.
Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Policy
As Christian scholars pursuing higher education, academic integrity is a core value of the
entire TWU community. Students are invited into this scholarly culture and required to
abide by the principles of sound academic scholarship at TWU. This includes, but is not
limited to, avoiding all forms of plagiarism and cheating in scholarly work. TWU has a strict
policy on plagiarism (see academic calendar). Learning what constitutes plagiarism and
avoiding it is the student's responsibility. An excellent resource describing plagiarism and
how to avoid it has been prepared by TWU Librarian William Badke and is freely available
for download (PPT file) or used as flash (self running) tutorials of varying lengths from:
http://www.acts.twu.ca/lbr/Plagiarism.swf (14 minute flash tutorial)
http://www.acts.twu.ca/lbr/Plagiarism_Short.swf (8 minute flash tutorial)
Campus Closure and Class Cancellation Policy
In the event of deteriorating weather conditions or other emergency situations, every effort
will be made to communicate information regarding the cancellation of classes to the
following radio stations CKNW (980 AM), CKWX (1130 AM), STAR FM (107.1 FM), PRAISE
(106.5 FM) and KARI (550 AM). As well, an announcement will be placed on the
University’s campus closure notification message box (604.513.2147) and on the front
page of the University’s website (http://www.twu.ca – also see
http://www.twu.ca/conditions for more details).
An initial announcement regarding the status of the campus and cancellation of classes is
made at 6:00 AM and covers all classes beginning before 1:00PM. A second announcement
is made at 11:00AM that covers all classes which begin between 1:00PM and 5:00PM. A
third announcement is made at 3:00PM and covers those classes which begin after 5:00PM.
If this specific class must be cancelled for any other reason, the instructor will
communicate this in advance. In the case of an unexpected cancellation, a sign will be
posted on the classroom door.